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Dear Sir,
May I begin by expressing my sincere thanks and gratitude to God for being a part of the journey, since the
new management took over the management of Bruminig Limited. Taking a look at where we were when
the new management took over, one will agree that It has really been a long, eventful, challenging but
exciting journey. The take-over process was obviously not an easy one for management, with the huge
debt profile, project poor performance - virtually every sub-contract was embroiled in one form of
challenge/conflict, there was low morale of staff, quantum of outstanding works and quality issues. Both
tough and courageous decision had to taken. Top management meetings were held severally at various
levels to address the myriads of very complicated issues. With the undeterred effort of the new
management, amicable resolution/settlements were reached on a good number of the above mentioned
A) On the debts/liabilities: those that were immediately verified were paid within a short period of time on
assumption of the new management. (There are however other outstanding liabilities yet to be settled).
B) On the project poor performance: issues of challenge/conflicts particularly with the sub-contracts have
been largely addressed. Some of these included
settlement of conflict/disagreement on the lift sub-contract. subsequently this PC sub-contract became the
first to be completed and has been handed-over. The partitions, ceiling grid and ceiling tiles sub-contract
with SMI was another very contentious issue. This also has been resolved, even though the resolution
didn't come quite easy. Suffice to say that the ceiling grid and tiles have been delivered to site and part of
which came handy to the delivery of the Main building, Second floor. The CCTV and Access Control sub-
contract also had issues of outstanding payments over a long period following their delivery of materials to
site. They were hence were unwilling to return to site as at the time the new management took over.
However, the new managements approach of always reaching-out in a bid to ensure the smooth running
and delivery of the project necessitated the settlement of outstanding debts. This has paved way for the
sub-contractor to make progress with the works on site. Other area where similar progress has been made
is in the Alucobond and Alumimium windows/curtain wall/doors sub-contract. However, due to poor
contract administration processes, the complication faced in some of these contracts are still being
managed to enable them reach successful completion.
C) To tackle the issue of low morale of staff, the salary arrears owed staff due to the closure of the site for
about 6 months was paid. Also in a bid to bring in efficiency and effectiveness into the management of the
site, there was a re-structuring of the site management. All staff engagement were reviewed and
renegotiated. The restructuring resulted in the engagement of 6 fresh hands to join the site operations
team. Others were to be engaged on contractual basis as their services became necessary.
D) On the quantum of outstanding works and quality of the works, there has also been huge
accomplishments. During the period, the following major milestone were accomplished and delivered;
i) The Main building left side structural works was carried-up to the roof stage and completed and the
roofing done.
ii) On the Annex site, outstanding items of snag were executed, while works on the fuel station, Generator
house, landscaping and other external works which had not been completed were carried on to completion
iii) Works at the Security Post 1 and 3A were completed and handed over and have since been in use.
iv) The CDS has also been long completed and awaiting the installation of the CDS machine by the Client so
that the facility can become operational.
v) The Main building Second Floor was also completed and handed over.
vi) The External Works on the Main building Facade i.e. the Wall Tiling and Alucobond works have been
taken to advanced stages as well as other items of main building external works.
The accomplishment of all the above mentioned milestones were obviously not without their own
With the restructuring of the site came additional responsibility. I was saddled with the position of the
Project Coordinator. By this position, I became responsible for overseeing the day to day running of the
activities of the site. I count it as an honour for the new management to have reposed such confidence in
me in assigning me this role. Indeed, I was filled with so much emotions to have found myself again in a
similar role I had played in the past in managing a previous project of the company which had also come
under precarious site management issues i.e. the NYSC Jigawa State Permanent Orientation Camp
Completion project. I was on two occasions at different times deployed to the site for a period of time and
was instrumental to ensuring that we were able to deliver on the project to the Client's expectations and
eventually hand-over the site. As part of the new structure was a 3-man site management team comprising
the Project Coordinator, Quantity Surveyor and Admin Officer. There was also the engagement of a 6 man
team of fresh hands into the technical team to man various strategic planning/supervisory positions.
In view of the scope of outstanding works as at the time of the take-over and the set target that all
outstanding works and the project at large were to be delivered by the end of 2017. No one was left in
doubt as to the enormity of the work required to done if the set targets were to be realized. This was also
made known in no uncertain terms to the new members of the team at the point of negotiating their
engagements. However, just like in every setting/establishment, the commitment of the respective
members to the common goals/objectives are always to varying degrees. This has been a major aspect of
concern in the coordination of the entire team. However, the concerted effort being made overtime
through engagements, discussions, cautions has help to address this largely attitudinal issue, though the
desired level of compliance is yet to be fully achieved. Please see below observations noticed;
 There is need for improved optimal productivity from some members of staff, the supervisors and
other operatives.
 Agreed that the scope/quantum of work can be overwhelming sometimes, with improved efficiency
in resources utilization both of human and materials, the resultant increase in earn value will
become glaring. However, there exist a few labour gap (one or two foremen) which if addressed
will also impact positively on the overall delivery.
 There is need for the site operatives to pay more attention to details in supervision, utilization of
materials, good housekeeping.
 There is need for an attitudinal/paradigm shift in the disposition of some personnel in the aspect of
dedication/commitment to the execution of their duties/responsibilities. The constrained nature
of the construction environment has necessitated that certain works would have to be done after
the Bank's working hours, at weekends and sometimes during holidays. A situation whereby
operatives are on site either after works hours or at weekends and Supervisors are absent is an
issue of concern.
 There is need for more management interaction in the area of communicating short/medium term
and possibly long term project/company focus and directions.


1. Management must be commended for her effort in sustaining a good morale of the staff over the
period by ensuring that salaries were paid regularly and promptly too. Additional incentives in the
form of bonuses also paid within the period went a long way in boosting staff morale and enhancing
productivity. These were welcomed developments. The greatest asset of any organization are its
personnel/workforce hence the need to constantly seek avenues to enhance their capacity to
perform. There is indeed the need for every staff to be considered for enhancement in the area of
remuneration/compensation. This will go a long way in boosting morale and productivity. There is
however, also the need for a differentiation in the benefits accorded those who one may say with
all sense of responsibility have frequently gone beyond the call of duty in the discharge of their
functions. These deserves further incentives, recognition and appreciation. It is pertinent to
mention also that matters of enhancement of staff should address both performance and
2. Training/exposure of staff to industry best practices will also go a long way in enhancing capacity
and staff performance on the project. However such training should not be automatic, rather, it
should be earned based on staff performance appraisal over a period. Training/re-training should
cut across all strata.
3. Management has always responded positively in the area of provision of work tools. The stage
where we are presently is such that we are having to work at the first, ground and basement floors
also at the main building external works all at the same time. This requires that more tools would
have to be provided to meet the demands of working on all these areas simultaneously.
Observations have been raised both by the Branch and the Consultants about some of our manual
breaking/operational processes. Therefore, in order to address these concerns, there is need for the
procurement of some more professional machine tools to facilitate the efficient delivery of the
4. As we approach the installation of various finishes on the first ground and basement floor, there is
the need to have a standby generator on site to facilitate the installation works of these sub-
contractor who have to work at weekends and sometimes during official hours when the bank is
running on generator. Usually at such times, we are usually not allowed to connect to the banks
power installations.
5. Please recall the individual report requested from staff over the restructuring/take-over of the
company by the new management in July, 2016. I had stated the outstanding factory inspection
provisions made for my trip as part of the team to the UK but could not be a part of the trip due to
the refusal of the UK embassy to grant me visa without any valid/cogent reason. I wish to request
managements consideration settling this outstanding benefit.
6. Also outstanding to me and some other staff are our pension benefits which have been deducted
for some years now without any remittance to our respective PFA's. An update on the status of our
pension funds would be gratifying.
7. Serving in the capacity of the Project Coordinator for the past year has really been tasking and very
challenging. I remain highly indebted to management for the opportunity of being asked to serve in
this capacity. I am grateful to God for the enablement to have been able to justify the confidence
reposed in me. During this period, one has worked relentlessly towards tackling wastages and
redundancy, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, improved on accountability
and on the overall safety and good housekeeping. In line with the demands and responsibility of the
office, one has largely coordinated all aspect of the works with a sense of probity and
dispassionately too. Managing aspects of sub-contracts which were quite a challenge in the past has
not been an easy task as well. However, with the support of the team one has been able coordinate
all activities which has enabled us achieve a 100% close-up rate on all directly executed/sub-
contract works. Managing the team to optimal performance equally has not been an easy task. In
view of these invaluable contributions made thus far, it would be gratifying if management in
reviewing the remuneration of the position of the Project Coordinator would note these humble but
notable contributions, as well as the demands and responsibilities of the office and the industry
average for similar positions. This should apply commensurately across board viz-a-viz individual
8. Having been responsible for directly overseeing the activities of all the Supervisors, Planners and
Engineers, for a balanced and strategic appraisal and assessment to be done for the period under
review, the office of the Project Coordinator should have the benefit of making an input as regards
their various individual performances.
9. Deliberate and conscious policy incentives should be put in place to enhance productivity. Reason
being that there are those who are complacent about the urgency needed to the deliver on the
works. Hence they do not see the need to put in any extra effort. However, a few have continued to
put in more effort, such should be rewarded to serve as a stimulus to engender greater productivity.

As we enter into this next phase of the project, it is indeed pleasing to note that the end is very much in
view. I want to on behalf of the entire team express my profound gratitude to management for the
enormous support and encouragement that has enabled us come this far. We trust that management in its
characteristic manner will not relent in her effort at rewarding excellent and selfless service. May God
enable everyone of us to be a part of the project's completion success story. Amen. I look forward to share
more on the views expressed above.
Thank you.


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