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he fence stretches out just to where the waves break, and reaches 15 or 20ft, not the looming 30ft

the president
has demanded.
Adjacent to this stretch of fence is Friendship Park, a patch of bi-national ground where loved ones from both
sides of the border are allowed to meet. The name is paradoxical given the hostility Trump has engendered since
he began his wall obsession.
Outside Friendship Park – which only takes 10 visitors at a time – separated families and friends must make do
with waving at each other from a distance. Today the US side is unpopulated save for a lone American, and on the
Mexican side a father and young boy are looking northwards. “USA!” the man says, pointing through a slot for
his son’s benefit.
From San Ysidro, the fence runs unbroken for 46 miles to the east until it gives way to the unforgiving desert.
That’s 46 out of a total of 654 miles of fencing that already exists, much of it in various stages of disrepair.
Those hundreds of miles of double reinforced fencing and wire meshing were the product of a different era in
politics where some degree of bipartisan consensus was possible. They were largely funded by the Secure Fence
Act, an immigration compromise reached in 2006 under former president George W Bush.
Compromise seems unthinkable these days. Trump has laid out a vision of the border that is harshly binary: on
his side of the territorial line there is the rule of law, hard work and freedom; on the other side there is
criminality, gangs and drug sors at a time – separated families and friends must make do with waving at each
other from a distance. Today the US side is unpopulated save for a lone American, and on the Mexican side a
father and young boy are looking northwards. “USA!” the man says, pointing through a slot for his son’s benefit.
From San Ysidro, the fence runs unbroken for 46 miles to the east until it gives way to the unforgiving desert.
That’s 46 out of a total of 654 miles of fencing that already exists, much of it in various stages of disrepair.
Those hundreds of miles of double reinforced fencing and wire meshing were the product of a different era in
politics where some degroking northwards. “USA!” the man says, pointing through a slot for his son’s benefit.
From San Ysidro, the fence runs unbroken for 46 miles to the east until it gives way to the unforgiving desert.
That’s 46 out of a total o

oking northwards. “USA!” the man says, pointing through a slot for his son’s benefit.
From San Ysidro, the fence runs unbroken for 46 miles to the east until it gives way to the unforgiving desert.
That’s 46 out of a total o
Adjacent to this stretch of fence is Friendship Park, a patch of bi-national ground where loved ones from both
sides of the border are allowed to meet. The name is paradoxical given the hostility Trump has engendered since
he began his wall obsession.
Outside Friendship Park – which only takes 10 visitors at a time – separated families and friends must make do
with waving at each other from a distance. Today the US side is unpopulated save for a lone American, and on the
Mexican side a father and young boy are looking northwards. “US

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