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nna parameteers:
1.4.14 Impedance
I e Bandwid
Impedancce bandwidth is defined as

The symb
bols in the abo
ove equation are depicted in
i Fig. 30 bellow.

Fig. 30: Concept

C of im
mpedance band

hen  = -10 dB
Note: Wh B,
Hence thee impedence bandwidth
b n also be speccified by the ffrequency rannge within whhich VSWR  2.

1.4.15 Effective
E Aperture

It is a meeasure of the ability of an antenna to collect

c powerr from an inccident wave aand deliver it to its

The effective aperture (area) of a reeceiving antenna looking ffrom a certainn direction (, ) is the raatio of
the averagge power PL delivered to a matched load to the maggnitude of thhe average poower density Pavi of
the incideent electromaagnetic wave at the positiion of the anntenna multipplied by the normalized ppower
pattern Pav(, ) of thaat antenna.

The effecttive aperture is related to the

t directivity
y as:

A maximu um effective area Aem can

n be defined when
w the anteenna is receivving in its maaximum-direcctivity
direction. That is,

1.5 Co
ommunication Lin
nk and Friis
F Tran
n Equatioon
Fig. 31: Transmitting
T and
a receiving antennas for derivation off Friis transmiission equatioon

The Friis transmission equation relaates the powerr received to the power traansmitted betw
ween two anttennas
placed in the far-field of
o each other..

If Pt is thee input power to the transm

mitting anten
nna, then the iisotropic pow
wer density att a distance R from
the antenn na can be giveen by:

Wo  et
4R 2
where et: efficiency of the transmittiing antenna.

For a direectional transm

mitting antenn
na, this value changes to

Wt  et Dt
4R 2
where Dt: directivity off the transmittting antenna.

Not all off the transmittted power den nsity is receiv

ved by the recceiving antennna. In order tto find the vaalue of
that, we need
n to consid
der the effectiv
ve aperture of the antenna and the absoorption losses in the atmospphere.

Thus the received

r pow
wer can be exp
pressed as:

Pr  AerWt

 2 
Aer  e r Dr  
 4

 2  PD   
Pr  er Dr    et t t2  er et Dr Dt   Pt
  4R  4R 
This equation is known as the Friis Transmission Equation and it relates the power Pr (delivered to the
receiver load) to the input power of the transmitting antenna Pt. The term (/4πR)2 is called the free-space
loss factor, and it takes into account the losses due to the spherical spreading of the energy by the antenna.
Friis transmission equation is the basis to find the RADAR range equation.

At this point, we are in a position to define the term effective (or equivalent) isotropically radiated power,
EIRP, a term frequently used in communication systems. It is defined as the power gain of a transmitting
antenna in a given direction multiplied by the net power accepted by the antenna from the connected
transmitter. Suppose an observer is located in the direction of maximum radiation from a transmitting
antenna with input power Pt, then

EIRP = Pt Gt .

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