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Unesa Journal of Chemical Education

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454



Choirotul Chikmiyah dan Bambang Sugiarto

Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unesa
Hp 083872911922, e-mail:

Abstract : The study entitled “Relationship between Metacognitive Knowledge

and Student Learning Outcomes Through Cooperative Learning Model Type Think
Pair Share on Buffer Solution Matter” aims to determine relationship between
Metacognitive Knowledge and Student Learning Outcomes after applied
metacognitive knowledge through cooperative learning model Type Think Pair
Share at buffer solution. The method used in this research is once group pretest-
postest design, this design used in one group of subjects will be treated with the
implemention of cooperative learning model Type Think Pair Share. The results of
metacognitive knowledge is symbolized by the variable X and student learning
outcomes is symbolized by the variable Y. And then the variable X and Y wanted
to do using correlation coefficient formula. Result of research showed that there is
very strong relationship between metacognitive knowledge and student learning
outcomes the results of the correlation coefficient of 0.809. Result of r count rates
(0.809) is greater than r-Theoretic with N = 39 at 1% significant level of 0.408, so
that it can be stated that the correlation between metacognitive knowledge and
student learning outcomes significantly.

Keywords: Metacognitive Knowledge, Learning Outcomes, Cooperative Learning

Model Type Think Pair Share

Abstrak : Penelitian yang berjudul “Hubungan antara Pengetahuan Metakognitif

dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think
Pair Share pada Materi Larutan Penyangga” bertujuan untuk mengetahui
hubungan antara pengetahuan metakognitif dengan hasil belajar siswa setelah
diterapkan pengetahuan metakognitif melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe
Think Pair Share pada Materi Larutan Penyangga. Metode yang digunakan pada
penelitian ini ialah once group pretest-postest design, dalam desain ini digunakan
satu kelompok subjek yang akan diberikan perlakuan dengan penerapan model
pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share. Data hasil pengetahuan
metakognitif disimbolkan dengan variabel X dan hasil belajar siswa disimbolkan
dengan variabel Y. Kemudian variabel X dan Y dicari hubungannya menggunakan
rumus koefisien korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan
yang sangat kuat antara pengetahuan metakognitif dan hasil belajar siswa yaitu
dengan hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,809. Harga r hitung (0,809) lebih besar
dari r-teoritik dengan N=39 pada taraf signifikan 1% sebesar 0,408, sehingga
dapat dinyatakan bahwa korelasi antara pengetahuan metakognitif dan hasil
belajar siswa signifikan.

Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan metakognitif, Hasil belajar, Model Pembelajaran

Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

INTRODUCTION Metacognition by Flavell [3]

described as a person's knowledge about
Students cognitive development themselves and about learning how to
according to Piaget's is divided into four learn. Meanwhile, Brown [4] describes
stages, namely sensorimotor, metacognition consists of activities to
preoperative, concrete operations and manage and monitor human learning.
formal operations. However, Piaget's Flavell tend to view metacognition of
theory has been criticized by R. Case knowledge about the cognitive aspects
stated on Neo-Piagetian theory. of a person, while Brown tend to view
Neo-Piagetian theory is a metacognition as the set one's cognition.
modification of Piaget's theory. In Metacognitive strategies
contrast to Piaget's theory, Neo- according to Brown[5], based on a
Piagetian theory gives greater emphasis person's awareness of the their
on social influences on cognitive knowledge metacognitive namely:
development and the environment [1]. declarative, procedural and conditional.
To optimize students' comprehension Pierce[6] suggested that declarative
skills and metacognitive strategies are knowledge, procedural, and conditional
needed. Teach metacognitive strategies owned and realize students need to
to students can lead to the improvement improve their metacognitive.
of their learning outcomes significantly According Rompayom, P. et
[2]. al[7], categorizes and defines
metacognitive knowledge as follows:

Table 1 Categories and definition for the metacognitive knowledge

Categories Definition
Declarative knowledge Refers to the knowledge that learners have about the
information or resources needed for undertaking the
given tasks e.g. knowledge about: (a) purpose of a
task (What is the objective in performing a given
task?); (b) about task demands (What resources and
steps are necessary to solve the problem); (c) about
the nature of the task (What kind of given task is
related to?).
Procedural knowledge Refers to knowledge or beliefs about oneself about
the given task. An individual’s self-perceptions of
one’s capacity of how to do something.
Conditional knowledge Refers to knowledge concerning when and why to
use strategies to solve problems. Knowledge of the
situations in which students may use subject-specific
skills, algorithms, techniques, and method.
Rompayom,P. et al.[7]

Cognition and metacognition is metacognition that is not an automatic

essentially a series of thought and process, but is the result of a long
activity by human. When discussing the process of development of cognitive
development of metacognition, despite systems.
not actually talk about the development Student learning outcomes can
of cognition itself, so it is no be said to be qualified if the student is
exaggeration to say that cognition and able consciously to control cognitive
metacognition is a series that can not be processes on an ongoing basis and have
separated. Panaoura and Philippou[5] an impact on improving metacognitive
suggests that the development of ability. The process of learning and

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

quality education associated with the group, the effort to learn each member
ability to think. of the group, and the goals to be
Implementation of learning in achieved [8]. Cooperative learning
Senior High School State 18 Surabaya contribute to the learning outcomes and
has not learn that students have the help students understand difficult
ability to think to realize what they have concepts, and can receive outstanding
learned, empowering students to think achievement in academic learning tasks.
creatively and enthusiastic and Cooperative learning to solve
motivated to learn the object of learning problems in student learning, can be
through active engagement of learning, done with a type of cooperative learning
both to solve real problems in life, as model of Think-Pair-Share (TPS). Think
well as stimulating students to always be of cooperative learning model of type-
responsive to the problems that exist in Pair-Share can be explained as follows
the surrounding environment. Think mean think, pair means paired,
Based on the results of pre-study and Share means share. Cooperative
questionnaire was conducted on 39 learning models type TPS to follow the
students who have been through or get steps thought to the problems posed by
the material buffer solution. The the teacher, in pairs, to discuss the ideas
questionnaire contained 18 statements of the matters raised by the teacher, and
metacognitive inventory (both positive share the results of discussion for all
and negative statements) which consists students in the class.
of six statements about declarative Advantages to using
knowledge, procedural knowledge metacognitive strategies, among others,
statements about 6, and 6 conditional students will be able to control
statements about knowledge. The results weaknesses in the study and then fix
obtained from questionnaires that this; students can determine the
students' declarative knowledge of appropriate way to learn on their own;
57.7%, procedural knowledge students students can solve problems in learning
at 55.8%, and conditional knowledge of whether in relation to the questions
students by 55.2%. This shows that the given by the teacher or the issues
awareness of students' metacognitive pertaining to the learning process, and
knowledge sufficient. students can understand the extent to
Metacognitive ability to which success has been achieved in the
significantly increase in the effects study.
resulting from learning, both on Formulation of research
students, institutions and society, problems is there a relationship between
because it needs to be considered student learning outcomes with students'
learning strategies that have the potential metacognitive knowledge includes
to reveal the students' metacognitive declarative knowledge, procedural and
knowledge, especially in studying conditional through cooperative learning
chemistry. model type Think-Pair-Share in a buffer
According to Green, Mc solution of the material in class XI
Donald, O'Donnell and Dansereau, 1992 science 1 SMAN 18 Surabaya.
[8] related to metacognitive skills and The purpose of this study was to
strategies and metacognitive training can determine the relationship between
be developed through cooperative students' metacognitive knowledge is
learning. In the cooperative learning can declarative knowledge, procedural and
be developed metacognitive skills in conditional to the results of student
cooperative learning occurs because of learning through cooperative learning
communication among group members. model of the type of Think-Pair-Share in
Communication among members of a buffer solution of the material in class
cooperative groups occur with either XI science 1 SMAN 18 Surabaya.
because of social skills, the rules of the

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

The benefits of this research is to view the achievement of the

to provide information or feedback to indicators as they are designed to plan
students on metacognitive knowledge. It the implementation of learning so as to
also provides input for the teacher to be know how student learning outcomes. In
more innovative in the learning process. addition postess matter has been
designed and integrated with
METHOD metacognitive knowledge into the
matter. Metacognitive knowledge
Subjects of this study are high contained in the matter, among others,
school students in class XI IPA 1 term 2 declarative knowledge, procedural
SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya on the knowledge, and conditional knowledge.
material Buffer Solution. Data collection technique is to
To determine the relationship test the method with data collection by
between metacognitive knowledge and administering tests and the results of
student learning outcomes through the these tests are used to determine student
implementation of cooperative learning learning outcomes and student
model type TPS (Think-Pair-Share) is to metacognitive knowledge includes
connect students' metacognitive declarative knowledge, procedural and
knowledge that obtained from the conditional. Then between
metacognitive questions in a matter of metacognitive knowledge and student
cognitive postest. learning outcomes sought to do.
Data obtained from the tests
Example Postest: were analyzed descriptively. This test
QUESTION 1 data is analyzed into two parts about the
a. CH3COOH/CH3COO- buffer cognitive and metacognitive knowledge
solution contain 0,2M CH3COONa about covering the declarative
and 0,15M CH3COOH give that Ka knowledge, procedural and conditional.
= 1,8 x 10-5 mol/L. Determine: For about the cognitive analyzed
(Cognitive) descriptively to determine student
i. Acid and base component learning outcomes.
ii. pH of buffer solution
a. To answer the question above,
what the content knowledge
related to? Explain! (Declarative
b. Display what your thought to
then analyzed descriptively by
obtain the answer! (Procedural
comparing the values specified SKBM
Knowledge) SMAN 18 Surabaya subjects of
b. Explain when and why you use chemistry that is equal to 75.
such a thought process above to As for the question regarding
find the answer! (Conditional students' metacognitive knowledge was
Knowledge) analyzed according to the assessment
rubric metacognitive knowledge as
The research instrument used presented in Table 2
was a test booklet consisted of pretest
and postest matter. This booklet is used

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

Tabel 2 Overview of scoring criteria

Score Description
Declarative knowledge Procedural Conditional knowledge
0 Nothing relevant to the Students do not describe Students do not explain
task. The student does which strategy they use when and why to use
not describe what the to solve a problem, and strategies to solve
task related to how they solve that problem

1 Students writes Students seem to Students lists general

nonspecific statements understand of the task strategies used to solve
that are related to purpose, but they make problem, but they do not
chemistry but they are nonspecific statements explain only when or
not related to the that are not interrelated why to use that
question or connected between strategies or nonspecific
given information and statement
the question

2 Students has a clear Students has clearly The students generates

overview of what the defined which strategy clearly when and why to
task is related to they use. Students use strategies they use to
explicitly consider the solve problem. The
implications between overview of their
given information and strategy connects
the question concretely to the given
information and the

Rompayom,P. et al.[7]

Data that obtained from

metacognitive knowledge and student
learning outcomes were statistically Having determined the standard
analyzed using the correlation formula. deviation of the variables X and Y is
Data metacognitive knowledge is converted to the form of standard scores
symbolized by the variable X and the using the formula:
learning symbolized by the variable Y.
Then the variables X and Y wanted to
do using the correlation coefficient
formula. Based on Ferguson [10] prior
of these variables determined the Once these variables are
standard deviation of each variable (S X converted to standard score form we
and S Y) using the formula: then look for a relationship between two
variables by using the formula of
correlation (r).

So that for the standard Description :

deviation can be set to search for roots r : correlation coefficient
N : number of data
: standard score for variable X

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

: standard score for variable Y application, all students who achieved

no minimum value of thoroughness.
In this study to find the Meanwhile, after being applied
correlation coefficient using the standard metacognitive knowledge through
formula score for the data obtained is cooperative learning model type Think
converted into a Z-score or standard Pair Share is based on the average there
score. Correlation coefficient was used are 9 students postest incomplete.
to measure the degree of relationship Traditionally after the application of
between students' metacognitive. metacognitive knowledge of students
Generally applicable 0 ≤ r 2 ≤ 1 so that through cooperative learning model type
the correlation coefficient obtained for - Think Pair Share for 76.92% of students
1 ≤ r ≤ relationships +1. declared complete.
To determine the magnitude of Completeness of students
the correlation coefficient is the learning outcomes
relationship can be seen in the following Tidak
Table 3: Tuntas
Table 3 Guidelines for Interpretation of 23%
the Correlation Coefficient
Interval Rate Tuntas
Coefficients Relationship 77%
0,000-0,199 Very Low
0,200-0,399 Low
0,400-0,599 Sufficient Figure 1 Completeness of students
0,600-0,799 Strong learning outcomes
0,800-1,000 Very Strong
Sugiyono[9] Problem postest given to
students have been integrated between
RESULT AND DISCUSSION the cognitive and metacognitive
knowledge that includes declarative
The results obtained from the knowledge, procedural knowledge and
students learn about the pretest and conditional knowledge. Data obtained
postest made based on the indicators of from metacognitive knowledge and
learning material buffer solution. student learning outcomes were
Problem pretest is used to determine the statistically analyzed using the
ability of students at the beginning of the correlation formula. Data metacognitive
buffer solution material. Problem postest knowledge is symbolized by the variable
used to determine the completeness of X and the learning symbolized by the
individual student learning outcomes variable Y. Then the variables X and Y
and classical class XI science 1 student wanted to do using the correlation
SMAN 18 Surabaya after the coefficient formula. Average score of
implementation of metacognitive metacognitive knowledge is converted
knowledge through cooperative learning into a student learning outcomes, while
model of the type of material Think Pair the average obtained from postest
Share in Buffer Solution. transformed into the form.
Analysis of the results of study Based on calculations derived r
carried out by two approaches value of 0.809. Because the results
individually and in the classical style. obtained by calculating r 0.809 and
SMAN 18 Surabaya on a student said to based on the correlation coefficient table
be thoroughly individually if the gain interpretation guidelines can be
value of ≥ 75 and in the classical style concluded that the correlation between
can be said to be complete if 75% of students' metacognitive and has a very
students scored ≥ 75. Prior to the strong level. While based on the r-
theoretical price by N = 39 r-Theoretic

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-61 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

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0.408. Because the price is greater than r The Development of Metacognitive
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correlation between metacognitive Metacognitive Knowledge Related
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