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Thermal Ceramics

Products are used all over the world to protect people and structures against fire. The
wide variety of Firemaster Fire protection systems are comprehensively certified and
extensively tested to meet national and international standards, offering our customer the
security of global proven fire performance in various market sectors.

- commercial building, hotels, sports stadia and air port terminals

- Industrial Plants
- Petrochemical Plants
- Offshore Platforms and FPSO's
- Cruise Ships, Military Vessels, Mega Yachts and Fast Ferries
- Tunnels and Underground Construction

Produk yang digunakan di seluruh dunia untuk melindungi orang dan struktur terhadap
kebakaran. Berbagai macam sistem perlindungan Firemaster Api secara menyeluruh
bersertifikat dan ekstensif diuji untuk memenuhi standar nasional dan internasional,
menawarkan pelanggan kami keamanan kinerja api global yang terbukti di berbagai
sektor pasar.

- Komersial bangunan, hotel, stadion olahraga dan pelabuhan udara terminal

- Industri Tanaman
- Petrokimia Tanaman
- Offshore Platform dan yang FPSO
- Cruise Kapal, Kapal Militer, Mega Yacht dan Feri Cepat
- Terowongan dan Konstruksi Underground


FireMaster Marine Plus Blanket

The new ultra-lightweight fire insulation from Thermal Ceramics designed for weight
sensitive applications. weight savings of 20 to 30% are typical compared to standard
FireMaster 607 Blanket and alternative lightweight solution. Systems are available for
composite, steel and aluminium strutures.


Firemaster Marine Plus Selimut

Ultra-ringan baru api isolasi dari Keramik Thermal dirancang untuk aplikasi berat badan
yang sensitif. berat penghematan 20 sampai 30% khas dibandingkan dengan standar
Firemaster 607 Selimut dan solusi ringan alternatif. Sistem yang tersedia untuk strutures
komposit, baja dan aluminium.

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