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In this analysis, the window is facing south 
Singapore: slightly north of the equator (only 88 miles away) 
Moscow: very far north (closer to the north pole than to the equator) 
● Moscow receives most of its solar energy in the summer months, when the 
daytime is longest. The sunlight typically hits the window relatively 
perpendicularly throughout the year, but the days are so short in the winter (only 
7 hours in December) that it negates the direct sunlight. 
● Singapore receives most of its solar energy in the winter months, as during the 
summer months the sun actually hits the building from the north, so the window 
doesn’t receive any direct sunlight. The sun is always mostly above the window so 
the sun’s rays won’t hit the window at a efficient angle, but the close proximity of 
the sun to the equator causes the rays to be even stronger. 
● Moscow receives higher solar energy than Singapore overall due to the fact that 
the window in Singapore receives very little direct sunlight from April to October. 
Heat Gain: 
● Singapore has much higher heat gain because it’s on the equator, so it receives a 
relatively constant and high heat gain. 
● Moscow has very little heat gain (it’s in the negatives all year!) due to its location 
in the north. It has a much higher heat gain in the summer than in the winter, but 
its highest heat gains is still lower than Singapore’s lowest heat gains. 
● Singapore has a much higher heat gain, considering that Singapore’s heat gain is 
almost 1,000 and Moscow’s heat gain is less than -2500. 
Location: Istanbul, Turkey (Northern Hemisphere) 
Southwest:    Northwest: 

Northeast: Southeast: 

Heat Gain: 
The heat gain is the same for all four directions because the location is the same, 
so the temperature itself wouldn’t change. The cause for its low heat gain (-940.72) is its 
location in the north. 
The solar gain for the Northeast and Northwest facings are the same (3493.71) 
and the solar gain for the Southeast and Southwest facings are very similar (5885.43 and 
5839.94). The reason the two pairings are so similar is because the sun’s path through 
the sky is always on the south side of the window, and the path from the east to west is 
pretty symmetrical. This is also the reason why the southward facings have a much 
higher solar energy gain than the northward facings; the sunlight is coming from the 
south, so it’ll hit the southward facing windows directly. 

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