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Lesson Plan Template- Week III

Name(s): Ecem Nur ŞEN
Rümeysa TEKMEN
Osman KART
Unit Title
My Family
Grade Level
3rd Grade
2 Hours
Learning Outcome
Students will introduce their family members with more than a sentence.
Instructional Materials & Media

Learning-Teaching Methods
Direct Method of Conservations
Cooperative Learning of asking questions
Teaching Activities
Students will make conservations with each other.
Students will ask questions to each other.
Students will play a game on Kahoot.
Individual Learning Activities Kahoot

Group Learning Activities Making conservations as pairs or groups.

Students will do both individual and group work. In the beginning, they make conservations about their
families. Then, they ask questions and test each other’s knowledge. Finally, they attend the game on Kahoot
and see their degree of learning.
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher observations and Kahoot score.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are supposed to take at least %60 score from
Individual Performance Kahoot quiz.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are supposed to conduct a conservation with
Group Performance their friends in class.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

Students will do both individual and group work. In the beginning, they make conservations about their
families. Then, they ask questions and test each other’s knowledge. Finally, they attend the game on Kahoot
and see their degree of learning. If students are not eager to make conservations with each other, teacher
takes a volunteer to the board and make a sample conservation with him/her. If Kahoot average is very low,
teacher can prepare a new one for next week. Teacher brings Kahoot questions as hardcopy in case of a
technical issue.

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