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Data Structure Ch3 Class:__________ Name:__________ Student ID:__________

1 Please describe “Stack” & “Queue” including their characteristics and usage. Give an example for each
other in daily life.(20%)

2 We use following two data structure (a) and (b) to deal with six elements {A,B,C,D,E,F} by following
step 1:Add two elements {A, B}.
step 2:Delete one element.
step 3:Add three elements {C,D,E}.
step 4:Delete two elements.
step 5:Add one element {F}.
step 6:Delete two elements.
Please show the state of each step in (a)”Stack” & (b)”Queue”.
3 Please show the results of:
(a)Transpose “A+B*(C-D)/E+F” to postfix.(5%)
(b)Transpose “+A*-BC-DE” to infix.(5%)
(c)Transpose “ABC/DE+*-” to Prefix.(10%)

4 Please show each state of the postfix of 3.(a) with using a stack.(30%)

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