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Barbara Carter

DHY 229

Health Disparities

February 6, 2019

Women and the Health of Their Children

It didn’t surprise me that older adults between the ages 65 and 74 that live below federal

poverty levels was 34%, Whereas approximately one-eighth of older adults that live above

poverty level were around 13% were edentulous. I say that because it is no surprise that people

with a better financial background re willing seek the oral care that they need especially if it has

to do with dentures because they are not an inexpensive item. Another factor to consider is dental

insurance, people living below federal poverty may not be able to afford it or maybe unaware of

the federal assistance out there. It also didn’t surprise me that non-Hispanic black individuals

ranked high in most areas of these surveys. I hate to even bring it up, but racism is still a thing

even in 2019. People also being judgmental on a person’s appearance is also still a thing


As a dental hygienist, I would help advocate the use of sealants and oral hygiene to

anyone that I meet to help combat oral disparities. The more knowledge I can instill in people

that are unaware of the importance, the better educated they will become to make more sound

decisions. I would either become a part of an organization or I would look into creating one that

gets more involved in the public and assisting them with services that they may not be able to


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