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Adrafinil – Research by Nootropics


Summary: Adrafinil is a stimulating nootropic that fights fatigue, increases the

brain’s capacity of processing information, boosts energy, as well as
enhances subjective well-being. It metabolizes in the body into the widely
popular Modafinil (Adrafinil vs Modafinil comparison below). It’s a useful
supplement for pulling through long, mentally demanding tasks, learning new
topics, or working in shifts as opposed to fixed schedule.

Table of Contents
o 1.1 What is Adrafinil?
o 1.2 Adrafinil vs Modafinil Comparison
▪ 1.2.1 Personal Thought
o 2.1 Increases Mental Clarity & Heightens Focus
o 2.2 Promotes Wakefulness & Boosts Energy
o 2.3 Improves Learning Capacity & Memory Formation
o 3.1 The Breakdown
o 3.2 Serotonin Neurotransmitter
o 7.1 First User Experience
o 7.2 Second User Experience
o 7.3 Third User Experience
What is Adrafinil?
Adrafinil is a synthetic nootropic supplement that acts as a central nervous
system stimulant. Previously known as Olmifon, and often mistaken
with Modafinil, it is a stimulant that does not produce amphetamine-like effects.
It is a precursor to Modafinil. That means it leads to increased concentrations of
modafinil in the body. Adrafinil combats fatigue, boosts energy, improves
attention, concentration and focus. It’s also known to enhance mood, motivation,
and reaction time. Its potential cognitive benefits extends further to improving
memory and increasing the brains capacity of learning, digesting, and processing
An invention from the 1970’s by French pharmaceutical company Lafon
Laboratories, which manufactured, branded and marketed the invention in
Europe under the name Olmifon. It spread throughout Europe and became
widely prescribed by practitioners as a treatment for narcolepsy and related sleep
disorders that has symptoms of heavy and excessive daytime drowsiness. As
well as widely used off-label for its nootropic and stimulating effects.
In 2011, production of Olmifon ended when the french regulating authorities
reversed its legality.
Its unregulated in the US, Canada, and most other countries around the world. It
can be found in drugstores and online on many, many vendors and it is very
widely used by people for combating fatigue, enhancing energy, stimulation, and
boosting overall cognitive function

Adrafinil vs Modafinil Comparison

Many people often compare adrafinil vs modafinil upon hearing of it. Usually
because they try to get modafinil and find out its prescription medication, so they
go for the non-[rescription, online-available alternative.
What popularizes it the most as a nootropic is the fact that its the closest legal,
prescription-free to the “limitless” modafinil. But for those who knew and were
familiar with it before this movie association know its profound effect and can
differentiate between it and that of modafinil. In fact, many users actually report
preferring adrafinil vs modafinil for certain, slightly different nootropic effects that
each produces.
Although Adrafinil metabolizes into Modafinil after ingestion, it still requires a
higher dosage to reach the level of effectiveness that one would feel from
modafinil. For example, modafinil is mostly prescribed in dosages of 100 to 200
mg. Adrafinil often sells in the lowest dosage being 300mg. So in order to
achieve the same concentration level of modafinil using adrafinil, one would have
to be aware of this and measure the dosage following that pattern, as required.
Modafinil is often prescribed therapeutically in doses of 50mg being the lowest
effective. For comparison, taking 300mg Adrafinil, which is the smallest
manufacturing dose, would actually be more effective than the lowest effective
dose of modafinil.
Although it cannot be an exact figure due to the fact that breakdown and
metabolizing varies from each individual to another, a general and easy way of
understanding and remembering the math of adrafinil vs modafinil in terms of
dosages, or at least how I personally measure it when taking either one, is that
that 100mg of Modafinil is more or less equals to 300mg Adrafinil.

Personal Thought
From my personal, own experience: the effect of Adrafinil 300mg is much
more felt in comparison to Modafinil 100mg. During the period I was prescribed
Modafinil, I would have to take 200mg in order to achieve what I would achieve
from 300mg of Adrafinil.


Increases Mental Clarity & Heightens Focus
Although it is initially developed for its wakefulness-promoting qualities, Adrafinil
continues showing significant cognitive benefits as well. For individuals suffering
daytime exhaustion due to night work or sleep difficulties, adrafinil increases the
physical and mental energy required for an active life. It also improves mental
clarity and heightens focus.

Promotes Wakefulness & Boosts Energy

Adrafinil is an overall beneficial stimulant, preventing daytime drowsiness and
dramatically increasing energy and attentiveness without the hyperactivity and
jitteriness associated with stimulants. Users report a profound sense of well-
being, stress reduction, and overall enrichment experiences. Those outcomes
are primarily due to Adrafinil’s impact on dopamine.

Improves Learning Capacity & Memory Formation

In addition to promoting wakefulness and increasing energy, adrafinil holds many
nootropic benefits such as improved learning capacity, better memory creation,
as well as recollection. Reports indicate that it sharpens focus and increases the
ability to maintain it, along with providing mental clarity, and easing mentally
demanding work, especially that which extends over a prolonged period.

Adrafinil acts on the adrenergic system, the part of the nervous system that
releases adrenaline. Typically considered in charge of the “fight or flight”
response, a rapid release of adrenaline boosts energy and increases alertness.
While not all of adrafinil’s actions are entirely understood, it is assumed to
replicate the positive effect of adrenaline release by supporting adrenergic

The Breakdown
Adrafinil is a synthetic prodrug, which means that its an inactive compound that
metabolizes into an active form inside the body. The process of metabolizing it
produces the drug, modafinil, which is an FDA-approved treatment for necropsy
and similar sleep disorders. The pharmacological effects of adrafinil are
practically identical to those of Modafinil.
Though the exact chemical mechanisms of it are unclear, researchers
hypothesize that in its metabolized form it functions as an adrenergic receptor
agonist. One of its first actions is the enhanced production and release of the
neurotransmitter hypocretin, which in turn triggers the increased production of
dopamine, histamine, and norepinephrine; all of which are directly related to
alertness and energy, which considerably explains adrafinil’s stimulant qualities.
The remarkable mood and cognitive effects it produces result from different
actions, such as the positive modulation of glutamate receptors, and inhibiting
the breakdown of glutamate. Those actions lead to better neuronal
communication, which improves memory and focus and creates better cognitive

Serotonin Neurotransmitter
It also stimulates the release of serotonin, which enhances mood by reducing
anxiety levels. It also inhibits the breakdown of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that
is mainly responsible when it comes to the brain’s pleasure and reward

How to take: Adrafinil recommendations vary greatly among different users.
The lowest dose Adrafinil is produced in is 300 mg. However, most nootropist
would say, and prefer, a dose of 600mg taken once in the morning. And the
highest yet credible dosage is 1,200mg taken as 2 doses. A morning dose of
600mg and an afternoon “boost” dose of another 600mg.
At the doses of 300 to 600mg, it is a safe and very effective nootropic. It is a
potent nootropic; therefore, it’s advised to give your body a chance to adapt to it
at lower doses and only gradually increase as you feel required after evaluating
the effect of 300mg.
Due to its potency and wakefulness-promoting properties, it is advisable to take it
in the morning or early afternoon only to avoid interfering with the sleep cycle,
otherwise you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep easily at night. (although that
doesn’t apply to those who know that time is actually an illusion).
It is also advisable to take it on an empty stomach to allow for optimal absorption.
It kicks in and effects start to be felt around 45 minutes to an hour after ingestion.
For continuous and prolonged use, it is very advisable to use on a sequence (or
cycle) of two weeks on, and one week off to detox and maintain tolerance as well
as prevent potential dependency for certain people.

The most typical side effects of adrafinil are headaches, dizziness, nausea, and
stomach discomfort. The most severe relates to liver function. Additionally, there
is potential for increased risk of high blood pressure and heart problems when
taking high doses.
Should you experience any side effects, stop using and seek professional
medical advice.

Adrafinil’s mixture of mental and physical benefits make it valuable for individuals
looking for more energy, stamina, and psychological acuity. Its a
powerful nootropic with potent stimulant qualities. Used responsibly, it offers a
unique and profound nootropic boost that one grows to appreciate.

Here is three random experiences from adrafinil reddit nootropic community on
their thought of adrafinil:

First User Experience

I love adrafinil for a once-every-couple-of-weeks ‘I need to work 11 hours today’
usage. I can take 300mg at 6:30 or 7 in the morning, and still be alert and clear
headed at the office when 7 or 8pm rolls by. But I try not to use it any more than
once a week, because of the possible liver implications. - WhatAboutLightly
Second User Experience
adrafinil is very strange for me. I noticed somewhat sporadic efficacy.
Additionally, for me, I was getting bad headaches. I called them “core
headaches” as they seemed to originate from the very “core” of my brain. and not
in the front like other areas. now I am still uncertain if this was because of
adrafinil or phenyl-p. but once I started experiencing core headaches frequently
even without taking any nootropic whatsoever, I quit adrafinil. It did go away after
a while, but again I am not sure if this was just a rebalance or due to…other
things I have been up to. Good writeup though. I am not certain I can answer any
of the questions since I haven’t gone back to adrafinil yet…thinking of trying
modafinil if I can manage to procure it, and see if that has a cleaner, more mildly-
stimulating/focusing effect like I was looking for. - multipl3x

Third User Experience

My simple protocol for Adrafinil is to only take it if I sleep poorly. and know that I
still need to perform the next day. For me that means that I take it infrequently,
but it’s a lifesaver every time. - stevetheguy

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