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Mohammad Asad

Ms. Rosario, Ms. Sterner

AP Language & Comprehension

31 October 2018

The world has many ways to express the way people, may think on an issue and or a

statement. Throughout history as it passes by, even though it may repeat itself, there have been

many injustices done to people of color, yet only very few people stand up for them. The many

things done to the African american community, throughout as history has told. The stereotypes

about muslim people around the world as they are described as by reasons of somesort. The

treatment of people whom may be of another gender, may not be considered, human or in some

cases normal to some people, as politicians may be also involved in such way. As people we

should stand up for those who are being discriminated or bullied for their skin color, even though

it depends on the situation at hand.

During, time periods in american history, as america is made up of immigrants, as it is very

diverse, there have been many races of different backgrounds, discriminated throughout

american history, as now it seems, as if another race is being targeted or judged quite differently,

on based on religion or stereotypes on the issue. As the story of “personal” experience, written

by sara berry, of “ what it’s like to grow up muslim in america” following through the article,

some people may debate on some issues discussed by sara, as “traditional” would be more in an

disagreement with sara on the issue that women “don’t have to wear hijabs, isn’t necessary, as

more “modern” muslims and some “older” may be in an agreement discussed by sara. The story
makes a connection to the muslim americans, in america as some may even begin to notice, what

is happening around them and to americans whom may, not be so awarred, as muslims may be.

As some people may discuss the facts to be true, some may have another reasons on the matter, it

depends how someone would look at this story. Is it just explaining how things are? Or how we

should be doing this?. Now when we have two sides to a matter, going back to the question “are

we responsible to do something on the matter or does it depend, it isn’t quite as to say it is a

“responsibility” but it depends on the issue, some may say, does it affect the world?. A group

that is being judged over, by a terrorist group “ISIS” mentioned in the article, to be blaming on

an group, is what needs to be changed for the community, in the world to feel safe or to believe

they belong in the matter at hand.

As African American community has faced through hardship, In the 1900s was the era

where African american community faced against discrimination. As Frederick douglass a

(Former Slave) who was trying to spread a message to the audience, whom were listening to him

at the time as he was saying his speech on the matter at hand, “The meaning of july fourth for the

negro” wasn’t the same to as the people whom were not being discriminated, it connects to

(coates) book “Between the world and me” as he explains how he feared as same to his son, as

he was trying to connect to his son and how it connected to the black community. During the

time, people of color were segregated in america, meaning that people had divided based on

color, as the black community were given less or so to the white community. A man named

rodney king, whom became connected heartly to the black community, after he was beaten to

death (almost) by police officers. Police brutality was quite common in the day, even though

there was evidence in camera, in footage, the 3 police officers, weren’t done nothing to, except
proven (not-guilty) by the jury, whom where from a different place as the court, thought people

may be biased on an opinion. Rodney king’s coincidence connected to “The brutality history of

anti-latino Discrimination in america~ by Erin blakemore as latino’s at the time were

discriminated as to the black community at the time. This proves how you should have a

responsibility to get involved in your community, since it’s happening around you, it may even

happen to you?? As these people faced through.

NOW, a matter which has been going around for, which seems like decades, rights to

different people of gender, which they choose to be, have been discriminated against and judged

over the years, For example: Transgender people by president donald trump’s “Trump’s record

action against transgender people” seems to be debated more than expected, as we know that

during this era in time, people may have mixed feeling towards a point or fact. As the article was

explaining what exactly is happening in america, “it doesn't always have to be in america for you

to get involved in”, since donald trump became president, administration, is fighting against,

LGBA, may actions happened against the group of people. As donald is targeting a group of

people, in america, it could mean, “The responsibility of american people to; get involved for a

change or go against donald’s ways of expression his beliefs, what america is facing sight now,

not the number #1 problem?. It connect to the other groups mentioned on the issues of

discrimination either in religion/beliefs or any matter that isn’t considering one to follow in, or

believe in something, they want to do or believe in.

“Responsibility” ….. Responsibility …… what does it mean to have a responsibility, on a

matter that is not connected to you, or not in a or in a personal matter, around you, around your

community?, As throughout history people have been discriminated or judged, people have
shown what “Responsibility is”, makes a connection to, after “sacco and vanzetti” who were

executed but still people protest on many beliefs on the matter of innocence or guiltiness for the

two good men, some may say, there was no, “hard” enough evidence against them, some say,

yes, there is. As people get involved in matters, without even noticing at times, is what

responsibility is referring to, even though it isn't quite their responsibility. Relates to the

argument that it depends at the situation at hand. People may rise for feeling a connection, some

may rise feeling it isn't right, it isn’t true for on issues. It is up to the people to make the decision

to consider it “Responsibility”….

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