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(12) United States Patent (16) Patent N6.= US 6,439,096 B1

Mungalov et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 27, 2002

(54) AUTOMATED 3-D BRAIDING MACHINE 5,388,498 A * 2/1995 Dent et a1. ................... .. 87/50
AND METHOD 5,501,133 A * 3/1996 Brookstein et a1. .......... .. 87/33

(75) Inventors: Dmitri Mungalov, Raleigh; Alex FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

Bogdanovich, Apex, both of NC (US) EP 0538481 A1 4/1993
JP 11100763 * 4/1999
(73) Assignee: STEX, Inc., Cary, NC (US)
* cited by examiner
* Notice: Sub'ect
J to an y disclaimer, the term of this . . .
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 P''lmary Exammer—Andy Fahk _
U_S_C_ 154(k)) by 0 days_ (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—GlasgoW LaW Firm, PLLC
(21) Appl. No.: 09/724,565
(22) F1 d N 28 2000 A machine for producing complex-shaped, three
1e: 0v. , dimensional engineered ?ber preforms having unitary, inte
(51) Int. c1.7 ................................................ .. D04C 3/06 gral and Seamless sml‘Pmres and> a method for making the
(52) US. Cl. .............................................. .. 87/33- 87/50 pref9rms 0“ the. mach“, and preform produf’ed thereby
(58) Field of Search 87;33 50 The integral design and structure of the preform is formed by
"""""""""""""""""""" " ’ a combination of interlacing and non-interlacing ?ber sys
(56) References Cited tems that permits variable cross-sectional area and dimen
sions from a ?rst end to a second end along an axis via
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS selective activation and control of at least one module,
3 894 470 A * 7/1975 Reichel 87/24 preferably a plurality of ‘moduli connected to each other in
4,096,781 A * 6/1978 Bock et a1. .................. .. 87/28 any deslrable Con?guranon'
4,989,644 A * 2/1991 Tanaka et a1. ......... .. 139/1162
5,067,525 A * 11/1991 TsuZuki et al. .............. .. 87/33 23 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 2 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

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o o o o o o

o o o o o o 0

Q 0 O 0 O O

O O O O o O O

0 O o O O 0

O O 0 O O U 0

F] G 9 .

o 0 V0.‘ - Pro.‘ 0*‘ 0 o

o o o 0 ‘J50 o
0 O C! O O 0 D

o o o o o o

o o o o o o o

O’ 0 O O O 0

o o o 0 o o o
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 6 6f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

D O 0-‘- O O O O

0 O O O O O


0 O O O O O

0 O O 0 O O O


0 O O O O O O

0 Q 0 k j ‘0 O 0 O

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U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

0 0 Cl 0 O O O

0 O O O O O

0 O O 0 O 0 O

Q 0 O O O O

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O 0 O O O Q

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0 O O O O O 0


U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 8 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

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U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 9 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

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FIG. 1 7

FIG. 18
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 10 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 11 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

m; 5.37.: Wm 2

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 12 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U S Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 13 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 14 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 15 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 17 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1


U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 18 0f 18 US 6,439,096 B1

Sound and red

light warning Identify access to all
elements and their

Reading ?le with last position

of machine elements

Information that everything is
ready and Green light
Machine stopped

Writing in ?le current position

of machine elements
A 4—-————
Check if button A
“STOP” is pressed
FiX gripping
forks position
Horngears rotation
stop machine
Wrong operation
position Check horngears position
by sensor acquisition

Use ?le with map

of gripping forks
>7 Check if button
Rotate gripping forks “EPd of cycle”
is pressed Yes

Check rotated gripping

forks position
Right position
Wrong position
Return gripping forks to
the previous position

FIG.35 V
US 6,439,096 B1
1 2
AUTOMATED 3-D BRAIDING MACHINE nected With the drive assembly and the brake mechanism
AND METHOD Which is necessary for the rotation and eXact position of the
Geneva Wheel and the handing over process of the bobbins.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Disadvantageously, the construction of the Geneva Wheels
APPLICATIONS requires a relatively high fell, or braiding point.
This non-provisional utility patent application contains Also, disadvantageously, the machine dimensions affect
related subject matter to one or more prior ?led co-pending the yarn compensation length. To balance the yarn compen
non-provisional applications although it does not claim sation length, it is necessary to use an up-and-doWn Wind
priority therefrom; the following is a reference to each such balance system that can be controlled by a torsion arm.
10 Hence, there are special problems using carbon and glass
prior application identifying the relationship of the applica
tions and application Ser. No. 09/667951 for 3-D BRAIDED yarns, Which are very sensitive to any torsion and redirec
COMPOSITE VALVE STRUCTURE ?led Sep. 22, 2000 to tions. Thus, there remains a need for a method and machine
Bogdanovich, et al. for that is siZed and con?gured to Work Without space and
control limitations and restrictions for yarn types that can
15 Work on machines of the prior art.
Additionally, it is knoWn in the art to use a bobbin tip
(1) Field of the Invention principle for 3-D braiding processes and machines. This type
The present invention relates generally to three of system Works Without intersections, With smaller Working
dimensional braiding technology, more particularly, to place requirements and a special method of construction to
three-dimensional braiding machines and methods of manu minimiZe the yarn compensation length; also it is based on
facturing braided preform structures thereWith. an interlacing or knocking process With only one yarn
(2) Description of the Prior Art control system, With modi?ed Geneva Wheels that have tWo
Braided teXtile structures have been manufactured by notches for Working space in the third dimension, i.e., a
hand for many years. Also, it is knoWn in the prior art to use bobbin can be con?gured in the Working area of tWo Geneva
machines for braiding and for the manufacture of braided Wheels and can be controlled by them. HoWever, the Geneva
preforms, perhaps even as early as 1770 When Mr. Bock Wheels have a de?ned curve that does not Work With any
muhl built a braiding machine in Barmen. The intersection; this con?guration only permits hemispherical
3-dimensional braiding process is a further improvement arrangements and provides limited freedom of movement of
and substantial development over the 2-dimensional braid the bobbins throughout the braided structure. Thus there
ing of structures like “LitZen” and cordage. In 3-D braiding remains a need for a method and machine that permits 3-D
processes, the braiding yarn runs throughout the braided braiding of compleX structures in a compact machine con
structure in all three dimensions. Thus, the structures of 3-D ?guration.
braids offer special properties, e.g., high torsion strength. Furthermore, machines of prior art could not produce
Moreover, typically, it is knoWn to use braided performs for 35
Wall-thickness sufficient to Withstand further processing,
composites and laminated structures for a variety of appli much less provide adequate ?nished composite properties.
cations. Additionally, the use of high performance ?bers for Importantly, machines and methods of making braided ?ber
making multilayer preforms is knoWn in the art. preforms according to the prior art have been unable to
The present invention is applicable to the design and provide uninterrupted transition betWeen components hav
manufacturing of a broad variety of cross-sectional shapes ing different cross-sectional shapes and dimensions Without
and dimensions of three-dimensional (3-D) braided ?ber making substantial changes to the machine con?guration
preforms and structures for a multiplicity of applications, and/or yarn or ?ber supply.
including but not limited to preforms for making composite Thus, there remains a need for a machine and method for
structures for aerospace and commercial aircraft, producing complex-shaped, three-dimensional engineered
infrastructure, industrial and commercial components, and 45 ?ber preforms that may be used as mechanical components,
other applications. The design of machines for braiding has more particularly, a compleX shaped three-dimensional
developed With the groWing success and interest in high braided ?ber preform formed and constructed of a unitary,
performance composite structures, in particular three integral construction including a plurality of ?bers that are
dimensional Woven and braided preforms for use in capable of producing a variety of cross-sectional shapes and
composites, due to their high speci?c stiffness and strength, siZes in a continuous series on a single machine.
fatigue life, corrosion resistance, thermostability, and
dimensional stability in a Wide range of temperatures and
agressive environments, The present invention is directed to a machine and method
Prior art machines have been limited in, most importantly, for producing compleX shaped, three-dimensional engi
control, speed, dimension, and precision. More particularly, 55 neered ?ber preforms having unitary, integral and seamless
prior art machines have been unable to provide a density of structure and rigid composite structure made therefrom for
yarn carriers that Would permit the machine to make suffi use as a mechanical component, particularly for use as a T
ciently large cross-sections for practical applications, much and J -stiffener structures, I-beam structures, boX-beam
less a variety of cross-sectional shapes and their continuous structures, tubular and circular cross-section beam
variation along the braided part. By Way of example, the 3-D structures, engine valves, and similar structures, and method
rotational braiding machine manufactured by the company for making the preform.
August HerZog employs a system that Works With Geneva Preferably, a particular embodiment of the invention is a
Wheels, Which is very similar to conventional braiding machine for forming 3-D braided structures having an
systems. This prior art braiding machine is based on the integral design formed by selective combination of sets of
net-braiding machine, Which alloWs the production of a 65 straight yarns or ?ber systems and interlacing continuous
net-braided structure through a systematically braided con reinforcing yarns or ?ber systems. The machine or device of
nection of small braids. Each Geneva Wheel must be con a preferred embodiment according to the present invention

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