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The amount of space between letters can be specified using the __________
property in a style rule. a. letter-kerning b. letter-leading c. letter-spacing d.
letter-buffer 2. When a visitor clicks the submit button on a form, the ______ of
each form element is sent. a. label b. name c. value d. name-value pair 3. In a
table, the CSS __________ property can be used to specify the amount of space
between the borders of each cell. a. border-padding b. padding c. spacing d.
border-spacing 4. To make the width of a table adjust to the current width of the
viewer's browser window, you should specify a table width of __________: a. 100% b.
640 pixels c. 1024 pixels d. none of the above 5. The statement, <a name="intro">
Introduction </a>, creates a(n) ______ named intro. a. id b. class c. label d.
6. In the head section of each (X)HTML page in which you wish to use an external
style sheet, you must include an appropriate ______ element. a. <link> b. <src> c.
<style> d. <css> 7. Which of the following will occur if you do not use the width
and height attributes in an <img> element? a. The image will not load. b. The image
will load but will not be its actual size. c. The image must load completely before
the browser can continue loading the rest of the remaining contents. d. The browser
will fill in the text around the image as the image loads. 8. ______ position
elements don't move when the visitor scrolls the browser window up or down. a.
Absolutely b. Relatively c. Fixed d. Static 9. The __________ attribute can be
added to most (X)HTML elements to identify the element as belonging to a group of
elements within an (X)HTML document.. a. id b. div c. span d. class 10. In <img
src="image.gif">, "image.gif" is a(n) ______. a. element b. attribute c. value d.
11. The CSS ______ property can be used to specify the background color of an
element. a. background-color b. background c. bgcolor d. a or b 12. _______ is a
feature of HTML which means that because HTML documents are saved as Text Only
files, virtually any computer can read a Web page. a. Extensibility b. Universality
c. Extendibility d. Scalability 13. Search engines frequently index the keywords
found in the __________ of a Web page. a. title b. content c. meta tags d. all of
the above 14. A ______ URL describes the location of the desired file with
reference to the location of the file that contains the URL itself. a. relative b.
absolute c. general d. specific 15. ______ does not allow the use of deprecated
tags. a. HTML 3.2 b. Transitional XHTML c. Strict XHTML d. Frameset XHTML 16. The
__________ pseudo-class can be used in a style rule to change the appearance of
links that the visitor has already clicked. a. focus b. visited c. active d. link
17. As a general rule, you should use ______ URLs for links to Web pages on your
site and ______ URLs for links to Web pages on other sites. a. absolute / local b.
absolute / relative c. relative / absolute d. local / absolute 18. The ______
attribute of a <form> element can be used to specify the location on the server of
the CGI script that will run when the form is submitted. a. cgi b. action c. src d.
method 19. To prevent browsers which do not support styles from displaying internal
styles as part of the document's contents, enclose the style rules within ______.
a. (X)HTML comment tags b. a table c. a frame d. a list 20. In most browsers, the
______ element controls the descriptive text that appears in the browser window's
title bar. a. keyword b. query c. title d. cite 21. To create a set of radio
buttons that only allows a single button in the set to be selected at one time, the
______ attribute of each button must be the same. a. label b. value c. name d. src
22. A link's ______ specifies where the document that loads when the link is
clicked will be displayed. a. destination b. label c. target d. state

23. If a directory does not include a default Web page, most Web servers will
______. a. display an error message b. display a list of the directory's contents
c. display the web site's homepage d. create a generic Web page 24. The ______
image format uses the patented LZW compression method and is commonly used for
computer-generated art that has large areas of a single color. a. JPEG b. GIF c.
PNG d. TIFF 25. Java ______ are little applications that can run in your browser to
create special effects on a Web page. a. scripts b. modules c. extensions d.
applets 26. To include a local style within an HTML tag, you use the ______
attribute. a. link b. local c. format d. style

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