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Exam code :: C5050-285

NOTE : In the Exam, for the same question options are varying for person to person

1. When number of instances is increased to 2 using auto-scaling, and the memory displayed is 256 MB, will
the memory be shared between the 2 instances or each instance gets 256 MB?

Yes each instance will get 256 MB

2. Question on MQ light shared topic. There are 2 clients, client1, and client2. An application send messages
hi1, hi2, hi3, hi4. Which client gets what message

If its equal distribution client1 – hi1,hi3, client2-hi2,h4

3. In track and plan, which is the top most work item

a. Epic (ans)
b. Story
c. Task
d. Defect
4. What is boilerplate

boilerplate is a container for an application and its associated runtime environment and predefined
services for a particular domain.

5. What is the role of routing component

Connect external clients to Application instance

6. Which of the following does not pertain to organization

a. Space (ans)
b. User
c. Domain
d. Quota
7. Cf scale APP –m 512MB. Will this command increase Memory allocation by 512MB, decrease by 512MB,
assing 512MB irrespective of current allocation

Assigning 512MB to all instances

8. Which of the following is correct

a. An application can be bound to multiple services(ans)

b. Multiple applications can be bound to a service (ans)

c. Application can access a service without binding

d. <>

9. How do you pass a value between jobs in a delivery pipeline?

a. environmental properties in the stage configuration(ans)

10. A user sees that the app instances are changes very frequently. To stabilize what he should do.
Increase/decrease breach/cooldown period?
Increase cool down period

11. Why load impact service is used?

To check performance of the application with more virtual users

12. In instance details panel of Monitoring and Analytics service what all can be monitored? Cpu? Memory
used? Throughput?

Yes all

13. A question related to backlog in track and planning. I don’t remember what it was

14. What will happen when restart is clicked in the below image


The changes will not be affected.

15. There are 2 applications which use a common code. What is the right approach

a. Have 1 repository for each application and 1 repository for common code
b. Have 1 repository for each application and deploy common code as a dependency(Ans)
c. Have 1 repository for all applications together
d. Blah blah
16. How a lead developer can share a minor modification in code

a. Send email
b. Commit and push changes to git repository
c. Deploy the changes
d. Blah blah
17. How is the integrity of the code checkin verified

a. Commit and push(ans)

b. Deploy
c. Build
d. Run
18. Which db should be used for faster processing of data
Ans : dashDB
19. NoSQL db provides
a. Consistency over availability
b. Availability over consistency(ans)
c. Blah
d. Blah
20. Using restful service to delete a record from NoSQL DB, what parameters are required
a. _rev
b. Id
c. Id and _rev(ans)
d. Blah
21. Question on features of cloudant sync
22. dashDB runSQL script / validate functionality question
23. question on features of dataworks forge
24. Question on purpose of session caching
25. For image processing which service is required
26. Question on cloudant primary index and secondary index

1. What more features does bluemix provide compare to cloud foundry

a. Bluemix extends Cloud Foundry with a number of managed runtimes and services
b. enterprise-grade DevOps tooling
2. After cf login if you type cf marketplace what will happen?
Ans: list all softwares
3. what will happen when you insert a document without id and rev in Cloudant NoSQL?
Ans: not required for insertion. it requires only for update

4. what is correct option for cf logs --recent?

Ans: Displays recent logs
5. How can you deploy an app from one region to another region?
Ans: Change region in cmd/Gui and deploy
6. cf scale myapp -i 5
Ans: create 5 instances
7. What does runtime provide?
Ans: Environment to run app(Java/Php/Python)
8. which of the following statements are true about Run Query in SQL Database?
Ans: only SELECT sql statement can be run(ans)
9.What should be done in delivery pipeline to run the stage manually?
Stage trigger
10. Which of the following is true about Cloudant NoSQL DB?
a. autoscaling horizantally
b. autoscaling vertically

11. If the input type is SCM repository in build stage in delivery pipeline?

Q1 . Web developer using web IDE for web application development, He wants to trigger testing for the application
which of following options of Dev Ops will be used for?

a) agile unit Testing

b) Delivery PipeLine - Build Stage (a)
c) automated Unit testing
d) track and plan unit test task

Q2. Which of the following are action properties of data-forge Select 2

a) creates New sQL Database

b) Joins more than one tables
c) cleanse incoming data
d) modify incoming data.
e) Load large amount sample data

Q3. When user deploys the applicaton using CF PUSH command, he gets error related to VCAP_Services
Environment variables..
Which of the following action the developer will perform to solve this issue.

a) modify manifest.yml to include new environment variables

b) cf env <appName> to list all the environment properties related to application (A)

c) Cf set-env <appname>

d) delete environment repush with new environment variables

Q4. Which of the following statement is true for CF Apps command

a) list all application and services of the developers organization

b) List all application and their resource utlization for developers spaces in the organization (A)
c) List all application and service for which user is the owner

Q5. Which of the following are features of cloudant sync ? Select 2

a) mobile application can access the data even though network is down. (A)

b) always encrypts the senstive data during replication

c) Replication is fast because it replicate data less than 2 KB

d) scaling give better performance compared to single large database (A)

e) Over a period the database size becomes small since its sync with all dbs across..

Q6. Which of the following are type of work in agile methodology tracks and Plan? select 3

a) PMR
b) story (A)
c) defect (A)
d) Task (A)
e) etc
f) etc

Q7. Which of the following statements are correct for auto scaling policy

ans : If average Memory utilization exceeds 80% for 600 seconds then add 1 instance

Q8. Which of the following statements are true regarding application and services.

a) one application can be bound to one service instance

b) more than one application can be bound to one service instance (A)

Q9. When an organisation has ready to use application, which of the following cloud model will be used

a) PaaS
b) IaaS
c) SaaS (A)
d) AaaS

Q10. When a developer wants to expose his application as service which of the following are option can be used?
select 2

a) IBM Cloud
b) IBM Softlayer
c) IBM Market Place (A)
d) develop as third party service and use it IBM Bluemix (A)

Q11. one question from Container commands

Q12. Question on HTTP Session with a diagram

a) session details are stored in file store in remote system
b) session details are stored in SQL DB
c) Session data available even application instance crashes (A)

Q13. What options available in IBM SQL Database "Run Query" menu?

1) Only SELECT Commands can be executed

2) json documents format can be done
(The Run SQL page includes all the functionality of the Run Query page, plus the ability to run and validate scripts)

Q14. when execution cf push command getting the following error

0 instance running 1 instance has start timeout error

how rectify this error?

A) Increase deploy time period in manifest.yml and re push the application

b) Increase start waiting time and push the application (a)
c) increase stage timeout period and push

Q15, which of the following components are required for management of an application
a) router
b) buildpack
c) Cloud controller (A)
d) health manager

Q16. Which of the following options are available for SQL Command in dash DB? select 2. (Check this options)

a) can be saved in named file and execute later.(A)

b) Can be validated before executing (A)
c) Syntax error will be identified during the execution of command
d) Informix syntax only can be validated

Q17. 2 question from 12 factors I got question from Rule 3 (Storage Configuration environment, VCAP SERvices).
One more question on packaging rule

Q18. While working in Web IDE, If the user what to change the region for deployment what options can be used.

a) launch configuration (A)

b) modifying manifest.yml

c) blah

d) blah
Q19. Developer wants to know the cpu, memory and resource untilization of application, which of the following
can be used?

a) instance panel in dash board (A)

b) Analytical Service
c) etc
d) etc

Q20. Which of the following is mandatory for creating view in cloudantNoSQL DB?

a) map (A)
b) reduce function
c) sort function
d) map and reduce

Q21. Which of the following statement is true for creating view in Cloudant DB?

a) primary index with document ID

b) primary index with map function

c) secondary index with Document ID

d) Secondary index with map function (A)

Q22. When an application implements security using Single Sign On Service which of the following is necessary?

a) implement code with sso credentials (A)

b) develop form for login

c) OAUTH client v2.0 implementation with authentication call back url


Q23. Can Services be shared by Application ?

ans :: true

1. Error message is displayed,

"0 instance running". What could be the problem?
a. Port 8080 is used only by Bluemix
b. We can use only port 80
c. Port 8080 not mentioned in VCAP_SERVICES(ans)

2. Capabilities of cloud Foundry?

3. How Bluemix enhance Cloud Foundry ?
a. Additional Services and DevOps service(ans)
4. What does "cf marketplace" displays?
5. How do u check whether a service is bound to an application ?
6. Cloudant Sync capabilities?
7. Data Forge capabilities?
8. Which api u can use to work with social website ?
a. Alchemy API
9. Need to send promotions to users. But do not want to use database because of performance reasons. What
other services can be used ?
a. Message Service(ans)
b. Cache Service(ans)
10. What is a runtime?
11. "cf log --recent" ?
12. "cf scale app -i 5" ?
13. Application wants to share a common code base? How it can be done ?
a. use libraries and dependency (ans)
14. An application needs to load 100s of record once during application sartup. How this can be implemented?
a. use on-of f processes from 12 factor app

a. Even for user of load 80 the application is behaving uniformly(ans)

16. What SSO u will use for external authentication?


a. topic: /test/a, destination: /test/a(ans)

18. What are the options in job type in a stage?
a. Deploy(ans)
b. Test(ans) c. Build(ans)
19. What is "build" does when selected as input type in a stage?


When will this stage gets triggered?

a. when changes are pushed to repository(ans)

What does "New Doc" option does?

a. A new JSON document appears with a single attribute name _id(ans)
22. characteristics of key value pair data service ?
23. If performance is a criteria, which storage is preferred?
a. Object Storage(ans)
24. How many messages a client can send when the receiver is down?
a. time-to-live expires(ans)

25. Requirements for using development mode with debug for Node.js
a. IBM SDK for Node.js (ans)
26. Supported SSO protocol ?
a. SAML(ans)
b. OAuth(ans)


Ans : A,B,C
Ans : C

Ans : B


Ans : A
Ans : C

Ans : D

Ans : C

Ans : A

Ans : C,E
Ans : C

Ans : D


Ans : D
Ans : A

Ans : D

Ans : B

Ans : B
Ans : C

Ans : C

Ans : A
Ans : D


Ans : A
Ans : C

Ans : B
Ans : A,B

Ans : A

Ans : A


Ans : D

Ans : A,C

Ans : A,D, F

Ans : A
Ans : A, C

Ans : C,D

Ans : D
Ans : B


Ans :: B,C

Ans :: A
Ans : D

Ans : A

Ans : A,D
Ans : C

Ans :: A
Ans : A

Ans :: C,D

Ans : B
Ans : D

Ans : A,B

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