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Universidad Del Norte

Instituto de Idiomas

Religion, The answer to the human “Un-knowledge”.

Alvaro Andres Restrepo Orozco

English Level VIII
Program: Graphic Design
Period: 19/10/2015 to 26/10/2015

Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia. October 26th 2015

Religion is restricting The Human Kind, “Religion is hate, Religion is fear, Religion
is war, Religion is rape, Religion's obscure, Religion's a w****” (Araya T. 2006), this
quote actually describe exactly what the religion has done to our world, and how it contains
the ignorance of people who believe in a God. It is kind of sad that the entire things that the
man has discovered, most of the time is caused “By the Grace of God” instead of the effort
of investigation and true discovery of a human being that has the knowledge and the
believable sources of his/her work.

In recent years most of the lies of the religion have been prove to be false, there are
a lot of things that to this day has no explication what so ever, “In the attempt to attain
clarity about what it does, science of religion can neither proceed only descriptively nor
simply establish norms.”(Schmid, Georg. 2011). This in particular is a problem, if some
says that something exist, the subject need to have prove of it, but not the typical “I saw
it!”, a real one, scientific evidence, a real source, a real prove, for example: the recent
discovery of producing energy from the acceleration of particles; it is now known that the
answer to it is the Hadron Super Collider. “The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world
largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and
remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-
kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to
boost the energy of the particles along the way.” (Retrieved From: This discovery is benefing the
Energy factor, to create alternatives to the Nuclear energy and Fossil Fuels.

It is easier to believe in something that has valid sources, this is the reason why in
college an essay needs direct quotes from academic sources instead of Wikipedia. Those
sources are based in true facts and investigation across years of research. On the other hand
the religion excuses itself in a way that just seems to be unpolished and somehow
immature, just by saying that if it does not have explanation what so ever, God Did it. If
something has no explanation it does not mean that is actually something invalid, it is just
waiting to be explained, another example of this was the discovery of the “Higgs Particle”
wich is related with the Hadron Collider experiments, this is due to the fact that the Higgs
particle is the responsible of the energy produced in the collider, “Since July, both ATLAS
and CMS have been working on extending the capabilities of their data analysis. The large
teams of physicists have studied in even greater detail all the signals and the information
that can be extracted from the data. Following this collective effort, both collaborations
have recently presented an update on the mass of the new particle, together with several
new measurements which are starting to unveil its properties.” (Rosso, 2015).

Believe in Religion is not something bad, it is just useless, to prove it; Charles
Darwin Stated, that the world is divided in two main parts, the Idealism, and the
Materialism, stating that everything in this world it is just material, there is not an
metaphysic overpowered entity or something alike, this concludes to the fact that people
just create these entities to have something in what to believe, due to the lack of valid
conclusions or any believable prove. Why people do this?, The answer is usually related to
the desire of power, most believers are usually brainwashed, this means that no matter what
do they believe before encountering in a religion they end believing in something absurd.
There exists local churches that actually just convince people of follow their believes only
because God Calls them, without any valid argument whatsoever, and what they do there is
foolish the people to buy them Merchandise or even idolatrize them, they use their
ignorance on their own advantage. This is one of the main reasons why religion could be
something bad for people; they are just retarding themselves of being people with criteria
and character, just being fooled by some churches, not all of them but still (Retrieved From:
And speaking about possessed people, the only thing that they have is an abnormal
behavior this is caused by stress and anxiety, not because they are possessed by Satan,
Satan does not exist either, it is just another supernatural being created by religion to have
something to fear and be “Good Persons”, to accomplish “He’s” demands (God demands).
Maslow, A. H. (1950). Describes this behavior as a sensation that occurs when the person is
stimulated to do so, there are some extreme Christian churches that do all the show off to
demonstrate the called “Power Of God”, but this power is fake, Most of these people are
first introduced to the cult and they get paid to do this. This is another dirty method to get
people into the cult. Morton S. A Catholic Journalist stated “Anyone that has read the Bible
at all knows it speaks of people being possessed by "devil(s)" or "unclean spirits." Christ
and His disciples dealt with possessed people regularly and always cast the invading spirits
out (Matt. 4:24; Mark 6:7, etc.). As to how these spirits originated or became evil, the Bible
is mostly silent. There is some indication they may be the spirits of the "sons of God" who
took on flesh and came unto the "daughters of men" in Noah's day and later died in the
flood (Gen. 6:1-4), but there is no proof that is the case. Others suggest they are angels that
chose to rebel with Lucifer (Isa. 14; Eze. 28) before man's creation and subsequently
became "devils," but there is no clear proof of this either. Instead of speculating as to their
origin, let's look at what can be known; what the Scriptures do reveal.” This could be valid,
except for a few things: “Bible is mostly silent.” Why? The Bible should have the answers
of this, or it is just in there to full pages with Lies and false facts? There is not a prove that
indicates that a person gets possessed by Satan or anything else, they just suffer from an
epileptic attack. “Other demographic studies of epilepsy have revealed mean annual
incidence rates ranging from 17/100,000 (Sato, 1964) to 70/100,000 (Pond et al., 1960) and
prevalence rates from 2.8/S, OOO to as high as 15/1,000. Comprehensive review of their
methods indicates that, although rates may indeed differ among different populations, a
major problem is the wide variation in the completeness of case ascertainment and the
definitions of epilepsy used.” (Allen W. †, Leonard T., 2007) Here is another quote from
that contradicts this Journalist statement, and this article is the result of a full investigation
and studies through decades of research, proving that Epilepsy is something that actually
could happen to anyone, even if they are healthy.”
But, in counterpart, it is religion that bad? Actually is not. It is true that religion has
caused more death that the most Bloody War on the Human History, The World War II,
since most of the wars in Human history has something to do with religion. But people
have demonstrated that Religion could save their lives, in a difficult situation, sometimes
have faith is something that not precisely helps the person in any way, but preserves their
will to continue to struggle the situation upon them. There is a full research done by
recompilation of various achievements in medical and psychological history done by
Harold. K. in 1998 The Full research, a recompilation of various investigations and results
of experiments with people that had mortal diseases, or mental illness, Called “Religion and
Mental Health”, which actually prove the intervention (Not Directly) of the religion in the
process: “For reasons of intellectual integrity, psychiatry cannot afford to ignore or dismiss
millennia of religious and philosophical though about the very essence of human nature,
reality and existence. Nor can it fall to acknowledge the lesson of history: that even the
most secure seeming truth, religious or scientific, may be reliable. To do either would be to
risk the eventuality (which in some opinion may already have occurred) od psychiatry
losing it’s human relevance and drifting out of touch with what people feel, believe and
need.”(Turbatt, 1996). This could actually be something interesting, Religion and Science
working together, instead of fighting to see who is right or wrong about the whole situation
of what do people must believe, and what is real. Religion has been a benefactor in Arts,
Literature, and even scientific discoveries, and that is something that deserves recognition.

Humanity as a hole has discovered a lot of things in the past few decades, but all of
this needs to be proven to confirm that all these discoveries are actually real. Not anyone
can came across and say “I Discovered Something and you Must Believe It, Because I say
so!”, that just Does not make sense, a research to become a theory, then a fact is based in
evidence, and religion lacks of it. A valid Source is also very important; identified when it
is the result of a research that has a valid basis to establish itself as a Theory. The
application of the theory comes along with test and experiments (Not Precisely Scientific or
with Scientific purposes), then when the theory is confirmed it can become a fact, a valid
fact that has been proven. When something has no prove Religion usually uses the power of
the Rhetoric (Which is the capacity of convincing the community about something using
nothing more than the words, but using them in a vary settle way), but when people use this
to manipulate others and use their ignorance in his or her benefit, it is a un-acceptable
behavior, that should not be allowed to do so. But in the end Religion has helped humanity
in many ways, Arts, Culture, Music, Literature, well known histories and exponents of all
these fields exist thanks to religion, and some of the Most Intelligent human beings of
Human Kind that have contributed to science or any discipline mentioned before had
religious bases. Maybe the better thing is to accept each other for who we are and believe,
if we believe, it is ok, since the believer does not harm or criticize others for their believe,
and the same principal goes if it does not. The intention of this article is not to demonstrate
that religion is something bad, it is just a research about how it has been contributing in
both ways (Good and Bad) to humanity, and based on those actions, historical events, and
facts reflect to the Better.
Anonymous (2013), I’m A Church Member. Retrieved From:
Allen W. † ,Leonard T. (2007), The Epidemiology of Epilepsy in Rochester,
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Araya T., Hanneman J., King K. (©2006), Cult [Recorded By Slayer]. Christ
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Schelling, T. C. (1984). Choice and consequence. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
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Schmid, G. (2011). Religion and reason : Principles of integral science of religion.
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Various (2015), The Hadron Super Collider, CERN Publications. Retrieved from:

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