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Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris Hari, Tanggal :

Kelas/Program : XI / Keagamaan Waktu :

PETUNJUK UMUM: 1. Semua Jawaban dikerjakan di lembar jawaban yang tersedia.

2. Nama dan nomor siswa ditulis pada sudut kanan atas lembar jawaban.

3. Gunakan waktu yang tersedia dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

1. Nina : Wow, your rose bronch is very beautiful. May I take it?
Risti : No, I really love it, but you may take my bird bronch.
Why does Risti not let Nina take her rose bronch.
A. Risti loves her bird bronch.
B. Risti loves her rose bronch.
C. Risti hates her rose bronch.
D. Nina loves Risti’s bird bronch.
E. Nina hates Risti’s rose bronch.

2. Woman : How much do you love your father?

Man : ....
What is the suitable response to say next?
A. You should see my father.
B. I love him with all of my heart.
C. You mean so much to me.
D. I love you too.
E. I love you very much.

3. Anton : I hear that your wallet was lost.

Andi : Yes, I’m sad about my ID Card. It’s difficult to make the new one.
Where was the ID card?
A. At home
B. At the office
C. In the lost wallet
D. In his bag
E. Brought by Anton

4. Man : ....
Woman : why?
Man : I got bad score in math.
What is the most appropiate expression to complete the dialogue?
A. I’m really happy today.
B. I’m really sad today.
C. I’m sorry to hear that.
D. I’m sorry for my mistake.
E. I know what you feel

5. Man : Why are you crying?

Woman : My grandfather passed away.
Man : ...
What is the most appropiate response to say next?
A. It sounds good.
B. I don’t have any idea.
C. I’m sorry for bumping you.
D. I worried about you.
E. I’m sorry to hear that.

6. Man : Why did you run quickly?

Woman : .... I hit our new teacher accidentally in front of the school gate.
What is the best response to complete the dialogue?
A. I’m glad to hear that.
B. You must be embarrassed.
C. Please leave me alone.
D. Your face must go red.
E. I was ashamed.

7. Rika : I was extremely shy.

Rina : what’s wrong?
Rika : I sliped and fell on the ground. I didn’t see a muddy area around there.
Why was Rika feeling shy?
A. She saw a muddy area around the ground.
B. She saw Rina slipped on the ground.
C. She slipped and fell on the ground.
D. She was extremely shy.
E. She saw Rina fell on the ground.

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Java that was attcaked by another kingdom.
The King asked his Queen to save her life. Alas! In the middle of the jungle, the enemy killed
all her guards. However, the Queen was lucky because she changed herself into a golden
snail and survived.
One day, an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked after it. Whenever
the old woman, was not at home, the snail turned into a human being. She cooked and did
the household chores. When the old woman got home, the Queen quickly changed into a
snail again. It happened several times and made the old woman curious. One day, the old
woman peeped and saw what was going on. She broke in, immediately. She asked, “why did
you change yourself into a snail?”. The Queen told her what happened. The old woman was
surprised to know that the snail was a Queen.
Later, from the head of the village they discovered that the king had won the battle and
he was looking for his wife. The the village head sent a message to the king telling him that
his wife was safe.
Several days later, the King and his guards came for the Queen. They thanked the
villagers for their kindness and brought the old women to their palace.

8. What happened when the old woman found the snail?

A. She reported it to the head of the village
B. She helped it to find the Queen’s husband.
C. It helped cleaning and cooking in her house.
D. She brought it to her house and took care of it.
E. She helped it to find the King.

9. What does the second paragraph tell us about?

A. The Queen lived as a golden snail.
B. The enemy who attacked the kingdom.
C. The old woman who looked after a snail.
D. The King’s guards who were killed by enemy.
E. The King who won the battle.

10. Who was the sender of the message to the king telling that his wife was safe?
A. The head of the village.
B. The old woman.
C. The King’s guard.
D. The Queen’s guard.
E. The King.

11. In the end of the story, the old woman live in...
A. The King’s palace.
B. A small village.
C. The village heads
D. The middle of the jungle
E. Her home.

12. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell the reader about golden snail.
B. To describe the reader about golden snail.
C. To amuse the reader.
D. To retell the story about golden snail.
E. To know the story about golden snail.

Once upon a time in West Sumatra, a woman took her two children to a party. They
were very happy.
There was traditional music show at the party. The children wanted to see it. Their
mother permitted them but they might not go too far. The children ran on stage and enjoyed
the music, but they were bored just watching the show, so they took a walk around the
stage. They forgot their mother’s message not to go too far. They saw a clear and fresh
pond. They jumped into the waater and swam together happily.
The party was almost over but the woman could not find her children. She was sad and
cried. She felt a sleep and dreamt an old woman informed that her children were in the
pond near the party. If she wanted to meet them, she should throw a handful of rice into the
She woke up and ran to the pond. She threw the rice into the pond. Two big fish with
beautiful colors appeared in the pind. Her children turned into big beautiful fish becaause
they disobeyed their mother’s message. Since then, the village near the pond was called
Desa Sungai Jernih which means clear river.

13. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To relate a person’sexperience
B. To entertain the readers.
C. To describe a particular person.
D. To show the steps to make an item
E. To tell a person’s story.

14. “They were very happy” ..... (par 1). The underlined word refers to...
A. A woman
B. Children
C. A woman and her children
D. An old woman
E. A party

15. Who informed the location of the lost chidren?

A. The Children’s friends.
B. People in the village.
C. A woman in the party.
D. An old woman in their mother’s dream.
E. An old woman in the party.

16. What did the woman do to meet her lost children?

A. She held a traditional music show.
B. She looked for big fish in the pond.
C. She threw a handful ofrice into the pond.
D. She jumped into the water and swam around the pond.
E. She held a party.

17. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should obey our parents.
B. We should help others.
C. We should care to the nature.
D. We should respect others.
E. We should clean the river.

One day, when Nasreddin was still young, his mother would have to do outside. Before
leaving, she said to Nasreddin, “Nasreddin,since you are at home alone, you have to watch
the door carefully. Don’t let anyone in. There have been many thieves recently.”
Nasreddin, therefore, sat by the door. An hour later, his uncle came. “where is your
mother?” he asked.
“She is out”, Nasreddin answered.
“My family will be here altogether this evening. Go and tell your mother not to be away
this evening.”
As his uncle left, Nasreddin started thingking “Mother told me to watch the door. Uncle
asked me to find her and tell her that he would be here with the whole family.”
Having thought over and over, he finally made a decision. He pulled the door up, carried
it, and went to meet his mother.

18. What type of the text above?

A. Narrative
B. Recount
C. Descriptive
D. Spoof
E. Analytical

19. “There have been many thieves recently”. What is the similar meaning of the underlined
A. Nowadays
B. Nowhere
C. Before
D. After
E. Sometime

20. Why Nasreddin’s mother asked him to watch the door?

A. Because his uncle would came.
B. Because his mother at home alone.
C. Because his uncle asked him to find his mother.
D. Because there have been many thieves.
E. Because his mother went to his uncle’s home.
21. Who was come to Nasreddin’s home?
A. A thieve
B. His uncle
C. His mother
D. His uncle’s family
E. The whole family

22. What did Nasreddin do after his uncle came?

A. He Watched the door carefully.
B. He pulled the door up, carried it, and went to meet his mother
C. He sat by the door.
D. He told his mother not to be away that evening.
E. He went to meet his mother.

23. The mouse ran away ... a cat would catch it.
A. Because
B. Although
C. If
D. Before
E. After

24. Mother will not allow you to ride the motorcycle ... you are seventeen years old now.
A. Because
B. By the time
C. Whether
D. Even though
E. While

25. The girls were ... when they saw their idols.
A. excited
B. exciting
C. excite
D. boring
E. bored

26. My mother sad because the condition of my brother ...

A. Worry
B. Worrying
C. Worried
D. Relaxing
E. Relaxed
Once, there lived a man in a village. He 27)..... two daughters, Amy and Mary. Amy
married gardener, and mary married a brichmaker. One day, the man 28)...... his daughters if
they were happy. Amy said,”Everything is fine, except we need rain for the plants.”
Mary said, “Everything is fine, except we need fine weather for the bricks to dry.” The
man sighed that one of his daughters would have to be 29)...... soon.
27. A. have
B. has
C. had
D. is having
E. waas having

28. A. answered
B. replied
C. says
D. tells
E. asked

29. A. lonely
B. fine
C. unhappy
D. patient
E. glad

30. Rearrange the following sentences into a good narratives!

1) As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a beautiful woman.
2) Long long ago, there was a fisherman called Batara Gum Sahala.
3) It begged Sahala to set it free.
4) Sahala fell in love with her and asked her to marry him.
5) One day, he caught a fish that could talk.
The best arrangement is...
A. 2) – 5) – 3) – 1) – 4)
B. 2) – 5) – 1) – 3) – 4)
C. 2) – 1) – 5) – 3) – 4)
D. 2) – 5) – 4) – 3) – 1)
E. 2) – 5) – 3) – 4) – 1)

I. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

A long time ago, there were two animals living in a big river. They were a shark and a
crocodile. They called “Sura” and “Baya”. They were friends. They lived in harmony. However,
they were very greedy. Everyday they ate greedily. At last, there were only a few fish and
shrimps in the river. This condition made them lack of food. They became hungry and fought
for food. They were equally strong. None of them won the fight. Realizing this condition, they
decided to reconcile. They agreed to divide the river into two. The Shark lived downstream and
the Crocodile lived upstream.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Why Sura and Baya fought each other?
3. What happened to Sura and Baya at the end of the story?
4. Complete the following sentences with the suitable verbs!
a. Anis was ... when she slipped in frontof the man she likes. (Ashame)
b. Nadya was ... after camping. Therefore, she spentthe day by sleeping. (exhaust)
5. Make a short dialogue using love expression!

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