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Writing Portfolio Reflection

Directions! READ ME! ​Answer each question in AT LEAST 2-3 complete sentences. When you
are finished, make sure this reflection is:
1) Submitted on Google Classroom and
2) copied, pasted, and published on your portfolio page.

1. Copy (highlight, then press Control + C) and paste (highlight, then press Control + V)
your Weebly URL here:

2. What are the ​strengths​ of your literary analysis? (What did you do well?)
One strength of my writing was… because…

3. What could you i​ mprove​ about your writing?

One thing I could improve about my writing is… because...

4. What did you learn about w​ riting or the writing process​ from this literary analysis?
One part of the writing process I learned about was… This will help me…

5. What did you learn about y ​ ourself as a student or writer​ from this literary analysis?
This literary analysis taught me...

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