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Methamphetamine was discovered in 1893 and exists as two ​enantiomers:​ ​levo-methamphetamine

and dextro-methamphetamine.

(​Those are the two enantiomers there is also racemic methamphetamine which is an equal amount
of each of them, it is the product produced by the P2P method. To isolate the prefered d
methamphetamine another tedious process is required called resolution. It is my claim that this part
of the process is not being done and we are left in America with a weak product.)

To understand how we can have high purity low potency methamphetamine we need
to understand that for our purposes today, there are three basic types or forms of
methamphetamine and combinations of those three to varying percentages.

Three types of Methamphetamine:

1) d or dextro methamphetamine. Produced from

ephedrine/pseudoephedrine (typically) It is one of two enantiomorphs of meth.

2) l or levo methamphetamine (sold OTC in Vicks

inhalers) This is the second enantiomorph.

​ ) dl or racemic methamphetamine (a 50/50 mix of
both). The d and l enantiomers will form together in equal proportion from a P2P

In ​chemistry​, an ​enantiomer​ (​/ɪˈnæntiəmər, ɛ-, -tioʊ-/]​ ​ ə

​ -N
​ AN​-tee-ə-mər​; from G​ reek​ (enántios),
meaning 'opposite', and (méros), meaning 'part'), also known as an ​optical isomer​ (and archaically
termed ​antipode​ or ​optical antipode)​ , is one of two ​stereoisomers​ that are m ​ irror images​ of each
other that are non-superposable (not identical), much as one's left and right ​hands​ are the same
except for being reversed along one axis (the hands cannot be made to appear identical simply by
reorientation).​[2]​ A single c​ hiral​ atom or similar structural feature in a compound causes that
compound to have two possible structures which are non-superposable, each a mirror image of the
other. Each member of the pair is termed an e ​ nantiomorph​ (enantio = opposite ; morph = form); the
structural property is termed enantiomerism. The presence of multiple chiral features in a given
compound increases the number of geometric forms possible, though there may be some
perfect-mirror-image pairs.
Enantiopure compounds refer to samples having, within the limits of detection, molecules of only one
chirality.​ [5]

In chemical synthesis of enantiomeric substances, non-enantiomeric precursors inevitably produce

racemic mixtures. In the absence of an effective enantiomeric environment (​precursor​, chiral
catalyst​, or ​kinetic resolution​), separation of a racemic mixture into its enantiomeric components is

Until notified all italics will be wikipedia references.

Methamphetamine properly refers to a specific chemical, the r​ acemic​ ​free base​, which is an equal
mixture of levomethamphetamine and dextromethamphetamine in their pure amine forms.
Dextromethamphetamine is a much stronger CNS stimulant than levomethamphetamine.
​ ver-the-counter​ (OTC) drug for use as an inhaled ​nasal
Levomethamphetamine is available as an o
decongestant​ in the United States.

Methamphetamine belongs to the s​ ubstituted phenethylamine​ and s​ ubstituted amphetamine

chemical classes.​ It is related to the other ​dimethylphenethylamines​ as a ​positional isomer​ of these
compounds, which share the common ​chemical formula:​ ​C​10H ​ N
​ 15​ ​1

So due to charity in the case of methamphetamine and what is defined as isomerism we have not

only d, l, and dl methamphetamine all having a C10H15N formula we also have a substantial list

of other substances like isopropylbenzylamine that share the same C10H15N formula have

similar boiling and melting points and molar mass but completely different physiological effects

due to the way the molecule is configured.

There are a whole bunch of compounds with the exact same chemical formula as

methamphetamine. We’ve already learned that dextro and levo meth have the same formula but

different properties in the way they affect us.

Stereo isomers are like d and l meth they are mirror images.

The different types of ​isomers​.

Stereochemistry​ focuses on


In ​stereochemistry​, ​stereoisomers

are ​isomeric molecules​ that have the

same molecular formula and

sequence of bonded atoms

(constitution), but differ in the

three-dimensional orientations of their atoms in space.​ This contrasts with ​structural isomers​, which share the same

molecular formula​, but the bond connections or their order differs. By definition, molecules that are stereoisomers of each

other represent the same structural isomer.

Isopropylbenzylamine is a ​structural isomer​ of methamphetamine, and has the same m

​ olar mass​.

Consequently it looks very similar to methamphetamine and has a similar melting point, ​(it also is


Part of my theory that this is not in the meth today at industrial lab levels, as is widely claimed.

And I can’t prove it with referencing any reports of national trends because there aren't any which

I guess we can call that somewhat definitive and I’ve done an exhaustive search for any data.
The chemists here would know more than I do but I imagine this substance (it has a list of isomers

with the same C10H15N formula too) could possibly be made by Mexican labs as a cut but it

would probably require the same precursors as they use to make meth.

They could probably buy it since it’s not illegal but it wouldn’t be an inexpensive cutting agent it

would cost more than the meth they would be cutting. The economics are not there. Now we’ll

continue to why the meth is not as potent as we remember it in the past.

I’ll add some info about optical activity because it used to define and determine how much of each enantiomer is in a
substance. It’s how one would determine how much of the prefered d meth enantiomer is in something it’s optical purity is the
term I believe. But trust the following not me.

Optical rotation​ or ​optical activity​ (sometimes referred to as r​ otary polarization​) is the rotation of the plane of ​polarization
of l​ inearly polarized​ light as it travels through certain materials. Optical activity occurs only in ​chiral​ materials, those lacking
​ irefringence​ which alter a beam's state of polarization, optical activity
microscopic mirror symmetry. Unlike other sources of b
can be observed in ​fluids​.

​ extrorotary​ — d-rotary), or to the left (l​ evorotary

The rotation of the plane of polarization may be either clockwise, to the right (d
— l-rotary) depending on which s​ tereoisomer​ is present (or dominant). For instance, ​sucrose​ and ​camphor​ are d-rotary
whereas ​cholesterol​ is l-rotary.


Ephedrine​ exhibits optical i​ somerism​ and has two chiral centres, giving rise to f​ our​ stereoisomers. By convention, the pair of 
enantiomers with the stereochemistry (1R,2S) and (1S,2R) is designated ​ephedrine​, while the pair of enantiomers with the 
stereochemistry (1R,2R) and (1S,2S) is called pseudoephedrine. 

That would be d and l ephedrine and there exists d

and l pseudoephedrine and of course both have a

racemic or dl version. The reason it’s relatively

“easy” to produce high purity and potent meth with

any of the ephedrines is they typically are sold as

specific enantiomers which convert directly to d

methamphetamine. P2P makes racemic meth initially

a weaker 50/50 mixture of d and l meth or the more

modern terms of R and S.

​ EA,
As the precursor bans in Mexico and the U.S. became effective, the purity dropped but later rose (D

2010c​) as the producers shifted to the P2P process, which uses chemicals other than pseudoephedrine

​ ogan, 2002​). By the fourth quarter of 2010, 69% of the 2010 domestic and Mexican samples examined by

the DEA Special Testing and Research Laboratory were produced using the P2P method, while the

phosphorus-iodine method was identified by DEA in only 9% of the samples. The other 22% were mixed

​ EA, 2010b​).
combinations or unknown precursors (D
The methamphetamine molecule exists as two enantiomers: that processed with ephedrine or

pseudoephedrine yields d- methamphetamine while the P2P recipe produces combinations of d- and l-

methamphetamine, which in an equal mixture of d- and l- is a racemic mixture.

The d- methamphetamine form is associated with more potent physiologic and behavioral effects and higher

abuse liability (​Mendelson et al., 2006​), as well as being a more potent dopamine releaser (​Kuczenski et al.,

1995​). Users injected with d-, dl-, or l-methamphetamine gave l- methamphetamine significantly lower

ratings for its ability to produce “intoxication” and “drug liking.” D- methamphetamine produced more

​ owler et al., 2007)​ . At high

intense stimulant effects and higher abuse liability than l- methamphetamine (F

doses, l- methamphetamine intoxication was similar to that of d- methamphetamine, but the psychodynamic

effects were shorter-lived and less desired by users, whereas the racemic mixture had similar effects to

​ endelson et al., 2006​).

d-methamphetamine (M

So we see around 2010 the switch to P2P began I’ll include sources from the DEA, United

Nations and others that state 90% of meth in America today IS RACEMIC, not WAS racemic and

then resolved. Racemic by definition means half and half of the prefered d meth and less prefered

l meth. Remember I’m working to prove my theory that explains the impotence of meth in America

today. And also the oversized shards which although the government and news claim is pure they

still do not get you as high as they should.

This next info is from The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

Differences in methamphetamine manufacture: from d-methamphetamine to


Methamphetamine is available in two isomeric forms: d-methamphetamine and the less potent

l-methamphetamine. The use of pure ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as a starting material results

in a more potent type of methamphetamine, as these precursors produce substantially more of

the active isomer d methamphetamine. In general, the product obtained from the use of P-2-P is a

less potent racemic mixture (50-50) of the two d- and l- isomers resulting in dl methamphetamine.

However, an additional purification step can be used to increase the yield of the more potent

d-methamphetamine. Analysis of these isomers can help in determining the manufacturing

process of methamphetamine and the precursors used.

Since 2010, the most notable trend in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine in North and

Central America has been the shift from the use of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, to the use of

P-2-P based methods (see Figure 1). This trend has been confirmed by regular forensic profiling

of methamphetamine seized in the United States, which has shown that after 2010, the majority of

samples tested (69 per cent) had been manufactured using P-2-P based methods. By mid 2013,

this percentage was reported to have increased to more than 90 per cent..

Scholarly Article


The US methamphetamine market changed. ​Widespread emergence of less potent

methamphetamine occurred in conjunction with Mexico's controls. And

prevalence/availability of the most potent type of the drug, d-methamphetamine, declined,

a partial recovery in the West notwithstanding. Granting that lower potency drugs typically

engender less dependence and attendant problems, these findings suggest that, following
Mexico's controls, the potential harm of a sizeable amount of the US methamphetamine supply


The above information was for 2010 the beginning of the trend today it’s not a trend it is standard

operating procedure.

​ rug and Alcohol Dependence​ , 1

Science Direct D ​ April 2013, Pages 125-136

Mexico's precursor chemical controls: Emergence of less potent types of methamphetamine in the United States



​ phedrine​ and ​pseudoephedrine​, the two precursor chemicals that yield

This study examines whether Mexico's controls on e

the most potent form of ​methamphetamine​, d-methamphetamine, impacted ​the prevalence/availability of less

potent types of methamphetamine in the United States–types associated with the

alternative precursor chemical P2P.


Using ARIMA-intervention t​ ime series analysis​ of monthly drug exhibits (a prevalence/availability indicator) from the System to
Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence (STRIDE), we tested whether Mexico's controls, which began in 2005, were
associated with growth/decline in d-methamphetamine and growth/decline in P2P-associated, less potent
l-methamphetamine, racemic methamphetamine (a 50:50 ratio of d- and l-isomers), and mixed isomer methamphetamine (an
unequal ratio of d- and l-isomers).

From july 2011

Mexico seizes over 800

tonnes of meth chemicals
QUERETARO, Mexico (Reuters) - Mexico’s army has made one of its biggest-ever drug busts, seizing a warehouse full

of chemicals that experts say could have been used to make billions of dollars worth of methamphetamine.

The seizure in central Mexico, which the army conducted on

Monday, included 787 tonnes of phenylacetamide ​and 52.5

tonnes of tartaric acid, a​ ll in 25 kilogram (55 pound) packets.

So this checks with the information I’ve listed so far/ It’s for an

eventual P2P process and the tartaric acid is used as the resolving

agent. It’s a tedious process to increase the percentage of an isomer like d meth.

Optical Resolution of Methamphetamine 

by O,O'-Dibenzoyl-R,R-Tartaric Acid in 

Dichloroethane-Water-Methanol Solvent System 

David Kozma and Elemer Fogassy 

Synthetic Communications 29(24), 4315-4319 (1999) 

HTML by Rhodium 
However, most of the reported resolution methods are cumbersome and require multistage and

complicated operations with limitations for industrial-scale resolution. Furthermore, the purified

product usually requires further cycles of resolution to obtain the desirable optical purity.

Everything you read about resolutions is it’s a tedious, time consuming, inexact science, not good

for industrial scale applications and nothing for non chemists to be attempting, it’s more of an art

from what I’ve read.

P2P on the other hand the literature says although small scale operations are possible and some

do it the method really is better suited to industrial scale production and once set up its not overly

difficult and really can pump out volume. The evidence suggests the tedious resolution process is

being skipped in favor of a simpler, faster process and the lower prices and quality reflect that. It

is a high purity low potency product.

Here are some photos from around the world of P2P labs to get an idea of the scales were talking

about. From a 56 ton bust.

The Philippines on a pig farm.

So these labs are

pumping out tons and tons of racemic methamphetamine at an ungodly pace. It’s a smooth seamless

operation. The racemic product is a consistent, beautiful, normal size crystal product. They are not taking time

and effort to grow the biggest crystals on the block, it’s just not in line with the ridiculously low prices they are

selling it for. Neither is the time and effort in the resolving process.So the product technically is not cut, it

technically has a high purity because it is d and l methamphetamine with little impurities.

Next I’ll need to find or make a polarimeter to mesure the optical rotation and determine exactly. But I suspect

there will be no optical activity as racemic mixture of 50.50 d and l cancels each other out and there is none.

Something in the chemistry of these substances (i think I read) maintain an equilibrium as the reaction takes

place because lot of stuff is racemic, it's not hit and miss, when you do this type of reaction you end up with

50% of each enantiomer and the typical garbage etc.

So d methamphetamine, l methamphetamine and dl methamphetamine or racemic methamphetamine are all

methamphetamine and combination without cut or impurities can rightfully be reported as a high purity
product. Isopropylbenzylamine and its isomers all have the C10H15N formula but they are different

substances they are not methamphetamine and any government lab would not call any product containing any

of it high purity meth.

It is my opinion that all the evidence suggests it is not the reason for the low potency high purity product

flooding the USA today. The only logical answer is the Mexican labs are churning out tons of racemic

methamphetamine they are skipping the resolution process and the prices reflect that and every consumer in

America can also confirm the low quality consistently anywhere you go. There’s near zero variety. In 35 years

using it I’ve never seen such a long term universal consistency in the product. The only thing is shelf life, fresh

stuffs a bit better but not that much.

Next we’ll look at the prefered method of smuggling meth into the USA today, dissolved in water, usually

bottled water or soda bottles, juice etc, but water is the typical solvent. This I believe is responsible for

unbelievably large “shards.” It’s my belief that I can provide evidence that the majority are more of a clod of

crystals than a true grown crystal.

Border Patrol make big liquid meth bust in Texas - Houston Chronicle

Liquid Meth Smuggling Increases at Local Borders - NBC 7 San Diego 

DEA: Liquid meth No. 1 drug smuggled across the border - 

1. In order to look like regular water etc the solutions could not be too close to super saturated or the

crystals would start crashing out and it would look slushy. Considering what a “boil off” which is how

the processes is described it would require a considerable amount of heat because distillations

would be in between the two constituents boiling points and change as concentrations grew. Just

like butane boils at 30 degrees but it takes much more heat than that to get all of it out of a big clump

of honey oil. 

Being partially dissolved as the concentrations of this meth/water slush increases would significantly affect the

melting point/soluability of the crystal meth, it wouldn't take the heat needed to melt in a pipe and at some
point to two converge. I don’t have any first hand knowledge or written reports describing the method of choice

for these boil off procedures but I believe some logical assumptions based on pictures of final products,

personal experience with them and just typical cooking techniques can give us an idea of the method. They

wouldn’t want to put a deep pan on the stove (which was my first thoughts) because burning the bottom would

be an issue. And no specialty rotovap or other equipment is reported. A lot of the pictures of end products

close to the source look like this.

These are clearly not true crystals. Yes it’s a crystalline substance,

yes if recrystallized it would form true individual crystals but the six

inch and foot long “shards” are not true crystals, they easily break

apart and are more of a conglomeration , clump or crystal clod than a

true crystal.
Consumers on this forum often report and I personally can confirm periodically when crushing these clumps

they get wet. I believe this is water from the smuggling process left in the final product. When considering the

material left on a pan when forgotten on the stove when boiling water, all that stuff is in these shards and it

tastes that way to. Personal experience also can report a fine white chalky, mineral type white powder lines

pipes when smoking and a water type fluoride or chlorine taste is common.

Common sense would dictate any substance brought to temps high enough to remove water would kill

bacteria. Personal choice for myself it just gives me pause to be ingesting Mexican water even if boiled and

the concentrated leavings beyond minerals such as petroleum distillates and other toxins and factory run off

that could be in the water south of the border.

I believe it is a viable area to be concerned about and possibly studied. It introduces a plethora of possible

products forming with each other, the meth, meth side reaction products, the type of metal pans. Tossing all of

those chemicals into a soup pan and heating it up is not a good idea. It just amounts to risk in my book, a

whole lot of unknowns and risk. And another good reason not to use this meth. Think of the possibilities for IV

users. Possible acids and azeotropes forming with the water, its risk.

My conclusions:

The reason the meth quality doesn’t match the news reports of high purity is because it is a high purity of dl

methamphetamine, racemic meth. It is a weaker form of meth than pure d methamphetamine.

There is such a thing as high purity low potency methamphetamine if the potency your after is the high.

Conversely you could have high potency l methamphetamine if you want a potent nasal decongestant.

This racemic methamphetamine is equal parts the potent d methamphetamine you remember and 50% l

methamphetamine something more akin to pseudoephedrine buzz wise. It is what it sounds like 50/50

mediocre, kinda good, kinda bunk.

Your big shards are not an indicator of high purity or high potency. They are soft and sometimes contain water

due to the smuggling techniques. Luckily they do not contain cut or isopropylbenzylamine, they are not

considered a true crystal which are harder and smaller usually.

I remember reading something probably twenty years ago that said meth had rhombic crystals and couldn’t

find any info or references now if anyone has info I’ll add it. It's Been my impression good d meth had smaller

hard clear crystals kind of square or elongated but if shook in a glass jar they sound like hard glass beads or

something not dull.

This is a work in progress any suggestions, corrections or other help is appreciated.

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