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The biocapacity of Poland has increased slightly since the 1960s, where it was in the 60 millions

of hectares, and now it’s in the high 70-low 80 millions.

The ecological footprint has decreased since the 1980s, when it was over 225 million in 1987,
and is now in the 170 millions, but it’s still a dramatic increase from the 1960s, when it was in
the 120 millions.
Because the biocapacity remained fairly constant, and the ecological footprint dramatically
increased, the ecological deficit has risen from 55 million in 1961 to 91 million in 2014, with a
peak of 147 million in 1967. The continuous ecological deficit will cause us to eventually run out
of nonrenewable resources.

There’s obviously been major environmental progress since the early 1990s, reflecting the
transformation of the economy at the time and the strengthening of its environmental policies.
The transition towards a market economy provided opportunities to revise and implement
environmental management and legislation; In 1991 and 2000, two national environmental
policies were adopted, defining short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives for
“management of natural resources, improvement of environmental quality, strengthening of
policy instruments for environmental management, and co-operation on environmental issues
of international concern. However, Poland still lags behind several other EU countries, and aims
towards a higher level of environmental quality consistent with theirs.
Environmental Performance Review of Poland (Rep.). (n.d.). Paris, France: Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development.

Your report should cover the following topics:

 Assess the value of their country’s ecological assets

 How well has your country monitored and managed their assets?
 Identify the risks associated with ecological deficits?
 Identify regional and global partners whose ecological strengths and weakness might balance
those of your country?
 Has your country set policy that is informed by ecological reality and makes safeguarding
resources a top priority?
 Has your country begun planning to measure progress toward their goals?

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