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First gain access to the arcane university so that you can use the spell making

altars. These altars can be found in the praxographical center. Make the following
spells to upgrade the corresponding spell type

Heal Self (lowest possible magnitude) - Restoration

Summon Dagger (1 second) - Conjuration
Fire Damage (lowest possible magnitude) - Destruction
Light (1 second, lowest range) - Illusion
Life detect (1 second) - Mysticism
Shield (lowest magnitude, 1 second) - Alteration Cast the spell you have created
repeatedly by tapping the cast button repeatedly and you can get all your magic
levels up to 100. Keep in mind if you use the fire damage one it has to actually
hit a target, hopefully a high level monster so that you don't have to stop.
Submitted by: xympathy
Cheat Codes with Testing Hall, God Mode and More
Press ~ (or the key above Tab) to open the console. Enter these cheats for the
desired effect.

help- List console commands

player.additem 0000000F X- Add X amount of Gold
advlevel- Forces a level up with the levelup screen
advskill skill X- Forces a skill level up X amount of levels
tgm- God Mode (enter while not targeting)
Killall- Kill everything
coc testinghall- Teleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs
coc toddtest- Teleports player to developer testing grounds
movetoqt- Teleport to quest target
PlaceAtMe id, number,X,Y- Spawns a creature, npc or item
player.placeatme - Summon NPC
tfc- Free camera
SetItemValue Amount- Set item price
StopCombat- Character ceases combat
psb- Add all spells to player
modpcs skill 100- Add 100 points to the skill
modpca luck 100- Add 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck)
player.setstage - Advances specific quest to specified stage
Showbirthsignmenu- Change your birthsign
showclassmenu- Change your class
Drop TypeREF Amount- An item drops selected target's inventory
SetActorFullName "John Doe"- Change Character's name
hairtint (red/green/blue)- Change hair colour
FOV X- Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75)
player.setlevel 1- Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255
SexChange- Changes your gender
caqs- Completes all quest stages
DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF- Copy items from target into DestinationObjREF
CreateFullActorCopy- Create a fully identical copy of target
SSG- Creates a window with the full game scene graph
drop amount- Drops item
equipitem - Equips item
qqq- Exit game without using menus
ShowSpellMaking- Forces up spell creation screen
player.additem - Gives the player the given item and amount of the item.
player.AddItem 00000000 X- Gives you X amount of item 00000000 (use other hex
combinations for items)
SetPCFame- Gives you fame
SetPCInfamy- Gives you infamy
player.AddSpell 00000000- Gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for
player.payfine- Guards cease attacking you, bounty is paid off
ceasecombat- Immediately ceases the combat of the selected friend/foe
player.setAV - Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute
Click any human or creature, type "kill"- Instant kills
Player.kill- Kill yourself
lock [value]- Lock a door
lock [1-100]- Lock selected door or container
setscale X- Change object size, where X=1 is regular .5 to 2 changes size
ModDisposition ObjREF Amount- Modify character disposition towards ObjREF
MoveTo ObjREF- Move target to ObjREF
Player.CreateFullActorCopy- Place another "Yourself" near you.
PCB- Purge cell buffer. This will free up used memory
RemoveAllItems- Remove all items from target
player.completequest - Remove active quest
player.removeitem - Remove any item
player.setcrimegold 0- Remove Bounty on your head
DeleteFullActorCopy- Remove selected target if it was a copy created with
player.removespell - Remove specified spell
resurrect- Resurrect targeted monster/human.
savegame [filename]- Save game
PRID Player- Select yourself as a target
SetCrimeGold 2000- Set a bounty on Character's head
setcamerafov [degrees]- Set camera field of view (75 by default)
pov [X]- Set point of view angle (75 by default)
SetAV AValue Amount- Set some ability or skill (LightArmor, Aggression, Energy,
Confidence, Responsibility)
SetPos X Value- Set target's X coordinate
set timescale to X- Set the speed at which time flows, X=30 is default
SetBarterGold Amount- Set amount of gold a merchant has for trade
setweight XXX- Set the item's weight to XXX
showfullquestlog X- Show all log entries for indicated quest (use quest ID)
showquestlog 1- Show completed quest log
showquestlog 0- Show current quest log
showquesttargets- Show current quest targets
showquestlog- Show quest log
ShowClassMenu- Show the class selection screen
ShowRaceMenu- Show the name/race/appearance selection screen
ShowBirthSignMenu- Show the sign selection screen
tmm 1- Shows all map markers
GetPos X- Shows target's X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use
Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis!
UnEquipItem TypeREF- Target deactivates an item of given type
Look ObjREF- Target looks towards referenced object
SetAV Aggression 100- Target attacks anybody it doesn't like
StopLook- Target ceases looking
TAI- Toggle AI
TDETECT- Toggle AI detection
tcai- Toggle combat ai
TDT- Toggle debug display
tfh- Toggle Full Help
TG- Toggle grass
TLL- Toggle land LOD
TLV- Toggle leaves
TS- Toggle sky
TT- Toggle trees
tws- Toggle water
TWF- Toggle wireframe mode
TCL- Toggle collision
TFOW- Toggle fog of war
TM- Hide all menus
ShowSubtitle- Toggles NPC conversation subtitles
twr- Toggle Water Radius
unlock - Unlock target object
Cheat - Duplicate Items (Post Patch)
This cheat duplicates items in a similar way to the pre-patch method using a bow
and arrows. I have seen variations on this method involving swinging weapons/fists
but found they did not work (on the PC at least). This method works with Shivering
Isles installed and is more straight forward than the old method.

To start with you will need at least 2 identical scrolls. Open you inventory and
equipment them. Click on the scrolls once more, then drop the item you would like
to duplicate. The quantity of the item needs to be less than the number of scrolls,
for example if you have 10 scrolls the number of items duplicated at one time has
to be 9 or less. Exit your inventory screen and the duplicates will fall to the
ground. The number of items duplicated will be equal to the number of scrolls. To
repeat this go back into the inventory screen and click on the equipped scrolls and
drop the item to be duplicated (no need to unequip and equip the scrolls)

This method does not duplicate stolen items and some rare/quest items. It is
however useful for duplicating light, valuable items such as gemstones which can be

Submitted by Tenfyr

Hint - Levelling FailSafe

This little exploit can be taken advantage of to jack your levels up to 30 (when
the items you earn will be of top quality). Just make sure to complete the quests
with vulnerable NPCs or they will not survive the pummeling from high level

Simply travel to Leyawin and activate the 'Whom Gods Annoy' quest. Get it to the
point where the woman gives you her Daedric staff. Instead of going to the dungeon
to get rid of it, keep it for a while. The Everscamps it produces are incredibly
easy to kill, have weak attack, and never stop respawning. Any ideas yet?

Personally, I was a Knight of Leyawin and went to the White Stallion Lodge to do
this. I then decided that I wanted to level my Hand-to-Hand. So I punched the
Everscamps to death again and again. A mere 10 minutes later I had raised my Hand-
to-Hand almost 15 points.

I think many people don't think that the Everscamps give you experience points, but
in fact, they do. I then leveled my block, blade, and heavy armor skills by about
20 points each before completing the quest.
Hint - Unlimited Enchanted Daggers
This incurs the wrath of the guards and pretty much sets your fellow mages up for
NPC-related slaughter (not the Harry Potter version).

Once you have gained access to the Arcane University you can harvest an unlimited
supply of enchanted daggers. The NPC mages all carry a randomly enchanted dagger.
Since the mages at the University level-up with you, the higher your level, the
higher the quality of the dagger and the stronger the enchantment.

At level 2 the NPC mages will have an iron dagger and around level 6 they will
start carrying dwarven daggers. Since you may not steal or kill your fellow mages
you have to trick the gaurds outside of the gates to assist you. Simply walk up to
any of the guards and attack them. When the guards ask you to surrender select
"resist arrest".

There will be two guards outside, so you need to make sure to get both of them to
follow you. Once you have them in tow, run into the academy and wait for your
fellow mages to assist you in killing the guards. As the battles go, the gaurds
will usually win and kill all of the mages. If this is the case, you need to finish
the guards off yourself. Afterwards, simply loot the bodies.

The main thing is you did not kill your fellow mages, so you won't be blamed for
their deaths.

After the first time you do this you will trigger the gaurds and mages to hate each
other forever. After hunting in a dungeon or doing a quest, check-in on the guild
to see if any new guards or mages are lying around dead.

While the mages increase their level as you do, the guards do not, after a while
the gaurds won't stand a chance against the mages. To solve this, wait until
morning when the captain of the guard is inspecting the courtyard of the guild. Get
him as well as the two guards to follow you into the guild; the three of them tend
to be a match for the higher level mages.

Lastly, if the guard only attacks you and won't attack the mages, use an
invisibility spell and he will switch targets.

Hint - Fast Travel For The Grossly Obese

After clearing out one of the many dungeons in Oblivion, you may wish to carry out
more valuable loot, items, armor and weapons than your current level of Encumbrance
will allow. If you're able to, you can cast spells that will temporarily raise the
amount you can carry, but if that's not an option for you, a simple potion of
feather can be very helpful in a pinch.

Clear out all the enemies, taking note of where all the highly valuable (and
sometimes heavy) items you're going to want to carry out with you are. Next, load
up as much as you can carry, and drink your feather potion. This will temporarily
raise your Encumbrance. Now, quickly run around and grab the other items you want
to take. Get outside the dungeon before your potion runs out, and fast-travel
wherever you wish.

No matter how far away your destination is, you'll make it, along with all the
stuff that you picked up. Travel to a merchant to sell it all, or travel to your
home/hideout to stash it for later. When you arrive, you will be over-encumbered,
so in order to move, you'll either have to drink another feather potion, or
temporarily drop a few things.

I usually fast-travel just inside the gate to the Market District of the Imperial
City, where I temporarily drop whatever I can't carry, then run right around the
corner to the various shops. I sell everything I don't want to keep, then I return
to the gate and pick up the things I dropped. It's a great way to make large sums
of cash fairly quickly.

Free Weightless Daedric Weapons

After you've gained access to the Arcane University (to do so you must join the
Mages Guild), purchase two cheap bound weapon spells. You can get the Bound Dagger
spell from the Discount Spells shop in the Imperial City's Market District. Make
the second spell you buy bind a weapon that you want to keep.

Go to the Arcane University's Praxographical Center (northeast corner) and create a

spell that does Bound Dagger for one second on self. You can repeatedly use this
spell to raise your Conjuration skill above level 25, a level you'll need to
achieve in order to get the free weightless Daedric weapons. <P>Once your
Conjuration is at level 25 or higher, make a new spell that will cast Bound Dagger
and Bound "whatever weapon you want." (If you don't see the option to create a
spell that does anything other than Bound Dagger, you'll need to make sure that you
can actually cast the other bound weapon spell. If you can't, raise your
Conjuration skill even higher.) Make sure that you add the Bound Dagger effect
first, then add the second bound weapon effect. Set both effects for a duration of
one second. <P>Cast the spell you've just created and wait for the sound of weapons
equipping. Immediately go to your menu and you'll see that the second bound weapon
appears in your inventory. Simply drop the weapon and you can then pick it up to
keep forever. The weapon has no sell value but it's weightless and pretty powerful.
This bug can be repeated as many times as you like, giving you access to an
infinite number of Daedric weapons.

Hint - Increase Disposition Every Try

If you are trying to get a person to like you that has the persuasion option when
you talk to him you can incrase the maximum disposition level a little bit more.

I've tested this trick out myself with some Imperial city gaurds and it works as
long as you keep trying with the person until you reach the "Disposition Maxed"
message on the persausion menu.

All you need to do is talk to the person you wish to persuade with your weapon
DRAWN and then get him to like you through the persuasion ability until the menu
says "Disposition Maxed."

When you do that, simply stop talking to the character and put your weapon away,
when you then go to the persuasion menu and look at the disposition level you will
see it is somewhat higher(I believe the maximum posible disposition you can achive
through this secret is ten). The amount you can get from this seems to depend on
the NPC's persuasion level and your charcters persuaion level and the NPC may have
a grudge with you or a bond with you from things you may have done to help or hurt
them or your charcter may have infamy and/or fame, or the guild you belong in and
your curent rank in that guild may affect the way this person feels about you.

I must also warn that certain charcters aren't possible to persuade mainly
charcters involved with quests, (For example Baurus of the Blades.)
Hint - Mercantile Increase
You can raise most other skills without trouble, except perhaps, for Mercantile. Go
to the tents in Kvatch. Equip any weapon and get on horseback. Once this is done,
talk to the Orc woman with corn rows and sell the weapon to her. Your weapon will
not be sold but you will get 200 gold every time you attempt this. It raises the
mercantile skill while you make money. Win-win.

Submitted by rikyyo

Hint - Exploiting The Unicorn

The unicorn offers tranquility. It's also unseasonably warm. If you have a uniorn,
go to any city with a stable and stable the unicorn. Lock the unicorn inside while
you are outside. Draw your weapon and the unicorn will get mad. A guard will go
inside the stable and start attacking the unicorn. Close the gate in after the
guard while remaining outside. The unicorn will kill the guard and you can loot the

Each guard has a key to his respective city. You can then fast travel to a
different city and you can do it again. Some of the stables have a way for the
unicorn to get out, so beware. If the unicorn gets one attack in, it will probably
kill you. The only way to kill unicorns is with daedric, magic, or silver weapons.

Hint - Sigil Stone Picker

The gates generate a random plane of oblivion along with a random sigil stone. Go
through the tower all the way to the top, till you reach the sigil stone. Simply
save the game before the stone spawns and you can re-randomize the stone by re-
loading the game, if it's not to your liking.

Hint - Sneak Walk Increase (Requires Rufio)

The Inn of Ill Omen is located Northwest of Bravil along the road. In the basement
of it is a guy named Rufio. As long as you are reasonably quiet he will sleep
forever allowing you to sneak around the room increasing the skill easily. Just put
your guy facing a corner and rig the stick to keep walking and you gain a new level
roughly every minute (early on). Note that if you killed Rufio as part of the Dark
Brotherhood's quest, you won't be able to use this exploit.

Hint - Arena Blindspot

This requires your acrobatics to be fairly high (always jump when travelling to
increase it), since you need to jump to a spot that's normally out of reach. The
blind spot is not immune to ranged weapons or spells, but for the most part, you
can take down enemy combatants with your ranged weapons or spells without a loss.

Naturally, save your game before you attempt this.

As soon as the fight starts, run to the left. There is a gray stone pillar, next to
the gate. Just jump on and up onto it, as high as you can. Often your opponent is
there attacking you so the force of the attack may actually push you onto the short

If you do it right, you can stay perched up there, safely out of reach of most
melee fighters. You can proceed to destroy your opponents with arrows or other
ranged attacks at your disposal.

Hint - This Fight's Freaking Easy

Having trouble with strong monsters or opponents? Work a bit on your Alchemy skill
and learn to concoct potions to "Damage Health". Combine such potions with your
most potent weapon and hit your enemy a few times, then run off and cackle like a
maniac while your quarry dies within minutes. (Repeat as necessary).
Hint - Sneak Walk Increase (Requires Armand)
There is a way for you to get your sneak skill to rise very quickly in the game.
When you have the option to join the theives guild by meeting Armand at the
Imperial Water Front garden around 11 pm, accept his task. He will offer you the
option to buy lockpicks. Don't buy any. Go into sneak mode and go behind him. Not
only will you get the lockpicks from him for free, you can also repeatedly
pickpocket him to build up your sneak skill and all he'll say is to go ahead, he
doesn't need it anyway.

Hint - Free Iorn Arrows

Go to the arena in the Imperial city and watch the blue team archer shoot arrows.
Half the time you can go in there, the arrows the archers shoots will be there and
you can simply take them without being labelled a thief. Naturally, you may want to
save before attempting this.

Stealing From Blind And Mentally Retarded NPCs

I tested this on armor only, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work for any item
if it's large enough for your atavism to collide with it.

First off, go to any armor shop that has a piece of armor on display that you want.
Jump up onto the shop keep's counter and just run into and knock the armor item off
the counter. This is not illegal and noone will even care. Next, keep kicking it by
running into it multiple times until you have the item in a corner away from the
view of the shop keeper.

The shop owner will actually follow you around the shop while you run about. Get
him/her to follow you to the opposite end of the store, then quickly run back to
where you placed the armor item. Use the sneak ability (default RIGHT CTRL) and
pick it up before they see you. Done.

Submitted by Laerun

Item Spawn Cheat

Drop the console and input player.additem itemIDname integer where itemIDname is
the internal name for the item and integer is the number of that item you want. For
a complete list of items and their IDnames, <a
href="">download the Excel file
(ZIP)</a> from IGN's FAQs site.

<a href="">Download Item List


Submitted by PlanetElderScrolls

World Warping Cheat

Drop the console via the TILDE key and input player.coc locationIDname where
locationIDname is the map you wish to go to. For a <a
href="">complete list of location
IDs</a>, head for IGN's FAQs site.

<a href="">View Location ID List</a>

Submitted by PlanetElderScrolls

Cheat List
While playing, drop the developer console via the TILDE key (next to numeric one).
You may need to add a -dev or -devuser switch to the command or target line to the
game executable via a Windows shortcut. All codes listed here are unverified.

help ... List available console commands

tgm ... Invulnerability
tcl ... Toggle clipping
lock ... Lock highlighted object with integer lock-level
unlock ... Unlock highlighted object
kill ... Kills highlighted entity (kills self if no target is selected)
modpcs , ... Add integer points to skillname skill
modpca , ... Add integer points to attribname attribute

Submitted by planetelderscrolllord
Verified by APY - PlanetElderScrolls, roxykittyd - PlanetElderScrolls

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