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Principles of Teaching 1 ( Reviewer )

The Learner is an embodied spirit . He is neither body nor spirit alone.

Howard Gardner- Multiple Intelligence.
Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model- The elements in learning including the
environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological and psychological.
Chinese proverb - “ Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself”.
Pine and Horne ( 1990) - they described a facilitative environment for learning.
American philosopher North Whitehead- referred to as “ inert ideas” These are
“ ideas that are merely received into the mind without being utilized.
Principles/ laws of Learning by Thorndike (1932)
Laws of effect- Learning is strengthened when accompanied by a pleasant or
satisfying feeling.
Law of Exercise- Things most often repeated are best remembered.
Law of Readiness- Individuals learn best when they are physically, mentally, and
emotionally ready to learn.
Law of Primacy - Things learned first create a strong impression.
Law of Recency - Things recently learned are best remembered.
Law of intensity - The more intense the material taught, the more it is likely
Law of freedom - Things freely learned are best learned.
Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain- Benjamin Bloom ( 1956) led his group in
coming up with the list of instructional objectives in the cognitive Domain. Arranged
from the lowest to the highest level, they are as follows:
Knowledge or recall - includes knowledge of terminology and conventions,
trends and sequence etc.
Comprehension- relates to translation, interpretation and extrapolation.
Application -uses abstractions in particular situations; e.g to predict the
probable effect of a change in temperature on a chemical.
Analysis- relates to breaking a whole into parts; e.g to deduce facts from a
Synthesis-puts parts together in a new form such as a unique communication.
Evaluation - judges in terms of internal evidence or logical consistency.
Bloom”s Taxonomy revised by Anderson’s Taxonomy as:
Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating.
- In the 1990’s Anderson, Blooms former student, together with a team of
cognitive psychologists, revisited Bloom’s taxonomy in the light of of 21 st century
skills. This led to Anderson’s Taxonomy in 2001.
Krathwohl’s taxonomy of affective domain- affective learning demonstrated by
behaviors. ( Receiving,Responding, Valuing, Organization, Characterization )
Harlow’s taxonomy of the psycho-motor domain - It is organized according to the
degree of coordination including involuntary responses as well as learned
capabilities. ( Reflex Movements, fundamental Movement, Perceptual
-Abilities,P.A ,S.M, non-discursive Communication )
Moore (1998) - also give three levels off learning in the psycho-motor domain.
( Imitation, Manipulation, Precision )
P E/S L C’s - Philippine Elementary/Secondary Learning Competencies.
Guiding Principles in the following Selection and Organization of Content:
Validity - This means teaching the content that we ought to teach according to
national standards explicit in the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.
Significance - what we teach should response to the needs and interests of the
learners, hence meaningful and significant.
Balance - Content includes not only facts but also concepts and values.
Self Sufficiency- Content fully covers the essentials, “ mile-wide and- inch
deep” or “ less is more”.
Interest - Teachers considers the interest of the learners.
Utility - What is learned has a function after examinations are over.
Feasibility - essential content can be covered in the amount of time.

Omrod (2000) - techniques to define a problem.

* Break large problems into well-defined ones.
* Distinguish information needed
* Identify techniques to find needed information.
Omrod (2000) - to acquire effective problem strategies .
* Provide worked-out examples of algorithms being applied.
*Help Students understand why particular algorithm are relevant
and effective in certain situations,
* when student’s application of algorithm yields an incorrect
answer, look closely at the specific steps the student has taken until the
trouble spot is located.
Beyer ( 1985) - It involves evaluating information or arguments in terms of their
accuracy and worth.
Sternberg (2003) - “ producing something that is both original and worthwhile”.
- Creative thinking.
Danielson (2002) - (inquiry method) learning by doing and learning by teaching
This quote serves as an apt summary of the first principle:
( Learning is an active process )
What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.
Wolfe (2001) - “ Humans are intensely visual animals. The eyes contain nearly 70
percent of the body’s receptors and send millions of signals along the optic nerves to
the visual processing centers of the brain…We take in more information visually than
through any of other senses”.
- Learning principle,The more senses that are involved in learning, the
more and more the learning.

Wolfe ( 2001 ) - “ Our own experience validates that we remember for a longer time
events that elicit emotion in us”.
- Learning Principle, Emotion has the power to increase retention and
learning .

Corpuz and Salandangan (2003)

- claim that an instructional approach is integrated when it considers the multiple
intelligences ( MI ) and varied learning styles ( LS) of Students.
- Learning Principle, An integrated approach is far more effective than teaching
isolated bits of information.
Wolfe ( 2001 ) - integrated approach incorporates successful, research-based, and
brain-based instructional strategies.
-Research findings- w/0 rehearsal brain can easily forget, information
remains for only 15-20 seconds.
- The three level of learning are concrete, symbolic and abstract.
Example: distuinguishing a cat and a dog.
Michel Simkins (2002) - An example of a project-based multi-media like this one: The
class will work together on a presentation of World II memories and produce
extremely poignant recording of a song from the era and display collages of
photographs and other memorabilia.
Robert J. Marzano (2001) -Classroom strategies using visual processing or Graphic
organizers for classification.
Chinese Proverbs - “ A thousand teachers, a thousand methods”
Example of Teaching Approaches p.91
Teacher-Centered Constructivist
Learner-Centered Disciplinal
Subject-Matter Centered Integrated
Teacher-Dominated Individualistic
Interactive Direct
Intradisciplinary approach/ Integrated approach- teaches to the other lessons with
the same subjects.
Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach- connect his/her lessons with other
Other teaching approaches cited in education literature:
Research-based approach
Whole child approach
Metacognitive Cognitive
Direct/Expository Approach
Direct instruction - is aimed at helping students acquire procedural knowledge
which is knowledge which is knowledge exercised in the performance of some task.
- is also used for lessons that are factual and non-controversial.
Demonstration Method -

I am a simple woman who works as a First aider in a Private Residence and I am able to
sustain my own finances and through this I am a proud Graduate of Bachelor in
Elementary Education here in my country which is the Philippines,Mabuhay!, For me
Everyday is a greatest time to live and I would love to meet someone amazing to share it
with. I am fun to be with and like to talk to people with great sense. My partner should
ideally, able to have at least those of qualities not fake one, I hate it . I have fun and
adventurous spirit who love to explore the world but with limitations. I value honesty and
loyalty of a person. With out this, i believe Relationship won't grow and to take note Long
Distance Relationship is hard to manage without strong and deep communication. I am a
happy person who can live through thick and thin and enjoy the moment to the true people
who surround me with love and so am I . I'm not fan of handsome or fabulous faces
because all of us will transform to mature but will surely have awesome faces in the end of
our blooming young ages and as we grow older together I have desire hopefully, to tell to
each other that we are still on the run way of being good-looking after all, i want real and
having each other through in sickness and abundance, If you are buying love or anything
else for pleasure because you have lots to give, sorry my love is not for bargain or sale.. I
also know how to work hard for myself and to live by my own means,i just want a man who
knows the sense of responsibility and have good moral and values because I am woman
with good values, I believe passion and strong connection of communication will make us
last longer, that will make us "be on each other no matter what". I am looking forward to
meet someone who knows how to love in real and I will give back to you all the real love
and cherish you have share with me... but the most important is to enjoy love and
romance in our journey together. I would love to meet my partner who is real and don't
make fake love because I am a person not into it, I'm not on my teenage dream now,
your'e just hurting someone else feeling and i know how it feels, so back off fake people,
please..if you are looking for someone like me, let's get to know each other better and see
how we match! grateful and live simply, pursue big dreams and give love to one
another, laugh lots because there are so many wonderful reasons to be happy...

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