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Name: Nabiha Farooq 

Ms. Louis and Ms. Lubin 

Date: 3/7/2018 

Reproductive Disorders 

Uterine Cancer is a Reproductive disorder that has been affecting women’s health and 

killing over 200,00 women a year. According to​ ​​ uterine cancer usually occurs 

in women who are obese and it usually occurs after menopause. But there many types of 

uterine cancer and it can affect a female at any age. I chose this Uterine Cancer because I know 

alot about this topic and the more I research about it the more I learn. Uterine Cancer is also 

very interesting. I also found fibroids, ovarian cysts and enlarged prostate gland interesting but 

I chose Uterine Cancer because of how it starts on the endometrium and spreads through the 

lymph nodes. 

Uterine Cancer is one of the most common common cancers in the female reproductive 

system according to​ ​​. The structures affected by uterine cancer are the 

ovaries, fallopian tubes, endometrium and myometrium. As the disease progresses the whole 

uterus will be affected. The uterus has many functions. The ovaries hold the eggs. The fallopian 

tubes transport the eggs to the uterus. The endometrium lines the uterus. Finally the 

myometrium induces uterine contraction. Which basically means that the uterine muscles are 

shortening and tightening. The reproductive structures get negatively impacted because they 
don’t function like they are supposed to do. The organ or structure doesn’t get the new cells it 

needs but if it gets cancerous malignant cells it will eventually kill of the structure. 

According to​ ​​ it was estimated that 61,380 women in the United States would 

be diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2017. It was also estimated that there would be 10,920 

deaths in the United States in 2017. The data shows that white women are more likely to be 

diagnosed with uterine cancer and black women are less likely but the survival rate is less for 

black women. There are multiple risks factors for uterine cancer. One risk is Endometrium 

hyperplasia which is when the endometrium is overgrowing abnormally. Obesity is another 

risk. Another risk would be menstrual and reproductive history. This basically when you begin 

menstruation at an early age or when you reach ,menopause at an old age. Another risk is when 

estrogen intake history. So basically when you take estrogen without progesterone. Another 

risk is tamoxifen intake history. Tamoxifen is a breast cancer treatment drug. Another risk is 

family history. So basically if your sister, mother or daughter has it you have a risk factor of 

getting it.​ ​Three other risk factors are metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian and 

hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia is s a high level of insulin in the blood. Some observative 

symptoms include vaginal bleeding and discharge if it is not menstruation, vaginal bleeding 

after menopause, difficulty urinating, painful urination, pain during sexual intercourse and 

pain in the pelvic area. Later on as the disease progresses there will be a presence of a lump or 


This illness can be prevented. One way is to take birth control pills. What that basically 

does is gives your body a month’s worth of estrogen and progesterone to make you go through 

menstruation. Another way is a progestin-secreting intrauterine device which is another form 

of birth control. Another way is maintaining a healthy weight. Another way is HRT which 

stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy and if you have diabetes regular monitoring and 

good management can also prevent it. Uterine Cancer can be treated by multiple therapies such 

as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy. Another treatment is surgery often a 

total hysterectomy. Sometimes patients may want to join clinical trials to test if a new drug or 

treatment plan may work (kill off) or affect the cancer. 

Uterine cancer is a reproductive disorder that is one of the most common cancers in 

females. During Stage I the cancer is found in the the uterus only. During Stage II the cancer 

spreads to the connective tissues of the cervix which is still inside the uterus. During Stage III 

the cancer extends beyond the uterus and cervix but it does not go beyond the pelvis. And finally 

Stage IV the cancer spreads everywhere through the tissue, blood, and lymph nodes destroying 

everything in its path. Something new and interesting I learned was the risk factors. I did not 

know that tamoxifen can cause uterine cancer. According to​ ​​ ​women who take 

Tamoxifen have a two to three times higher higher risk of developing uterine cancer. So I found 

that very interesting that a drug that helps breast cancer go away can bring in other cancers. A 

question I still have is that if white women are diagnosed more with uterine cancer why do 

black women have more deaths. With all this new found information I can use it to help me in 

the future on my path to become a doctor and a surgeon. It makes me more educated on the 

human body and its illnesses and it will definitely help me with future cases. 


Works Cited: 

1: ​“Uterine Cancer | Endometrial Cancer | Hysterectomy | MedlinePlus.” ​MedlinePlus

Trusted Health Information for You​,

2: ​“Uterine Cancer Causes, Symptoms, Signs & Treatment.” ​MedicineNet,​​.

3: ​Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program,​

4: “Women's Health Care Physicians.” ​Tamoxifen and Uterine Cancer - ACOG​,


  4  3  2  1  0 
RESEARCH 1:  More than 3  3 relevant sources  2-3 relevant  1-2 relevant  No works cited 
Considers a full range of  relevant sources  are cited and the  sources are cited  sources are cited  section. 
appropriate resources and  are cited and the  majority of them  and only one of  and none are   
determines how and where 
majority are from  are from .org,  them are from  from .org, .edu, 
to locate available 
informational material and  .org, .edu, or .gov  .edu, or .gov  .org, .edu, or .gov  or .gov websites. 
source data.  websites.  websites.  websites.   

INTERPRETATION 1:  All graphical and  Graphical and  Graphical and or  Graphical and  No Data shown. 
Analyzes data, sources,  statistical data  statistical data  statistical data is  statistical data is 
and/or evidence using tools,  are explained in  are explained in  briefly mentioned  shown but with 
technologies, and/or models 
such a way to  such a way to  in the paper but  no further 
in order to make valid and 
reliable claims or determine  show full  show an  with little  explanation. 
a solution.  understanding of  understanding of  elaboration. 
what the data  what the data 
represents.  represents. 

COMMUNICATION 1:  All data and  Data and sources  Some data and or  All or most data  No attempt is 
Incorporates ideas and  sources are  are used  sources, while  and or sources,  made to 
supporting evidence  purposefully used  purposely to  relevant to the  while relevant to  incorporate 
purposefully using 
to support claims  support claims  topic, may not be  the topic, may not  evidence (sources 
structures that demonstrate 
the line of reasoning.  and further the  made about the  used purposely  be used purposely  or data) into line 
understanding of  reproductive  (perhaps due to  (perhaps due to  of reasoning. 
the reproductive  disorder being  lack of  lack of 
disorder  researched.  understanding of  understanding of 
researched.  data.)   data.)  

PRECISION / ACCURACY 7:  No content,  1 or 2  More than 2  Grammatical,  Many 

Assures that the final  grammatical or  grammatical/  grammatical/  spelling, and  grammatical and 
product meets all  spelling errors  spelling errors  spelling errors  content errors  spelling errors. 
discipline-specific standards 
present.  present.  present.  throughout.  Paper very 
for language, terms, 
expressions, rules,  OR  difficult to read 
terminology, and  Content errors  and or 
conventions.  present.  understand as a 

COMMUNICATION /  Correctly and  Effort made to  Some feedback  Little feedback  No Feedback 
ACCURACY:  completely  implemented all  implemented but  implemented.  implemented. 
Incorporates feedback to  implements all  feedback.  not all. 
make appropriate revisions. 

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