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NPM : 17020054

Habitual action :

Every day I always wake up at 04.00, I usually sit for a while and go to the
bathroom to take ablution, after that I clean the bed and prepare the equipment for
college, I have 4 days of lectures in 1 week in 4 days there are 3 days enter at 07.00.So
usually I do not breakfast or just eat bread. If I go to my lunch hour I sometimes wash
my clothes first before I leave. In lectures I try to be able to follow well every lecture. I
rarely do not go to college if there is nothing important to attend. go home college I
always follow the SMEs and do work with friends and go home to kosan usually at
21.00 and after that I rest. then when on holidays I usually watch movies or football
and play to the mall or a holiday with friends to refresh the mind of lectures activities.
Situation regarded as permanen :

I studied at Polytechnic STTT Bandung, my department is textile chemistry. I

live in Jalan Rangkasbitung NO 1, the road is in front of my college, I go to campus by
foot through crossing bridge. I studied the theory in Building A on the 3rd floor, a
chemistry lab on the 4th floor of A building, a physics lab in the 2nd floor Manunggal
Building, and an English lab in a language lab. on campus I entered futsal / soccer
soccer and practice Tuesday and Thursday

Permanent situation :

Periodic table is the display of chemical elements in tabular form. in the

periodic table I will explain the noble gas classes.
Mondatonic gas / gas one mass. Helium is most abundant in nature, whereas
argon is mostly in the air. The most stable element because it has 8 electrons in the
outer shell, except helium 2 electrons.
Precious gas configurations
He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn these elements have usability including:
He : air balloon, to mix oxygen (diving), red billboards, welding process
Ne : advertisement light red orange
Ar : blue billboard light, electric bulb filling, welding process
Cr : blue green billboard
Xe : describes the state of the body
Rn : hydrological investigation

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