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Capacity building of the FPO’s for implementation of basic INDGAP

certification scheme for small and marginal farmers launched by

Quality council of India under the accreditation program of
National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies

1. Data from ICRISAT


Total number of FPOs being promoted in Telangana with NABARD
1 support 75
2 No. of FPOs which are already registered 35
3 No. of FPOs under the process of registration/ formation 40
4 No. of FPOs expected to actively participate in proposed programmes 60
5 Present base of farmers covered in FPOs 12,000
6 Expected farmers base in FPOs by Sep'16 24,000
No. of farmers (BoD members/ promoters/ lead farmers) proposed to be
7 trained per each FPO (10 each for 3 programmes) 30
8 Thus, total no. of farmers proposed to be trained 1,800
No. of farmers benefited by the programmes (the participants will serve
as ToTs and in turn will disseminate the learning to the rest of farmers in
9 FPOs) 24,000

Pilot project with ICRISAT, resource agency for the state of Telangana for promotion of FPO’s

2. Lead farmers to be trained under the program

 30 FPO’s will be selected for INDGAP scheme

 Approximate number of farmers for the 30 FPO’s = 6000
 Lead farmers to be covered under the pilot project 750 farmers (25 per FPO)
 Number of participants per program 25 numbers
 Number of programs to be conducted 30
 Monitoring of the farmers implementing the INDGAP
 Resource persons required for monitoring of 750 farmers = 4 numbers
 Period of monitoring 4 months
 Program duration 2 days (1day for INDGAP, ½ for crop insurance, ½ for market linkage)

Topics to be covered INDGAP certification scheme, crop insurance and market linkages
3. Approximate cost per program
Sl. No. Activity Cost (Rs.
1 Training hall and food for 2 days for 20 persons 12,000
@ Rs. 300 per day = 600
2 Stay expenses for the farmers 6,000
3 Stationary expenses 1,000
4 Leaflets and banners 2,000

5 Faculty Professional charges for 2 days 10,000

6 Stay expenses for faculty for 2 days 2,000
7 Co-ordination etc., 5,000

8 Miscellaneous and contingences 2,000

Total 40,000

Cost for 30 programs Rs. 12,00,000

4. Development of Training Material and Videos for INDGAP scheme

Cost Rs. 2, 00,000

5. Resource personnel cost including conveyanse for 4 months for

monitoring of implementation of the scheme Rs. 1,20,000 per month
= 4,80,000

6. Total financial cost

Sl. No. Activity Cost (Rs.

1 Development of Training Material and Videos for 2,00,000
INDGAP scheme
2 30 training programs for the lead farmers 12,00,000
3 Resource personnel cost for monitoring 4,80,000
4 Data collection, update, data maintenance and 2,00,000
overview of the training programs
Total 20,80,000

30 training programs = Rs. 12, 00,000

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