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A Case of Leader–Follower Trade Approach


The current article acknowledges the absence of followership from the leadership literature for many
years. Major theories of leadership are reviewed to assert that (1) modern leadership studies have
been developed strictly from the leader’s perspective with little or no attention on followership,
(2) leadership studies have primarily been based on the static understanding of leadership (leaders
always remain leaders),1 and (3) there seems to be a need for a new paradigm for leader–follower
relationships, which may result in organic relationships between leaders and followers through
exchange of leadership and followership functions and roles. Thus, it is argued that the mutuality
of relationships and influence between the follower and the leader exists. To address the need for a
new paradigm for leadership, the leader–follower trade (LFT) approach is introduced, which may result
in the nonstatic and organic approach to leadership–followership as two valuable human behavioral
functions. In this case, leadership and followership functions and roles may be traded or exchanged
by the positional leaders and followers in different situations or organizational settings toward mutual
respect, empowerment, and effectiveness.

Followership has never been a part of educational leadership effectiveness than followership. Even the
curricula in the West until the turn of this century. general public seems to continue advocating for leader-
Leadership conversely seems almost a monopolized dis- ship and neglecting followership, although nearly 80%
cipline that teaches how to influence people and make of people function as followers who have been growing
the leader successful in order to reach personal and stronger whereas leaders have weakened in the last 2
organizational goals through success, effectiveness, decades (Kelley, 1992). According to Kelley (1992),
and productivity. The emphasis in these programs is such “single-minded conformism” in our modern soci-
on how to be a leader and/or a manager rather than ety has caused a serious deficiency and problem in lead-
a follower (International Leadership Association, ership studies, in both theory and practice. Society as
2013).2 There seems to be more concern nowadays for a whole has been affected by the “cult of leadership”


©2014 University of Phoenix
6 View this article online at • DOI:10.1002/jls.21306
(Kelley, 1992, pp. 9, 14) that has been sweeping across it has become more evident that leaders cannot exist
education, business, and other spheres of public life without followers, because both are defined in rela-
beginning from the times of the Industrial Revolution tionships, and without that relationship, leaders and
(Van Vugt, Hogan, & Kaiser, 2008, p. 188). followers cease to exist (Kellerman, 2007; Rost, 1993,
During the 1700s in France and England, employees 2008).
or subordinates were categorized as commodities for
those whose primary goal was making profit at any Background
cost. Employees became human resources, much like Leadership studies in the past have been primarily
natural resources or material possessions. By using the leader-focused (Hollander, 1992), whereas the study
words of Buber (1958), followers were treated by lead- of followership was either neglected or separated from
ers as “I–It,” which assumes object–subject, distant, no leadership studies. James MacGregor Burns stated:
relationship between the two, pastness, as opposed to
“I–Thou,” which presupposes presence, relationships, Thirty years ago, I wrote that “one of the most seri-
mutuality, openness, humanness, and in the case of ous failures in the study of leadership has been the
leadership, being there for genuine relationships and bifurcation between the literature on leadership and
dialogue between leaders and followers (Friedman, the literature on followership.” Surely, I added, it was
2002, pp. 197, 354). “time that the two literatures be brought together.”3
By the end of the 18th century, the leader–follower Today, a new literature is emerging and seems to
relationship became based on social and economic be gaining momentum: research and writing on fol-
exploitations and psychological manipulations toward lowership. The literature seeks ways to educate, or
the production of material goods and consumption better train, exemplary, courageous, and great follow-
by the followers themselves. Thus, the task of modern ers, who are not only willing to stand up for change
social and behavioral scientists had been to learn how and for leaders and organizations but also are able to
to make business leaders or managers—not necessarily create great leaders and organizations (Chaleff, 2009;
followers—more effective and successful in the indus- Kellerman, 2008; Kelley, 1992; Riggio, Chaleff, &
trialized world (Baker, 2007; Van Vugt et al., 2008; Lipman-Blumen, 2008). The latter seems to have taken
Wielkiewicz & Stelzner, 2005). Such a perspective laid the same one-sided approach this time by primarily
a foundation for the modern school of management focusing on followers or follower-centered research
and later, theories of leadership. (Shamir, 2007). However, Van Vugt et al. (2008) argue
Today, we live in a postindustrial era. The time that:
has come for the “sheep” mentality of the follower to
First, leadership cannot be studied apart from follow-
be lifted (Kelley, 1992, p. 37). Followers have more
ership and that an adequate account of the leadership
rights and freedoms than ever before in the history
process must consider the psychology of followers.
of humankind. They can refuse to follow leaders who
Second, the goals of leaders and followers do not
are selfish and greedy. Only in the last half century
always converge, a fact that creates a fundamental
researchers began to realize that the study of follower-
ambivalence in the relationship between leaders and
ship was a necessity (Kelley, 1988, 1992, 2008) for
followers. (p. 193).
two reasons. First, the centuries-long conflict-dilemma
between leaders and followers has not been resolved in Furthermore, no further steps are taken to minimize
either theoretical or practical levels primarily because the power gap between leaders and followers within
followership has not been studied along with leader- organizations and communities. How can a follower be
ship in organizational contexts. Followers could not courageous, effective, and do all of the above when he
be ignored or overlooked anymore, because they began or she is powerless? The power of making decisions and
fully engaged in organizational and social transforma- leading organizations is, for the most part, still in the
tion and some even took moral actions against the toxic hands of leaders whom we select or appoint. Moreover,
leaders regardless of the cost (Chaleff, 2009). Second, the leadership research has not taken the two sides of

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 7

the equation within the discipline into careful consid- are called leaders and those who do followership are
eration: a study of the leader and the follower as one called followers).
researchable topic. As a result, the so-called static office
of “leadership” has been created with little or no power
exchange between leaders and followers. For instance, Followership in Leadership Studies
in the leadership research a significant number of The great man theory or the trait approach, the earliest sys-
scholars seem to ascribe French and Raven’s (1959) tematic study of leadership (Bass, 1981; Kirkpatrick &
five bases of power primarily to leaders with perhaps Locke, 1991; Lord, DeVader, & Alliger, 1986), does not
little consideration of followers operating from the address followership. While starting with a presupposi-
same power bases.4 Furthermore, the positional lead- tion that leaders are born with special personal qualities
ership and the use of power in its various forms often or traits, Stogdill (1948) concluded that no universally
have produced abuse of power and leadership roles in consistent set of traits differentiates leaders from non-
the world throughout human history. Even leaders leaders and that a person with leadership traits who is a
in democratic societies are not exempt from positional leader in one situation may not be a leader in another
leadership abuse, selfishness, unethical behaviors, and situation. Moreover, a systematic study of followership
greediness (Kellerman, 2012). had not been a part of the leadership research until
The static concept of leadership has not produced the early 1990s. One of the evidences of this research
the expected results in the private nor in the public sec- omission is the complementary list of leadership traits
tor of the world’s societies (Kellerman, 2012). Persons with no followership traits developed from 1948 to
occupying leadership positions may not be able to lead 2004 (Kirkpatrick & Locke, 1991; Lord, DeVader, &
everyone in every situation effectively, because they Alliger, 1986; Mann, 1959; Stogdill, 1948, 1974;
cannot be effective in leading others all the time. In Zaccaro, Kemp, & Bader, 2004) with the exception of
other words, someone leading all of the time seems the authentic leadership research, where the leader and
to be ineffective and unnatural. Subsequently, the follower development is considered (Gardner, Avolio,
positional leader may allow others to lead, which may Luthans, May, & Walumbwa, 2005).
prove to be more effective and efficient. Thus, if one is Human behavior has been perceived to be the result
not and cannot be a leader at all times in all situations, of various factors (traits, habits, instincts, emotions,
then the concept of a “leader” as a noun does not exist passions, motivations, personal desire, preferences,
and seems rather a myth. The mythical concept of a environment, etc.). Thus the trait approach falls short
“leader” results in dangerous and toxic leaders obsessed in depicting one person as a leader and the other a
by its fictitious glory and fame. Thus a challenge exists: nonleader (Cavell, 2007).
how can we make leadership and followership acces- The skills approach, which aimed to solve complex
sible to more people and make followership and lead- problems in organizational leadership (Katz, 1974;
ership exchangeable in decision-making processes and Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, Jacobs, & Fleishman,
actions? 2000), omits the leader–follower dynamic as a subject
Change may be needed in our understanding and of study. The skills approach fails to discuss followership
execution of leadership and followership. This does skills, which equally may be obtained through training
not mean, however, abandoning what has already been and education. Moreover, the skills approach certainly
established in leadership studies, but rather bringing overlooks the fact that the leader is also a follower, who
followership into the discussion and studying leader- needs not only leadership but also followership skills to
ship along with followership as one unit. In the fol- be more effective in various situations.
lowing section, major leadership theories are analyzed The style approach, which defines leadership as
in light of two guiding themes: first, leadership stud- relational and task-oriented behavior (Ohio State
ies to be leader focused, and second, leadership and and Michigan State studies), as well as managerial or
followership viewed as static roles, functions, leadership grid (Blake & Mouton, 1985) to explain
and separate social identities (those who do leadership the importance of concern for people and concern for

8 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

productivity, seems, too, a leader-centered research, special and privileged groups within the organization
where the follower’s styles have not been studied. Thus, (Scandura, 1999). As in other theories, LMX theory
the style approach has overlooked the follower’s response is a leader-focused approach to leadership and does
to the leader’s styles and how the former’s behavior may not consider leadership to be nonstatic and situational
affect or influence the latter’s effectiveness. where leaders and followers interchangeably share their
The situational approach, with its four leadership roles and responsibilities (Orwell, 1936). The model of
styles (Hersey, Blanchard, & Johnson 2012) is also a in-group and out-group membership certainly omits
leader-oriented study, because followership styles and the possibility of followers deciding whether or not
how they may affect the leader’s behavior have not been their leader should be an in-group or an out-group
identified. Although the situational approach takes fol- member.
lowership into consideration, leadership and follower- Transformational leadership focuses on individu-
ship are still viewed as static roles. Thus, the situational als’ transformational processes, including both lead-
approach is a leader-centered and one-sided approach ers and followers (Bryman, 1992; Burns, 1978).
to the leader–follower dyad, where the styles have been Transformational leadership, however, is again con-
perceived merely from the leader’s response to the fol- cerned with the leader’s behaviors (Bass, 1990; House,
lower’s behavior in various situations. 1976) and can be viewed as elitist and antidemocratic
The contingency theory, being a leader-match theory (Avolio & Gibbons, 1988). Besides, the charismatic
(Fiedler, 1964, 1967; Fiedler & Garcia, 1987), assumes nature of transformational leadership can be destruc-
that leadership effectiveness is contingent upon leader- tive as a result of leaders’ psychological influence on
ship style and leadership situation with no discussion their followers (Conger, 1999). As with other theo-
of the followership style and its impact on leadership ries, transformational leadership is leader centric and
effectiveness. Thus, the contingency theory is leader holds a static view of both leader and follower, where
focused and fails to provide a mutually preferred model the concept of transformational followership has not
of effectiveness. been explored. Can a transformational follower trans-
The path-goal theory, which is concerned with the form his or her leader and bring transformation in an
motivation of subordinates toward the goal set forth organization?
by the leader of the organization (Evans, 1970; House, Charismatic leadership refers to the natural abili-
1971; House and Dessler, 1974), posits that no leader- ties of leaders who are risk takers, arouse emotions,
ship responsibilities are assigned to subordinates in the and motivate their followers beyond ordinary admira-
leadership process to accomplish the goal. The organi- tion (Freud, 1938; Zaleznik, 2009). Again, as in the
zational goals are not necessarily discussed and mutu- other leadership theories, charismatic leadership does
ally agreed upon by the leader and the follower. Thus not address the charismatic followership dimension,
the path-goal theory, like the other theories reviewed because it is a leader-centered theory with a fixed con-
previously, operates from a static paradigm (the leader cept of leaders’ leadership behavior.
leads and the follower follows) of a leader and a fol- Team leadership, which provides the most non-
lower as not only different functions but also as differ- static understanding of leadership and followership
ent social identities in organizational contexts. among other leadership theories, allows functional flex-
The leader–member exchange (LMX) theory, which ibility between team members to choose their own
puts sole emphasis on leader–follower interactions leader among the members of the team (Fisher, 1985;
as a dyadic relationship within a three-phase develop- Hackman, 2002; Kinlaw, 1998), and has tendencies
mental process (stranger, acquaintance, and partner) to focus more on the leader’s decision making toward
(Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975; Graen & Uhl-Bien, team effectiveness through internal or external leader-
1995), seems to segregate followers into two types of ship interventions, than on the team members mov-
groups: in-group and out-group. ing from membership to leadership roles (e.g., Hill’s
The LMX theory thus can be easily accused of favorit- Model for Team Leadership, Northouse, 2013, p. 291).
ism and unfairness, because it justifies the existence of Moreover, in team leadership it seems unclear whether

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 9

the team members are team leaders or team followers Authentic leadership is one of the few leadership the-
and when and how they shift their roles. Once more, ories where followership is fully present in research
it is a leader-oriented approach, this time focusing on and the followers’ emotional reaction to the leader’s
multiple individual leaders’ performance as leaders. inauthentic behavior has been studied alongside of
Shared, collective, or distributed leadership is interested leadership (Eagly, 2005; Gardner et al., 2005; George,
in collective input, processes, distributing roles and 2004; George & Sims, 2007). It focuses on the lead-
responsibilities, and interactive influence, as well as fur- er’s self-acceptance from an intrapersonal perspective
ther development of relationships between team mem- without trying to be someone else (Gardner, Avolio, &
bers (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009; Carson, Walumbwa, 2005; Goffee & Jones, 2006; Shamir &
Tesluk, & Marrone, 2007; Day, Gronn, & Salas, 2004; Eilam, 2005) and also focuses on an interpersonal pro-
Morris, 2005; Pearce & Conger, 2003). Although this cess toward transparent, authentic, and dyadic relation-
approach minimizes the positional power gap between ships and leadership credibility (Eagly, 2005; Gardner,
members of the team, it has a tendency to eliminate Avolio, & Walumbwa, 2005; Kouzes & Posner, 2003,
the followership functions among the team members 2012). However, most scholars of authentic leadership
and thus is a leader-focused theory. For instance, Pearce still ascribe leadership and followership functions to
and Conger (2003) completely omit followership from two separate human identities. Thus, the theory seems
their work on Shared Leadership. to hold the static view of the leader and the follower.
Servant leadership, which begins from an altruistic The intercultural leadership research has not been
attitude of a leader to serve as a result of his or her exempt from the leader-focused approach. Social
natural inner drive, claims to make others “healthier, anthropologists, along with research groups such as
wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves GLOBE and scholars in cross-cultural psychology,
to become servants” (Greenleaf, Spears, & Covey, 2002, international management, and communication, have
p. 27) and lead people at a higher level and beyond the studied leadership primarily from the leader perspective
day-to-day realities of organizational problems (Autry, in the context of western and nonwestern cultures and
2004; Blanchard & Hodges, 2003), yet the focus here societies (Berry, Segall, & Kagitcibasi, 1997; Chhokar,
still seems to be on the one who becomes a leader Brodbeck, & House, 2007; Crosby & Bryson, 2005;
through his or her service. Servant leadership still does Deardorff, 2009; Harris, Moran, & Moran, 2004;
not show how one can be a servant follower or how one Lewis, 2006; Sam & Berry, 2006; Schultz & Lavenda,
may shift roles or functions from servant leadership to 2012). The undertaken research tasks have been to
servant followership. understand leadership styles in light of multiple cul-
In the psychodynamic approach, which presupposes tural characteristics that affect leaders (Doob, 1988;
that leaders are more effective in their roles when they Hofstede, 1980, 1997, 2001; House, Hanges, Javidan,
understand their own psychological world as well Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004; Lewis, 2006).
as that of their subordinates and that the emotional In summary, it seems evident that most theories on
responses and habitual patterns of behavior of both leadership have been leader focused or leader centered.
leaders and followers are the result of strong influences They have been researched from the leader’s perspective
from past experiences (Freud, 1938; Jung, 1961), the and have taken a one-sided approach to the leader–
follower doesn’t necessarily seem to be the subject of follower dyadic relationships. Followers in most of the
study in relation to the leader. discussed theories are present but not necessarily
In the leadership ethics approach, leaders’ failures and the subject of study or research. The most popular
success are examined (Ciulla, 2002; Price, 2006, 2008), definitions of leadership use the concept of influ-
and leaders are encouraged to develop skills for moral ence, hence the leader influencing the follower, but
sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, and they ignore the influence of the follower. This is to say
moral action (Rest, 1986). Here the leader is at the that right from the outset leadership has been defined
center of the research attention, so how can the follow- from the leader’s point of view to serve the interest of
ers’ ethical behavior be discounted (Hollander, 1995)? the leader, whereas the interests of the followers have

10 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

been primarily omitted. As Avolio, Walumbwa, and followers trade their functions from leader to follower
Weber (2009) state: “Perhaps one of the most inter- and from follower to leader in order to develop their
esting omissions in theory and research on leadership intrapersonal perspectives, foster interpersonal relation-
is the absence of discussions of followership and its ships, and maximize mutual effectiveness.
impact on leadership” (p. 434). Finally, most leadership
theories also seem to advocate the static paradigm of L F T A P P R OAC H , L E A D E R S H I P
the leader and the follower as separate human identities I N F LU E N C E , A N D E F F E C T I V E N E S S
resulting in social segregations (leaders remain leaders From the perspective of the LFT approach, influence
for leadership, whereas followers remain followers for between the leaders and the followers is always mutual.
followership). As a result, the exchange or the shifts of They mutually influence each other. Hollander (2009)
roles have not been considered. calls it “two-way flow of influence” (p. 37), or as Martin
Buber (1958) puts it, “I–Thou” mutual dialogue. Thus,
the study and research on leadership–followership as
A Case of Leader–Follower Trade
one unit focuses on mutual influence: the leader influ-
Approach ences the follower, and the follower influences the
In this section, attempts have been made to view lead- leader. Moreover, effectiveness, according to the LFT
ership and followership as interchangeable and valuable approach, refers to a leader–follower dyad. As soon
and yet as somewhat separate human functions per- as the paradigm is shifted from a leader to a leader–
formed by the same person, or more than one person, follower dynamic, one may easily view effectiveness in
in different situations. A new paradigm is advocated light of leader–follower relationships. Effectiveness,
(Stech, 2008) where leadership and followership func- in turn, which equally depends on the leader and the
tions and roles may be traded or exchanged by lead- follower, is mutually addressed and evaluated. Both
ers and followers in different organizational settings. the leader and the follower seek effectiveness together.
Kelley (1992) describes leadership and followership Thus the attitude of the leader and the follower toward
as “two separate concepts, two separate roles. They are each other seems to be a regulating determinant for
complementary, not competitive” (p. 40). In fact, one effective leadership and followership. Thus the leader’s
person functioning as both a leader and a follower may and the follower’s effectiveness is the condition for
be more effective (Chaleff, 2012). Kelley (1992) then maximum effectiveness in a group or organizational
goes on to say: setting.
If there is anything that the nineties have already
taught us, it’s that most people are both leaders and
followers. The role of followers and leaders are no
longer as clearly demarcated as they used to be. We
Leadership traits do not make one superior over a per-
need to acknowledge both parts of ourselves. (p. 9).
son who has followership traits. After all, leadership
To address the two problems in leadership studies (the and followership functions are valuable human func-
omission of followership and the static concept of tions and both leaders and followers possess unique tal-
leadership and followership), the leader–follower trade ents and abilities. Thus, the static concept of leadership
(LFT) approach is introduced to the leadership theories seems discriminatory and separatist. Leadership here is
as an organic way of doing leadership and followership taken as a mere function or a role, as opposed to social
and a new way of integrating followership into the stratifications, that emerges in human interactions for
leadership practice and research.5 service toward the common good of humanity. Thus,
The definition of the LFT approach is as follows: the LFT approach to leadership and followership, like
Leadership–followership processes occur in relation- situational behavioral functions, is more inclusive and
ships and leading–following functions are exchangeable humane because every person, although not equal, has
behaviors in human relationships. Thus, leaders and both leadership and followership traits and abilities.

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 11

L F T A P P R OAC H I N T H E S K I L L S of followers, then the relationship between different fol-
A P P R OAC H lowers must be taken into account. The style approach
In order for the skills approach to be more applicable to thus should address leader–follower, follower–leader,
multiple situations in various contexts, the focus must and follower–follower relationships and task behaviors.
shift from the leader to the leader–follower dimension
of skills. The leader needs to obtain the follower’s skills L F T A P P R OAC H I N T H E S I T UAT I O N A L
and vice versa, because true effectiveness is measured by A P P R OAC H
one’s ability to function both as a leader and a follower. A paradigm shift from static to functional leadership
Unlike the trait theory, where the interaction takes place and followership in the situational approach seems nec-
between the leader and follower, the skills approach is essary. Rather than changing leadership styles, one may
two dimensional: leader–follower/leader–follower. Thus, consider changing the leader’s function from leading to
to introduce the LFT approach to the skills approach, following and from following to leading. A person may
the leader then is expected to learn how to function as a exchange his or her functions (LFT approach) by focus-
follower in one situation, and the follower is expected to ing on developing either leadership or followership
learn to function as a leader in another. Or, in another skills. Here the skills, style, and situational approaches
situation, the same leader may pass on the learned skills come together to serve leader–follower mutual empow-
to his or her followers. erment, growth, performance, and job satisfaction. The
The skills approach is true for every individual, ethnic situational approach then becomes equally beneficial for
group, and people worldwide. Skills are important for both leaders and followers, which is to say, the leaders
effective performance of leading and following func- learn to follow in one situation and the followers learn
tions. Leaders and followers interact and influence each to lead in another situation.
other through a skills exchange and learning if: (1) the One of the shortfalls of the LFT approach in the
leader is willing to learn from the followers how to fol- situational approach may be the lack of willingness and
low and (2) the followers are willing to learn from their competences on the part of both leaders and followers
leader how to lead. Therefore, if the LFT approach is for functional exchange. For instance, if a participant
used in the skills approach, it may enhance development is low in support and high in need, the leadership–
and advancement in the leader–follower relationships. followership functional exchange may be ineffective.
Thus, the willingness and competences of the leader
L F T M O D E L I N T H E S T Y L E A P P R OAC H and the follower must be considered for the LFT
The LFT approach, in response to the leader’s behavior, approach (see a further discussion on this topic later in
changes the entire understanding of the style approach, the article).
because the latter has been leader focused. By adding a
new dimension to the theory (e.g., followership style), L F T A P P R OAC H I N T H E CO N T I N G E N C Y
new leader–follower-focused research may be necessary T H E O RY
to understand the two-way dynamic (Chaleff, 2008). Leadership effectiveness in the contingency theory, mea-
The relational and task behaviors are characteristic sured by the LFT approach, is a way to promote leader
of both leaders and followers. If the mutual relation- and follower mutual effectiveness. This may require a
ship between the leader and the follower is taken into mutual emphasis and analysis of styles and situations for
account, then the style approach should equally apply the leader and the follower as a way to a mutually pre-
to the leader and the follower (including the follower’s ferred model of leadership and followership as opposed
task and relationship behavior). Thus the LFT approach to the originally proposed leader-focused approach:
adds to the quest for a matching style of the leader and LPC (least preferred coworker). The use of the LFT
the follower (Bjugstad, Thach, Thompson, & Morris, approach in the LPC scale in all three situational factors
2006). In this case, the challenge of the leader is not (leader–member relations, task structure, and position
only his or her own behavior but also that of the fol- power) may change the entire dynamic of the contin-
lowers. Moreover, if the leader is dealing with a group gency theory by adding the follower’s perspective on the

12 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

LPC model as well as the combination of the latter’s out-group categorizations) if both leaders and followers
leader and follower dimensions. exchange their roles or group affiliations as opposed
to mere content and process exchange.5 In certain
L F T A P P R OAC H I N T H E PAT H  G OA L instances, because the LFT approach presupposes an
T H E O RY ongoing exchange or trade of leadership and follower-
A holistic approach to the problem of the leader–follower ship functions between the leaders and the followers
dynamic in the path-goal theory is needed. The leader in various situations, the in-group and the out-group
in the holistic approach (mutual influence) influences models may become outmoded and be eliminated from
followers not only through his or her change of leader- the LMX theory in certain situations or organizational
ship styles or behavior (directive, supportive, participa- settings. Moreover, by minimizing the leader’s bias of
tive, and achievement oriented), but also with his or favoritism through the use of the LFT approach, the
her change of functions by making leadership a shared LMX theory may foster a more mutually respectful dis-
experience with the followers. The outcome of the shared tribution of responsibilities and benefits to in-group
leadership and followership may be an attitudinal and and out-group members.
behavioral change, improvement in performance,
and willingness to cooperate with the leader. As for the L F T A P P R OAC H I N T R A N S F O R M AT I O N A L
organizational goals and objectives, the follower will LEADERSHIP
improve his or her performance and buy into the vision of From the perspective of the LFT approach, transfor-
the organization if the leader is able and willing to share mational leadership considers the possibility for trans-
leadership roles and responsibilities with the followers in formational followership and advocates for mutual
the goal-setting and decision-making processes. Thus the transformation. Much like the mutual influence
LFT approach fosters a change of the static paradigm into between the follower and the leader, the transforma-
a functional paradigm of leadership and followership. In tional influence is also mutual. Thus, transformational
certain situations the leader may choose to function as a leadership and followership are beyond who the leaders
follower and the follower to function as a leader toward or the followers are. They transcend human limitations
personal and organizational empowerment. and embrace a vision that is always bigger and higher
than the leaders’ or the followers’ abilities.
L F T A P P R OAC H I N T H E L E A D E R  M E M B E R Moreover, although transformational leadership pro-
E XC H A N G E  L M X  T H E O RY motes inspiration and empowerment for followers
Using the LFT approach in the LMX theory, the leader and enhances personal and organizational change and
may function as both leader and follower with the growth, the intention has never been the transformation
members of both the in-group and the out-group in of the follower into a change agent. However, just like
order to cultivate shared leadership and followership, leaders, followers are also agents for change (Kellerman,
thus attaining leadership and followership efficiency at 2008). Thus, the LFT approach may open new horizons
personal and organizational levels. The three phases of for followers to be functionally transformed into lead-
the leader–member dyad within the LMX theory (the ers equipped for leadership tasks. In the process both
stranger phase, the acquaintance phase, and the part- the leader and the follower are transformed into a new
ner phase) may become a three-phase developmental functional reality: the leader becomes a follower and the
process for each group member between the positional follower becomes a leader, which may offer solutions to
leaders and followers if the LFT approach is imple- the problems in transformational leadership (lone-ranger
mented. The latter may create a synergistic environment mentality, psychological influence, elitism).
and mutually empowering relationship for all members
of the organization, resulting in personal and organiza- L F T A P P R OAC H I N C H A R I S M AT I C
tional betterment, effectiveness, and productivity. LEADERSHIP
On the other hand, the discriminative character If a person is charismatic by nature, then regardless of
of the LMX theory may be improved (in-group and his or her functions, that person may well be not only

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 13

a charismatic leader but also a charismatic follower. In then the leader–follower dyad may be more inclu-
other words, in a charismatic leader one may find a char- sive by leaving no room for mere individualistic, top-
ismatic follower, or vice versa. Thus, it seems necessary to down, and autocratic leadership (Hollander, 2009).
study charismatic leadership from functional perspectives This is because the shared leadership is realized in
without necessarily viewing the two functions as two (a) leader–follower relationships, when dynamic rela-
separate individuals. Moreover, the charismatic aspect tionships are unleashed between leaders and followers,
of followership in relation to leadership may address and (b) through functional trades from leading to fol-
some of the dark sides of charismatic leadership (use and lowing and from following to leading.
abuse of power and authority, unquestionable authority,
top-down leadership, infallibility and inflexibility of the L F T A P P R OAC H I N S E RVA N T
leader, psychological manipulation, and others) and offer LEADERSHIP
a mutually empowering model of reciprocal relationships The LFT approach fits the servant leadership philosophy,
between charismatic leaders and followers toward mutual because both bring the two roles, servant [follower] and
inspiration and encouragement. The world needs both leader, together harmoniously in one person to create
charismatic leaders as well as charismatic followers. a new type of leadership: follower–leader. Although
Greenleaf (1977) seems hesitant in using the term fol-
L F T A P P R OAC H I N T E A M L E A D E R S H I P lower in reference to servant, the concept is present in his
Although team leadership is one of the few theories that approach, because servants are mostly associated with
advocates the concept of sharing leadership functions, followers. Thus servant leadership can be translated as
the emphasis of team leadership is more on leading than “follower leadership.” In other words, this is a leadership
following, where the members of the team strive to of followers, which opens a new horizon for followers to
lead. The LFT approach for team leadership theory allows lead and the leaders to follow. One leads through fol-
viewing the two functions, leading and following, as lowing, and such a follower can become an inspirational
developmental possibilities for both leaders and follow- leader, because the two roles are interchangeable—
ers within the leadership team. In this case, the issue is the leader becomes a follower and the follower becomes
not who leads and who follows, but rather how to lead a leader. Greenleaf (1977) rightly calls this fusion a
and how to follow through a free expression of one’s “dangerous creation.” It is dangerous and unusual
natural abilities, desires, and acquired skills for leading because leaders are expected to serve rather than to be
and following. After all, one is free to choose to lead served, and servants are expected to lead. In servant
and follow as the outcome of one’s inner condition or leadership one may not always be viewed as a leader and
outer needs. Not everyone has a natural desire to lead. the other as a follower, but rather see it as an exchange-
On the other hand, it can be assumed that when every- able function of leading and following.
one leads, no one follows, or, when everyone follows,
no one leads. Thus, it is crucially important that leaders L F T A P P R OAC H I N T H E
within the team learn to follow and followers learn to P S Y C H O DY N A M I C A P P R OAC H
lead through the functional trade (LFT approach) in If the LFT approach is used in the psychodynamic
order to maximize group effectiveness. approach, the research may shift to a new dimension:
an analysis of psychological characteristics of leaders
LFT APPROACH IN SHARED, COLLECTIVE, who become followers and of followers who decide to
AND DISTRIBUTED LEADERSHIP become leaders. A question then arises: What are the
The LFT approach may be easily implemented in shared patterns of behaviors and psychological consequences
leadership, if the focus is shifted from leaders to lead- of the functional exchange between leadership and
ers–followers. In this case, leaders and followers will followership? Such an inquiry perhaps has not yet
not only share their leadership roles but also their fol- been fully undertaken. By reinforcing the concept of
lowership roles. If the underlying assumption for shared no better or worse personalities of the psychodynamic
leadership is a collectivistic approach to leadership, research, both behavioral functions (leading and

14 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

following) are acceptable and cannot be viewed as may be realized either by the same person or by multi-
better or worse. They are just different functions sub- ple individuals performing leadership and followership
ject to a constant exchange in individual and corporate functions interchangeably or simultaneously, much like
life as acceptable and necessary functions for human in a tango dance (Chaleff, 2012).
The LFT approach presupposes that leadership ethics It is crucial to learn and acknowledge cultural differ-
be perceived as an inseparable part of followership ences and how those differences affect one’s perception
ethics. Ethical issues may arise when there is a leader, of leadership and followership in intercultural contexts.
a follower, and a situation. In other words, ethics is Thus, the LFT approach in the intercultural leadership
the result of the communication and the relationship research adds the followership variable into the study of
between the leader and the follower and the latter’s leadership to find ways in which leader–follower rela-
response to either the former’s behavior or action. It tionships may enhance interpersonal as well as intercul-
seems unethical to ignore followership ethics in rela- tural effectiveness in global organizations.
tion to leaders and followers themselves. To study
the leader’s ethical behavior apart from the follower’s L F T A P P R OAC H A N D T H E RO L E O F
response is detriment to both parties involved. Thus GENDER
it is essential that the follower’s ethical understanding Anthropologically, the gender difference seems to have
and behavior be taken into account in conjunction no effect on the LFT process, because leadership and fol-
with the leader’s ethical understanding and behavior. lowership functions are gender neutral. In other words,
Leaders and followers are responsible not only for their regardless of one’s gender, one may function as a leader
own behaviors but also for those of corporate ethics as a or as a follower based on one’s personal preferences and
result of the leader–follower interaction and exchange. strengths. However, culturally, the gender role may have
a significant impact on the applicability of the LFT
L F T A P P R OAC H I N AU T H E N T I C approach. For instance, in masculine cultures, where
LEADERSHIP male and female roles are strictly differentiated, the LFT
The LFT approach in authentic leadership will guar- approach may be resisted or rejected by that culture.
antee authenticity in leading and following in vari-
ous situations. “Be yourself ” then will mean that if a L F T A P P R OAC H A N D ACCO U N TA B I L I T Y
person in a follower role has a talent or a skill to lead, When the roles and functions are traded or exchanged
then he or she should be encouraged to lead out of his between leaders and followers, the accountability struc-
or her authentic self. Moreover, as soon as the para- ture must be in place at all times. This may be possible
digm is shifted from the leader to the leader–follower if one moves from a positional to a relational paradigm
dynamic, then one’s intrapersonal perspective changes of accountability. In the positional paradigm, it is the
and broadens toward his or her self-knowledge, self- follower who is expected to be accountable to her or his
regulation, and self-concept as a leader as well as a fol- leader in most cases. In the relational paradigm, however,
lower (Hannum, 2007; Stech, 2008). the accountability becomes mutual. In one situation the
Regarding the interpersonal processes between lead- person in a leadership role playing a leader role will hold
ers and followers, the LFT approach expands the hori- his or her followers accountable and in another will hold
zon for creativity and collaboration between leaders leaders accountable while taking the role of a follower.
and follower in their authentic dyadic relationships.
Furthermore, it also increases the potential for func- In summary, through the LFT approach one may
tional exchange, mutual empowerment, and devel- view leadership and followership as processes that occur
opment (Dixon & Westbrook, 2003). In this case, in relationships and that leading–following functions
authenticity, as a human quality, behavior, and skill, are exchangeable behaviors in human relationships

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 15

Figure 1. The feasibility quadrants of the LFT approach exchange, a persuading and modeling style may be
used for the implementation of the LFT approach.
1 4 2. Apprehensive Avoidance = Low competency, Low
Resistant Enthusiastic
willingness. Leaders and followers may hesitate and

Avoidance Engagement
avoid the LFT approach. Thus it may be infeasible.
Response-change: When the leader and the fol-
2 3
Apprehensive Inquisitive lower are incompetent and unwilling for a func-
tional exchange, a teaching and encouraging

Avoidance Avoidance
development style may be used for the implemen-
Low Willingness High tation of the LFT approach.
3. Inquisitive Avoidance = Low competency, High
regardless of one’s gender, ethnic, cultural, or social willingness. Leaders and followers may express
identity. Moreover, leaders and followers may trade interest but avoid the LFT approach. Thus it may
their functions from leader to follower and from fol- be feasible.
lower to leader if they are willing and capable in order
Response-change: When the leader or the follower is
to foster interpersonal relationships, develop their
incompetent but willing for a functional exchange, a
intrapersonal perspectives, and maximize mutual effec-
teaching and participatory development style may be
tiveness across cultural, ethnic, and gender diversities.
used for the implementation of the LFT approach.
Thus, the study on followership in relation to leader-
ship is not an option but a necessity. 4. Enthusiastic Engagement = High competency,
High willingness. Leaders and followers may be
Feasibility of the LFT Approach enthusiastic and engaged in the LFT approach.
Thus it is feasible.
Two major limitations of the LFT approach seem
evident in the areas of willingness and competencies. Response-change: When the leader or the follower is
First, some leaders or followers may not be willing to competent and willing for a functional exchange, an
exchange their roles and functions due to their personal empowering and delegating development style may
preferences. Second, the leaders and followers may feel be used for the implementation of the LFT approach.
incompetent for the role and functional exchange. For Summary:
instance, it would seem unrealistic or perhaps naïve to (1) When the leader–follower willingness is high, it is
assume that an inexperienced leader, who lacks knowl- more likely that the LFT approach will be feasible.
edge, skills, and expertise, may increase his or her effec- Conversely, when the leader–follower willingness is
tiveness by implementing the LFT approach. Moreover, low, it is more likely that the LFT approach will be
in order for true dialogue and mutual learning to take infeasible.
place between leaders and followers, the same benefits (2) When the leader–follower competency is high, it is
and privileges, such as decision-making power, com- more likely that the LFT approach will be feasible.
pensation, and status, must apply to both parties. There Conversely, when the leader–follower competency
seem to be four possible variations of feasibility of the is low, it is more likely that the LFT approach will
LFT approach. The quadrants in Figure 1 provide fea- be infeasible.
sibility stages for the applicability and implementation
of the LFT approach. Conclusion and Recommendation
1. Resistant Avoidance = High competency, Low will- Leadership and followership as behavioral functions
ingness. Leaders and followers may resist but not ought to be treated mutually and studied simultane-
avoid the LFT approach. Thus it may be infeasible. ously. The theoretical foundation of followership should
Response-change: When the leader and the fol- be studied along with the foundations of leadership in
lower are competent but unwilling for a functional order to understand how the relationships between the

16 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

two dependent variables work. Nearly every relation- correspondingly influences the leader. Thus the
ship incorporates leadership and followership directly question always remains, “Who is influencing
or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously. Both func- whom and who is leading whom?”
tions are vital components of human interactions. Thus 6. The relational and task behaviors are characteristic
societies need effective followers no less than they need of both leaders and followers: (1) leader–follower,
effective leaders. As Bennis puts it: “In many ways, great (2) follower–leader, and (3) follower–follower.
followership is harder than leadership. It has more dan- Leadership and followership are situational.
gers and fewer rewards, and it must routinely be exer- Individuals may constantly exchange their leader-
cised with much more subtlety. But great followership ship and followership functions. The situational
has never been more important.”6 Finally, more research exchange must be geared toward leader–follower
and study is needed in the area of leadership and fol- mutual empowerment, effectiveness, and growth.
lowership as one discipline (Riggio et al., 2008).
7. In organizational settings, leadership and follower-
The following summary of conclusions and recom-
ship have traditionally been perceived as separate
mendations is made from this theoretical article:
roles. However, both roles may be exchangeable
1. Human beings are born with abilities to lead based on one’s giftedness, behavioral preference,
and follow (organic leadership and followership). expertise, and situational needs. Thus organiza-
Leaders and followers share common humanity tional effectiveness may be maximized if leaders
with their unique personalities and characteristics. and followers trade their functions, roles, and
Subsequently both are valuable and useful human responsibilities toward developing leader–follower
behavioral functions. skills through mutually empowering synergetic
2. In reality, one cannot claim that he or she is a leader relationships.
or a follower at all times and in all circumstances. 8. The LFT approach is based on the mutual influ-
Thus the concepts of a “leader” or a “follower” as ence through both (1) change of leadership style
nouns and separate human identities do not exist or behavior and (2) change of functions in order
and seem rather myth. Thus the nonstatic para- to make leadership and followership a shared
digm of the LFT approach to “leading” and “fol- experience.
lowing” as verbs seems more natural and authentic
9. The skills, inner dispositions, and followership
to every individual regardless of their social status.
qualities do not come naturally. If this assump-
3. Leadership and followership traits and skills are tion were correct, then we would have more than
valuable human functions and cannot indepen- one Leo Tolstoy against social injustice and court
dently exist. Contingent upon their preferences violence in Czarist Russia; Mahatma Gandhi against
and circumstances, some people develop leadership British colonialism in India; Martin Luther King, Jr.
skills whereas others develop followership skills. against segregation, discrimination, and racism in
Both skills and abilities are attainable through edu- the United States; or more than one Archbishop
cation and thus deserve attention. Desmond Tutu against apartheid in South Africa.
4. Leadership and followership are not static concepts Thus followership along with leadership must be
or behavioral functions. In one situation a person taught and developed in both leaders and fol-
may function as a leader and in another as a fol- lowers from educational institutions to work
lower, or both. environments.
5. Leadership and followership cannot occur in 10. If human behavioral functions, such as leading
a vacuum because they are defined by action and following, are contingent upon or shaped by
and behavior in a particular context. They the cultural characteristics, then these behavioral
require relationship, which involves influence. functions must be studied from leader–follower
Influence, on the other hand, is always mutual. perspective without falsely separating them into
As the leader influences the follower, the follower two independent functions.

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 17

11. The LFT approach may not be feasible for all indi- need for a holistic understanding of how one’s intrap-
viduals or circumstances. Individuals may not ersonal processes and interpersonal relationships affect
desire to exchange their leadership or follower- his or her leadership and followership behavior. For
ship roles or possess the necessary competencies this reason, further research is necessary to understand
for functional exchange. Thus in order for the LFT one’s internal and external shifts that may cause one to
approach to be successful on personal and organiza- act as a leader in one situation or act as a follower in
tional levels, one must acquire disposition of high another. This approach will perhaps facilitate the pro-
moral conscience and competency for high perfor- cess of developing followership–leadership skills toward
mance to be able to (1) acknowledge the reciprocal holistic personal and group effectiveness. Additionally,
benefits of the LFT approach for the participants, a further study may be necessary to understand how
(2) appreciate LFT’s participatory inclusiveness in individuals and organizations may develop competen-
human performances, and (3) recognize its poten- cies and a willingness to implement the LFT approach
tial to treat fellow humans with respect regardless by moving from the resistant quadrant (high compe-
of their leadership or followership functions or tency, low willingness) to the enthusiastic quadrant
roles in society or organizations. (high competency, high willingness), from the appre-
hensive (low competency, low willingness) to the enthu-
siastic, and from the acquisitive (low competency, high
S T U DY A N D R E S E A RC H willingness) to the enthusiastic quadrant as the highest
Three recommendations are proposed here for further personal and organizational goal.
study and research in the areas of (1) scholarship (how
Leadership–Followership as Functions and Roles:
to conduct further research and study on leadership–
Community and Organizational Dimensions. Is it
followership as one academic discipline), (2) a shift in
too optimistic or naïve to think that we may see more
focus from a leader to a leader–follower paradigm (intra-
and more organizations function like a tango dance,
personal and interpersonal dimensions), and (3) making
where the leader–follower relationships, influences,
an effort to apply the LFT approach to community and
and decisions are made mutually, harmoniously, and
organizational settings, where members of the group are
interchangeably? On the other hand, can we foresee a
able to organically lead and follow by trading leadership
workplace where its members shift their leadership and
and followership functions and roles for the benefit of
followership functions and roles based on their personal
each other and the community or organization.
preferences, strengths, competencies, and expertise
Integrative Scholarship. In the last 30 years or more toward personal effectiveness and group productivity?7
the followership literature emerged in leadership stud- To answer these and other related questions, the LFT
ies. Rather than building another pyramid of “follower- approach needs to be empirically tested to determine its
ship literature” next to the “leadership literature,” as a validity in global work environments and communities
reaction to the industrial or postindustrial leadership across diverse cultural and economic systems.
failures and abuse, it is time to study leadership and fol-
lowership together, as “the two sides of the one coin.” Endnotes
1The static understanding of leadership is defined in the cur-
Leadership–Followership: Intrapersonal and rent article as static functions and roles leaders and followers
Interpersonal Dimensions. The static concept of lead- play in a community or an organizational context, where leaders
ership and followership (the leader is always viewed as always remain leaders and followers always remain followers.
a leader and the follower always remains a follower) is Conversely, the nonstatic or organic understanding of leadership
unreal and unnatural. Each individual, regardless of presupposes functional and role exchange, where leaders and
his or her function, role, or position, follows in one followers organically trade or exchange their functions
situation and leads in another, or leads and follows and roles in various situations based on their personal prefer-
at the same time. Thus there seems to be an urgent ences and sets of skills.

18 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

2I have conducted a quantitative analysis of the residential has resulted in the followers’ personal growth and commit-
leadership programs on the bachelor’s level (53 majors and ment to members of the organization, its vision, as well as
17 minors) in the United States to learn whether or not organizational effectiveness and success.
followership has been emphasized in the leadership cur- The LFT approach works well in my relationships with
ricula. Out of 200 entries in the International Leadership my wife. Coming from a male dominating and masculine
Association website ( society, I have learned to recognize the leadership and follow-
/index2.asp), 70 universities were randomly selected (26 state, ership traits that my wife has. Today, I am not the only leader
19 private, and 25 faith-affiliated universities) for analysis. of the family (although my culture and society has given me
The result of the analysis indicates that none of the 70 uni- that static role); we both are. So, organically in one situation
versities has a single course on followership or mentions fol- I lead and my wife follows, whereas in another situation she
lowership in their course descriptions or program outcomes. leads and I follow.
3For the James MacGregor Burns quotation, see the back Moreover, the LFT approach caused a paradigm shift in
cover of Kellerman (2008). my worldview and has helped me to become a better parent.
4To understand where power comes from in the workplace, The moment I gave away my own ego-centeredness and con-
French and Raven (1959) offer five bases of power: (1) trolling addiction to leadership, parenting became an enjoy-
legitimate (a belief that a person has the right to demand able adventure. Today, my wife and I are open to the ideas,
compliance and submission from others), (2) reward (one’s suggestions, roles, and responsibilities our daughter and son
ability or power to compensate another for obedience), (3) play or the perspectives they bring into our family. They are
expert (power that comes from one’s skills and knowledge a part of the discussion and the decision-making processes,
in a given area of expertise), (4) referent (power that comes which allows them to lead or set the rules and at the same
from one’s perceived attractiveness, worthiness, and earned time to follow the mutually established family rules. They
respect from others), and (5) coercive (ability to punish oth- call this relationship “fair.”
ers for noncompliance). The LFT approach has transformed my own teaching,
5 The LFT approach is different from that of Edwin scholarship, and community service. I have learned to value
Hollander’s (2009) “Fair Exchange,” as a social exchange people regardless of their social status or identity, leader or
framework. In his Inclusive Leadership, Hollander (2009), follower, rich or poor, educated or uneducated. As a result,
much like in major leadership theories analyzed previously, people seem more authentic and trusting. In the area of
views leadership and followership as static concepts (leader teaching, I intentionally seek advice and feedback from
always stays a leader, and the follower stays always a fol- my own students and often share my leadership roles and
lower): “That is the idea of a ‘fair exchange’ in which the responsibilities with them. For instance, my students take
leader gives things of value to followers—such as a sense of a part in group evaluations and grading each other’s works.
direction, values, and recognition—and receives other things They have freedom to select certain reading assignments
in return—such as esteem and responsiveness—in their two- within the subject matter that best fit their own intellectual
way dealings” (Hollander, 2009, p. 39). needs. I make decisions on activities, field trips, or travel
6 For the Warren Bennis quote, see the back cover of with my students. As a result, they feel empowered, valued,
Kellerman (2008). and appreciated. In my scholarship, the LFT approach taught
7The LFT approach is the result of my own personal expe- me to begin with followership. I follow people’s advice, edi-
rience and encounter with individuals and organizations tors’ counsel, reviewers’ critiques for publications, and seek
(nonprofit, for profit, government, nongovernmental orga- feedback from my colleagues. At the end, I benefit much by
nizations, and education institutions) worldwide in the last gaining wisdom and knowledge. In the area of service, the
15 years of my teaching and practicing leadership and fol- LFT approach helped me to develop followership skills to
lowership. It has proven to be one of the most effective ways follow good leaders and refuse to follow toxic leaders. Often,
of working with diverse people across cultures for moti- in my courageous followership role, leaders seek my advice
vating them to achieve common organizational goals. My and counsel. I enjoy shifting my functions from leading to
work with young professionals nationally and internationally following and from following to leading as well as trading
has shown that a healthy leader–follower trade of functions my roles of leadership and followership with people I live,

JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls 19

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22 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES • Volume 7 • Number 4 • DOI:10.1002/jls

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