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GOLDEN RULE Decide what you’re trying to accomplish first, then consult the rules/skills to help you do it.
SILVER RULE Never let the rules get in the way of what makes narrative sense.
BRONZE RULE You can treat anything in the game world (e.g. organisation, devices, animals, monsters, place etc.) as if it’s a character …
Fate points can be spent to: INVOKE an ASPECT; POWER some STUNTs (others are free); BUY-OFF a COMPEL; or DECLARE a story detail.
Fate Points can be earned by: ACCEPTING a COMPEL which is having an ASPECT INVOKED against you; or CONCEDING in a conflict.
REFRESH FATE POINTS don’t usually carry over between sessions but the REFRESH is the minimum number a character starts a new session with.
ASPECT An aspect is an important defining characteristic of a character, organisation, devices, animals, monsters, place, etc.
Anyone can offer a player a FATE POINT in return for having an ASPECT cause their character a problem: EXPLAIN why the aspect is
COMPEL relevant; NEGOTIATE the nature of the problem; then either, ACCEPT THE FATE POINT and play through the problem, or, PAY A FATE
POINT to avoid the compel and its problem.
After a skill roll, EXPLAIN why the aspect is relevant, SPEND a FATE POINT (unless granted a FREE INVOKE) and CHOOSE EITHER: +2 to
INVOKE current skill roll; re-roll current skill roll; or force someone to OVERCOME vs. a passive +2 obstacle representing the aspect.
An aspect can only be invoked once on any roll but different ASPECTS can be invoked on the same roll.
DECLARE a detail SPEND a Fate Point, justify the narrative detail by relating it to an ASPECT, negotiate with the GM, who has a veto!
No Fate Point Cost and they can be stacked with other FREE INVOKES or INVOKES.
FREE INVOKES can be passed to another character to exploit so the team can stack up a series of INVOKES that set up the killing blow!
BOOST Transient aspect that goes away once INVOKED, and usually by the end of a scene. A BOOST can be passed to someone else for set-ups.
A STUNT is a special trait a character has that changes the way a skill works for him. Stunts indicate some special, privileged way a
character uses a skill that is unique to whoever has that stunt.
SKILLS Skills are rated from Terrible (-2) to Legendary (+8). PC skills are limited to Superb (+5) and a starting level of Great (+4)
The difference between your roll and your opponents roll of 4xFate Dice + Skill (+bonuses for ASPECTS/BOOSTS/STUNTS/SITIUATION
etc.) are called SHIFTS. More SHIFTS = Greater level of success (or failure if you are on the receiving end!)
Getting things An especially complicated or dynamic obstacle requiring a series of PASSIVE OVERCOME actions to resolve.
done: The CHALLENGE may require different skills to be used in sequence or the same skill to be used more than once. BOOSTS or free
CHALLENGES INVOKES from one skill roll may be carried forward if they applicable to the subsequent skill roll.
Two or more characters with mutually exclusive goals, compete against one another, while NOT trying to harm one another. E.g. A
race. The CONTEST could be between the same skills or different skills, depending on the situation. It is made up of a series of
EXCHANGES during which each participant makes a skill roll to determine how well they do. Whoever gets the most SHIFTS in an
Getting things
exchange gains 1 VICTORY (Success by 3+ SHIFTS gains 2 victories) and the first character to 3 victories wins.
Ties: no one gains a victory but an unexpected twist means a disadvantageous ASPECT is created that could affect them all.
Characters can try to CREATE an ADVANTAGE BEFORE they make a CONTEST roll, but Failure means their CONTEST roll is forfeit!
A character can decide to ATTACK during a CONTEST in which case the CONTEST usually ends and a CONFLICT begins.
Characters with the intent and the ability to harm one another are in a CONFLICT.
Getting things
Physical Conflict leads to stress in the form of bruises, cuts etc.; Mental Conflict to stress in the form of loss of confidence, self-esteem.
Any HITS taken cause the recipient to be TAKEN OUT unless they are absorbed by STRESS or CONSEQUENCES instead.
Setting up the Opponent: Character A, B, C etc. create advantages which they stack up to help Character Z succeed with ease!
Combining Skills: The Character with the highest skill takes the action but every other Character with a relevant skill adds +1 to the roll.
A character can always choose to move one zone in addition to taking an action. Moving more zones, or one zone with an aspect that
makes it difficult going, requires an ATHLETICS (or perhaps some other) OVERCOME action. Failure grants opposition a BOOST.
A ZONE is an abstract representation of physical space. The best definition of a Zone is that it’s close enough that you can interact
directly with someone (in other words, walk up to and punch them in the face). A ZONE could be a room or a clearing.
Roll 4 x Fate Dice Against Passive or Active To create (or discover) a new To benefit from an existing or To cause stress or consequence
+ any bonuses opposition aspect known aspect and defend against it
Fail, or Succeed in a way that No harm to Defender who also
Fail by 3+ SHIFTS Fail, or Succeed at a SERIOUS Fail and give a free
ALSO benefits the opposition, gains a BOOST
COST (e.g. a BOOST plus free INVOKE on the existing ASPECT
and MIGHT disadvantage the
Fail by 1-2 SHIFTS invoke to the opposition) to the opposition No harm to Defender
Succeed at a MINOR COST (e.g. Succeed and gain a BOOST plus No harm to Defender but
a BOOST to the opposition) free INVOKE Succeed and gain a free INVOKE Attacker gains a BOOST
Succeed by 1-2 Succeed and gain a free INVOKE on the ASPECT Defender suffers HITS equal to
Succeed and achieve goal
Defender suffers HITS equal to
Succeed by 3+ Succeed and achieve goal plus Succeed and gain 2 free Succeed and gain 2 free
SHIFTS (Attacker may trade
SHIFTS gain a BOOST in doing so INVOKES on the new ASPECT INVOKES on the ASPECT
some HITS for BOOSTS)
ATTACKS are launched in order from highest NOTICE (or EMPATHY for mental/social/emotional), with ATHLETICS, then PHYSIQUE (and
RAPPORT, then WILL, for mental/social/emotional) being used to break ties.
Nature of Attack Attack Skill (Stunt) Defence Skill (Stunt) Effect on …
Mental/Social/ Contacts(Destroy Reputation) Will or Contacts
Emotional Skill Deceit(Mind Games) Will or Intimidation Mental Stress Track
Attacks Intimidation Will or Intimidation or Scholar(Shield of Reason)
Athletics(Body Check) Athletics
Melee Athletics or Melee or Intimidation(Armour of Fear)/Physique(Take the Blow)
Physical Skill Missile Athletics or Stealth(Slippery Target)
Physical Stress Track
Attacks Notice(Reactive Shot) Athletics
Ride(Charge!) Ride
Stealth(Hidden Blade) Notice
The skill (which could be the opponent’s Shek P’var skill) depends on
Shek P’var Skills Create/Make or Destroy/ Depends on Shek’P’var
whether the intention of the attacker is to do Physical or Mental harm and
(Spell casting) Disperse or Learn/Perceive intent
how the target is trying to avoid it. Use the list above as a guide.
Strain of Spell Caster always takes 1 point of Fail or Tie: Succeed but take 1 MENTAL STRESS Succeed: Succeed + 1 Succeed with Style:
Casting Mental Stress, and … HIT per point of failure … free INVOKE Succeed + 2 free
PRIVY PURSE SELL/RECIEVE: If Value/Cost > BUY - Fail: Get item BUY - Tie: Get item but BUY - Succeed: Get BUY - Succeed with
Purse, then Purse becomes but reduce Purse by reduce Purse by Cost item with no change in Style: Get item plus
Value/Cost; else no change. Cost+1 Purse Aspect & free invoke
FULL DEFENCE Give up the option to use an any other action in this exchange BUT GAIN +2 to the DEFEND action against any attacks.
ATTACK, Larger targets are easier to hit: +1 MELEE/FIGHT/MISSILE attack rolls per step that the Target is Larger than Man-sized(+3).
DEFENCE & Smaller targets are harder to hit: -1 MELEE/FIGHT/MISSILE attack rolls per step that the Defender is Smaller than Man-sized(+3).
DAMAGE BONUS Stronger attackers do more damage: Successful Melee/Fight attacks do +1 HIT if +1/+2 Strength; +2 HITS if +3/+4; +3 HITS if Strength +5.
If the value of the attacking weapon’s IMPACT exceeds the ARMOUR of the target, then + 1 HIT caused by a successful ATTACK. If
ARMOUR exceeds IMPACT, then -1 HIT. A player can choose to ABSORB 1 HIT by taking damage to Armour/Shield, which reduces its
value for the rest of the SESSION or until successfully repaired using CRAFTS to OVERCOME +4 passive resistance.
Multiple NPCs can be treated as a single MOB with their individual Skills and Stress Boxes added together onto a single character sheet.
AREA EFFECTS: e.g. real or arcane explosions, gas clouds, Provoking a mob, influencing a crowd with Rapport.
Either: create an advantage in the scene, rather than on a specific target,
Or: divide the total SHIFTS between targets in the area, each of which defends against their portion of the success.
STRESS is short lived. It is removed once there’s a chance to draw breath/regain composure, usually by the start of the next scene.
 1 HIT can be absorbed by crossing off a STRESS 1 box  2 HITs can be absorbed by crossing off a STRESS 2 box, etc.
STRESS Characters with ENDURANCE or WILL skills gain additional STRESS boxes that can absorb 3 or 4 HITs.
If the amount of stress inflicted exceeds the value of a stress box it must be taken as a Consequence or the character is Taken Out.

CONSEQUENCES can also absorb HITS, but are longer lasting NEGATIVE ASPECTS that DO NOT usually recover between scenes.
CONSEQUENCES 1, 2 or 3 HITs can be absorbed by taking a Mild, Serious or Grievous CONSEQUENCE, respectively.
They can be INVOKED (for free by the character causing them)/COMPELLED until the character has spent enough time RECOVERING.
A CONFLICT can be interrupted at any time by CONCEDING. The character’s part in the current scene is over leaving the victors with
CONCEDING what they wanted. The character gains a FATE POINT + 1 FP per consequence taken and negotiates with the GM how they escaped with
their life/discretely withdrew. The GM has the final say so this isn’t always a get out of jail free card, and will cost them something.
If some STRESS cannot be absorbed by a STRESS box or CONSEQUENCE slot then another HIT means the character is Taken Out and the
victorious opponent narrates what happens! This will be worse than CONCEDING!
CONSEQUENCES remain in place until:
 A sufficiently calm environment that allows treatment in the form of a relevant OVERCOME ACTION is successful (against the +2,
+4 or +6 passive resistance of the CONSEQUENCE; +2 if the character is treating themselves rather than by another).
 A Mild CONSEQUENCE presents +2 passive resistance and remains in place for a whole scene after successful treatment;
 A Serious CONSEQUENCE presents +4 passive resistance and remains in place for a whole session after successful treatment;
 A Grievous CONSEQUENCE presents +6 passive resistance and remains in place for a whole scenario after successful treatment.
A character COULD take a CRIPPLING CONSEQUENCE which can absorb 4 HITs but this requires the player to replace an existing ASPECT
with the CRIPPLING CONSEQUENCE which remains in place until a MAJOR MILESTONE allows it to be removed.
At the end of a session, or when one piece of a story has been resolved. At minor milestone, choose from:
AT THE END OF A  Switch the rank values of any two skills, or replace one Average skill with one that isn’t on the sheet; OR
SESSION  Change any single stunt for another stunt; OR
(A MINOR  Purchase a new stunt, provided there’s the REFRESH to do so. (Remember, REFRESH can’t be less than 1) ; OR
MILESTONE)  Rename one ASPECT that isn’t the HIGH CONCEPT or TROUBLE.
PLUS … Note that any treated Serious Consequence will have recovered at the end of the NEXT session.
AT THE END OF A At the end of a scenario, or the conclusion of a big plot event (or, at the end of every three or so sessions):
SCENARIO  Gain one additional skill point, which can be spent to buy a new skill or increase an existing skill by one level; BUT the Pyramid must
(A SIGNIFICANT be maintained so no character can have more skills at any rank than at the rank below it.
MILESTONE) PLUS … Note that any treated Grievous Consequence will have recovered at the end of the NEXT scenario.
At the end of a story arc (or around three scenarios), when a main NPC villain dies, or with any other large-scale change.
 Gain the benefits of a MINOR and SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE; AND
 Gain an additional point of REFRESH, which can be used to buy a NEW STUNT or left as a higher REFRESH; AND
 May rename the character’s HIGH CONCEPT or TROUBLE.
PLUS … Note that any treated Crippling Consequence will have recovered when the GM determined conditions are met.
Treat an environmental condition, a natural disaster, a cunning mechanical or magical trap etc. as a character. (The Bronze Rule of Fate).
If the Hazard is intended:
ENVIRONMENTAL  to distract - then let it create (dis)advantages;
HAZARDS  to do harm - give it a skill level with which to attack (or defend);
 act independently - give it the perception and mobility of a character;
 be resilient – give it Stress Boxes &/or Consequences which must be eroded before it’s ‘safe’.
Challenges or Contests take advantage of deadline pressure by limiting the number of rolls that a player can make.
Failure can erode more time and reduce the number of rolls available when using the “Success at a Cost” option.
Likewise, “Success with Style” can reduce the amount of time it takes to do something when the PCs are under time pressure.
TIME Instant - A few moments - Half a minute - A minute - A few minutes - 15 minutes - Half an hour - An hour - A few hours - An afternoon - A
INCREMENTS day - A few days - A week - A few weeks - A month - A few months - A season - Half a year - A year - A few years - A decade - A lifetime
Exchange: The amount of time it takes all participants in a conflict to take a turn, which includes taking an action and responding to any
action taken against them. A few minutes.
Scene: The amount of time it takes to resolve a conflict, deal with a single ‘situation’, or accomplish a goal. Scenes vary in length, from a
few minutes to an hour.
GAME TIME Session: The sum total of all the scenes run in a single sitting: from an hour to a week. Constitutes a MINOR MILESTONE.
Scenario: One or more sessions of play, but usually no more than four. Most of the time, the sessions that make up a scenario will
definitively resolve some kind of problem or dilemma presented by the GM, or wrap up a storyline. From a few days to a few weeks or a
season. Constitutes a SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE.
Story Arc: A number of scenarios culminating in an event that brings change to the game world. Constitutes a MAJOR MILESTONE.

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