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Carson High School Austin Beutner

S uperintendent o f Schools
22328 South Main Street Dr. Windy Warren
Carson, California 90745 Principal
(310) 847-6012 □ Fax (310) 847-7299

January 91\ 20 I9

To whom it may concern:

It is with great pleasure that I write a letter of recommendation to an outstanding student, Christopher
Labasan. Christopher was a committed student to my Spanish I class and ever since, he has been willfully
and happily my volunteer. He is always offering his assistance before it is requested. Christopher is a
perfectionist and it is noticeable that being productive and helpful provides him with self-satisfaction.
Many are the qualities that Christopher possesses, he is positive, helpful, punctual, friendly, self-starter,
empathetic, mature and detennined.

In the quest of showing his passion to assist others, he has been involved in many activities that have
helped him demonstrate his team-player and leadership skills such as, active member of the Boys and
Girls club since 2015, volunteering weekly evenings and weekend morinings to St. Philomena Catholic
Church, tour guide for School 's open house for prospective 9th grade students and PAMA Academy
gallery-walk, supervising, assisting and enforcing the school 's theater rules to plays ' spectators,
distributing certificates to recipients during the PAMA Awards ceremony, active participant of Career
Lunch Club with a focus on preparation for employment acquisition.

His educational and individual efforts have been recognized with the following certificates/awards;
Perfect Attendance, 3.0- 3.4 Academic Achievement, Career Project, Leadership in Advisory Committee,
CHS Theater and PAMA gallery- walk.

It is my honor to recommend Christopher and assist him to reach his goals. Should you need any more
infonnation in regards to Christopher Labasan or have any question, please feel free to contact me.


Los Angeles Unified Sc/tool District

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