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Unit 2 SAMPLE Test – Absolute Values and Inequalities Name: _______________________


I. Review Question – Rewriting Absolute Value Functions as Piecewise Functions

1. Rewrite the following function as a piecewise Function. Graph the piecewise function here:
Make sure that you write the final function in simplest
terms, using proper piecewise notation form.
f(x) =

2. Rewrite the following function as a piecewise Function. Graph the piecewise function here:
Make sure that you write the final function in simplest
terms, using proper piecewise notation form.
f(x) =

II. Solving Equations by Graphing:

Solve the following equations by graphing. Write the solutions in the second column, and check your
answer(s) in the third column. Use the extra space as needed.
3. x2 a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:
4. a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:

5. 2|x| = -4 a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:

III. Solving Absolute Value Equations Algebraically

6. Solve the following equations, and check your answers in the original equation.
a. 2|x| = 8 b. |x – 2| + 1 = 4

c. 2|x| + 6 = 6 d.
IV. Solving Inequalities Graphically
Solve the following inequalities by graphing. Write the solutions in the second column, and check your
answer(s) in the third column. Use the extra space as needed.
7. -x2 + 9 a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:

8. a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:

9. 2|x| 0 a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:

10. -|x| -2 < 2 a) Write your solution(s) here: b) Check your answer(s) here:
11. y < -x + 2 Check your answers here:

12. y - x2 Check your answers here:

13. y > |x – 3| Check your answers here:

Check your answers here:

14. y <
V. Solving Inequalities Algebraically – Simple and Compound
15. Solve the following Inequalities, graph your solution on a number line and check your answers in
the original inequality by checking one x-value in the solution set and one NOT in the solution set.
If something doesn’t work, go back and fix it!
a. x – 3 > 6

b. 4 - 2x 8

c. x < 3 AND x > 0

d. x > 4 AND x > 7

e. 2x < -6 OR x – 7 > 1

f. -3x – 1 > 2 OR 2x -5 > -9

g. 3|9-2x| + 5 20
h. 3|9-2x| + 5 20

i. 3|9-2x| + 20 5

j. 3|9-2x| + 20 5

16. Before you enter many rides at Disneyland, you have to stand next to a sign that says "You must
be this tall to ride!" The sign is designed to see if your height is at least 40 inches. However,
according to one source (
requirements if you're curious), some of those signs are off by as much as 1/4 of an inch.

a. Use an absolute value inequality to express the sentence: "The difference between the 40" that
this sign is supposed to measure, and the height that it ACTUALLY DOES measure, is 1/4 of an
inch or less."

b. Solve that inequality to find the range of sign heights at Disneyland.

17. I have twenty students taking today's test. It takes me between 5 and 10 minutes to grade each
individual test. Let T be the total amount of time that it will take me to grade all the tests together.
Write an inequality for T that answers the question “what is the range of possible times that it will
take me to grade all of the tests?”
Some Answers:

1. f(x) = { the equals can be on either inequality!

2. f(x) = { undefined at x = 0
3. a) x = 0 or x = 2
4. x=2
5. no solutions
6. a) x = 4 or x = -4 b) x = 5 or x = -1 c) x = 0 d) no solutions
7. -3 < x < 1
8. -6 x 2
9. x < 0 OR x > 0 (Everywhere BUT zero!)
10. All Real #s
11. the line –x + 2 should be dotted and you should shade BELOW it.
12. The parabola –x2 should be solid, and you should shade above it.
13. the function |x – 3| is dotted and you should shade above it.
14. The rational function 1/(x+2) should be dotted, and you should shade below it.
15. a) x > 9 b) x -2 c) 0< x < 3 d) x > 7 e) x< -3 OR x > 8
f) All Real #s g) 2 x 7 h) x < 2 OR x > 7 i. No solutions j. All Real #s
16. a) |40 – x| ¼ b) 39.75 x 40.25
17. 100 min T 200 min

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