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News Break – Max Fatchen

Now why so loving, darling,

and why the sudden kiss?

You’d help me with some little jobs?

For goodness sake, what’s this?

You face is clean for once, dear.

Your clothes without a crease.

You saved your luncheon money?

Will wonders never cease?

No dropping of your school books,

No shrieking, childish treble.

Today you are a lamb, love,

Where yesterday a rebel.

But surely you’re some stranger,

No rage or hullabaloo.

Come closer, let me look, dear,

Can this be REALLY you?

Now are you struck by lightning

Or were you stunned at sport?

Ah… now I see the reason.

You’ve brought your school report!

Words you might not know:

1. clothes without a crease
- baju tidak berkedut 衣服没有奏摺

2. luncheon money:
- duit makan tengah hari


3.Will wonders never cease?

- adakah keajaiban tidak akan berhenti?

4. No shrieking, childish treble:

- Tiada jeritan没有小孩的吵闹和尖叫声

5. Today you are a lamb, love:

- hari ini awak mendengar kata今天你很乖
6. yesterday a rebel:
- Semalam awak seorang pemberontak

7. No rage or hullabaloo:
- tiada kemarahan dan huru-hara

8. struck by lightning:
- dipanah petir被雷劈到

9. stunned
- Terkejut吓到

10. school report

- Laporan keputusan peperiksaan成绩册

We should be honest with our parents and always tell them the truth. If we lie
to them we might make them feel sad when they find out. Also, if we are honest
to our parents , we can avoid unnecessary arguments. It can also improve our
relationships with one another.

Moral values:
We should be honest with our parents, even though it make us feel bad.
We should not be afraid to tell our parents about out results.
We should be responsible for all the things we do.
We should not find excuses for our mistakes.
I try to make things as simple as I can,

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