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G1 – Some basic questions Date: August 07, 2015 12:51PM

Hello everyone.

I have some basic questions relating to G1 that may provide further insights into its inner design
and purpose.

1. Is there historical evidence of a capstone at the apex.

2. Was it completely covered in casing stones upto the apex.
3. Why was the main entrance hidden by limestone blocks and who did it.Is it the original design
to cover it with blocks.
4. Is the main entrance tall enough for a human,say Pharoah with his head crown to walk in
without having to bend.
5. Is it conclusive that the AP beyond the plugs is an original design feature.
6. Did the casing stones act as thermal shield from the sunlight.
7. Did the Pharoah and high temple priests walk all the way down the DP.
8. How did they access G1 if main entrance was blocked with LS blocks.
9.Is there a physical link between G1 n Sphinx.

G1 - some more questions Date: August 12, 2015 08:09PM

Some theories describe G1 as a machine, a very large one though, leading to some logical

Why was only 1 machine built?

Did it serve a specific objective related to giza plateau?

#was it designed for terra farming of giza post the last ice age or some cataclysm?

If it was a power plant, what was the input and output? How was the power distributed and
how far? What did the AE use this power for?
Where is the evidence of power transmission?

Could the power generated in the form of either heat or electricity or sound waves have been
used internally for some other purpose, say matter conversion to produce gold or solid fuel?

Is there evidence of large scale use of gold by AE ?

Could the gold or other material, if produced in G1, have been used as fuel?
# I suspect the DP and SC was the functional area that was only accessible.

It seems to me the major problem is that there is only 1 G1 and this is also a powerful clue in
plain sight.
Why is the universe so big? Date: August 19, 2015 10:12PM

Our Mysterious Universe

Current estimates of the diameter of our observable universe put it at 91 billion light years. There are an
estimated 100 billion galaxies and 30 billion billion stars.
Our Universe is unimaginably large.
The estimated age of the Universe is 14 billion years compared to our recorded history of about
6000 years.

If we assume that there is no other form of life elsewhere in Universe other than on earth, how
can the sheer size of the Universe be justified towards this end. In this case, there is simply
almost 100% idle capacity. Is this an intelligent design of an omnipotent omniscient eternal

On the other hand, if life exists elsewhere as an intelligent design of the CREATOR, why is there
not a single reference in historical records of a contact?

14 billion years is a very long time for some forms of life to develop and be significantly more
advanced than us 6000 years ago and by probability in many star systems.

On this logic, can we allow a mathematical possibility that the Epic of Gilgamesh or Great
pyramid of Giza may well reasonably be attributed, connected to non earth life? What could be
the computed probability of this to be true?

Extending further this logic, ancient Hindu text Manvantara refer’s to time cycles and they
instruct us that there is a significant difference in measure of time of Gods and humans. 100
years of Brahma Is equal to 300 trillion human years.

Is this treatise suggesting the relativistic effects of space travel as predicted by Albert Einstein
assuming that Gods and humans co habit the same or different universes but at great
intervening distances. Interestingly, lesser gods have lower differences in time ref to us
suggesting they habit a region closer to us.

This hierarchy may be suggested in the G1 and other megaliths as the number of layers of stone
blocks with varying heights. (I will write more on this later as some other explanations are also
feasible....musical harmonics being also an indicator of hierarchy and therefore having link with
gods and humans at a fundamental level)

God or non earth life forms with advanced knowledge and technology may well be both a
spiritual and scientific reality with religion blurring and misleading the identity on both sides
with exceptional efficiency to date.

Did the ancient Egyptians practice the occult oriental science of Kundalini awakening?

Look closely at the image below. What so you see? Is it a light bulb? Some people have
claimed that this is a depiction of ancient Egyptian lighting technology. However, the
evidence is weak and this wall relief is not widespread across other Egyptian monuments.

This article discusses the comparative analysis of the wall relief in the crypt below
Hathor temple at Dendera, Egypt using the knowledge and concepts of an advanced
Vedic/Oriental yogic practice and establishes a high level of similarity and functional co-
relationship. This leads to the conclusion that there are strong links between the two
ancient civilizations and raises questions about the relative historical antiquity and
chronology of these civilizations. It also suggests that the hieroglyphs interpretation may
also have a reasonable basis in ancient oriental science rather than only Egyptian

The figure holding triangular objects in both hands is Thoth or Master of ceremonies who
guides and controls the whole process of Kundalini awakening and ascension and
maintains “equilibrium” and “balance” (Thoth with the Baboon face).

The triangular objects represent Crystals that control, focus and contain the Kundalini
energy as it rises upwards inside the spine to avoid fatal injury to the vital organs.

The sphere on the head of figure sitting on the block represents activated Crown chakra
which is the ultimate destination and receptacle for the fully awakened Kundalini energy.

The figure itself is “Air God” and represents the use of advanced breathing techniques to
activate the dormant Kundalini using specific hand and sitting positions. (Mudra)

Djed represents stability, endurance, steadfastness and its equivalent is the Basic chakra.

The tube represents the spinal column thru which the Kundalini flows upwards..

The tube starts below the Djed. It implies start point of the Serpent/Kundalini energy
which is located at the base of spine and below the Basic chakra.

The figure facing the Djed represents “current” or “flow” or “movement” suggesting the
Kundalini starts to move upwards like a current.

The figures facing each other and holding palms represent love, affection and represent
the Heart chakra.
The Lotus represents a Chakra. It is positioned near the groin of the standing figure and
implies the Sex chakra.

The Snake represents the fully awakened Kundalini energy as it is not coiled.

The “Bulb” is the gradual expansion of the power of Kundalini energy as it rises upwards
inside the spine and passes thru each major chakra.


On the basis of above interpretation of the image and its constituent parts, it can be
concluded with reasonable certainty that this relief is a visual and symbolic rendering of
the ancient science of Kundalini awakening and its ascension from below the base of the
human spine and upwards thru it and finally into the Crown chakra above the head. This
practice is believed to provide access to the inner world and communication with higher
divine beings for wisdom, power and guidance.

This analysis suggests a close link between the ancient Egyptian and the Vedic/Oriental
civilizations that may have not been directly evidenced or suggested before.

It leads to credible questions regarding the nature of this relationship and the relative
antiquity and chronology of these civilizations.

The functional interpretation of the glyphs shows up parallels with Vedic/oriental

wisdom science and requires further research and elaboration. This would lead to a
greater understanding of the entire body of ancient Egyptian architecture and writing.


All articles for consideration for JARCE must be submitted in electronic form. The article
may be sent as an attachment directly to the editor, Dr. Eugene Cruz-Uribe, at:

When submitting articles, please send photographs and/or illustrations as a separate

attached file. If you have any questions about suitability of articles or status of articles
under review, please contact the editor.
he /Dd/ Djed is a pillar symbol that represents the concept of stability, endurance, and
steadfastness. It is often associated with Osiris (Ausar), the underworld, and the dead.
The djed pillar was an important part of the ceremony called 'raising the djed,' which was a part
of the celebrations of Heb Sed, the Egyptian pharaoh's jubilee celebrations. The act of raising
the djed has been explained as representing Osiris's triumph over Set.

Random Notes:

Vedic Sanskrit notes: Spoken only, no original script.

Vowels 16 – Siva tattwas

Consonants 35 – Shakti tattwas

Total 51 alphabets

Universe of 36 tattwas or elements, 108 worlds, 5 kalas.

Ancient Egyptian language – Hieratic, Hieroglyph – written & spoken with own script.

What is the link between Vedic Sanskrit & Ancient Egyptian languages?
How can this be studied? What is the ideal method for study?
Are phonemes/syllables/alphabets derived from fundamental forms?

Analyze Aum IPA & symbol.

Find equivalent in Hieroglyph.
Compare and find co-relation.
Dear Sir’s,

I am writing this mail to all of you considering the significant and invaluable contribution made
by yourselves in the understanding of IVC Indus seal signs.

It is with this background and in the hope of making a small contribution to this subject; I have
outlined the basic idea behind a new proposal to understand the IVC seals from a new
perspective which combines the knowledge of linguistics, spiritual texts, epigraphy, archaeology
& technology which you possess combined together.


1. Rig Veda was composed most likely during the period 1500-1200BC or 1700-1100BC and
was orally transmitted.
2. IVC (2600-1900BC) preceded Rig Vedic civilization (RVC) by a few centuries.
3. IVC had a script but no written records on paper or similar material are available.
(However, they had advanced knowledge of metals and its production. Contemporary
ancient Egypt was using papyrus for writing)
4. RVC had an oral tradition but no indigenous script yet they did not use the Indus script
which they must have been aware of.
5. It is believed that the Vedas were composed by Rishis
[][accessed 27.08.2015]
6. “Vedas are also called sruti ("what is heard") literature"
[][accessed 27.08.2015]


1. I am intrigued by this reference to “Rishis” and “heard” and strongly believe that this
may be in reference to the subtle understanding that occurs in a deep meditative
 It also logically supports the evolution of the RV hymns corpus as an oral
tradition rather than written since it was first heard internally, memorized and
then orally transmitted. If this meditative process resulted in some imagery,
then it would have been recorded as logograms or ideograms using a script say
Indus script which already existed. However, this was not the case.
2. I believe that the Rishis or advanced spiritual beings meditated on the IVC seal signs to
reveal their encoded data as inner messages/sounds in the form of hymns and a
subsequent similar process of understanding of the meaning of the hymns.
3. I further propose that the IVC seal signs are advanced knowledge storing devices using
 The basic geometry is straight line & curve and all individual signs are specific
arrangements of these. A meditative trance state using the mental image of the
sign may induce or enhance the vibration effect of the sign geometry resulting
in subtle inner sound due to resonance of the mind field which is in a state of
deep trance rest.

I submit this proposal for your kind consideration and feedback.

The OP was to determine the criteria’s for selection between round & square col. by ancient
builders and when it originated. Interestingly, this question applies logically also to domes and
one could also ask why domes were designed as hollow spheres and not as cube or octahedron.

The argument is re presented in a sequential manner taking into consideration some personal &
very broad core ideas, Jon & Origyptian clarification on “piezoelectricity” and also the last post
about ‘blanks”. I admit this is to some extent speculation but it is open to rebuttal by contrary
evidence and positive discussion.

1. A distinction has to be made between the period pre & post ~ 4000BC whence recorded
history of civilizations begins. (Sumer, Egypt)
2. Ancient “megalithic” sites such as G1, Gobekli tepe, Baalbek, Stonehenge, etc belongs to
the unrecorded period prior to 4000BC. There are also numerous Paleolithic sites
around the globe.
a. All such structures have common feature of massive stones & presence of
quartz/calcite/crystals having piezoelectric property.
b. No megalith has been proven conclusively to be constructed in the period of
recorded history.
3. Post 4000BC, “regular” monuments, and structures, are evident with gradually scaled
down architecture in terms of blocks size but a general increase in total footprint.
a. The choice of material having presence of quartz/calcite/crystals is maintained.
b. The overall design is more focused on aesthetics, visual beauty and various
accessories and adornments like glass, paint, and metal forming part of the
c. This evolution in architecture was not sudden but gradual and appeared in
different areas at different times.
4. To me, this indicates that the ancient knowledge of “megalith” was lost prior to 4000BC.
a. This knowledge later became available to Sumer, Egypt & Vedic India. It was
suppressed and hidden from public use due to its potential for misuse.
b. The revival of this ancient knowledge was gradual and passed on between
civilizations and further disguised/hidden/adapted to suit selfish & petty
monarchic objectives.
5. The ancient knowledge described energy, matter, body, soul, intelligence,
consciousness, universe and the interconnected nature of existence.
6. G1 was the master regulator of all “megalithic” structures.
a. All ancient megalithic sites are resonators of inaudible infrasound which are
produced by quartz/calcite crystals within the stones in its structure.
b. The crystals are transducer of infrasound waves that originated from G1.
Dendera re bulb, kundalini

Hi Michael,

I found the original source link to the image you posted in your earlier post. Thank you for
sharing the image.

I am presently working on this original color image and comparing it with the basic knowledge of
chakras that I possess. Hope to add some additional insight.

Scheme of chakras

Soul chakra (Blue Pearl/Pineal gland – gateway)

9 Crown
8 Forehead
7 Ajna
6 Throat
5 Heart
4 Solar plexus - Osiris
3 Navel
MM Duat ~ underworld
2 Sex
1 Basic

Anubis – Jackal head human

Duat - underworld
Maat – principle of truth, natural order~ ostrich feather~
Ammit – croc/lion/hippo/
Thoth - baboon face

HC upwards represents the spiritual/unseen realms, worlds.

HC is the gateway between the Spiritual & Material worlds, realms. It also represents Thoth with
the baboon face, “the bringer of equilibrium” since only the HC has the power to balance all the
upper and lower chakras. Chakral balancing is a relative state of harmonized & synchronized
chakra size & proportion of positive energies. It is only when the HC is balanced and has
therefore balanced other chakras that the “ka - Soul” can physically commence to ascend
upwards from the lower to upper chakras.
SP and below chakras in total is the Duat or underworld. It is the domain of material world
Lower chakra functions:
(Basic – Ambition, drive, wealth; Sex – lust, procreation, creativity; Navel – food, drink,
digestion, ideas; SP- emotions, desires)
Osiris is the ruler of Duat and represents SP. SP directly influences the normal functioning of all
lower chakras and is therefore also their ruler, dictator. SP has a corresponding chakra on the
back of the human body and hence the mythology of Osiris & Isis (as both wife & sister).

Anubis emerging with a small figure from top of Crown chakra.

While analyzing the nature of Fibonacci series,some amazing correlations were observed.
The original objective was to understand the Golden ratio in connection with another endeavor
these insights resulted.

For a refresher, see below for;

[url=]Sri Yantra[/url]
[url=]Planck temperature[/url]

The first image below describes the relation between Fibonacci series and Sri Yantra.
The main relation is the number 43.There are 43 inner triangles produced in Sri Yantra by the
interlocking of the 9 main triangles. This number is also observed in Fibonacci series as a sum of
repeating "number size (in digits) frequency pattern" as shown in the image.



It was also observed that there is higher level of repeating frequency pattern as shown in the
image below. This pattern repeats the sequence of 2 numbers, 314 & 141. Pi ratio is 3.14
(rounded off).
141 is actually the most striking in the context of modern science. It is the initial 3 digits of
Planck temperature, which is 1.417*10^32 degrees Celsius.


Is this a mere co-incidence?

Does anybody know of similar correlations expressed earlier in this forum or outside?
I enjoyed your post and some of your points have encouraged me to discuss some key essential
points, specifically your comments about glyphs having a distinct logical meaning and their
relation with phonetic alphabets.

The following discussion should not be considered as only applicable to AE context but including
Sumerian, Rig Vedic, Chinese and other more ancient civilizations that had a natural language
and/or script.

What do we exactly mean by ancient civilizations? Is there any unique or common distinguishing
feature other than remote timeline? Is it complex architecture, texts or language?

Is ancient science different from modern science and in what ways?

What do we essentially and fundamentally understand by the term “meaning”/“knowledge”?

What exactly is our brains understanding of a line segment or a circle drawn on a piece
of paper? We normally and immediately “sense” that it is real and think no more of it
but is it actually “real” in the natural sense bcz it disappears if we erase it or burn the
paper? So, is our brain or rather the sensory apparatus, normally, capable or tuned to
distinguish between natural and artificial reality?

Is “meaning”/”knowledge” in context of Universal Science a direct function of fundamental

geometry or form, vibration frequency of this form and precise numbers and/or ratios?

Are there natural sensory limits to our understanding of the physical world by observation and
experiments irrespective of advances in technology?

How Natural Process or Law’s “meaning” which operates in a dynamic 3d world can be encoded
in a static 2d form (Hieroglyph, cuneiform)? How “Time” is accounted for in the 2d sign?

What is the unknown process of information encoding & compression? What part is missing in a
2d sign to enable decoding? Is it property of “Time”?

What are the limits to such encoding? Is presence of higher phonetic alphabet size an indicator
of higher levels of Universal science understanding and its encoding?

How natural sound units (language alphabets - phonemes, syllables) which operate in 3d are
related to the 2d signs? Do they serve to replicate the underlying vibration frequency encoded
in the sign/form?

In this sense, are phonetic alphabets the decoding units and “speaking” “chanting” (adding time)
the “right words” (proper sequence of alphabets) of ancient language in the right pitch and
meter the decoding process in the brain to cognize using the auditory sense?

Is the encoding & decoding process free from loss of information or there is a loss? What
process of communication would ensure that there is zero loss?

As a final point, are the 2d signs similar to “snapshots” in time of natural laws?
I reiterate these points are only in the context of ancient natural languages and have nothing to
do with the artificial modern languages which work outside in?

A basic mathematical approach using Set theory to frame the postulate that “Ancient languages
encode Ancient science”

Step 1

We define SCIENCE as the set S comprising “ALL knowledge of the Laws and the rules of the
Physical Universe that encompass all objects and phenomena.”
The spiritual domain is deliberately ignored.

We define ancient civilizations (AC) as those that originated before or between 4000-2500BC.

We then define Ancient science (AS) as portion of S understood by each ancient civilization AC
and forming the elements of set S such that;

S= {AS1, AS2, AS3….ASn} with the property at least 1 ASn=S

For ex. S= {AE, Sumerian, Rig Vedic, Atlantean…etc}

AS1€AC1, AS2€AC2 and so on. (Read as AS1 is an element of AC1)

For ex. AS1 can be ancient Egyptian science and AC1 is ancient Egyptian civilization.

This was necessary to put the background in the right perspective avoiding misinterpretation
during textual exchanges. I do not claim that this is complete but it is a foundation which can be
worked upon by more qualified researchers to give it a formal shape.
I am very pleased to note that the last post was able to make some impact in you and this is very
encouraging for me. I do not wish to impose my views but believe that if presented in the
proper way and structure has the ability to strike an inner cord.

Please consider this example by way of analogy of the key issues involved as I understand it;

Universe- Supercomputer
Energy, Matter, Space, Time- Hardware components
Natural laws and rules, physical constants-Operating System

This OS is written in a unique natural machine language with a defined physical structure and
interrelationships. Geometry, Frequency & number ratios are its building blocks.

Ancient natural languages are Software programs that attempted to replicate this natural
machine language locally in order to communicate with the OS & Hardware. There are many
versions of these languages-software programs depending on the understanding of this machine
language by the ancient civilizations. The alphabets are its building blocks.

The phonetic alphabet size of the ancient language determines the degree to which they
understood the machine language. Sound or technically Vibration is a Universal feature and
Resonance is transfer of quality or achieving equivalent state between two vibrating systems.

The sign alphabet was an attempt to preserve this ancient phonetic knowledge but obviously
there was loss of information for how does one encode a 3d reality in 2d. I could be wrong if a
technique does exist but is unknown to us.

Modern language is an artificial construct based on arbitrary assignment of words & meaning to
objects & phenomena. It has no natural link with the underlying reality. It was not developed
per se to understand reality but as means of communication and recording as formalized socio-
economic settlements developed.

However, sometimes and I think randomly modern language letters do come together in a
specific arrangement to form a word or phrase that creates a subtle resonance with the
underlying reality and information transfer takes place within the mind thru the sub-
consciousness level.

I am very interested to seek a line of confirmation from you whether the Pyramid texts make
any reference to meditation. I believe and hope that if you could try and practice meditation on
a select PT short phrase composed of glyphs of your inner choice, you will not be disappointed.
Hello Dr.Troglodyte & Cladking,

Appreciate your response and hope this will lead to a productive discussion and some fresh
ideas and insights.

I reviewed the images in the OP and have attempted to highlight more details that should lead
to a broader line of analysis.

The first image is as below which highlights that Anubis is depicted twice with significant
variance in relative size and form. The figure of Anubis above the Sphere shows only the head.
Image 1

If small size is due to decoration or not the subject, then why depict Anubis again as a large
complete figure to the extreme right.

Is it not likely that the relative small size symbolically suggests “birth or rebirth” taking into
consideration the other small object to its right which I have explained in the 2nd image below?
Image 2

The following details can be observed and require an explanation that fits with the overall
mysterious process of Weighing of the Heart;

2.1 – Anubis relative small size and incomplete form. Is it emerging from the Sphere or attached
to the sphere. The sphere can be clearly seen as not attached to the horizontal beam.

2.2 – What are these spheres as per conventional Egyptology? I believe these are chakras as per
oriental ancient science.

2.3 – The figure clearly displays humanoid features. Is it the Soul/ka that has been rebirth as
suggested by the relative small size?

2.4 – This figure is not clear but the following image from Hathor temple may be related. It may
be attached to the scale beam or suspended as is clear from the gap 2.5.

Image 3

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