You are on page 1of 29


the ultra-left review

coiiT (fl'is

Prge 2 Int:'od..:r-ction ancl Confercnce Rci;o::t

Page { The |{;r{[ of T]re l{or}j-n;' Class? Tr'ro lrtieless The t''r'orking
Class Ya,",.m aild. a, RePl;r.
Page 6 Rcpres;sionin ltaly, two ar-licles'
Organisation a::.rl, thc Cr':'ation of tbe
rUltra Lcft Revier";r'
Page 10
Page 13 0pen Let-ber on our spii.t f.rorr Unrlclcu::ren'c's/l'finus
Kong). trhora Internatj-onr1 Correspond'eirce'
Va.ri-ous Leafle'Ls and- l'Ierrshee'bs.
Sack Page Tl:.e -ten points for i:r;'rti-ci-i:a-bion in IliT';1?COi'1'

All articler and leaflets r€present the viier'.lroints of the ind-ividual '*riters
vierrPoint of arl
or gro!1ps concernerl, and do not reflect tir;'i;iiective
particrpant s.

contributions to put i.n this revie?'I' l':r'l' that are in i'greeinent

idc r,.relcome r'n a'utomatic "ci-ght 'bc
r.rith the 1o points outlinecl- on thc back pege havc stencils a'ntl are
be publ-ishe,I, as long as they are t;ryetl on Unj"ve:r'se'1
rcla.tivelyfreeofjargonol'tre*'*'oiffing'botypeupshortcontribr:'tions rtitjr the
_ less the,n p_!O ,,..rot:d-s. ao:,. "orr.i"it,-rtio"n tha'l; at rrari:-,*ce
of ti-Le proiluctioh !:roi-1':lr

of 'bhe citRiilJj'ss Ti\LIt

This issue ?ras been printerl" and publishcd';mbez's
to the fo11o:';rr-rg ed'd"ress' it:
c0LL::lcrrVE. i,,je can i:0, corrt:rct*a'rrv,writing
the following ma.nnerr B, l.nigh:V,
Sturients linione 'Ihc Univei5lt:,
Keclce Stafford"shi e.

IoJelcomc;to -i,he fi-r:;t r.r,ri"rc of I:.'r-1.]P,CCil . -,c13-, r.ct c,:racti'j..'tirc llirst issrre,
because &s 1re1 cl:1 pro'ila.l;l;, terl frorn i;hc sub-titic, I:[Tjd,iCOM is a contin-
uation of thc pr'oject be,gun i;;,. the r.,ttLDCAt'i-1cop1e i:r Fiaachester rrhich thel.r
calIed- the Nllld ULTRA LtrFT RIVf'li,,l. 'l'l:e orig:i:raI id-ea was to stari :; journal
that could ac'h ..'.s a focal porn* for contact anrJ. discuss;ion betlreen tirose v;ho
might h::oad1y dcsc:'i-1re 'Lh.cinselves ir.s Left Comrnu;:ist, Lihr,rtirie,n Cornmunist,
Councj-1 Commu:ri.:-i;, An:rchist Co:,,:'r; sCr orla :)u-i;;l:ey,.1j.(intt start
it off a,s sornetili-ir.t -i;he:,r rr:eic g. r:':,. -bo 1..,:: r;c-"1,:1;r -r.oljri(.tt: i-13ie f, .r., hence
theif revier.i !..ra.ij only a Pj,1ot Issue, jrc.trting: a co;ifi:.:::j:ncc tc decide
'r:;:'=;6ather or not to s..;t the ih.1ir3; up on e-ff-sr,e;peeyra;rtefl+*-iaasls",,

I",Ie11, 'Llte ooiri'i:,fencc l+as i:.e1i-, on 'Lhe r..rceitentl of Scp-i,,:n'-ei' li";l-.,';l-2t1r., a,nc1
this i.s-i],.'-e ri)riu1-U. IJut" fi-rst, a fe',.; recol-1r:c-li-oirs l,lrr,'.1p-' crf =. col:1'erc:')ce
?hc conferelLce a.-i;-tr:ac-te11 .reop,i-i., frorn l,j:e::,1 ', ;: (3y-11i,'srr, Cl;e.-fjlj-'t: )l
I,la"nches-ler (t;'ilacat), Liverrloo1, Lonrlon, lr;1r1i.s, Ol-,1;:.rri,tr Lltica:,-lci?p Stok*r-
on-'-lren-ififc];rcarjtle-L1nc' 1\.1;ou-l 2.) oi us j"n ali. l-jone ji,:lii r,rre til- ho-1-.;a:
!{ould a-bj:end. coulC,::lt come, i1:ougll wetvc i:ea::.ii f:ror,t a fetl,.,;j-:ice a.:rd. -lt'er.tve
s'La,ted. thel' 1.-,',. s-bi1l- in-i,e1,,.*-inU. trhe fi::st j-ssue to i;e;cd wa.s r,+heJ;:er
vre felt j-t was a good irtea to set up a, revj-ew at a.11 , r;.nrl il' so ',-lrat r;h.ouid.
j.t.lre for. Iespite sorne r-lissident voices it r,.las feit l,o be r:ens-:i-ble-: -;o {ic
ahezid. with the pro,iect beca.Lr.s,-,th.cre is a nced for: an r--xcha,n€te of j.c]-ea.s
betr*ee:n us an.c1 a,n even rror?c import:,yr* need: for f.lote'atia1l}. j-sol-a,ted Sroups
and" in,.l iviCu::l-s to'be kept in -Louch, so the1,r ti"or,t,ft enil. u,i,: succulnbi-ng to
d"espair and. eventual a.1:ath.:r -.'rhich.l.:L;..s'ireer- the fatc of fp.r too rnanj'over'
the last feld -,' Thei-r i-s soine cont;ict alrea,c1;r, but f'o::'m.nrr of us the
inforrn,ti.on .'e .'1ct :' seconi-ha.nd.e b:,,seci on -i;he per.sonai.l oonlacts of a fe'..r
indivirluals or particu-1ari;. enrr',3eti-c grour,rs lettiniE o-bllei'il i<no'n: :,;hat is
going on' Clcr:.rL;r s6y36, hial,'of lcr:' evrirycn.) irr on-lire iI-j-scussions woulsl
be a good. rbdeao
fthe ne-',:i r:ursti.on r,.ras, r"rho i.s'che revier^r i;o be airne'-,- at? Lrs cao t:e se,en
froin the conten-L of tl:is i il ,sir-r its not -bhl l,lind. lf 'ul:iLr.' lc be solcl on ];he
s-bre<:tso It rrya,;; f r'f i; 'i:ha;-'; j.'l sl'rcruli]. bc a',j-irrerl i'.'i al":,:'-'ai];r '..,1.: '"'1.:l llvo-].i"t:t.onari.'s,
and. that ini-i;i-al. co.1td.,{)'i; L,:',.i;:.1-irr \{:j 7-r:'it il''l 'i;(-1 l.ocal- :"::r i:-:'l;,1.v :.:y -'!,.:'.1...c
tlLie :,:',vj. r.1',,: :;lioii^1L, 11o",,^te:f 2,,].;";i1 r.;i;:-.:'.1'..ii:. co)j-es of
-.-, * [er..rsheets, ]ea-iLc'i;; o-i;co I
ea,cir ;,;'rou J j-:: il., ve1-o1--i-iri., a,:,;.,i -i;r: a..l-,l.oi,: i,, f-'o:um ,[or i.j- sc:.":r:lt;ii-;11 :r: -ic t]ro
conJ6cji-:; of '1,:.o*;: 1e, .j'1e't:1. C:', a, i,roie nr;,c'i j-ca1 frt-,n-| , ','t{'.r g;i.rr:ul- j-c'tr-r of

lea,fleta ir:. -i,}j-:':',4a-: e1ia-,]lcri cnc gt:ou.;r, or ind-j.vj.,--t',l], io .-.,e (i-n:ceprin-t

form)'i;he irleas of arnoii'c:. I'rou-p cr indtj.vj.ilur:,1- -"i,i-:.irs caving; tj.i:ic;,,::rd-
eneti.Ir. 1'he confilr.ence a.1 so -1roper1 tha't 'i:l:c :rfirier": :;ouii:r, ccni.eiir d-j,scussion
articles, hopefully ones that ii"ealt rd"th trea,i- issu-est, -r':it.1:er' ,;han the
boring ol,.j. acad.emic stuff that ha,s i:lagr"rcu1 oul irrovetnet:.t -|or so longo .It
I^ras al so hoi:<;d. that contrihr-rtors raoulrt keel-r jargon r-Loi.;;t to a. minfimum (anc1
the ed.itorial group of this is*re take th;,.t to mean tira,t a.n.-rr'-i; r;hich is,
in ou:: o,.,inionetoo ji..rgon-r1dden will be lcft out)'
It rr,ras a,l-so d.eci,led that e,ll.torship of tlie rcviet, shouif. -,.t<; sllare' arcuncl.
i:he va.::i-ous grcups r,;ho hard- shoi,.nr a,n iiiterest, Rut'[]rrt ieft a p::oblen: of
r-lecid.ini,-: :iha,t shoi:rld- be 'i,he criterj-a for pa,rti-cipatione a.n irrhat rri;j"c1es
shoul,l. have the right to be publishcrl . i,,te tl:.ereiore :pent scme ccilirj-rle::a,'bIe
t j-rne d-'r- c ,;oij--ti-caL lroi-n'i s for "p,,,r;.-bi-on. IiIl, )f'l .:It- l.:r,i
so.r;:;:;i.n,1: -tl:
srrggestc,'. 3 roj-l-ts; r-r.i' ,:iia') tiiel" coL:sj-r-le;:d,cl 't1o lle l;l-..e i,rj":.:-int:-: i:ve1 of
agreeinen-i; :rc p,,.i1 Ii.:'i.. -ii,\rcr.Lt'i:ia.l-.-i..:' -ilicse -rie::e'-^-' j-ri,. l, g ::'-i'.,ie tlla',j
'tl),' t"";i:.-i Cil, -1;j-:lre. 'i,-,srr l15,rl- .:3ot^fn -bo
mo$-b Of' uS i.IeY'e f ir: :.iCirr; :i;' iia.p1-l;- rrrit-1,
1O po j-nts(-the;. arc r-el3j.ritcC, elscldliere in -Li:-i-s i-=sl,.e). ji:q' , r-ii.cles u'hj-ch
are E:jp-aclli i:: a.greerrie:rt vrith these noinis ha,v'; an E',L1''ioi:ta.tic rigirt to
he pil61iffirf, as 1on.g ,s tl:eir &re -b;rpcf1 on Ui'trI\,lr:lllSA], r,'bencils (ie.theones
that fii; bottr Roneo an,L Ges-betncr r1-upliceriorr:). 0'cher , rticl-es may he
prrblishcd. at the d.i:;c::etion cf tl:c proii.rc"Lion E-ll:oliil .
1.,^Ie spent some ti:ne,hr',-ij'L;o call he ltcr"rie',,tn IifTEIiCOfi ura.s the
one that met rr:--tli rior:-b fa."ro:.1,, thc O:li;r,f rn,re.ning: i:ehind. the name is ihat
it exists -bo prc.ri'i-e s. means of cc.;irnu:tication l:etr,'et:lt ;oeop1e.
I{e s'l-so d-ecid-eci tr: i:rocluce l-5Ci coi:ies of tii''' fj-i's-| fe r': isso€sr The e:'ou1:
frorri Stolieflei+carr.'-b1e agpced- to prod.r-ce the fj.rst t':c issues, to be follor"reci
by I,ItLtlCir.T for one !.s.s,re, SUBVTIRSIVitr GILlr.LrIITTI for one isgue, aud then
a,n j.ssue -i:;i a grcr.i-ir:.n lron,ronn !,fe hopcd"-i,o .qe-b atr j.=,su.e out at'out ilvtrlr
tvio moni;hst ril:c lrrice i^ras to be lop (ZCt-o:-f unwa.acd-). TirTT:,]RCOIti r,ras to
be rliistj.j-bu'terj 1ar{::1;'on a subscrii:-i,ion J:asis, ic peoi:Le ,rrouLcl- sencl
moi-reJrg in::e-i;u.rn for rr'h.icli'r;,lLe';r wou-Ic'] receive a coayr {:j's uas '1ecid-6cl'
-1lecar.r-se r^le he,,cL not sei u-:it ri ner,r politi.cer,l or5ga,ni,ga'l;icrr, iLrrd- he,rce hac"l
?1o ,.jJlrstem of menltc:,:::1:.i-p sul-.scr"il:-i;ions 'bo fj-na,nce j-t. J-L l'ia's ::lso
L' to :re,ve :r.n-c-'.rl!,er: corrferaroe -bo re-'.rieI{ irro.Sretri, :ntr-. have frt::',;lr'e:r
r,.iscirssions, r=ftet'-h, i-rlrrr',-e3 -- ea:rl:; l'[zr"ch/1a:'i;<; it'ci,rg.a.']'l-l'-lj. Thr:
Stcl .':/Ner'rca.s't1e grou-p o,i.':iersr1- to lros-b'lhe co::fere-iicer

These d-iscu$sioiirl'icoli u-:; Saturd-a',r a:f-Lernoon l',nd. a good- lo.r-i'j-on of

Suncla;' too ,rior',cver', a,i r;o for:nC,- Limt: to C.j- scurss ti';.e :roli 'lic3'i
sitrration irL Ii: -.l--;;, j,-::ere ?r Iar'€ie nu-nl:er of people j'':c'rearou:l{-i i}'e a.utonoi;:ist
mbvei"iii:nt a,rc a.r';ai.ti-ng ,.:'i-a3- on fit-Uec1-up char,r'leso i'" ro:*ill:::'tion on
',,rhat h,as happenccl- is :,,v:rilr,.ir1 t; rn i;$is issue of li{li'r:l}1CC}i" Thcr;e of u:-r
presr:;rt agre6:d. i*, xoulci be irseful tc ir;, a,nc1 in:rke -'infarrnation t'vailabIe
to thc rptrblict a.j:out v;'hat is goirrg on thereo t^Ie algo spcnt some timc
discussing z.iots in 5.,,.:ner"a,1 and- Toxteth in part:cr-r1-ar, e, ccn:1.;,:.c1e frori:
Lj-ve:rpool certain rather cjisturbins: l'.ctir"'i-ties going on
raithin thc Li-vc,r.poo1 I Defence Sstrr-Trf'l,teer 1'Ihj-cli suiS':ested. tha.t it was
bi:i-np; used. b]'a nurn-i:er of black c:.p.i"ta1ists e.ncl pi-m;r::'bc pusli their or"',t:
intcrests (e.g. r13rg lr:{alling ;nd pro,:rt-i-tr;tion) r:,ti''er thrn irelp those
bu,.;ted af-tcr the:'io,r;so i,ie hrd. hopeii -bo hr,ve mcrt'information fo::-tlli-s
in fllTEiiCOM, but al-ss :t-'i; ira.s no'u colnc flrr^lalcio
Tirerl but glo'.,'*rith a scnsc of snru.g self-satisfac'cicn, r.^te wc)nt our
separate t€,3rs 1lomc. I,'-[raJ ]rcu- .''1'c nort h-oliiing in your h:ncs j-s -bi:'e

clxd resulrtr irl.1J' ,-tor.r.}less all '','iro sai.l in her....'r.o....ot

llhis i:sue has beeil '.r.*oCru-ced, 1;;r ii:ci:-:ber$ o:f 'Llr,o CirilILlrSS iill.l,I:;. COl,LiiUTIVli.
Ftr.:.:ther cOpicS ce,II'.'!e o,,:tai-rr.eii, trit r,:ritin,3'60 olij: coata,c-b atlcl-ress' if
-bhe n,:::ct issue, t;Iqe-it on a,
3ro1L,,,rB,rrt tL seni, an a::-Licle for
U1{IVEliilAL stetrciJ-. If :)iou- 1'Ie.i'}-b to sencl us a lea'flete tlerd li-i';e 150
copies, or if, its a *u.olicated. effort just send" us tkre s'tr:zrcilsc even
if the;r alreeil+ hreve hecn usecl. It heli:s if typed' stuff has 9-!:1:11'
a hal"f-inch mi,rg:in :'ognd, each side. 'fite fi-nal d.ate for co;:y fcr the
next issue is Jam:l,vy Jrd 1183" rde also \.,Iant CAS$ Il'l A}VI$ICE" 'blauk
money sent shol'-Id be i-n tlie forrir of sta6ps, blank cheili:esr posta'I
orders, pound :ro'bes :tc. m IIOT MAKE CHEQ-IjJIIS 0LlTl TO litTT:tRC0l.{ O11
CAFELESS T^llLIi OP, il"I3JIgiIT - bcca.use r,'re rlon't ] ba.nk:-r,ccour:ts; in a.ny
of those namc}se so 'he money nri-lI be ltselesri to i'r-s'

'Iqllil }'ltYTIi 6F Trli-l ICORKII{G OL/::.jS'

Titr:l'lR,i1? 1f)'ll''Ii;!G CLil 5,'i TAr't{.

ffiI'I,i'lS i{OT lc rl:i.c , r"r'.r (;. t:,:.',1 'i..ll-fl ;,r'j;::"c1c r L:e:i j,-..:' a "ri-'u-g for an
anarchis* g,:o'1..:r l-.qt-, -i: :.'.:: 'I l.'r';'.- :t,:-_ ';" ,: lil .:C...', -'',A.;- .. .:r)i.t IIe Ca,n

be conta.c-iel, :,,'b; ';i: ' ; lc l ''.9

!''- '-' i :l"fl l.oc..', l-. :r-ci'.e";-ic:', I''i23 O}3I.

Oac of :ir<; grc, iesi of -i.lic 2,J-bl: crn'iiir,;- i.r.: r;it-i'r-'1;,,r tl'Le;.;oralainlT clas$o
is tlic r.rorL:i-i1g clr:srs:? Tile pc<.rr:L.e i:t -j:ire f:cto..'ics, I r;npposerr and.
the;r ]15.yu tbis :,r],;sterious ''tr.l,gfi1eo Stm.gql-e fov whli'c? Si;r-'r.€ll.1e to be p''3{'
of ihe ruliitg c1=ss1 pa,ri; c'f -Lh,:, i.'ioh jetst:t s;o '11t.:. I tl:e y c:in go , nd. shit on
other pec':i.e r+ho thimselves a,,'c strugfi:"rrg .l;o (to i,c, t-;;,it oi:' the rul ing class;).
r,..Iork can he r,,hl;tcver the fuck y6rt ,arant it bc, , :-rr'ulC. l,;11 s"li'ti'rat t;:Iii:.9
'Lo put togetir"er a,rL,.rLarc]n5-st r"ras not rucrkt "i:i-,1 ', ii'er','ritiates
that f::om i,rorleing in a fac'tor3. s" r:,n ofl'i.ce? Oni rno;lej/r - 'i;llc hisi:cst con
cvGT - the carrot il-angling from'r;hl s-bicl': in f''ont of 't;i"le r,'io:ri-ing classr
fa,Ce. Dontt fOol yOurs|.1f - thr,ro is iro ,,cri,;ing c1:..llrt --ii-ic.l'e rs Onlir
pcotle a,nd. ;Iou can givc ',,hctn r*ha,t.vcr la.bcl you ',r-nt btl.t -i'ou s-i;if 1 }i: vc
pcoi:.]-c anir you still have a fuclEcd uP ,.^rorld..

I cloubt if yourl1 print 'bhisr RICIiiR:i)


It mr;','sDen cl--tr;riis;h 'i;6 r:vt)r1 Jr-:'iil'u a ro!]-I ;o s;'':'cle +"he sl::ort 1>iece a's thist
esneci.aily l;,hcn the repl;r j-tslelf ,.rj.11 bc iong;:l tl:a,a ;r::-bicle in
shgrt, a:'tic1r'' raj-ses a' number' of
quc,:tion. l.fLrnctheleissr ii.epite be|ng tt..r'"
}!iljilri'i6'lri project'
*uestions tirai a,i'c c,:i:.i::a.L to thc?:'$?;:.r pIc'p1.t' 1::vo--r-vcJ'
j'''};: j-t :ti": dcCi d-ed' Onl;r
AS RiCltafdl s arti.Cl,ar 1"Ja;5 s,: fer fX'Cr::: r.,''i.i'f '--lr''
to include j-t :L:il a :.c11-;i ,,q;;1"c i.;:i:j-'1'',c:t, 1{ '""1*:,,i.. ,--,'!,, l-'';l'Icvc-f , ;:e a]:i"rropri'atc'
to 1ajle1 tirj-s j-n i1n;",ra,Er e.n c'-i"'Lo-i"j.e,,L o:." i]:x.i-u.i l'(ia-l-:'rjri:,,* It ";,: '.r"itten in a
-i',o=c of oile
persoyl_1 cairarcit,,-, l;lrou,sl: 'i;h.c ,r,:ij-.1.j_cs r,.::,: n*rc-: th,:,,,;r
pe r901Lr

-i-'i rlor-. l.rl. l-::ro'ba'Ltl-j,'lle ir;li':lc1;;;;'i--1;f'r': '''o ''"rc-/e +c'i'j'ch:'::4

Iij T..;ti:J I, ifll-ii:.T..rli1 CLi.lSi'
tl:et -ihere j-;; rsrclt rL -bili:r;l ar a tlrc,'-'icj.n,T <;-l.a'ssl j'n 'l'''.r: ti)f'oe of a'I-b fer'r lic'lil::r
!.1e, hororevey:l t,,:ro f:!.;.r:ri;. convj-trocr-l- tirra-'; [jir-o]r' a'Ll.'i::-i'tl'i.ti;
axis-b:ecause rr. r*"t-.jt to (rve wo'.rld. f'a:'rr::r:fe;:'tlrat'tLle
-i'll';''l; "''+ "i'=":'--'i-''ri; rat}rer^i'L
a1-1- o'lller Classcs ccaned- ";o exi$'i " ]-ru--b ''n::.-i-ii c'li'i:'-''.:-:iriri:),
e&iSt-o'i:eca.uSe-i::ri',; il:'i;ir.e r'.re,jt Soci.ety i-SS-bfu'C-i;"':"r';i.t A;-;:;aI1 nj':ro3it;'Of
,,.he r+ofldrs pOirr:.;-ai-i,j.O:1 or,.fti Oi: c031trOI -i;rtl.i Vas* zt,t,.:O::j..:.:r of th"e "or'1iits
resog?cc;s. ftr|s m1nority proba'.bly c6rpl'i."ifls a'5o1-1t Jt"' ct ";l:'e l:o1'rula"tion'
It mz,.tters Little whether i;l:Lis rnincrity o-un:.s il:r,.,,";c ,-'eso1lro?s i:r'lhe
fi)r:.cllinery of stai;e,
of stcck-e and l:londse or through th*:ir to:rtr:ol of thc p:rUfer to call these
or noninalIy as dir,:ctors of conp?.r:ir':s. I
i:eo,,-le CAPIT1,L-1STSr because they orrnr/coltro1
capital. Thej r m"-'in function
in life ts to orgri:."" capi-ta1 in such a. rialr tirat i-t ma-:irnises profit -
which the.t' use fJ,. ::c-invlstment anrl specti',cul-ar cons';inpti'on'
Tlr'-'l3o 'Dcollle
tlie :':est of 8'rrl3'--.r- frOl'; eontrol
ha,ve ini;erests i$ Comnon - rnainl;r in l:ieepj'n5 11S
of -i;hcse ieijou.rci:s - anc- so lJe ca}-l' thcnr a social c1r'''sr;o
-blr-',' 'there is enotirer set of
Leavin.g aside ,3rc:.ips of ,pcorrl.e ."1-i..ll.e ;:i;a;;3'pN1;,
j-s 1.;;: r'rhcl:e ti::'e;; sta'nd'
peopie in the :.,i.rIi- r,lIhosc liosi-';ion:in lj.fe cl'ic-brrti:ri
in rela-bion -bo ihe ounorshi-p/control of tho ,.,ior1drs resour.ces. Thcy i,re
the vast mass of us who clonrt own or conlrol capital those of
no chc'i-ce but te r^rork for ihe capitali.stse in retu:"n, for whicLr u-s who ha,ve are
give,n *he orivil-ege of 1i',.inso T:rre, sgme of us clonft seen to get the
chance of even clcing.ihis r,"e:,I;. rnu",:":r, tiu-b forcec: to subsist
pittance of stai;e,.i.outs, otitol.; {; ror-b1;, women} work increcii,oly on the
ha,rd, a;r:d
get little or no cash in.r:eturn, o-ll,c:*u i,,ork tn fa.ctci*es or offJ-ces,
on:oarms a.nd. in -':hcog" Rut a*r.r, i-r; ,:r;-.1 togetirer, l,rd_ you,:et a group ofor
people 'r.'ho ha,ve no choicr: ar_.out -Lil1: r;i1"1. r^le livei ,";.ho ]rave in common the
that our function is to col-i-,.:cii.rnll:r prod'oce a profit fo:r the capit-fact
alists. Because our :-.ositj-on i_s cl.ci_.ijrcil'bl, i;}ic fact thai
to 1ive, then rve h-r-vc .r:coi;ic kno,rm as t.h, l.lorliii:g we have to

rs riErill A CL-,SS Sj,ilBll(.i{illtr? ycs, bccailEic r+c a.11 hive a.r: interes,c in comnon _
oveicor:li:tg the. ion ani] o-ltl]_;,ess j_on of cai-. j-.ia1. I.1_:: g-. rloesir rt rrrean
i--:arli[o jLtErf
tl:.a-l all- r,rorl;j-:t...l peor:-1_e aro arrar* -,,;ha,c t,r.: s s-ir.r_,2,:,:J-e is ;3oi-ng o:r9 oli
see -bhemsel-veg:,,s --.a.r-li of i_"i. yct errer;, -i;imi,:,rre tr,.Le ac-bi-o,r..,j:,.i-rrst tL*
rr.i:,:.1:e a ,rrofit .. Li..l r s-b,,r.S,,;l-i--r:_,31 ili::: a, i.ra.,rje ri-se,
need.s oi? caj;it,-,r,_-1, -:;c
fighting a :i1etr'i rot,il. -tLt.'i tear u.i; r-rlr--r c1ir;'Lri-r:-i:s, cr ,'j-,:r:i:i1i1 or
.C.cce::.t chilcl
care facitlr'bies for trtti i.r-icl-rlr or fight a3'a-'lirst o=," j)o:.rer si,a-b*ons and-
the d-osi;lt:'-ction of i;l:.e envi-:,-oimrent - -Li:en irJe l:i:e,l,,-ri cngag;eL'in a. f:-g:..:,-b agai-irs-b
capitalr Tne ;oroa':lem is th; t pru=1 t--ieople iionit see t;:e co:rnectioir betr^reeir
these strtr;r,1J-es, or if t:^,ey do7 -[he;r clonrt see ti:at i-t r.^rculd. be rnuch icei;tex
to gct rirl of the cause of -i;he'problems than -bo kee;: tj-nieering i,rith the
effectsr It is one of the jo'bs of people nho lihe to t;rj,nk
as revolutionaries to show the links bctwocn these strug,,:les of
to get people to go bey6s6 thcir confines. g ,..nr1 to fry

trdorking class poople strr"r,qgle a.gains't capital bece;.rse;,r 6ssu to

to live. fts as sim;.;le as that. ft seldofir ha.s an;,ilri:rg"Lo d.o,.+ithinr,ranting
ilto be pa,rt oj1 tire::uling classrf tr3, telling ttral to il:e health r.^ror<ers
an extra. fi..rer in thei-r r..Iai3:e pacl*et is 53,1r1ry going to make them part
the rich jetsjetrrr
I'ffY IS TIIE ffi)r?l'Ii;lc CL.SS fMP0rlT:r-Nil? I,[e11 is goingrto c]r:rn,:.e society?
Certainly thc capit.. l-j.s'ts arentt -,,;.'i1e;rrys'nrho sitting prett;,. right no,,,ro I
d'oubt whether st,,3aitt* tirjrcl- r:orLqL teasanis r,.rilL have nacjr to c.r.o ld-ti: AnA i.t
ei-ther (altbor:-gl'r ihe;r ,.rilL beLefi-i; i:3eatly 'l;" :-{). il""i.l1.g cla-<s peoirle
on -ll:le other l:i'.ncl- are co:rstairtl;,r j",;.1 in fj-g;,'L-i;:i,ng t1r.e effec-ts of
capitalisme rloteover r.,ie lle,\re Jithe polrer -bo actua.il_], c.:l; socie-b;r _ r.{ro e}se
acrbuall;r r'ilns the '...'o:,:lil 11orrr an;ri'ay, lde ilal:e the gooils, c1i,s,uri-l:rr-te ther,:y
d.csi-gn theng selI therng staff i;h'r €Ilvr;:.nemffiit, r,r.A *u,n*lrcr.s of ggr cLass
even clefenC. the s-tate. I,,'rtilou'i; us the ca,tri.-i;aiiste are :ro".nere, -.jr.rf, :,.{{rr61:--i,
them vre coulct- clo .;*r;' ni.ccl.;-.

Ild. like to fj-nisl: i:;: j'rarsr.phresing4 sor::etr:.!-:rg Iiarl- Iila.r:: once wrote, I d.o this
nOt Out of an;r soi'ise o:l l:cro-',,;o-z.shipo hl-t.]rccarrse f t:ti.ii'l; bc r.,3.ij right On
this oner He said -i;bat, a.t the mornent the r,rorking cLass exists as a class
in-l.tls-eJ-f, ir€. it ezists, but r",rorking people are lar,gr:ly unawa,.re tirETT
exists, e.nrj- dcnft see thej-r common intc:"ests; for a revolution to occur, he
--,'-.,-,said", then-the wo.rkin6i class muert exist,as a cLass for -i-tsr.'Jf, workers must
be aware of their posi'i;ion in society, an,:. ua,ffi-ffiT their class
interests by destroldng that societyl lha*ts rea11;r the probiem for us
so-ca.lled. revolutionr,ries, to help thc other rrembers of our: alai,;-; ooine to
that kind. of ar.rarenessr
L0Uf S RO r-'t lii?1i'i:i0id


Basieail;* r,ie f leL ;i:: i-f tr.c tva' br:r-'n hiir;"arl ;.ti.v:', in thr:
sense th;-;.t lre ci:J1 t1 ;:'6-f, inf ia::'ri,tj.r:n out "Lc i:iql ci:isidc
uorld. Thr- r,*'i-.blc':r i;f the I::e:.r ls orie *ui:i,t I hilve elrr:ildy
reft:rred to: the Press upholds tlie rei;:i-t€: er,-r). i:-s versions
of reality. ilor then, the bilnset terii 'rterroi:i-si" ean be
used., and is used, to cover all forms of political opposition
in lta:-y.
The above is a ouote from an ftrlian a.utononir.; lrho ?iis ar1'ested on Apr11 7th
1979 in the Unives:-ty city of Padua. The interwieu llrci:r ryir:-eh ii was taken took
place in 0c''Lober n98i. Loday, a ]rea.r }:rter, the situ,ation remains the sane, there
is a world lrrd"e press a"nd meCia silence on the pe::secution of the itrrlian Autonornists.
This a.rtiele is an:ritenpt to brerik that,;si1enee, a silence which is supported by
the majorlt;r of left plroups in this country.
ihose first ar-'errts back iir 4pri1,,1979 were- tht'sigu1 for e concerted a.ttack
on the revoluiionary left. The wave of amests the-t foIi-o,,'ed ivere aided and abetted
by tlie Italia.n Comnunist Party. There have been over J5OO people arrcsted o.uring
this period but in this arti cle I rti1l concentrate on the case of those first ar:i:ested
who have becoue knorvn as the I'Ap:'iI 7th" rlefendants.
?he trial of the "April 7th'r cor'rrades opened in $u-nr,,. of ihis ,irear, ',rhrch neant
that they had b;r,in hi.:l,J withoirt trial for a pe::ioc. oi i yei:rs::nd I r:onths, rind. was
promptly post;ror'-,1i r;:,r;'il. .Iuti,,r oi nc:<t year. l',leedless ii; :;:;:1 :,',1;:: iiave nob br)en granted
bail. From tire ti:r.. cr. '.:re -ir:it rr.rerts .thg deienii.',:r)is iii'.rt-. ];i.eri tr;,'ing to find
Y' out what ecncretli e"".i.:.ei crr l:as proviiled the basis :lo:' -[Lrei-:: inp"r:iscnmeni, none has
been foi'thconin.s. rira :o *;hese conrrides rrhc ''lere flj-rst cha-r;ied l;ith being the
strateiiic l-ei,lelshir oI' :ke ,J.ed Briga-desl then ihe i'-:l-ller:s ofl hldo l{oro; then the
perpetrltors of a furihe::10 killings; -rlien i;he or..ii,l^1j-.rer: oi a.r inr-.,u:'rection
together with the fi.ed..qrigades; then the orga-niser'-q ci- r.i'r.other insrrrrectlon (but
this tine -oithout. the }teo Brigades); left facing ';i:e ch::,r,cte oi' belng the ei:der- -1

ship of a mysterious "0'r ( for some re[isori the $1lie lrc]-iries to use the l.roi:d
organisation), the a11ei1ed clanrlestine level of Potere uneraio (l]o::kers Pol,rer)
,rd Auto..crmia oi-,e1aia organt-zzt,ta (lJor:kers Autonor:],), ccisir:tilrg of a nunber of
"armed. ban,fs'r, coorCinated r+iih the Red Bri"qades. iil-l- this i,ri-tlrout i,- scrap ol
concrete evid.ence.
r,lhat thenr you nieht is the evicience a:3:.inst tne.:.eien'l:riris. ttre1l it in
fa.ct rests on the sta.tenents of a "s',rperIirass", one Carlo I'iororri. Fioroni, ihe self
confe:;sed robber and murilerer of his best f'riend Clrlo Saz'onio, tool; arLvantage of
a nelr l:rw brorrojht in *u.ring Decenber r!l! (note the drite). ?hir:1,:,.i,." enabled
t'repentant terrorisis" tc oi,.tain substantia.l- ::eCuci;i-ons :l :entence it- they collab-
ora.ted -,sith the a-uthorities. Fioronis,jecj-;ion io'ba1k c.'rrre at just the right time
for thc prosecution, i,;hose prornil;erl evidence a;il:ins,:t ihi: iefendants hiid not naterial-
ised. !{ith the he}p of i'rorcr:i the ca.qc. }ra$ lreji;::geiL.
Ihe Statet.o despirr'.lte :it';enpts to conni:ct thql iu-rto"riolis'5s r;ii;i; the Red Briqades
had been challengei b;'a:lormer uember of tLre ilii{i,,, 3.oberto Pec:-. Peci, l'lho r'tas
the he:d of logistic.: f'cr thr., f\irin lied 3:'iga.c1es sti:ted cu-i-te set(-.gorice-;-J-y thert ihere
is no con:iection bei,;een tno,: Autonornists anr-l the tierl Brigaoes. iie has beer: bac$e0 ap
inshis'aesertion by a r;cn'ber of the Itelian judiciary, Jnrtge i'a1or:ba.::irri.
i'alonbarini r"ree }'on Corinurrist Ps.rt;r and Freer.ia.son-s infl,.l1-:nce i:ar: r'efluteci the
eha::ges tirr, cor;:r':lrles. I{e h,-Ls said- thr+t thei'e ha:r l-.+en no i}lrr,et of :;n
inserruction :r. T.;rl-;,' .:.nil, ililt he knc:1,' r:f "nc singl c !r:v -l''r coi:prisirrg boih clandest-
ine structures ',c!: ' : ljrir: iincr (r'roi,it .i,i,--e ) ;:nd 1:l:r .^.e;u :i:'.rr;.'i.ur:s iinC a public
' 1evel knoir.n as j.r;'-Lorrorlrii,, L-,rlcrair-,.' . '-:,t: hr-,s rrl-so rlropperi tjie chl:::,..les i:-ga-inst all those
defeni:ints reni,-inir,? in his jurisiiction and also ca11ed on the judger to iio
the sane. iiis s'ii:tenents ,!er"e not rr:norteci in the it;rl-i:rn F-:e,:;s. jhe reerson for
these opFressive neir-lsures ega'inl.t the /rr:iononists: ir: i:es.t [,,.ir]rrcil up by one of those
f j-r':t .' rrested, Torri i'Iegri.
ItAfter the iic::o isidr:;ip... ti:c; i'Lost ter''i-f1ri-r-if c.,::-: ig"n of
repression we heire ever r,tas r:iet j,ltc :.o-,-j-ol , jrCaO

' ' ',', :r t' 'i:ct,i:r: -i t:: .(r' ;:iii- i I the.'e: l:, st t'r:o :i:e i.irs;
eo:if i: -' 1

?he fg i .-.:. .:s.:, i-. r. Ci, .. ,, O.:l ';1rr ' ,,)l.r.Ji Ir a. ' ., -'. i '.,i':-v t ,he COOpCfa.tiOn

of those cf +-i:.'i:,r:'r.c unioi,..:"rL'.j. ti-.,, ',1; 1:.r'rie s;iept the f

ooir 1,i'] elei.,n oi' i',ii €lf ijire l:i.r r;er8-tion ';;: ;:riIrt;,;nts. tlie; novenent s
i,olit,i.ca1 space h;:.1' lieell ,'i',.\r.l'rlousl"ir ii i-.r'ictec. Prircticaily all
ol its I':,cfirs an(l .''.il.i:-ni'1.,, lll ,ve be,,-. r..;:.,:C. rire space held- by
CCnf:ad-eS Cf ,;i:.tO:::i:ii,i,:,. ii,.,,,:.:':.,-; ''Uhe .Ltit--,i.: r.;:i-iieS :rll,,i fiCtOf ieS
has been closeC, Il the rii:r.llt(:: o;'it'r...:--.,-' otit tc:rci'isn rl gleat
proletaria.n 'i:lovertent of an entirel;r r'i,,-i sort r : rxovtlinent of
yo'rng uorkers :rnd. rtetropi)l:.tirrl pr6lctr'.r'iansr ir. novenent of
res'istl-rnce to work, has becn struc!: :1 sltlvi.'i:e1'-' iir;:.;.iiening bloi'i.
f q.ontt hnow if reeoveri/ Iliil co;le .''ti -'i 1uj-.;:i'r. I r:,thcr d"oubt
it. I{hat is eertain, though, is th:l'u ',r'.- iirc.i,- ..1:'i. still ei:ists,
that it hr;.s not yet been beaten. to''ii:-; uhr: *- - ri is' the revivrr'l
of n€.ss strLrl.tgle together r';ith the ri-:,..., ",.,;'i'ui pcliticarl- space
e.nd the rt:l':ase of the conrades from p-r:tson.'l

This article uas uriiten by a mernber of the lta1y 79 Cnmmittee.



(fne iollc'*rir:g article is lhe tekt Pf a leaflet distributed by
the Careiess ialk Coilecti'-re a'i .r recent prtr\ductinn nf Darir-'r Fof s
prryffiMT"l rr, ait tl:e }ecal- iheatre here in
over tuo ueeks - much tl the ann'yance cf the :lj-rectcr af the
theatre. lnterestingly, thcugh 1 tne acters a 'r-l the plays Pr!ducer
Lrere impressed r,ith li:b Ieaffit. Lle havermri:ir'..ed a eeuple nf pieces
from the ieafJ-et - illustratinns and so nn.)
0n ApriI 7th 19?9the Italian shi:te set out t. siriesh the pcpular lef t
in lta1yr os it existed outsi,le 1f lhe CBmm'lr:r,st larty. The autin-
nmistsr- knoun as Aut.:nnmial LJC,re becominga tilreat aii'.thnugh only !:q-
aised in lonse IocaI groupi r,lith many diifernces betueen them. The
autnnomists vie,lpOint, r"ucting a93insl the Iressures Ofl capitalisme
Lras arising from the needs of tne--people and 1n oppssitiOn tc the
ltalian state.
The reaCtian cf the ltalian state uas tc have serj-lus consequences
ler those academics and jaurnalists u.rho had given-expression !: lh"
autonomist mcvement. Thusr,.le f ind pecple accuied cf murder, jailed
and tortured simply because nf their political beliefs.
Science at Padua
Since thj.s timer Tcni Negrir Professor of Paliticaljo'-.,irna1ist,
University, Rreste Scatzdnei a l-earjing Ieft-r,:in9 state in appalling AIisa
deI Re and ?A others hav" n*nn held b; Lhe italian
conditions on Very seriouS charges including armed insurrectinn and
Leadership of the ned Brigades (tfre Italian terrnrist group
sible fnr many armed attaiks in the 19?0s and 1980s).

The charges have never been BUpp3rted r,;ith evidence and as each
charge became totally discredited it uas re p lace 'd a mOre serisus
producing uitnESSes' '.1 lhe ltalian
and ridiculnus 3ne. lnstead nf
judges (including mernbers of the Communist Party) have been leaking
iut,sl*tiofie1thnd..:ofatn cc6itradictory stories tn the press in '-:n
efFort to hide their iIIeqal proceedirp under a cloud cf emgtienal
anti-terrorist ficticn.
Th, ch :eg'es
'irr u'1.r.-t lti' P. .:r.. ii-1r1,f
.e Ci-.',io51:c::o accorri-i.::3 to -ola-::ra'n-b'; j'ss'red' on
Aoril 6'ch. 1(.79 lrerec
1) ttr t'trilgri, tr'clrar:i- 3rar/or Pipcrno, Sca1zo,]e , Delmaviva, Vesce, Za',
pancino, R Ferra.ri and Marni Pal-es'!rj-nj- rnere -i, 1re founr!,ers, or,{anlsers,
"bhe narme of the Bet[ Brigad'esrt.
and. lead-ers of ftan sa.lion goii:,q
2) tha't at the se'me timee thel::nsp:i-::ed' a'nrj leci va:'ious interlinked'
organisations going und"er various n.arrres but conr;ti-tut-rng the so--ca,I1ed
workers I
In other words, -Lite;r rry63s accu.sed. of he-ng the r;ec'c-b bz'arins l)ehind- all ltllian
terrori r;m.
On the same d"ay, rnrarrants were issued- i-n 11ome h;r 'l;he;' for ihe a'rrest
the .Aid"o ivioro 1:i'-1na'ppinl and-
sf ss\rr,:r&1 lied- flrigad-e members, charg,;qfl w:-tir'tl:rcse
assasin;i,r,ion. .lfe.gri -lr.Ias ch-rrged ,, long r,;itl r 1;eo,l1e. l1c -r+as a.ccused- of
bein3 behj-ntl- the r^rhole assasj-nation pIot, "Ye* th-e oni;' terv&d-encel lrroc1u-cer1
by'uhe s'la'i;e prosecri.t-i-oli.-nas a scries Of tai:es, ,':tt'llro:ei-l-y of -Le1e;:hoi:e
conversa-tions iretr.:een ltTef-:ri a.nc1 rr1eilebers of '',]r-e idoro fa;''ii'l;'.
It j.; irnpor-i; n-t a.-; L1-.j-s loj-n-l -bo 1o'Lc-i;ir.r,'L ir:. i1:',n;r illei:-be.rn couti-Lries, {:''peil-
te&b:-rho e co-flvcrsatioir: are i-nacl;lj.'rr:ajtle a,s evi.dence bec;'lrr;e'l'l-tIiS NOT POljSfu-lLX
to l)].ove .,,he j.d-,:,"rti--b1i of -bl:e speal<eI. fnoil his o:: her vci'ce ot -biie taoeo In
facl, the -ba,tres relallnS'i;o liegr-i-l.s we:t'e no't exam:i-:r-eC r'.n-bj-1 )O "r
a=rs af-i:er
hi-s ;,rres-b :,.nii onj;r ai-i, u:. prot*st fron lIcgZ'ils 1;.l,-Jrelgr Thlr-s '"te e'n see that
the nain evid-ence on r:rhicl: ]{egri wa,s ]:eing h-eld' }rad" no more foundatlcns than
a house of cardsr
I[oreover, durin.. the chll',iei]. mr,,:::ii]'.'1's cf the Red" Brigades
pr.occec.,-n3;s aga:inst
. Unal:1 c to prori'uce r'ritn*;sses or evid-e"ttcer
the charge agai-nct llegri r.,la,s d"roppe,l -ihc
but d.esj-ring-ro hoIC liegri in jail, sta'te t*rnecl tc llegrits opcnly pub-
po]-itical 'bc:l-iefs as tevirlulrrcet against hi'm'
lished- Tr,ork- and used. i:i s id.ea,s and.
lgnorinii the fa.cte in his l.iriting, l,Tegri openl;'contlLrm:rei r"ii-bh the Red Briga'd'es, -l'he
-!'lterfl' The
juclges pr:rsj-sted in insisi;ing thai ne wers deeply invclvrd
fotlowing extract from an article in Bgefg rl;ted. Ilia"i'2r'-11-'' 1rJ'3' r:tlr:ws Nc'lil.its
r"aI opinionsl
rfhe line of the Reii- Brigaiies is a tota.l a'nd. t:c*i'cal-
failurer In 10 v-ears of combat the1. 13*r,1 n(:vcr sn-t-ccer:d-eci- in
fcu.Jrt tf'a'":c'smr -i;hislc-
;il;;-;"* i-.o1i*, :n1irsis. t-lreJr j-n j-n"jivit:i-ie1 Ria'ckshj-ri;
"orr"ttin a::cl- could bo'Lj-fi ed
ing it consj.siecli ti'e sb='hj'liza*i-onl
pigs on s-b::eet co?it-elli,jo 'i'i:ey rl.cpen{ on a. concc'1rt of l'rp'1€11':rrdl
of -l1e r;tate tirat c,cs-betLilirls notlr.iir,g, a concep* C'oes -'rct exis-i;' ''
t1:a.t represents no'oorr.,.irl a d-e1t'rgrc"tion oi' irouer ''^rhj'or
the ,rot*,rOrt; a meti:rOt'| -LltA'u'IlOr:l:; U":rCrj-*j'Ca1i;t tire
"ris*a-ViS S r r t'rl:i1e
ol.,l. r.:1ar;j.on i,:eti:ee11'b:'rr,lglc a,r,-1 s]:i-'i;c ll1^o[]-'aa:'ille t
"lLle maris tnov,:rnellt acccj:f is no, de]-lpia'-iion9 i's
onl;' u-r:lleili'e'terl
:.rclf lil:erationr rr

JU}GES CREATE 1flil])].'[{Cil

Despiie the obgious cleclaration against the Red' Brigacles,

the lt:lian jud-g es
STILL insisted- thrt Ner''r'i l^ia's 5;ifty' flhey c1a'imecl that this statement from
rda's covering up his
Eosso r+as simpl-ii anothep s;ign of frii ]irilliance in tha't he
ffir;-u sing s'uch art i c I e s .
1-Lr.1aj=, 5rt,:,-:is ci",rr-' ::-o'}li-inir'fr-'r fa;clirI'a'f
i.ulr.e evffisnce-'and 6tre1i one of i;11?--' * ..?F

rfa,.j.r,s-i;rr Jucr-51: ar-i*rr*t"(r.,tt"':r"" iru'r:l-is;): 'i a. 1-lr0 paP-le r:'roor-i; admi';'i:incj'fha'"

.i;l:ere is no OOr,Il;cJ:-;,i.i:r l:e-Lui:en t]:.e Rec''- ]riga'l'es a'nO-" ttic 'l'1''ri'1 J'l;ir ilefenrllnts)
prison" Tltrc fo1lor,, Ii 3, oiliotlr.i;i,on f?cr,i cj-alfl-fPinJ'is re;rorta
ilrorone ce.n.iot, itvel1 :'t -b1le levol or' lo$'c' accel:t tire h;'';Ltotire'';is
.that men ot' the ca.pri,cit1, -the d.etci'rinrtion t'::rd' the lea'd-?rship
qualities or li".q"i, pip"ittt,e i1c;''!7'611e etoo hac'r ::inoearounfl as ':ar11r as
f::ittered d'iscussing
l-9?1, begun to o.iscuss i"'meo- -t;";;1;' "nl iri';ting the slightest
the arme6 strr:,3.51r fc,:: ir.l:or.tii,,t iO",.iot" l^rithcut
preparations to hii:lig ;,bout thc r..:'*ecl ct"j-mr: rinrlc:' exaniin''tiOn' unless
it can be sho',':t tirat Pipc::uc, ){c6::i, Sc:iir'one etc ar n:ercl-y inept
to t1n, cllvil.,-rs :ni; oi-tinions of
word--mo:rgels cc:-r-i;:rr:.r;, ''';-1.-!'-1"9-.'ri'Jr''-bic
ma.ii:r r.;ho havc j': ";cribeii 'ri:icn

fhe Italia.n jud.icie].ryrs record. in thepro.rexr use of injlormej:'s::nd' po]i'cc provocatcurs

is particularly a..sfui. It has ir*"r, that in the case of Valpred'es' a'n
anarohist<]. for a'r000t000 lira l-rrii:g 13&$ gi*i':r:- to a' keSr
witnessn Prior 'lo the Apri-l Ttir ai'r'i;sts, * **" it" Fj'oroniis }p''or itis ene''cted'
to repentrit te*rorisis irr retur* for inform- the
desi,qrrc.1_ to give hugjc .i;o be a leey ,,ii.bne..js aJxa,inst
ation. tr,ioronj., a, se}f.cor:.:iessecl. murrl.crer-, was
llir::c:';d''i-'i;cri13, anotl-rer
April ?-th d-efcncl-an1s - r.r.-',:t:-1 i:is state,,*oi" '"'ie::e
r-ba'tesien-i;s r'tere fou::rd to
reirentant, peci. U,.fo:,';r,-rla"l,"1y-io, the.;::''uater- li"tts
-LLe Becl- ilriS'dc,rj l1j'cllcolr-t"'le '''tcr
be t-r*e 13y.ii:.e ,t-i-scl-osr,-re cf
IiO-Oiin C:li-l'l:lS

of ::slegr.i ana
'ia-1rui14 lr-il t1le iin;: gej'nclud'ed
Tire ltaLian'pioss has rr;or],-cc]. consir,.tently f*ftr'iiit'" Thls hns r-''1so U='tliilriro"b
the otli.ers as'bc;moristr a,nil 'n.A }':"S''Atu pa::ties,
only papers su-pporti*g ihe oorrtru- t=ri ,.iU",-'r:-*g' ]rg's been one of the
;";1;*; the pCI-i--;-i;
paper of the ttatia.n Coi;'inu-nist Parlii ',''-l-ii'
"'::corns -tirat thcy are 'rt'tiiiig to prcve
prime movers i* ifru r..'holc affa,ir. I" rlolj-tilinou ';ho cen safely be
to NATO and i1e llEC that trr*y *r" rcsponsiSle 'bha,t trri.s mnt ns smashing the rtalain
left in charge of rtalia.n oa.pit;lism -
left seems to irave worrie:rl ihem little'

";i;-Jr; by '";ritt'ng toe ]4i"'clese:r Poll''tchnicr

tr\rrther information ciin be oi:tainec]'
fhe ItaI;,- r79 Commi-ttcee l:e,rin&on,
l",!hite Hart La'ne, Lorr:lo:r Nl?n
Letters of s,upport, f3p:-.tions an,Ji le.iters pr.ote*tin,SJ;o.i1ie ltalian
shorr-ld- lro sen'b
-------rt o g

ti1 Jt'rr/December 21st Sssoc:La'tione

via Torrraceli-i 1o3e
I{ome , Ita}-:'.

(ccP i'lo. 23235ao5),

ally oomrne*ts' critici'srns or

Ttre cJ\RtrESS TiitK C0ll.Llc'i:lvll r',rculd appreciate
tt'n-Jtft*" a"tt"ia'l have put out'
r,rhatever aUoui this leaflet, '.ta-''"y'tf
to improve r+hat'-we Ao'io't'
lrle know rlerre not pcrfect, anl-t*"

0"r; 'il1
li1-1 ::_^...t^-.1
\ ,\r"
-J- -L -(?,.L
.r\J cle ,i/as ',,rr':--t;ter n"s a g6r;-i1ir1;tiorr to
_ ihi,; 3.rr,,i
thi liscussric,' a'[ tl:'i confe rejice .,,'rhich set 11o ,i ' , -C0 )
"Silo,,,'t uS rlo-: -:r" ::ill t; orr. I r.I n
'I1 erlds an{: :]1'3ans on earih
1:ii-'i. -

aic so enta.i', ..: ,1. i:t :1 1.,"r5;^,:r i,l-; I Otnell tOO;


',ach differe:rr : ';_ - l-. .! l

' ? ::A r z_-,.,. o i _ij- _cj' :tl:fj-: -' _' -,1-j * l*-!* j*;a-*ji;j-:.:,. :..

-his ccnfei'erice to sei upr the 'lIti:'a ,i,e f-b re?ie\',i' i s a:''
i-mnofta,rt nome:"t ir l,he poiiiical rlevelcprn,-,iii; or ti:e lievollf,iionarll
rnovemert in r:itair:. ilu.rther', i+; wiil repi:esL:r c j-f nuccessful a
r eorien-iattao,:r E1,vB'.,/ from the DI'ocess of spli-r-,te.r'i::rrl a.r:ld a-[orx-
isalio:-: :vhich nas heen sucn a reqative featura of cui- noli-tical
l-ife ove,l the lrasi, t'lo tfears. f t particr:,lal last year has
seen this 'ohenomenoi-, assume crisis propor:tions ul"tn ma."lr.r'
becomin,q deraoraliseil. and leavini.; r'evolutio,.lai'y' poiiiic-s altoiietl-rer.
'-rere, and in r:ar::icular f aCdr:ess r[yself to the ex-comrades of
the ICc/SoliClaritlr, $re must activel:,r combat this tendency and see
this corference as a mea? amontf, othei:s to tirat enil
'"he exter:t of ihe c::cation an<l silccess of the evievt ,o:ill depend
on a number of factors a-1-1 of which rleedless to,sa".,r arc deeply
political , ''hese factoi's girate around the question not j, of
our ::ole in the sti:u,.'I}a r;rut nore irnilo.rtantly foi-' this conference
the .vay we orir,:anis. ol-r.rse h,es ihis n'aise s tha.t dopaelgangei:
of old * l'ed-er'=.1-isn..'s. Cei-r-ri:alism" 'o Conr:aCes, the qnosts of the
1st i i.,te::.IaffiEl-6a,r,+n'EIGII?fc,.cise,j hut r,.:tui:n io haur:t us .
Once alreadir';his'yeal'a corifer'ence has beer ireid of ail-rire comrades
who haC spl-it ,.ii.t1-i :he ICC wirh thtl i,ors ex-Solidari-i.r,r rnemloeus in
atten,lance. ;i:,s co":j'e ,, e'rci: treii a L.'e so',iflcli,'tl '.' -ra. l.l,;'le ard its
ina\i1ity to i.,',a1 ";ith ;ii; iroii t,i cai i3"3lr-s cf ,-.'':rcr:lii--',.', al:ci
1:eOrientati.-:.g iI': .:it.--IIC conrraclr:S l:ias -Lr.: ,r; ''t'ta:),'.?; i;- ii;i:,C in tnis
confer:ence 'liar S essen-tial and importamt i-s ln:: r ail- .:he frroble ms
andnoints ci politicei diver,rlence-rhe do ;rot 1-et s',vct)-: '.i'lde-i the
Carpet in :he zeal of Seitin'1 up s.7is1,;" '.'.re e7:'i.'-rt Of-' t]:e
sucCeSS of the evie'*r wiil Cet:e'':C no-i "iir"st oi1 i-i's ca;acii'.,' to act
as a forum i'o-r rliscussion, this u,rdou.hi;edIy a.t e x-li:eine l;,r ii:rportantc
faCtot:' ii: its Cz'eatio,i, but Ov'er a:-;.L a.bove -fliis -i,:-r: i;SSei.-l-Lial
cr-iter-ion ,rri11 l:e the l ev'ierr's Capacit3,' to dcrie: l,:p a pe itslieciive
oe it's o',*n rcle, the '-a1'; of :^evol:;i-i;iona::ies in tni= period.
f n or,ler to develop t!:is pers'r-1ecti.,,e it iS-to c:',;cia"i ';ila: ;omr:ac1es
assiqn a Lo_l-Uttgq}- and- t.'o}.': tl-rr; rYi:jr.r anui noi
"iust be C6;F-.-+--,,^ii-th a--c.p-grff:eIigI
or:<arrisatiola.I a.plrar:,ar,:,1j ,ahict: acts fier:.e15r
as ari editci:ia} ":oaril t;ven b3fo,':e i;he cot:fe,.'::-3:-' 'la,re s place I
of the 'evier,t hr: set cf ct'itei'ia fo;-' ,nariicipation lr th:
eO,rrfeiencl I fe el i::t'L: 'veak,2 ne::hal,.s r,loi'c el-a'i--,o:i'a';ion ti"iaii
ad.clitior^,. ere u f "roi:ld tike -Lo el-a'r;orate somc cf ihe 'rol-iiical
coratce.-'!s virich sho,.,rl-ci ne celrtral to ti're setti n,,1 '.;1 cf th= ..evi"ei',r

1) .lirr rlrepenii:i ar:,:; fu::ifiei: elalpgAli-qn of -L,re por,4i-q--af---Eii-Agi-Aie,

i:^ E..&

'evietri. p"rtf*peti;'r: i:.' iire contri-r,-ttion

to ar:r,i produc':;io;t of tile i'ost notalrl.y f,c s ci'eli-:thsn
cmP"'!1; 3i 3 oi. tira nroletFriat .:',.i o: ,1-rr "L'' (: l)-?o1o'ti i:i; 'c i',:! :r ,*iivoh'i:.,-r:::l :i'i
r:L;'r1;,. !ic:.rrl ; 1-'l- o.I "i;- .'rr}:l:i "lr r tr.;: i.rou -i':.'oi; 'lltr Lil: rt: ,L:i :' ,. 'b o.i
'lhc ,5i-trs ; jrr.' ?Ol:: ;-1.1pu.-i; s,i:'3,,1.'j,:,r,.,-l- cl-e,:re t'.ii.:' (,.1o,,, i:'' rtovcr': 'Lr . rjr s'uetters
)routh, etc) beinr." ' a. reriolu.tio:ra,r c;telory tn tlrej.r otm ri.gllt mur::t be
liirmly rejectei'r. s j.s n()1i. -bo ijr,lr -bh..,'i; r."re ,i-i.i-r.;iriss tl:.r.; s-trtr-iigles: of I^IoHer!
for eqample, no, r.i€: tiurll)crt rnd. ir,',1:'0.i,o:-fi;,-i;e ','j."'clii.:: tlr': e :,trrr.,-15les lut
a"lrra,ys pith a clea:: .rc.i':,-,.;c''cive hej.,r-rii .';o;i.ti j-:terl ',:i'Lh,!-n 'i,1ier fr:'mei oz'k of
tl:re cl-ass (prol,;t,',:::'-,,::) $'i:11 '.",1 '-,g
2) i: rri}lin,'ino:,.s:, r1i nore j-ie ,ort ::-bI:r''e . go.-1,;,]1,1rc;]'S-9II+31!.lll- for i.r:'r r'lJ-
-bo g,o beyq11,'; ;,;hi-t }a.r: r-s a,s -1o1i'f j-c,r1 nyr.r;-bice ii: tite 1l', st. Eere,
for -bhe ex-I0C; '';lr-i'i merils r,. -tlrrou,3;h*:roj-r:I.g a.nalysi-s of the112lf}*,iqj!
divergenoes -yrhich m::cl,e 'lli.ern 1e;'ve -bl:.e ICC h.r.r,; to bc in:.;ct-e. f,ien;t, li:I1Ji iainority
! texts r.rere r.rritten ltJr the outliiri-ng -ul:ti.,: d.iffereirces vrith tire
current l:ut as iiet no slrnthesis i:eyo:'rci thit of :'11 a.11ti-bureelcr::tic and" hence
essentia,lly *og:f:: q_uLrj.9_g-!- crititu.e ht: s',:een ffi :' de o

For the ex-Solid,rrity comra,des, it is ri:soluteljr l!l,ll..r-ils: thrt thel,r qd

be3'6rr.i the feclera.listic prrr.ctioes of So1ille,::ity. lltl1otgh i-L rrrculd be incorrect
to assert that SoIid.i,,rity sufferecl en .9rltrt:g.l_.l_9.El (Soliaarity
sufferr:C itrs d-r,a.ih of itrs inahil.j-i;:r to oomprel,reni". itrs or,m role
within the stru,ggle, it theorj-sed" this thror-rgh C;,'rck'.n 'nt'l -Lherefore h;d-
nothing to s;:31 to the :'rlr1.:ing-class strugglc i.rhen tlre ecol:oi,ric crisis;
forcecl it to the snrf.:ce t). i{o,".rOvert it r^,oul'l-'!:e ,.^rron''-lo r;:r' th-t the
nuestion of organisation wi s not a orr-roir,1, +s,oect of til+;- i:olitie:;I 'r1.!sr:',1rpear-
a.nce of So1id.a.rity. fhe concerns of th,e comrt r'r-esl -,'ir,]i the pro1:,lem of brire:u-
cracy !.nthe' fu-sion of the ,'ioci;1 :1crro1ut:"on/Sotid,arJ-t;.'i{e.s rrot solved l'rith
the r.ot,,tion of thr ltrodu-ctio:r of tlr,:-. ure,fli,'.itj-ue'': r.ri.:; a.n orp;'=ni,l'tional,cer,. tha.'; soLve6 roi;iri-ng, i1:oi;'e L}1 tLe irrr.i:-t il.ravt'i1..,',se lcllsoirs:- rrolitical-
proltlem;-i hi,ve onL-,. ,ro-1-j-[j-c.1 ar',.r,.,.,rr,,o If I t]-ire11 ove-t:--1-oil1 lr.erel i'b is
bcciuse I- gig*-:..::-q-lr.,.'t5.-r;:-.i1g*,,1]:'.j-13-i .,*u.:. :l-g-::f.-r}-.:f - I-lSi{- i;.tr-)-1.rt.-'3:iJ"y:r
It r,loulC l:e a1 e.3.:.oi.,j:11co on in;. lrr.r't -bo j-io,-;-l':'r oii :: silc?'i; 'bh' t onl:r the comr.des
1a-te of these tvo :,ro1j-":ica1 or,{:l'nj-s: tj-ons i?e 'n;:.'r";.j-ci'rri"i'ing i-ir th'is
confere:1ce. Tirere r-,.r,e9 ofcorr-r:rel o-i;her gfou.:)s r-ili'i 66i11':1-35; lrarti-cipa-b:ini1
here, lru.'r; e-s I lc:ol.i little or nothinfl, o:f -i;l-rej-i"' 'lo-l-j--bic' f io,'si-bj-ons other,
than their accept:,nce of 'b,'[+: conlercnce criteria (tir:'t in itself bei-n1:
r^reekness) obviously, thereforee I ornnot commenl; cn thlir orientr:tions 'nd
look foreward. bo their cont:ributior:.r: at the conf';rerrocc
3) Uhile initially the Revier^r must act :',s a vehicl-e fo::l:ent disoustiion, it is
importa.nt to uuo tuyor,d- to r,ih;r,t the Revj-er^i miP:i-rt ::ep::r, in the future.
Today we live in revolutioniry tirncs, r^;e d.o noi liiie :n'-: rnilitate in
ttre i94Ors or I95O,s or even worse, in thc'-lirl: rl:-r;rir:; of'the Ig3Otsr Orga"n-
isa.tions such r'*-.In-1q-1.nrI5193,gL aqqq?.+ cqg1iffi&Lqq :nci -fulp existerL
:rla.s to reflect
politically in t:]E-ifcilt-o-f-tn^ isT "i;iiggir;-flreir tasi"l^r'r've Of I,CTT-
e.ncl d.eliberi.;te on Lhe lesSOnr: from the rcrrolutioniTJr
T9?-3. Even in ther.:c d.ark rle.ys, these org:'nisations understood tha* their
newspi].per or maga.zine provid.ed. a fg-clis, €-'.n or8?..niser'tiona'1 pole a'rouncl- trhich
the politica.l e,nd org,:anisational ffirevolved. To he sure, revolutione'ries
such as Mattick and- Korsch contributed" to period.icals such as the rlie"'r Ma'ssesl
but the unclerstenc'.ing of the nced, to retaj-n thc paper or ma'gazine is the Left
gglb the mouthp:-ece of 'bh.e orfla.nisa'bion w{,,r1 llls-j,Bta.inedr 'Ih.e Italj'a"r Nothing
unrlerstood. xtuch better the rieerf i;o politicerl indepei'rda"ncc.
couLd be nore a.lien to the spirit of develtpii:i: anrl deepening tire tireoretica'I
than -lo over uncritica'l1y
aquiruisit1on of the revolutiona.ry movement hanrt-
the pages of your iourrral to Just a.nybody t9 say iust ail.nhing 8.8 long a's
this fs the pre'otLoo
lt is interestlng"'tlnfor.hrna,tilyr pra,ctice fioLid.E;rj-ty. of noEt lr.berterlanat
classicallg ilrustre-ted by the of
+.F6' .'_- -

,.re aii.fe:reni pe;.iori to thc onc f c,ri t: coninurli- s l; s j-::' thc t 3i) s
-ir.i1 a.

a.nil r j si o Pc1:nC has rna..*].;cn a, dcfi.nitive ef,6-9 i6r,1;1,;'rls a rlee,.>enj-n5; cf cl i'.i,js
rs'rrui-j l-e tor"rard.s ::c'lo1r,L-i;ionr Sireil-r.::1t. -i,lie t...ra,r;s.; ..-o r'.ir.r:1 g1c-i:p.l- :ri' 'iir-re c f i l:.c
economi.c r,:'isi.i cf ca:r:.tali.sls i,nrl,:,-ca-[el -lri.i,,,-L.c.:Lc'irl:..i.oil . -Lor'l-a.jr i- :: revol:.:ti-ollarj'e

T6rislr't-i.rcre ca,n be iio rler:i So1j.r_l_a::j.-i;;., rrc iilo:,1(l J:lj.r.,Lations r, ruargina,l-j.srir
anci rin-le::esting neli irleast (j.,6, m_oil.r:.ynjsr,r.) the 1ar;t ,cc:: j/earrs j_s 1j--i;-l;e:'ed
i'rith tl'.e co?i)ses of g;:o'i.-'rr: r;l..j.c-h ci:j-ncr,r:tc ira.v,,, i.;cir.c lls'rr6"1; m:.,.r:lismr - cf-
"$LATe ICOe Socj.alj.s-b Re-.;::or'::Lc-tions, ilegati.oire.. l3otr-i.r:.a.-zri"r;rr, "i:ire List is enc'rlessr
Above aii, r^re need. to z' tl:c olr:i Lr::ilr:rri'ia"ncling of p:.ess as ihe
ogg?i1_iy=e-=r. of the pol-itici-,,1 g?o1r-pr
This mea,ns th-at the ner,.:spaper or revier.{ must aet as a nationa.l co-o:.dinator,
a,s 8,I1 o:'ganisatic:ia1 fi.rl-czr:re re-ol?esenting not ju-r:t e.n -Ti;'.:;--;- c1i:,;cur,;:rion tut
also as a focu-s i-c:r r::i.-]-i-ta.nt,lifc, Thi-s i,l--rovr r.]-i;c;.-1.-t_1-q-rr,!.=_c_e.g!:e:!Lxrq.
[ha,t i-s centra]-ism -i:r'rc{ o:;} clt? i:,oiitica.itiecils :.+j.t::jn i;,ic ;-i::.u,qi.1e, nn;.ithing
else other than a co*ritine'.rt to -i;he prol .'1,a?1-i'yL ;.;tru.,1,r,J-'', ;';i-,r{iri.';' ct1ler tha.n
the centralise.tion of re'",o1-i-itione.::i,.;s is d.ilr:ttantism - -bc t]:,.;. i,,i being
retoLutionaries. Tiris is vita.l for the c-o]:cing*.T.Jil.-d, b"crl,-sc the y_ru::ry11
-oljl-4e elol,9.t_?fi_a.Lj,11_r]]€g]€- itself ri-i11 clema,n{ the str.ictest cen'i.ral-ise,tion
or efroit-s. gg this pnrqpcctive hc-r-d"s tr.u.c fc,r tire-Tilf,u-ie-Ttri-lrE CirrffiT-Jn=,
or fo:: i,he',rorkcrs councils, th.en isntt it also bi-:rd"ing for r:cvc}-i-'bioner-r,.
arg;,.tt:" n;tio.,rs?
]lerc: I cou1,1 t+ritc a l-o L ilro.,-'ee anc'l- t,1:cse ;.:i::: jus-i sc::,re '1,:iief c,i-..:-i;si 'Lo a,ei a,s
a catali:s-'u, no-i: -i;ira* I i-Jai1t to l1a;. rr'l"evtlls;Lil.rocatl:r, I realise -i;ha-b
nir vi-ci.;s wl-l-I;ro'r; lti: i.n';1tc rla,jsri.i;;i a"b i;.1:e coafe.l'el1c:,lr iloi,r,,ve:: f fccL'Llla-i
*&l;C,.;e,.;hO;'-l; pr::i.1-';.i a-Ce r.rg1.-,r -i,:r.,6:i,-la;-b n1.1,'l.
I*i*ge -bl],:r CO;-_t-i.grlg,.i ,;.1_;ggj-Va -Ll.,el j-11
thc cornri ilsi:r anai f;'.'ate;'nal s-;.ri..r:i.-b -1,h, i -i,t.o-rr i..J.3:!te iiz'i--i-';e:'.1.

l,{tNliilo'ill; 1l- . ,- . .t. c,il2.

SUALL "A-DIJ".."SI'I]I'LL A-)S..,.!}{ALL ;r-ils".o.S}1"11L1, .li-J)S,.,. SHrriLL /1.}S..."S}{ALL .:.lJS...r

SLILCK .rra.l)cI -.1cr inel,cjlt,fi3:e11t -1Io1.l.ij-ilg cIit,il9 Oi:f;4,1-1.i-I;a-l:'i.Lrlr-. :'ro 7 a.Va.j.1-
: a.!.;1e nowl p"ice zl.O,-.p tlus,'-i; l,Ia-r.l<e o::lcr:- -rlr3r:-5]6 1o
!le;,' Socj-et;."tr. tr'rcn }la,cle Sta,r Col-iecti-',re,rc,,/e 2! Cenon
Cocl:iin ,Str.elte, sr:-rl*iPfr-(t6nl.;:r;;li p",,i'i' :cr.,'Lreis).

THII SCli!).(1,$Iii ROLji 0F BOL,!i1,,1.iII5111" Reprin'b of 1930 G.:--r' AL1rer1. paripirlet,

. 5Op i:rc p+p f,:om GPP Bepri-ni;s, no:c VZe 4E3 Gt i:eri"er-ii Rcd.d.e
G.Lasgo:-r G[2-o
0Pf N LETT ER rri{ ir-:rB- i..iT fiiili,l l:llji"QJ[p_usffitr-Ij:/:i_ruj,]_rlg- ( Hcr:n ir LrN c ]
i? Internati.cnal Ior':i.'si:cndcncet; isrr, nr:le I an r:ur cr!anisationa]- nature) is a r
rccent spli'1. f rcr,r i;he i-i ;:nq i"i-.n.1 !rcup '; Unri e r cur-r'enist'/"'Pe o;,J-cs P;e ss:' o f orrierly
'rPlinusrt,/ii'7irtE:i ( l.ha fcimer.of blt,h beinq lhe g::oupts intelnational fnglrsh ner.,.rsIett-
Er and thc lai-icr i i:s I cca_L Drcss) ( t ) "
0ver tlre t;ast sGVe rai yeais, ue have e xpei.'ienced dj.f 1"a:ir-,nc:s .,;:th its ti.-.diticnal-
, /-..
anarchist,r/llbertari-.::n-.cili-riil!iiiisl; curirrnt (:-'cfeur€c i-,c as rhe l.raclit,i,;nal- current beloul)
These differences DCCur blt,h:n i:hcory'.nr in Drrcl-icr.o r.thiie i:oth kincls of differ-
ences are equa-1-1y inpott:.nt, vierrring i-n ret::cs.nect, i:ire theoreti-ca1 differenGes
prr:vided the basis a.nC baci<qt-ouni, r,rhile ths c-i.ffErr:jnces in practice the rimmediatel
cause of our sp.lit.
TIlECRY 3 As '"liosr, :.'iirl irriLrrr rerd ti-,e qiou.: I s t:rcss, r,.lE L-1. iritcL,r ; ihl-- t-iar:i Lion;r1 currcnt
cierives iis theor')", l'ror,r anarchism anrj f,;-r::den j-si'i. Ai crr = timr, e 'rj E L,crc al-s:o hsavily
-influencr-:d i.ry tire fcttclo Hcu:euer, as liJe developr.:d pcr -litic:r11y.r, ,J;e moved furi;i-,er and
further a-nay frorrri : t,o eventually entir*iy rejeclini-l ii" 'ile::':, , flr ir-rs!ns u[rich
r,li11 i-tecomc r:rnaient iilrmeclj-i:te1y, ure u;ish to part-i-culariy mcnticn our rejr:cticn of
t,he t,r.,:o main piJ-lars of CarCanism, naniely, a) def ining classe -e j-n te rriis of rxecutive
pouei/auiharity {for us nou;, the only rscientilicI definit.icn is l'.larx's eccnsn:ic
critarion, because it is ths lonJ-y matelialistic r;rirthrci r, [:,:rx, i;C.:oita.i'r r vo1, 1e
^)oJaL,2c" c-
4 nrogress
i' Pul*':,i--i-sl-rerse 1S?/+), and Lr) ieo.irCili 3 c,,ipit.a. l-:-sn as har.iirr g
supersedeC its econo:rj.c inner csnlra.rliclict'is, ;ls hav-,llnE dllive:.;.;l t.i:c,, qoi:iist (rn
enpiricist c:j.tiiiue :fl iYierrism)
The irnL.crtanr:e ef ihcse t,heo::etical ciifi'erencES is noj-- li;'ritr-:d Lc tfie l-evef of
theoretic:il Llnciclst,anding. The;r naturally, have di.rr,ct. bearing cn praclice"
Firstly, s:ince :t :-s n,:u.l thr rLeadelsr ,lho are the class ti; be orrerthrr:un, it
fr:11ot-rs cuitej na,'uura.l-1y, in=rr , ih;t, arr)/ anti:aulhcritar-i-an praci-ice _is re volut,ipn-
aryc !*q.;.a.ti.eI, irs :t:nd cn cal:tal-ist (in i'li,rx's rir;an:'-nn; ,.:rcperty (rel-ations of
productjo";.-(t.he trldi-tir:nai curr=nt, cf courr--er-, a'l so L,j-c,,r the lrrt,lelBs a.[:otit-i0n
as al-mos'L i-ls import:-,nt as:he abol-iticn of ncrrrerlauL,hc:r:i.'uy/, but ue cenno+u see hor.r-r
it rnust i-ogicaliy fo-l-i.or:i frcm il) " Il is, tire:'ei'cre;, no :cciCenti:hat u= shoul-d iind
its membe rs ctiving t.acit oi open suppor"L t o, parliclpating in or er-,;n i-n j"t,i.ating
struggles ::rji.rirs',- niic.learr-' p,rri.lEr, staLe or;r;:ssioi, iZ-;, cLco, .1o-!. lil,:r!-!.1.t-:" are"For
our parl-, rJe are also =insl ;iuclcar poLr cr {nt ir:s-pr.,=onl ..1.1:vel- cf ::eclrniE"gy),
state opnress-i-on, r'.JCo icr usy tirr:sr- r;ucs,ticns -lcse a.i i:ve,,r-uij-'-,it:liy content
il not sta+,ecl in ti: c conL:;<t ci ilr; strugglc aqarnrit ca-,it:,f.i.;i: /.-rln lia:>lts meaning).
For thls rtasone:vrn if iheil =\rcu{:jd ultimaitc airii 1s Lhe;y1:;i.i'tii:rr,r of capita.l-ism
(in l'larxts neaningio i: oiiilnred to dii:ect sLruoglts acaj-r:i;i, ite thev . r-.1 of serconCary
importance, Pure.1-y :inii..auli';,:r::j-t':r':-:n :^trugiles cf thi-s sort sii:iiarly scarccly
needs g'iven a ciainn ior, excDilr tlrat thcy sr.ive to cerail. tire prsietarian struggle.
SeconCly, by llgarding capital-isrn as harring 'dcl-ivcrec lh-c qoods r, ref ormism and
uhat the Trof;sk;vists cat.-l- n progressive I practicc .?rc e therr.rlore, not so many ueapons
of 1,he bourqcoisie, br:t are only rnisdj.rectiont ui-thin lhe cilmp of ihe prolelariat
(or 1ed),-ihey lrree therefore, cften tolerated, supporLerl , Dassive,'1-y or actively,
or even initiated by members of t,he traditional-f curi-'e nt, as be ing I ste ps tal<en
touards tha seme; enc! ?, if only circt.r-ilous1y. hus 'le f inci them capable of cooperating
and co1.l-abor':t,ing'.u-rit,h unionistss Trotsk),ists, clefgymEn.cooo..iS;
This brinqs us to 1-he dif f srences in practi.ce o

pfiACTICE: As far as Lre ale ccncernecl e bct,h for lcascns of ievolutisnery prj"nci::ie
e nd
practicaJ-ity I , t,he dia-lectical unily betueen lheory anC pi:arc lice .is a
principle ihat iirust be resolutely cle f ended both in t,heory .{14- praci:ice;. 1n other
uords, f or us, any sacr-i.f ice cf theorelical positicns f n practice, f or ailegecl
tpractical t r'easons (r,;hich are in f act nct at a1I practicle ii:n the :::nsc that such
sacrifice dr:es and Lrannot lead to the supDosed encjs - LJe slc thinking of Li-:ninrs
rrLef t-,lLJing Comnunisn: An Inf antil-e Disorder" ) is cportunisf;ic.
To our re glct, ue h::ue observe d that such cases lravc uitl-r ?'lJncerculrrantbrty'
{'( To cont,act I[,lrile _o.]l-ly as fo]-1or,rs.B.:p-1.0o Box 44OA'i , Shaukeiuian Posi 0iiice"
Hong Konq. )
il FeoplesPress:t ,-'liti'r a.laiminq f re.qur,ncy. As tle irEve said, ne mt-lers cf the traditional
current ci't.r-,n caope raLe anC ccllaboraie rrrirh unronisLs, etc. uithoul a blink of
lhe eyec elthouqh ti-rey are, in theory, dcadJ-y enerni:ls aEains'" all forms cf reformism
and rpl':qlessivet,:raccicro
A second, uhat -less iiipcrtant e dif f eroncc 1n pract:l-ce is the traditional
currents Crif t, in ihe -last ha-'l-f -decade or eo touarcis al;n65! total ccncenlration on
spectalism (tfre crect.icn of spcclacLes f cr appreciation ) in their act,ivities al the
expense of concrete uJCrk. Thus, trre find its menlllt;rs putting
almost a1] their ef i'orts in e xperimetrtirig L':ith r:olitical c ne ma andi thc:i tre,
international sticker campaign against CCPts oppreseion oto Chinese dissicients, elc.
1Je by no neans cicny these a:clivities cate Cori-ca j-ly,,hough ihey rlust also be
subjLct to r,.,hats beEn said in the abovc (+). ijut, if they are coupJ-€,cj r.lrtlr an alnrost
total absense of rrrark such as intervi-lntions in the develapment's of tl-ie class struggle
(l-eal1et5-ng, in"ierveninq in stri.kes, etc. ) o addressing important issues cf the class
struggle (tne rote of tiolidarityr, for example), dcve-'l-cping cners ur':delsi-anding of
theory and practice (instead of emptrly regurgit ating the s:r'me old
slogans) eetc., then these,acLivities ccase to be actiuities of a revcluti-':,i-rary
g"o,lp, acquire an autoncnny of therirr ourn, the purpose and direction of uhich i s ttre
projection of a holLotl image.
It is not tiiat ,";e have neVer committed the same mistakes. 0n t,he ccntrary, il is
as a r,:sult of our o,Jn political development that t,.je have corne Lo realise them for
r,.,hat t, hey ar e .
tie have a1s,r tried to hridge these differences through ir:Llua1 strucgl=. Unfortunately
there has ner;er been a hea-lthy tradition, L,-rithin the tradit-i.sna1 current, of
criticismr anti.:critj.cism and self*-criLicism (something not unreLated to its obsession
uith speciacLism). Such rrrords have Iong ago been abolisheC in the libertarian
dicticnary r
Because of . orlr very limited ranks anci lesources, in the short te rrn, r,le 'uif 1 not be
able ta put ouL any regular publication" As said in notc 5e 1,he purpose of our
formation is to broadcn des:p cjiscussions cf comnunist ncsitions in thi.s part of the
uorLd. This ue plan tr: do by establishing and mairrlaii"rinq close conlact and dialogue
Luith the international revolr-rti,:nary milieu, in parlicui-ar its co*rmunisl- currents o

The form of this tCr:e;: discussionr cannot, of coLlIStl, be pur'e1y intellecLual/ practice, ie'
theoretieal, but can only be carried cut throunh concre+-e palitical
aclive i_ntervention rn Lhe profetarian class strugcie.
3u1y 16 1t)82.
" Conri,iunisl Greetings " 1C.

1 s'; address is i 5, liolJ-y Road/i{iid'-garage,
o a) ,tUnrjercurrenisi,,/Pi..:opf e ?

Ground f 1oi:i,'l-lapcy Va11ey Hong KonE. n ) Uc harve thoughi of lxpr'essinq our

differences t-uith the qroup in a less open and dilect ''rrr:'/, but laicr thoughtLJe ue
n"C tf,u pclitical responeibility to be as cl.ear as pcssibl-e in the matter. can
only hope c;ur former,comrades rui11 not lake to hr,art sci-n3 of ihe l-rard uords being
2, eg. In cooperation rlith other 1oca1 activists, ti{issing they recenLly distribuicd a
I uhich contains a
leaf let at cinei-nas sho,*ring the Costa Gavras f i1m
straightfor,!jr.rj:.d concicmnatibn cf the recenl rclusal by the Hon-o l(onq qovetnment
t,o 5 xl-end Lhe uork permit f or an American laur yer t',rho urorked f or a -l-oca1 ref ormist
organisation, .,,j-ijh,q-,ft. m:lking any further st.atemenl 6; pssitions en "'tte martetn
3. Their lrGCent negotiations r',riLh sorfle sr:cial- I Cernocrals anC cJ-orgymrn icl venues
to perf orrn their pllitical {-heatre ' 1t)84. 199? is an exarnple '
rio iJe uronder hotr sUch films can be screenr:i and pJ-';zs perforrned, e;lcei:t during
mass uprisilgs, r,,,i-ilrout some form of coopelatj.on r.lith established unicns,
r,rcatnisali-cire, -,tc.
5; IC dor:s ncL vieu ilself as a pelnlanenLly canstituLi:ci grau:ihg" tln the one hand
ior rEasons alrcady mnnt,ianerl , ue find it no lnrge;r poss-ii':1t; ta rr.rcrk,.,r:iLh
i?Undercul:'ir,flts:?;/:'PerpJ-e!s lrlcss". [Jn lhe .:rhel, thcuLlh us aa.: mrj\/ing to,ri.rrds
communist pcsiti-::,rts, r-:c ihin!,: iL pren-rrLu,:: tl join e><is'Ling cciinunist griluilsc
Thus, rJC see oursc-:.ves, iatirc:r::rs h;int a i,r'-.r-r si'ai:ri-ilf glou;:'i pg, the puiiiose cf
rrr hich is r.c act as a ra-r1yi.n.l prrifit to dtrepcn discuesj-L:n cn comil;unisr pos.itions in
Lhis pari- of tire uorl-cl uri-.ich has sq frr been di.s..:stli;t-ts-iy cut.*'ofi from cor,rmunist
currents :n llu::cpe anij Aiiier:ca {eiso s;e -l ast pari of r-naan badir 6f 1et+-e i)"
t?lNT[Ri{ATtBi\rAl- Ciifiiifsi:tli; i]Ei.j[[tr hir]-d plsiLicns .--:xtreirely c-l-ose tc the f .J..1-cLring,
if not exactly Lh;n :lil;r'^.Jyo
1. That the so--ca-'l.r',el-''L? count:-rcs '::::; bui ::i L::llJ-.i:u-lr=i: expr:.s:,-iln of
capitalism, ni:ilh,.:r rdege ne iatr;d r,.;crkcrs t stat;sr ncir a rnr'u f crrnr i:f l'"ss
2. That a..r-1 'biad* un.j-i',ns (inclucling tsolidarity,t), o-haier;er the sutrjsci-. io
inientions cf tirej-r menr:els, are ctlject,iveLy, 66urier-revolut,rcn?ry in ,r - -::'e in
20t h*centur,v c ap-rita1 i snr o

"1 .
Tha'te 1j-l<='", the so-calir,d?r,roi'kersr pi:rLies,i 'chc C"P"so anii incj-r
left*LlinE 3pi-rcno'aqcs) are er:ua.1-1y reactj-onary cani-ta1:s+- s1;at,e 3pr-.)aratus.
4o That any 1'orn of rm-in-imum programmer type of part.icj-ratj.on in the capi'
system oi any tyroe :ii tusin=ct il in practice fr:r tretJCj-L.tiicnt,r';rt i':nds atc
reactionary anri oppcrtr,Lnj-stic. All;ne of'the t-roulEcoisr: al'e i.ri:ily equ:J-1.y
reacticnarye .:in).,tactic ca:111ng fcr rtact,icallyt r:c.cpol.r---,iir; r.'rili-i -in',r faci.j-lin carl
only selvB tc sencl t,-ri,ikers to tha capiial-j-st guil-1-c:in,.-
ii. All so.-cal-lc,j tna"icnal f iberalron strL.tqcll-csr can r:i-r j-y bs llbscbei j-ni:o tl-re
inter:i-mpcr:ialist massacreo To suppcrt such rsLru!elr,;sr ('lheihrr crilically or
hoLleverj ain,.:uriis to sui:;ort:-ng one imneriafist acainst another,
5. The proJ-e';ar:an r=vc.l-uticn canrst be rr:r:ganiscdr in any u,ay by revcJ-uli-onary
rirj-noritics. it can cnr',y'ce carried oul by the g:neraliscj-i u?risi-ng of the
proletaiiat it,saLf" -[!ie rcie of revi:]u'Licna-iy ninuii+"ii:,r,:is the cl-assrs vaniiuatd,
cr:nsisis of ceesc:l-cssly -i.nte:vening in tlri-s sirugglcs -i-nte,nsifica"icnr gcncrai'-
isation anci intcination:;f isal: o 'f he subs'tance of 1;his interve nticn is lhe
ulrauiinq cf l-e s:;cns ancJ conc-l-usirrns of ihe c.l.ass I s Dast and pie si.rnt sLrugqJ-ii e x..'
perience, and i:i:sinii r.litin rhesc conclusi.cns, to -ncint lu.l, t.he ciirer:tictr the struggle
should tal<e to acl-ri::rre.i-t'te coinrrtunist revcl.u'cj.ono 0n1y in tl';is uay can past srrors
noi: be repeated, ii-: = str,-rq!ll e not be sicJe.--llacked inr:c i'1., islir-:nary ai-inc'-'a-1J.eys
and the strugnJ-e i::: i:><J:cn ccl:/ crenr.-ial-.s,ed "
7o Capit,alism is in a sl=.ic ci pern,ri'-.r,nt crir,, j-s in ihe 2:.r lir--ccrl';rt/" The prole*
tarian revcl-utirn l-,as s.-lncr: ihr iii:st grr.:Ll rravE of 1'.i"i?-':.J Lr::;n orl lhe agencia, on
,lhich depenis thc ulrina'r.e de sLi-ny i.if mankind: Scciaii-en i-ri batbari ctrto

Il{15" . " "ADSo oo60ADS. " ".AiiS" o o.ADS".. "

L0ND0N ul0RK[iiS 5r-r0up BULLfTII\i N012 0uT N0ltj
Contai-ns arl-ic"l-es on poland, Ucril<ers Sclf--f'lanagernent, thc ti\l-ternative Icononrir
Strategy t r Cct.rncil Connunism, the t AsscmbJ.y Plcvement t in 5pain, Train di
strike and repi:tts.
Se nd 25p i-,rin. Lo ccvcr oost:ige to e

LIJG c/o 1i LEYD[ll STRItT L0[!D0t{ L1 "

Ljf'lP0pULAR ij80KS a non-.profit makinq group republishing articlr-,s and panphiets
of interest to our and not otheru;ise available - they have recentl;r
publisheC rHor,r the ilaci 0ld Days i'iight Indt cne of the bettef i-.os]-..Situaiionist,
documents to emr,reiile f rom the USA irr 1,he vTll I s " They alsc a bocks list,ing
and book ievieus - f irst distribution no'r.i availabf e f rcm:
rUnpoFular Boo[<sr, CIfi, ljietropolitan [Jharf, lrJapping rria11, L-cnicn f1" {sencj 2O'!p posi:)

Eelow j-s a sligirtly re-viorcred ccpy of ;e l-eai'l et. ire Ealre out otr the
recent l,abour irs-r:ty Young .soaj-a.l-istc 'youth l3aj-nr.:t rhe Toriest
cieilonstraticn il Literitoc}. ,i/i; r,voulcl vrelco.ixe 3ry coilirteiite. cr critic151a

NO FUTtIRE fit AlY GCV.,-iiii',ilriEtiT

The ccndi-tians on .r0P scllelrres are terr:ii:i,e, i.talat ycling peop.le on

therc spencr their tj.rrie doj-ng irarci, ciirty and birin6'-,;irhr-a1I- for a
pitta:ice 'dia5e. .rie cierranci eonclition.s, a realistic r';a.6e and. more
coRcern and a'gtion over hea.ltrt iirrcl sa.fet;; at ;..'cr,li. aj-rr to l-retter our preEent condil-i,olre gcar-tse li,eyrre r,rhat vre l-_:

a'Il- face each ciay-.. but letrs not, just st.;ir tirere, -Letts ain to put out,
cf, blisine;;s thcse el-ecteii r'es,-resent.atj-vee viio ir.:,ive ir,ever sol.ted. probJ-er,.e
liiie uneuplo;rrrent, L,ui have onl-y cotre up ui-l-* soj-Lltj-ons li-ke stupiC
Y,ii tri;iliirii,. YLP; of fer i;<..,rk ex.,er.j-etlcer tliis i.,ea-tr: l-u=;iti-ri15 to do as
you are tolC, oircyitlg rul esr leaL:'ning to clocii i.n, cl,ocrr out. i-raining
soi,e of us to v',orir in ine fulure il sonr e usele;s er.,ir;ioyi.:eiil;
a.|r,ertising, art'^itgl, the 1-,roctuctj-on of useless cot..ito;-r_ties, itts an
erul-ess -Lrct.
I, it. e',,--r,q.h tr-r 6J-..,1.,q:.1-.rt.1.:.,fe fO:. ir r.r_il1-tir .-.: , i;j i;i: r-llrign fateS
giveu that ir: : f -.r., J,'e:r:rs fil.e t.i:.ere l;j-i] l:r; cii-ler. .:a;.ro:iFjir.::tions
i:tejtin6 r.,ore or less ii:.e sane ciel,:lnris? Let re aii:r lo cic;t:-o;v .-larty
poirli,-ce , -La-u rc se t ric of' tite poiii.lcians. i,elrs coiitrol our orirr l-iyes
v; i';oriiersr co-operatives and no irose,es" hi the cr-:ci tiJe dcnrt ;ust
vl;::-,b'irai.i cci:u-ltiorrs, ,re eioi:rt wa-nt gchsi.e:'l iire.{u.-'r r,re y.iajtt i:iuch

[3Xi;r,ix".iii.'i.h]";":i;"ir::=:';"i'l::, ,;,:.*;;,:"]",."ii"*i:.o:n;"",,
doing that for us alr" us.
Altl'aye uork, !,'orkr rrorir r'or us, i:.ncl p::c:i'it,t {'oi tl:c i.i-cii,. pc}ii-i ci;rr:,s
keepirLg us j.n trir:e:ni1 Iiecpin- tii,;l-lt;lv;:; i:r.,:t:u;r. ..,._ stanrj. il a;.ri.,rir
t,hir'l'.ing lvctre iiciiievie;l sai:,et1:i-r-ig, l-i,s.terliirg iirrci c-1-:ri,p,i...g, takiirg irr
thcir lie s, a]i.i 'i,'l::'.t .'iirI any of Lilei,L rvcr l,-c: rr,.rl:,.r,,i-,..i-: 1,-rl-,s :1d
brirr6 j-rr: nel'l'g;ith a njvj L. vlr'j1-l :_!:;-::L;:-+s fc-Llci',r
r,*here-tcr tl:,,y L e.:."c,,';'
Polit.ici.".k:l ncvu-r eir,cour':iJij raa-l-,!'lor.kersr uiiit.,,e i.1,,: oi-cr. t];e y-;
t"';e have sc;n st::iiirr:,ft;r !'t.iil-,-. c:'lr;,.1;.cj-. ..,o*;i.;,r,:i;:.-s-t ige is.,i*ray,
tiic pclitici-ans fir':L colicurl . rrvtol:l.l r.ncl schor,,,;l-; ij-ji, I.,.Lis ii*,;c us j-tr
liire and th' ,noiver :-n nicc po::l-ti c:rs. ,i.., :hculcl not
truet thcr.: :l-i:.y I oit.g;ro bu-t ci:,ply ot-Elir.l:itcL o.:r.ii:,.,,1_-,i(ji-1 c.:-lL cur c,vti
si...rjJrcs i.'.h.]-l ua ,;.:-.i.t li.,l ttot :;aii rt"i L i'rot:, -tal-,,: i:.-, c)TL Gr \ve c:_nrt,
lr c it
tii- 6ovi,-.i-li;..wtii or ti:c u;.ri i).ri iti..,r:l.fcit;r..
.,.'l DOr';lT JUs? '.,r: iT A strc-{ oi' Liii cAli-[. ,.i:r] ,,iAl-;-. iii- :,lc..J llAi{rry!
(";1th*r.vj-i the ij.j.Ecs of liiis.rcvi+i^;, cr- uis; rrir.ct. to
,1,'/- .l,r r'* 5
__.i. t., ..+-
r,..1. L
_( .; lUL ,-L:.\--i.,
,,. -- i.!--. + .,
l.-rl-;'.' i.,., : i5 21 4.'1
GIUII, UB0UR Ail[ IltE Ffiutmil0$
The crusade against nuclear weapons is so important, Says CND'
that we must all sink our political differ.aruces and work tog-
ether. But the Falklands war and the reaction of the Labour
party and CND l-eadership must surely raise serious questions
about this approach.
Through marches, carnivals, demonstrations and petitions, CND
has attempted to persuad€ MPs to vote against the Bomb in
Parlrament. Much work has been put into trying to gain the
support of the Labour party, which is thought to be more sym-
pathetic. CND hopes that a Labour party with Michael Foot as
leader wiII behave differently to the victorious Labour govern-
ment of L964 (el-ected to abolish nuclear weapons - it started
building Polaris sunmarines instead) .
But can the Labour party's.
response to the Falklands
Iplq Alo crisis give us any hope
IffT US that they would not drag us
into another world war?
RAIIo],I/r[zE 0n April Jrd, in the House
of Commons debate, with
only one excepti,on
(Patrick Cormack) they
supported Thatcher's dec-
ision to send the Fleet.
Some now seem to believe
that it could be sent and
not used - such apparent
Doublethink is preposter-
ous, Michael Foot donned
the garb, not of pacifist,
but of war-mongerer. He
said of the Falklanders,
' ..they have been betray-
ed (and).., the government
i-\i. must prove by- deeds, bec-
'l - ause they wiII never be
li i,i
able to do it by words,
l_*r[ that they are not resp-
onsible. . ..' His deputy,
Dennis Healey, interviewed
on Panorama the following
Monday, was even more'
expricit. He stated that Britain must be prepared to sink Argentinian
ships and re-invade the Falklands.

Against.'four,.brutar aggression' (Foot) by a .tin-pot fascist

junta' ( s i l.kin) , Labour- is prepared to ieni thousanls of yo,rng
working cl.ass men to kirl their Argentinian counterparts ind
91u in. the process. rt is ironic-that opry a few iveeks ago
.Argentinian sairors were training in Britain, that many
Argentinian ships are made in Britain. so much did the
Covernnent, Tory or Labour, care about Fascism then.
And what of the CND leadership? Instbad of denouncing the war,
they supported it:
The Labour Party, Liberarr/snp Alliance' many Conservative
MPs and military experts have spoken out against Trident.
Quite rightly, j,t's hardly the best way to defend
Britain. Just look at the Fa1kland Islands
(Cl,rn advertisement, the GUardian, ICI-4-82 )
This clearly shows they think there is a bgst way to defend
Irritain and'squares with their advocacy of strong conventional
weapons. Quite simply CND is not opposed to war it is in
favour of conventional wars. such wars have kirled over 20
million people since L945. This Apr[] the suo population of
9ou1t1i9s engaged in wars was about 20r,500,000- (sunoay Times
zL-)-Bz) - or one person in six. They embrace forces not far
short of those taking part in the second world war,
This war started because the Argentinian government, reering
from the effects of the world recession aia L5a% iniratior,,"rr"=
faced with massive working class discontent in tne form of
strikes and demonstrations that threatened to finish it off.
so it played the nationarist card, hoping to divert worrinE
peopre's attention away from their own pioblems. For very
simllar reasons, Thatcher's government gtaoty accepted tha
challenge. Like arr wars, this one nas-nothing to do with
working class interests.

War is an integral part of capitalism, Wars are fought for many

reasons, including control of markets, sources of raw materials,
securing national frontiers and engendering national unity.
Th"y are simply the iiatural extension of commercial competit-
ion. And alr those who try to run capitarism must disc-over
this faet.

Against this war between capitalist states we must affirrn that

a nation divided cannot go to war. We must realise that we have
alists and politicians. The answer to this, and all wars, must
be more class struggle. Like last year during the civil servants
strike, when the NAT0 war machine was thfown into panic at the
threat to Britain's Polaris capability when a smalr group of
dockyard workers walked out. Like the strike wave of 19-80 in
Foland which paralysed the warsaw Pact. we must abandon
this false road of compromise with war-mongerers and murderers
of workers, advocated so blatantly by CND. We must choose for
a libertarain revolutiorf,,for a world with no nationso no
states, Do 'bosses', no 'workers'.n no 'profitsrwhere people
matter and where things are prodqieed because people need them,
not to keep an idle few in }uxury and power. Where the causes
of war have been eradicated forever.

This leaflet has been produced by a group of }ibertarians living

in the Potteries. We would like to discuss the issues raised .

in this leaflet with others. If you would like to contact us,

you should write to the followlng address, in the following
manner : R.KI{IGHT, crlo Students Union, The University, Keele,
w0 l?K t-Ul{
:. ::
' ''*
,:..' ",,..*--.,,.;*iri8 lt C l-l /r NGE
ff*€ay in Bri tain, workers are suffering the full effects of
.*" attack uponn their living standards. With three and
& !:aif million as the official level of unemployment and
'Lhe fories talking of a zero wage rise for the coming year,

the prospects for many of us, in and out of work, is even

nl*re belt-tightening to help the bosses solve their erisis.

F a

/l 1

Rl6Hr TP

3ir vor:kin3 to "make 3ritain great again", workers ai.rj,
rri ;'eality, working to strengthen th+ systern which serves to
i<.*BE crdinar'y 'rrorking people in a position of subservience.
1i; means',vorking to keep the bosses in their rich lives while
1.",'r* r'est of us struggle from day to day.

iale thlnk it is important to look at the purpose and

possible outcome of marching for the right to work. l'Ie believe
that governments of any political shade will not change their
policies. Lets not forget that the Tories are only continuing
what Labour started, Labour star:terl the run down of State
services, the c'rts i;r 3nitis;I-i Leyland and the axi-ng of jobs at
,British Steel. And it was Labour that brought in the cuts in the
Social Services as a back up to their infamous Social Contratlt
with the uni-ons to co:-itain orir struggle against falling living
standards. And it was the Labour Party and the TUC that drew up
an approved S.,t of guidelines on pickeiing verJ{ similar to
the the Bill. Emplo3rment
By taking part in marches iike this we are showing the
Government that they can by channeling our energies
into safe activities which pose no threat to the bosses and
serve to boost the credibility of the 'lrades 'Jnions and the
Labour Party.
Let us instead fight to change this depressing situation
not by fighting fof the right to work for a capitalist systern
but by fighting to change the systenr to one where w€ r the workers
have control over o.-il-, o'n/n lives and o'Jr own fu["rres.

& fi-L**
If you agree wiih any of ihe ideas expressed in this leaflet
or would simply like to hear more about our: politics
* ffi

tol R.Knight
7 Northcote P1ace

Newcastle -under-LYme

tt lt Jt Jt Jt X- -X f* li- ;t -)i -l; i- rr t.r*.*.|t )tJt-r * *.r*.*.*.r * * *lf .lt tf l+ *lf -t.*l+.*.r *.F Jt *it.*.*.**.r**.,t1$.lt*.lf ltl+.**.r.*.r.,f lt lt{t.*Jt

printeJ antl publisire,l by a group of libertarians living,

workinq and claiming in the Potteries.
ffiftTfte $*lesmen sf Eleath EI
In torrns and rights -
throughout why have they been selling
kitain the Arned Forces have rec- the Argentinian dictatorship nilit-
ruitment centres, all round the ary ecquipment? Ytry did they take
country the Armed Forces hold away many Falklandersf right to
military displays and exhibitions. come to hitain by passing the Nat-
They*re spending considerable sums ionality Act? Hry do they allow the
to persuade yoimg people to join Falkland Islands Company to evict
up - and to convince people -gener- -. its workers fron their homes when
ally that the Army, R.A.F., and they. retire?
Royal l'Iavy are great institutions Take Northern Ireland. The army
that everyone should support. are not there to 'keep the peacetr.
fut just what would it mean if you They are another force for anti-
decided to sign on the dotted line? working class violence, in addition
SI.AVERY to the Provisional I.R.A. and the
Protestant para-nilitary groups.
You sign your rights away. In all Since 1969 the army have shot dead
the Armed Forces itfs strictly over 12O innocent civilians (includ-,
forbidden for people to get together ing children), none of whom were
to push for better conditions or involved in the fighting between
more pay. Strikes are outlawed. the Irish Republican paramilitary
Yourre expected to do everything groups and the British Army.
your superiors in rank tell you - REPRESSION
without question. The discipline ri *,t *:t * rt * * t** * rt t **
and training can be harsh and brutal, You c.ou1d be pointing a gun at your
several servicemen have been ki11ed own family and friends. The Armed
on training exercises in recent Forces are not only for fighting
years. overseas. Governments - Tory and
And you cantt even leave when you Labour - use then to break r"orking
r+ant to! You sign a eontract for peoplers strikes for better pay and
;eJerai ,"ears and canrt leave tilI conditions. At the Army college at
it ends, except in special cireum- Camberley in Surrey officers train
stances. fuen if you m.Lnage to save to use trooPs against civilians.
enough to buy your Hay out, you can
be refused permission to leave. ITIIY I{AR ?
ITIS A SLAVES LIFE! *rt***rt *+r***+***
The Armed Forces try to present an
DEATH image of glamour and excitenent. fut
You risk being killed or naimed. behind it all is the death and suff-
Since the 2nd lbrld lhr hitish ering of war. And with nuclear
servicemen have died in brga, weapons another lbrld ltbr could
Kenya, Malaya, Cyprus, Aden, i.lorth- destroy the entire human race.
ern lreland, the South Atlantic hhrs are fought because the world is
and the Falklands And you divided into different states and
wonft be killing others and risking power blocs u,hose rulers compete for
your own neck for "freedom and control of strategic areas, raw mat-
denocracy'r. Itrs the rulers of erials and minerals, markets for
Bnitain - the government, the top goods. To end war people must over-
state bureaucrats, the executives throw all rulers, East and ltest.
and chief sharebolders of big corp- It I s no good electing a new govern-
orations - rvho decide when kitain I s ment - all governnents, right or
Armed Forces are to fight. And left-wing, will maintain and use the
they so so in their orn interests. war mac.hine. People need to take-
Take the Falklands. Ttre British over the workplaces and all
state hasnrt waged war in order to societyts resources. Then all of us
safeguard the interests of the can help create a co-operative'wor1d
Falklanders. If the kitish ttate community where human needs - not
was really concerned about human profit and power - zre what count.
Publisbed by the Subversive Grafflti Collective, c/o J-63 King St., Aberdeen.
Please write if you would like more info and a copy of our free news-sheet.
!o.r: c.,,*, S m{}!thii he i't:::.l;c::s :,3',:r: l,a:,:.:,
::, i:ire Got'eInu;..;:it r s g:-{:g1113-1 -;.1r -.1t i1.r.:"- !. il :, ij:. ir--:i:,tS Tiili;
r:-l.l'f ldy I (\'r !.'agCS.
'iitr: l:,.:.ri_,;h f,i.;1.,.r;i_ cr: rlisir-cic
;s :.i:;-il_l_:, a
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il. U.U. e.ld tj;.e ijri:lon -rt::lritls . 'Iiicsli: b11I,cr,.,-icya,,;s
stl 1-l Iifve 'olooll r-,:-, i'hci:- Le:ris iiliel l.;1,ril,t;,:.rg iir'i;. T;::,,. ;_D ,eL,r't j-ial:i-a * 1...r:i; !,:;]-;.f r.:.. ir-:icr.e i,r ..
tlie tt'aiir d::_i ver': ilr 1:I;r: bacl;. iio.,,. jil .;ttl hLr.!:,-i";l +in:, to rili:si: i',lri,.er;:' i.i..,.;*:i s.i::;:il;,::r-i:.;, i.;l o:,Cl:r:
servj'.cc disL-,uie ihi,.1.'re dici,at;ng .L s1 .titic str"a.i:- tO 'l;f,rl.;t tr.[::.i]r,ri-r-i,: t p:Ciii:S, (,r.: i:\,et-).*
egy ti:at hes atlout e.s ituctr :rs a i-coilrie:s r\i:aii";,, i:'cru I-'r:.'l-i:ari i;o ;i:_e Li. S..f;. , i:.:.C l]l:i::.6, tii;
sircoij. srl]]ie, i.:s calri.teiisr:l &rst s;i j l,=;it s j.i-.i:i; (ier,:;rr
i.n1"c :.:'e ucl: r;ic:r .

Ttre 'jl, t.l C , llc al ii: S.: i-r,1ces; Col:;:; j. a..r,:
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{' r}a{. ^[: , I
c!.riit t iij.-
.jr.rrlcti$r: Lui; also rhe T.Lr .C;., Cari;.it lea,ri:_:r
Srji:-ii.-srri.c^- . altd '[ire i:i:rrt uric,.t .it,:e]ers . \,il;._1 a It---\ j
r,. , . -1, ..;'.
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cf G;.,::tr'j:li.r; r'rss,.r,:i:"i:l_Lrti ca i:,)1_: iL i1_-.i,r,_i g.-, i,i;ti.:"..,,.: ilr,: .:r:lil-::_r:_-i..-,_-: :j,;:r {r.jt' :-r-{.1-l_t:i:l.i:t. jri:r. c,.:i_-i!l::,:.
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h c,,.r- i. i'. ;,i' l:i. c.t: c r: {) ; a: 1r'i il E arii!,r : t)- i s i. il. 11: !.-r:l
cx- Sir Ir lj , il t . 'i;h: l: t,r-ra :-es: lI rire i ilir,l a j,aF.i Ui i,,t::i"iir-:l:; is --er;r 1:c:,3 ii-;r.:. l;,. tj.;i:sc. i)!..:i-r.1r.i.r,...,_
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L,, ;..Li.;.j. YiC:tiii.jj';j 31.e j_llti.l-lici,ti5. cir::-r_tr;irqjt.t;i:1:.r
corir-i-r j.e tr ri,j-i'lr gcr.a:l;ilru <::a.;; -. i;j.tia:.1 .- br.:l j_crl )r'l .;,;i'rll.<: lrj c:'tli:ltj_c;rl se,L-i.:p of ajic ti. i.i.:i. , ,,?lii:-i.()
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aoiis ai-!.:s'1, ,j licai i-,1c Lnd hr t ::t l_e,e.s,c 2 .:,ti.t:,.t.; . l:
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i:J-i{ tilliCniiTS OiJT
i,:; i':;, 1.I.l-lat ::1- Ct. ClYr:..1i..1,.:.".. :.ii:.j S,LCi.
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i.i.:c:i-.U.C. ib:r-ri.]t _-)
_l 1,,

fie rvi.ces l,e;11;;',i,i';7yt:, i,lrCr t_he ,.L.]tcu i ati{ia:is , Lr) iiecici.e o;!i li,:1!i.,its to br,_irre'/
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;ur'l-t:-,j:: i.iierl
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t'- rotcd ii. i:vui:r O 1'1t;:n '.,.'e C.-)\i.;.: C1:i.:t!7,r- n t:Oi:l tl tr6l:.,r;!, -'l _i.-,.in0 j n .
oi s.l.f 1,rei.l y,or.lic:.s 6Ji11g
on str:i.l'c, leil\rij.!g ft;;-i; crse_.";e.;f.J:, LlCl\,Cjt. !Iiit;l:xT?
Ii: erl.iir i'..o-lke..' : i: ii\.!. j-C ccl : t- i.;. c c t u;; i.r:rj il; al t ir U' cc s-.iaiili-l; b::i liri:g1s jr i;,.a.trr,::l :C: 11'c Cllr :;l.l:jl;e .3_ lJl C,-,., ag[.irr;1: rlhj.s o:ijricii.::iri;
Z, occul;:rl,io;-rs'lr:,I:i;;aj pl_rrci ai_-i (ii/e:t, t;rc cOt_i11._
sysl:eu :.'.i.1; ric..r' b1' e.r:::uring tirl: lica:..ti: \.,,ar:i.l:c r,rr
t:ly r,,:,111(i iiai,C a i: cn<,:ilicr!:.; j rt;-rtlc;. Wjn tirr.:.i.:' Cla.j !i:.. ::r 1zj_gi_61., f c:- r_Lr: J:c:: tl. ir:-l:._
F- cr:s \1i1.1 i_,jt a v j cLorr.,, .ir):- cl l. I,Jr;:.1_: j.ilaa c_!:t:;sl
So),i-til::ii1' r'c lioti by ctiir.:,, irror,l:-.jt.r,: :is rr.i. j-.:,1_l * LI ])('(i-rlL.. ';'irg i:...1 11 .l n r:r,r,i.l:.i. o.;l i,i : ir...l,:rl:
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to :;r-::i:j c{t:jl'ji (ii sl tili: tit:; earirrjlilj,. 1:
i}:pcr,ict.rlr: ?:a thi: i f';i,,r:'tiaclt .,.'!1-:;.r;:lt:: \.:.j j"it ,).i.r:i,!.. ilai it(r
.\J ;;.1 C_u- 1 !t.::i,::
l]-i(:ts jii: it vCi.i{, i. j'ia.ri:i-,i j,. v:..r .!..o vj ri sulir c..i 1:li;'r i.ii t i:.liliii-j;l s i:i-j I,;c ir; ;;.t:.:;r:,,.:i. ui tj;r.: Il,:rrl l ii
S1.Ir;).,r:'1; j s_: j:aL i:,,::.:-i i.i: iv,..;l:et.s l1r 3.i-r1y1i.: C.i;"frti,,l,y }l-O1'lri.Cl:il -- v,,11 )iil;:j.i. l)1_- l;l.itj)i1 1...{! "r{};,ia:l,i: ith0Ijc.
'i i.; :,:i:.i:, i;ttlc. i.iIlrli_:
tr i Cl :i-ir:1.:::i_ r,,C;-:;jt.i;cr:-.;, r,'(': ris ,. :r',i l:i i -.-J: .
l)RIi.:iiD ,':i:l-r i'il I l Sii: i lt' Til;, SLritVi ll:ii:r: iliir\i; l I l (;i:ri l.lra't l\.t'i:." i"f I iGi l'ili'ia, :;l'., Ai:i:itii,!ii. { :;.).|::..,
Step $pTke Strilres
A big stepping-up of strtke aetlou by vork- 3 ) Sterti,Dg an all out strike vith the sork-
ers iaEide and outside tbe NBS is rhat the bealth era, Eot the bospital reaagers, eoatrolliEg the
workersr strrrggle aeeds. B'rt vhat do ve get troE eEergeEcy service.
the fUC asd the Unlon leaders? A patbetlc strlke .4) hendirg the strlke to other Gspecially
strategy: Oue day aetlone follo*ed by reeks of publie serrice ) sectors 6tartlng r'ith those
i.naetlvity. 6 nonths long struggle cu'lniEetiog already 1.a dispute and organising joiat actioD.
ia a TUC call for a one hour geuerel strike:
5 ) ltot beiug shy to take guerrilla actiona
TIle TUC and the &alth Sersiee Urloas have outside the coD.6eDt of the rmion bureaucraey.
adopted e policy all along deslgaed to keep the lbe occupatlon of an administratloD by
iid oa a poteatially exploslve stnrggle, cepa.ble Rhosdda n-rrses, rhich sparted olt a rlsh of siu-
of r€leasirg all the peEt-up frustrations of sork- ilar Ections eleerhere, ls a good exa.up1e.
ers eufteriDg rage cuts, redr.Edaneles, speed ups
ard esealati[g restrictloas in all aspects ot 5 ) Strriggling for the tu1l L2% and. aotbing
eve:yday 1ife. less.
Ca1ls by the NUPE eooferenee and many nesd The 22nd Septeuber Day of Aetioa vi11 onIy.
neetings up aDd dorD .tbe eouEtry tor an all out belp the health lrorhers'cause il its the start
strike vith emergeDey eover, have been eitber of a uaJor escalatlotr ol action - Uy UeaffE-
lgo.ored or eonde-ned by Ualoa ieaders. Host ol rorkers md all sorkers. That Eay tbe D% can
the actioB so tar, whilst dete::mlned, hes beeu be rou.
iB reallty eltber s5rnbolic or seetioaal. Brt eveu theD the Eelth rorkers riII still
be rorkiag tor etlectlvely the aane pay as before
UNITY NOT UNIONS last years eut - and for the saee bosses and in
the sane hierarchLeal eet up whlch keeps everyoae
Cther groups of vorhera, even in tbe publ:.c fi.mly lu their plaee - rith tbe rorst paid work-
serviees 3ljl'ltr the aaoe Unioas, *my of tben - ers and the patiente at tbe botto ol the pile.
fo::aerly iD dispute thelr ora erployers, bsve
beea de1i.berat6ly 'lept on lcet. For instg-ce
loeel authority vbite collar yorkers, rith the
sEEe mlainal 12X denand due tor aettleDeEt laat
July, end olfered oniy 5$, bave been ea11ed on
to take syrpathy actl@ lor Ealth rarkers, but
'N0 aetion oa thelr ora behalf'. Esen then soLld-
arity actions like those ol tbe Fleet St. eleet-
rielane had to be tskeu rmollicially AGAINST the
IUC aad the Unions.
The Uulou stlategy ls pr.ecisely that vhlch
defeated the Ealth sorkers in 1979, the Civil
Serviee rorkers ia 1981, and the rallrray vorkers
just 2 noaths ago. l:lese lesaoEs need
to be learut ver? quic.kly if tbe sane fate ls aot
to befall the Eaalth rorkerg today.
The lessons apply not ouly to the conduct
of tbe dispute but to its objective. ltlE-Frg rEEH' ti, Lgefi-rfl€Y Saf tHrY
a i2S wage rise, juet eaough to ccver last years -
Clllt ln EEgeE. EIf the UDioD.s ale actually only
askiug for arbitratlo. E eI1 knoy that at best At lfrxhsn Part hoepital in Brkshire aurses
all this vould produce, evetr if the gover*.iEI- have refused lnstnrctions to drug patients against
aecepted tbe arbitrator's reccmeadatioas, is 1 their riII. Sueh aetioas ehallenge tbe vhole
or 2$ nore thsn tbe oIter. authority structure of the Ealth Serviee. That
All ol this deEoEatrates that if this clrsput6 chal.leage is ueeded aot o1y ln tbe Ea1th Service
is to be roa, XES sorkers eust stert to tske con- but in all aress of society. ky sbould a prlvil-
trol ot it asay fron the TtC 8Bd tbe UEioDs 8rrd eged fer tste all the deeisio[s about hov eociety
rur thiEgs directly io thelr orll intelest. is ru:r?
Ibat BeaDs : *tr1d-ride re all ueed to JoiE our struggles
1) Organising through geaeral Eeetings and together and overthr@ the systeo that allo*'s low
pay and lnadequete health eane, rhen the resources
delegate coErEittees of all the workers, irrespect-
ive of tbeir positlon in tbe hierarchy or nember- exist to overcoe this. k must cfeate s soeiety
ship of differ€:rt uaions. si.tbout bosses or leaders ol eny kind, rhere
production is lor bunqn needs, aad egcess to
2 ) Sending delegates to other *orkplaces and heelth care e.d all goods qnd services is freely
arguing witb -then t9r +ra1 solidarity actioD. available.
ecnnetrts and iaquiriea Eelc@e, copies ol our other leeflets and the SLTBIERSI!-E
GL{FFITI 1oca1 news-sbeet obtai.nable free.
We'we hesrr s$rst mt fuy hatfi
sldes irl the $msrtlt &*f;mntls.
Though the media urould have us think that the rfree, democratic, kitish
statet is fighting a ttr:rrtal, fascist, Argentine junta', the rulers of
both countries have a lot in c,riiJnon. "lteir are a matter of
degree rather tharr of prirrciple. hth courrtiies have riillicns unenplo;*ed,
ard rising rents and prices whiLe wage5 are held di:wn. Relative economic
prospsr!1y allows the kitish rulers to treatpeople a iitt].e less nastily
at the nollterrt. They fire pl astie bul i ets at de:,ronst retors in klfast,
lead ones in B:enos Aires. In hitain dissident.s face police harassm('nt
and occasionally incarceration in prisons and nrerrtal hospitats. In
Argentina jts death squads and torture chanrl:ers.
bth sides needed the warto divert peoi:1e fron fighting back against
capitalismts economic cri sis. 'l'ne di,.pute Has gaining incmerltum r.'hile
--orkers in Argentina took to the streets to resist tlrej,z' ruJers, r*:hile in
kitain our ruiers fear a bi;'.ger and hetter of last s'-rinmer's riots.
l*}w the rul.ers of bo1t. countries hope ihese struggles uiil be Crcuned by
a Have of cirauvinist j:ngoism. And bo',h s'iCes now have the'*ar as a handy
scaPegoat for their troubles, and rvorking c.lass re-ristance can be put dor*n
as tunpatric'tict.
lbw can we choose sides in t':i".- dispute? T'l;tr lbjtish Enpire and the,
Argentine Republ.ic are both ou:' enemies, Like aI1 states, in so-called
rsocialistt countries as-orett as the west, they are conunjtted to presel-
ing their braad of capitalism ar,d are preirared to defenri it by bnrtal
atiacks on the working class in their oun co'uintries, and by sending young
men to kill, i a.'rd be killeti by fel.low workers from otirer countries. And
so lcng as there a].e conrpeting states and power blocs. there will always
be wars. \b Sovernnent can prevent, this, hoyrever much they shout about
Feace. The Falklanders have had a brutal lesson in what can happen when
we rely on the sta-te to tdefendr us. l.hatever happer:s they no-* face many
)rears living r+ith their islands under mil itarry occupation by kitish',
Arge'ritirre or Uli tro.)ps.
the cnly r';&r rroirth fighting is the c1a: s war. against the rulers of every
country, In the last fcur months the r.;rkers in Fr:land har.e shcrrn it is
pcssibie to keep uP sonie resistance to he most r€p16ssive regines. lib'
ca:t hope the Argentjne worker-c cm follrvr this,arrd assist, both these,
struggles if *+e l:ossibl.y can. &lt have the nrost, polver to ect against
the ruli:rg r.'lass here in hitain. i.b can exterrd rhe siruBgles in our ot.,n
c(,ainunities and xorkplaces, l€ can reject tlre Le;cl*rslrip of all wou]d-be
gov€rli.illtlnts andstart acting together 'owaids cr:ating a co-olerative uorld
without stares, national bcrm,Jaries or {ar.
l*rat better opportunity to demolish the British state than rhen haif its
troops are oui of the ccuntry?l:

The NHS was set up by a labour govt. in the sway of pseudo-socialist post war
euphoria. EveryboQy had been pulling together for the war effort, and women had
proved their equality with men by working bravely and heroically in agriculture,
industry (munitions and textiles etc.) and especially in the business of cleaning
up where war hurts most i.e. in medicine, surgery and the running of hospitals.
Naturally Britain had to continue to care for all its heroic casualties' so while
most of the women were told to 'go back home' , raise the new generation and let
the men take up their dominant role again as the breadwinners, those women in medicine
were expected to continue their arduous work by running the NHS, mopping up the
mess left by iresponsible capitalists and imperialist aggressors. There was nothing
socialr Dor idealistic, about WW 11 - and nothing socialist about the policies
adopted by the post war govt which was still basically under the thumbs of the
same powers which caused the war - the big capitalistsr means of production and
exploitation with the imperialist politicians rufe of nation against nation,
colonial and neo-colonial- exploitation.
SOCIALISM, if it is at al-l-, is by the people for the people; 1t is not a govt
which merely attempts to mitigate the iniquities of capitalism, nor a state machine
which administer.s evei y ti.rry need and in the process eclipses humanity with bureau-
cracy. The sentimeiits of communal solidarity or brotherhood aroused by the war
were neither by nor for the people: They were by big insti,tutions staging campaigns
of hatred. They were fr:r, not the ]ove and welfare of the people, but the nation.
Any love and solidarity aroused in the people was channelled lnto the exploitation
of women of our own countrles, and the continued nationalist effort to compete
with and beat the peoples of other countries. Where the nation benefits the people
suffer. Because nation means the small class of people who own control and manipulate
the resources of the peopJ-e under the national govt. SOCIALISM must be by the
people for the people, not by the people for the nationalist and capitalists exploit-
ation of the peoples"
THE NHS was then not the triumphant creation of weak*hearted labour politicians
and stooges who gained credit for it. It was forcedto come about by the undeniable
responsibility of the nation to continue to care for the casualties, although it
stood for a while as a concession to the left wing movement, and the fringe group
who had been campaigning for it since 1935. Now the NHS has ground on for the
best part of 4O years, like a socialist island in a sea of capitalist competition
and hatred. Indeed the NHS has been under STEGE for the last ten years since the
endless destructive,/competitive struggle of blind profiteering capitalist production
has once again brought societv to its knees, and the world into its deepest ever
The history of the NHS is one of constant decline; the increasing exploitation
of conscientious people - both black and white, skilled and unskilled, mostly
female, health-workers; as our govt has been less and less prepared to finance
the health and welfare of its people because it is more interested in serving the
requirements of nameless and facefess capital and a national pride that requires
nuclear weapons by the megaton in order to hide its inadequacies and corruption'
and so make itself feel (falsely) Secure: - scared on the one hand of bureaucratic
socialism, on the other of giving people the freedoms (educational opportunity
and productive resources) which are the basis of any truly civilised society,
freedoms which are denied us by the capitalist system of production by exploitation'
economic and ideologic oppression and represslon.

P. T. O.
RAOE. rr rs rrME llIE THINK ABOUR WHERE ttln ARE GorNG trlRoNc rN ouR ou,N cAMp. rr
-- u,r{ t....llllll 11....$rt
Thatcher wants to turn the NHS pay dispute into an issue (she has)
RECOVERS. We must mobilise massive support for the _
further and mobilise for the renovation of not
hour symbor i workers a one
we must go
the sociarist ideal it stands for. we must tie in the NHS dispute withthe NHS and
the struggLe
to build our own organisation for producing and distributing wearth and welfare
by the people and for the people, and to cease being as imJsponsibre,
shortsighted and commodity dependent as our present readers are ana wantignorant,
us to
be' There is no time left for selfish and plcuniary motives, apathy and excuses,
we must get together to break out of the economic and legal
oId, crumbling society imposes on us. restraints which this

our'present drastic situation requires bold and decisive initiatives

suggestion is that we need a backbone structure of primary industriesfrom us. one
and public services, to provide the basics materiar needs and agriculture
which is rprofitabrer enough to make a large provision of of our population, and
funds availabre to self-
help organisations community trusts and the like, which can cary
productj-ons and in so doing build up locar community out secondary
forms releasing
people from the misery of condemnation to unemployment, racial
and shit-work' Release us from the grip of monopoly and multinational
and we can do the rest by ourselves working for ourserves. capital,
1. To report on, analyse and seek soli.darity for important
struggles amongst our fe11ou uorkers, aspecially in the
Greater [v]anchester area.
2. To encourage independant uorking class activity outside
of the control of the trade unions and in opposition to.4L
political parties.
3. To aim at the revolutionary overthrou of alI qovernments,
bosses and leaders by a revolutj.on in uhich the majority ol
peop.]e, uho at the momenl are just expected to lollou orders,
l4ilMcNESTeR mee guLr€T,rt t all play an equal part. And ue to see the
creation of a uorld u.ithout t,he uages/money/natkel svstemr
uhere ue can af1 have a say in hou things are runr and uhere
NO. 7 PASS IT AROUND production is for human need not profit.

DHSS Strikes
The recent strike at Bury UHSS office
is another shininq example of hou
puLe uas fizzrinq oui several DHSS
offlces in Birminqham uere laking
traditlonal trade unionism is lailing action ovel a similar issue. 400 cfrnrc
uorkers. ltle uent to talk to pickets sta"f from four offices are on indef ,.-Ya,nEhq,
a ueek after the strike started and inate strike and the reqions other NOegrnramoQtR i

this is uhat ure heard! ,... s€s, I 10rD \U)'rlE.

offices have supported uith a 24
ioJr strike' Tle dispute is over
glgrExr 5I1nhErel
A tean of special investiqators had
gone to the Bury office tJ try to stalf shorLaqes - ulhat uith reduced
oflload some of the rrrork of tie in_ staif levels and increasing numbers
spertors onto elerical staff. This of claimants, the uorkload is too
uas part of the Governments Lonq muc'. TFis dispui' has been qoi19 on
term ain of privatisinq larqe ciunxs €oi a nonth aou a1d shous 1o signs-
of the ueffare state, involriing of bernq resolved' And in 0xlord
17r{100 jobs 1ost. A1i the uorkJrs at beneiits office staff ualked out
the office are auare of this and all indefinateiy at' ihe end of septemL;er
refused to co-operate rrrith the team. o!er the same issue' f f
Evee ljit,h all these r1ocal I disputes
Eventually the team demanded to ifit- occurrinq at. ihe same iime, isnrt it just a feu months back. NALGO and
about tine DHSS staff rearised that NUPE uith many uorkers in the NHS and
ervieu an insperbor, uho refused and
uas suspended. Imnediately the sDps uniled aclion uould be far more 1n Local Authorit.ies have successfu-
(inspectors union) held a meeting effestive than stri- lly.she1ved any joint action over
and ualked out on strike. The next kes. It is onrior"-tn"t-ti" pay claims' Cal1s by the
dav ar the crericar uorkers (cpsn) Governmenr is rryinq to decimare-rhe li'1":;?i:i"X::-:::
meetinq they uaiked out iF,r sympathy. rie.l"iare
systen and it's not, only
- ra1.l
lor outr action, uith
the strlke ciaimants uho'11 be losing ouL' ""r^arrl .rr"r onry, have been ei-ther
The strike demand uas that the im- Thousands oi l-li-lSS jobs are also at "rr.qun"y or ignored by union leaders.
vestigating team be uithdraun' The risk' "onOJon"O
And all this simpry over a demand;
strike soon became official, but it noi_ for the full claim - sma]I as
seemed the unicns main concern uas It has got io be said lhat times that is; but lor a reference to arbi_
hou much strike pay they eould afiord have chanqed. Gone are the days of
(sounds.l-ike the boss, doesnrt it?) the quick victory or lhe smali tration. All arbii-ration did for the
A ueek later the DHSS uas being l,ery successfuf strike. The only strug- raifuay uorkers and teachers uas to
provocative and the unions hlere try- gl"es that have any hope of succ- confirm a cut in their real' uages,
inE to get everyone back to uork. eeding are massive uniied ones. does anyone expect the Health uorkers
The social and economic system is to fair any better'/
lhe clra:rran ol the sLrike commft-uee c:ackinq up and it's qoing to drag
totd us cf 3:ass There is sti11 a lighting spirit
"r.ii"""a""n"=;;;; doun one by one unl-ess ue amonqst many Health uorkers and there
the fottouinq,o"ntn9l-H;;;,r-;r;'-" ::."at and fiohl'
possibre courses have been some excer.lentr imaginati-ve
first ras simple -"r siay cn strike actions outside the confines of the
un'|il :hs Leam rer'L'
iact thai :ne t,eam ua liox;"1."1"::"
to Dundee and Earnsiabfe the next
N HS FiaSGO::*i":ii:ii:':;i#!"ii.t:ri":i:"tl If the dispute is to be uon, NHS
ueek and ina-" the uorkers at those
iuo offices had alreaciy decided to uorkers must start to take control
rArother TUI day of action in support of it auay from the TIJC and the
ccse out il they c!id, solidaritY of the Health uorkers l' - You can unions and run *"hings qiggl!. in
seered the rbvicus choice. hear the yauns and sighs in every their oun interests. lrje think this
8ut another iiea uas beinq pusheci by uori,ip lace, even lrom uorkers uho uere means!-
lhe union. fver mindlul ol Lhe state originally enthusiastic supporters of
of their bank account, they sugqested such act.ions a shoit uhile aqo. The 't) through general meet-
overyone qo back to uork, and if the dispute has treen draqged out lor sj.x j.ngs and delegate committees of 4
invesli-oat ing team hasled the J.nspec- nonths 6s6. f'jot oni.,rr are t.he vj.lal the uorkers, irresPective of their
iors agaln, then all the insPectors solidarity actions beginning to position in the hierarchy or membet-
? fa.lter, but sone hospital uorkers, ship of different unions.
(20 out of '1?o uorkersl) uould ualk ilke t he Cenlral lYlanchester AmbuLance
3al. this uay the union could afford men are giving up and agreeing to 2) Sending deleqations to visit other
full strike pay. And' theY saidr if settle for the Governmeni:s paltry uorkplaces and arguing uith them for
Barnstabfe and Oundee are coning out oflf er. rea1, effective solidarity aotion.
too, therets no uaY ue can afford T he unions straleqy ol token solida- S) StarLing an all out strike uith
sLrike cay lor everyoner. therefore rity actions, sectional strikes in the uorkets conLrolling the emergen-
qo back to uork. Hou stuPid can You the NHS and symbolic qest ures, like cy service gl the manaqers.
qet: IN the face of a common threat routine demonstrat.ions and petitions 4) txtendina the strike to other
iacing atl stafi at a1I DHS5 offices all uell spaced out, i-s precisely (especially Publir Service) sectors,
in the country, the unions besL res- that uhich deleated the Civil Serv- starting those already in disp-
ponse is to divide uorkers, not unite ants back in i981. lhe TUC is the ute, and organising jg5!g! actions.
t hem. same TllC LhaL arranged for the isola-
At the same time as this t]ecalt dis- tion and Cefeat of the Lrain drivers 5) Struqql-ing for the futl 12%
claim and nothing 1ess.
Gommunity Police
Conplaints about police b=utaLity

continue imabateal in lvlanchester anrl Q1. Uho said nKitson ehould havo
eepecially in the irloes Sl,ile area. A his haad bloun offn?
recent incident in lvloEg has con-
firmed the opi.nions of the people who
live there that the police a=e above
#m#,#r=##ffi Q2. Uho dsacribed striking
anbulance drl.vers as nterroristgn?
the 1aw. IEflEIEg]HiE]IEIIE]H] Q3. Uho deelared a state of
At the end of Septenber (ZZna) a In Manchester the potice eosmittee srnGrgrncy and used troops to
young rnan was etoppe{i in Moss SiCe by oeem por,rerl-esB to stop the exceeees break a strike, and uhara?
drug squad officerB, who wanted to of the latter day Jesus Ch-rist,
ta}e hin to Mose Sitia station to Anderton. Throughout Britain oore Q4. Uho said ue uere IpayinE our
search hi-o. Not euprisingly he didnrt and more people are dying in police
selves mora than the value of
want to go. There lras so&e diecusej-on Uhat urc produced'?
custo{y every year. The recent
and a crowd. gathered. He offered to appointment of a comfiunity liason Q5. lrho salled for rrtha trimming,
be aearched in front of the crowcl. officer for Moss Sid.e has been a::. of rcandy flossl items, such as
The police refueeC the offer, roore ur::li-tigated. d.isaster. Although paid edusation and socrial seDvices so
police a:rived. there was a scuffle.
anci a huee salary the liason officer that more money uould be avai.lable
2 comunity workers arziveci to try has no eredibilrty i-n the comurrity. fo! thc poliee'?
anci cal-n thinge d.orrn, one of the uork-
{.**16****{.*****a+J+l(Jo+*Ja*tf ***********
ers wag d.eecribeal as " a riot leaderfi The job of the pol-ice is not to
by police there and a fig:ht then took protect the public - it is to ANSL'ERS TO SCAB QUIZ ANSIIJERS TU SC
place after r+hich the police arrested protect the people in control of AB QUIZ ANSII,ER5 TU SCAB QUIZ ANsII,E
4 people and forcibly took tbo to ***#**** ******x***16)*Jf **l(********
or-r lives fron rhe peopl_e the1.
Moss Side police station. Cne of those control - us. So it is no use talk-
arrested was a coomunity worker who 6paEueqa
ing of more commrjnity policenen srlEqn zg6L Jo pua aq1 lv
had no injruies before his arrest but and. more d.eroocratic control of the
on his release froxa Moss Side has €. police. 0n1y uhe:] people crganise .086! qcrEld .ue1oog1 pfeuoU roffr
suspected fractured sku11 a:rd poseibly
pe:manent d.a.:na6e to one of his eyes.
theraselves so that he govenuent --c!no3 .aa111uuo3 acffod puefpThJ
and its aimy and Bolice are disband.- assfl aq1 Jo ueuJreqf BqI .9V
ed.forever will peopl-e stop being
Three days after this happeneti a d.enon treated. with brrutal_ity by ihe police. 'rram
strati.on I organised t by a sna1l se lsnf op pTnon Jalirleql .sJ6
mrober of 1oca1 people (not even a l.t is interesting to note that there to 'gL6L r.r1 r.reqEe11e3 ufC .rH
fo:ma11y orgarised group) attracted has been a eomplete newsblackout of
over 1,000 people including the 1oca1 this matter. The d.eno:rstration J .sraleaJq alfJls se sdooll 6ursn ur
MP, Cor:nci1lors, and. JPs. I{any people d.ays after the amests was not rep- a3T?3eJd go,{4ua1d XoE luauu:ano.t
on the deroonstration were niddle aged orted and neither was a d.erDonstrat- anoqe-l aq1 .6161 .a1rr1s sran rrp
or o1d people who had never been on a ion held outside the Court when the JaIUp+.I.N uT uose61 r(og.9y
demonstration before. A petition was 4 arested. appeared last week.
hand.ed into the police d.eoanding an .sXa>1ce1,s11
independ.ent enquiry into the Moss Side Jo sseTo 6u11n.r aq1 Jo Jaquau
po}be. true ro.r(.reia.rcag TpJaua3 Jnl
s.reaI lxau - aTddeq3 luerl .Zv
Although we applaud the action of
loca1 people in coning out to protest .?eJcnEaJnq Jo ssoq
in large nunbere we think the calling st. .*. Ille lnoqe ralJoll Aue to .626y
of an independent enquiry is a waste .JpC ,JtT Jan rJp {::o1 6u111.r15 . tV
of tioe. The Sca.znan enc-uir^5r recomend-
ed. that officers who had taken unoff-
icial weapons to deal hrith the civil
disturba.nces be severely dealt with
and prosecuted.. However the IPp has
refused to prosecute anlr officers-
even though the officers concerrred
were id.entified. through photographs.
Irle uould like to hear from anyone

Direct Works uho agrees uith our objectives or

is interested in the articles ue
publish. You nay be able to give us
useful information or urite short
articles for inclusion in the bul1e-
rrThis Council is more right uinq n't hide tuo j.mpcrtant points:
than the Toriesrr a union convenor tin. If you like uhat ue produce
said about 5aJ-fords Labour Council Firstly, uhat kind ol so-calfeC you could distribute eopies of
uorkers organisation is it that acte rIllldcat! regularly at your uork-
after being told lhat its Building place, school or club etc. lrJe can
lYlan aoainst the people il claims to
Ivlaintenance Committee had decicied to -6nFoE6-+ ? supply anything from 10 to 100 cop-
sack g!! 430 trorkers 1n the Direct 5econd1y, are our memDries so shorl ies quite easily, free of charge,
Labour Foree, then offer them neu although financial contributions are
that ue have lorgotten the Labour most u,eLcome. If your particularly
jobs at reduced rates uith poorer Government. in pouer carrying out its
oonditions. This kind of heauy hand- ggg cut-backs and attacks on uorkers enthusiastic you mLght actually uant
ed ciealing is certainly typical of living standard., even bringin_o in
to heip produce the bulletin.
Tory Councils but is i.t rea1ly any Lroops (firenen, oustmen) to black- If you trould like to come along to
different to other more rreasonable! 1e9? one of our regular meetings Let ue
Labour Councils, J-ike lYlanchester, knou.
uhere the unions have just done a To fight back effectively against
dea.L to accept 350 ry redundancies? t.hese kind of a.t'uacks ue I ve G0T to Itle can post you single copiee of
go beyond Lhe polit.ics of tr ade Itli-}dcat I as they appaar lf you
A dea1l uhich in giving more money
to early applicants, is deliherately unionism and Labourism, uhich simpl) send us a f,1 contribution (caah or
intended to stifle any unofficial imprison us. etamps).
col-Iestive opposition. 0l course llrite to:
both these Labour Councils are blam: lUildcatr c/o Box 25,
ing the Tory Governments pressure or,l
their organisation and finance. But 164-1,66 Corn Exchange,
Hanging Ditch,
the element of truth in this should- ocr/Nov '92. ,llanchester fl4 38N.

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