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Pot beta-blocantele să reducă necesarul intraoperator de agenţi anestezici?

Jurnalul Român de Anestezie Terapie Intensivă 2014 Vol.21 Nr.1, 5-6


Looking for a better outcome after total knee arthroplasty

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a very painful sur- and the functional recovery at six weeks after surgery,
gical procedure. Although today there are developed leaving the patient’s 12-month outcome in a sort of
mini invasive surgical techniques that allow a faster shadow. The role of the multimodal postoperative anal-
patient discharge, at 48 hours after surgery, there is gesic regimen, including acetaminophen, nonsteriodal
still a concern regarding the best postoperative anal- anti-inflammatory drugs, associated with femoral nerve
gesic regimen that would permit a good functional block, plus cooling and compressing at the surgical site,
recovery of the operated knee. was documented and recommended by the PROSPECT
According to the International Association for the working group, but the majority of their accepted stu-
Study of Pain, the pain persisting three months after dies are dated before 2010 [5]. Recently many studies
TKA should be considered chronic pain, and its expla- were focused on other tools in order to improve post-
nation is considered as a combination of neuropathic operative analgesia and to improve outcome after TKA:
and nociceptive pain [1]. local infiltration analgesia (using local anaesthetics,
In USA, in 2008, 680 000 TKA have been per- ketorolac and epinephrine), perioperative gabapentinoids,
formed and this number is expected to increase by ultrasound guided adductor canal block, perioperative
174% in 2030. About 20% of TKA patients, with a intravenous low-dose steroids, etc. [6-8].
prevalence ranging up to 44%, complain of pain at 12 Despite of all the debates, there is a general agree-
months, and this makes them dissatisfied with TKA ment about the fact that regional analgesia improves
intervention that was supposed to improve their life early rehabilitation after TKA, especially the use of con-
quality and comfort after all. In a recent survey Liu et tinuous peripheral nerve blocks (femoral and sciatic)
al. reported a 46% incidence of persistent postsurgical that provide a high quality of postoperative analgesia
pain after TKA, and the list of risk factors included: in TKA. This effect seems to be similar to that of
female sex, younger age, prior surgery on the same continuous epidural analgesia by reducing side effects
joint, lower-quality postsurgical pain control, knee and providing an important opioid sparing effect [9].
versus hip replacement and the presence of post- In addition, more recent studies showed that single-
surgical persistent complaints in other body areas [2]. injection sciatic nerve block would provide the same
The increased number of patients [2, 3] presenting impact on 12-month outcome as that of continuous
with moderate/severe pain of the knee at 12 months sciatic block when added to femoral nerve for post-
after TKA raises a legitimate question about the utility operative analgesia in TKA [10].
and efficiency of this kind of expensive and trauma- In the present issue of the Journal, Anastase et al.
tizing surgery. present an interesting study regarding the patient
However many efforts have been made in order to satisfaction after TKA performed under spinal anaes-
find the best postoperative analgesic regimen that thesia, comparing a continuous combination of femoral
would allow a faster functional recovery, thus improving and sciatic nerve block (FEM/SCI) (0.2% ropivacaine),
outcome [4]. with the traditional continuous epidural analgesia applied
In the last decade a lot of research was focused for the first 48 postoperative hours [11].
mainly on the acute postoperative pain management The authors studied the early postoperative para-
Address for correspondence: Dr. Adela Hilda Onuţu meters for patient satisfaction with anaesthesia and
Clinica de Ortopedie şi Traumatologie analgesia, and also at 6 and 12 months for the overall
Departamentul ATI patient status (questionnaire included physical general
Str. Patiţia Rubin nr. 1
400121 Cluj-Napoca, România
status, pain, mobilization, analgesic requirements).
E-mail: They used a more simple instrument as compared to
6 Onuţu

SF-12 (short form 12 items) Health Survey [12] or References

WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster osteo-
1. Schug SA, Pogatzki-Zahn EM. Chronic pain after surgery or
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injury. Pain Clin Updates 2011; 19: 1-5 (last accessed on 2014-
after TKA in the studied sample [13]. 04-01
Both regional analgesic methods proved comparable P u b l i ca t i on s2 /P a in C l in i c a l Up da t e s/ Arc h i ve s/ PC U_ 1 9 -
in terms of postoperative pain scores and opioid con- 1_for_web_1390260524448_6.pdf
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six postoperative months. They showed a significant What proportion of patients report long-term pain after total
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long term benefits of peripheral continuous nerve blocks 7. Jæger P, Zaric D, Fomsgaard JS et al. Adductor canal block
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of an added anti-inflammatory effect, it is hard to appre-
10. Wegener JT, van Ooij B, van Dijk CN et al. Long-term pain and
ciate yet [14]. functional disability after total knee arthroplasty with and
Atanase’s study has the merit of looking not only without single-injection or continuous sciatic nerve block in
for the surgery result but also for patient’s satisfaction addition to continuous femoral nerve block: a prospective, 1-
in the postTKA period. Their message is clear: a suc- year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Reg Anesth
cessfully replaced knee is to be doubled by a free-of- Pain Med 2013; 38: 58-63
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Recuse note
arthroplasty. J Rom Anest Terap Int 2014; 21: 35-43
Dr. Adela Hilda Onuţu is the Assistant Editor for the 12. Ware J Jr, Kosinski M, Keller SD. A 12-Item Short-Form Health
Jurnalul Român de Anestezie şi Terapie Intensivă. This Survey: construction of scales and preliminary tests of reliability
manuscript was handled by Dr. Iurie Acalovschi, Editor-in- and validity. Med Care 1996; 34: 220-233
Chief, and Dr. Onuţu was not involved with the editorial 13. Bellamy N. Pain assessment in osteoarthritis: experience with
process or decision. the WOMAC osteoarthritis index. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1989;
18 (Suppl 2): 14-17
14. Barreveld A, Witte J, Chahal H, Durieux ME, Strichartz G.
Preventive analgesia by local anesthetics: the reduction of
Adela Hilda Onuţu, MD, PhD postoperative pain by peripheral nerve blocks and intravenous
Orthopaedic and Traumatology Clinic drugs. Anesth Analg 2013; 116: 1141-1161
„Alexandru Rădulescu”
Cluj­Napoca, Romania J Rom Anest Terap Int 2014; 21: 5-6

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