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Traditional Lesson Plan Template

Subject Area &  English 1 honors (9th)

Grade Level
Unit Title  Tears of a Tiger

Target Concepts  How does the nontraditional plot of Tears of a Tiger impact the novel?
“Big Questions”  How does inferencing impact how you read a novel?
 What does it mean to make generalizations about others?
Lesson Title &  Tears of a Tiger
Objective  Students will be able to work as a whole group, and separately looking at different
types of media, how characters or ideas develop throughout a novel, and determine
the significance of the author’s use of plot in creating mood in the novel.
 They will demonstrate this in the work they complete and improvement on their
post tests.
 This will allow them practice of working with different softwares, like the
webquest, so they can get used to different online programs.
Assessment  Comparison between the pretest and post test
(Formative and  How they preform while completing the webquest
Materials &  Projector
 Expo markers
 Pens/pencils
 Notebook paper
 Laptops
Technology  Webquest on their laptops
 Google Docs to record their answers
 Speakers
 Laptop
 White board
 Copies of novel
Standards  7.1 Trace the development of a common theme in two different artistic mediums
 8.1 Analyze how characters or a series of ideas or events is introduced, connected,
and developed within a particular context.
 12.1 Determine the significance of the author’s use of text structure and plot
organization to create the effects of mystery, tension, or surprise citing support
from the text
EEDA Issues  This helps students learn to navigate different types of media.
 This helps students begin to use what they are reading in their daily life (by
practicing how to be certain characters)
Instructional o Start off the class with their daily Magic Lens grammar sentence. They
Procedures keep a notebook of sentences from the week that they turn in at the end of
the week for a grade (5-10 min).
o Then, ask the class if they have a favorite character from our novel to get
them thinking, have them pick the name of a character from a cup (3 of
each character so each student gets a part), then a 15 minute journal
exercise where they will choose from the prompts: *(This was completed
prior to this lesson because of internet issues, so read examples of their
writing to get them thinking about being in the mind of the characters
 Write about your picked character from Tears of a Tiger, what are
they like? What do they like and dislike? What is their family like?
 Thinking about your picked character, write a journal entry through
their eyes, or write like you are them.
o Write the names of the people in each group for the Webquest on the board.
Make sure to include a section to the side of the definition of words they
need to know for the Webquest:
 Inference- an educated guess
 Generalization- taking something specific and applying it more
broadly, like stereotyping
 Plot- the sequence of a work of literature
o Then tell them to get out their assigned laptops and open up a Google Doc
while you open up the Webquest. (50-60 min)
 Go over the first few questions together, having them number each
question and write in complete sentences. Pull up the YouTube
video to make sure it will work & watch together (Question #2).
 Once finishing the whole group questions, tell them to look at the
board and find their name so they know what group they’re in, have
them type it onto the Google Doc so you know how to grade them.
o Once they finish, have them complete the post test to see their progress in
comparison to your already acquired pretests! (20-30 min)
o Lastly, assign them a character from the novel (drawing out of that same
cup from earlier), so that they can prepare questions and statements that
they can use in the socratic seminar in the next few days. (5 min)

Differentiation  By using their pretests, I have grouped them up according to which topic they
demonstrate more need in and what interests them (topic 1 is plot, topic 2 is
inferencing, and topic 3 is making generalizations).
 They get to choose which journal topic they want to write between the two
choices which is in preparation for their Socratic seminar.
Grading  Completion of journals
 Completion of Webquest, submitting of Google Doc and correctness
 Completion and correctness of post test
of Student

IEP 504  Allow extra time for one of my students (There is 1 504 plan).
Reflection  The lesson addresses areas where students struggled on the pretest and allows them
to expand that knowledge so they can preform better in that area.
(or Predictions)
 By writing through the eyes of a character it allows them a creative way to write
out their own ideas. They also pull up the webquest themselves by making use of
the videos and charts that are on them.
 They make use of the provided charts, they construct a writing from the mind of
their character, they will come up with questions for the socratic seminar.
 This causes them to encounter plot, generalizing, and inferencing which are words
many of them are unfamiliar with.
 By starting out together I hope to model the way they should be answering
questions so they feel more prepared when moving towards doing work on their

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