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Expressing feelings

1. happy = senang
2. sad = sedih
3. hurt = sakit
4. angry = marah
5. confident = percaya diri
6. exhausted = sangat kelelahan
7. afraid = takut
8. clumsy = ceroboh
9. comfortable = nyaman
10. romantic = romantis
11. tired = lelah
12. annoyed = terganggu
13. irritated = menyakitkan
14. scared = takut
15. stressed = tertekan
16. upset = marah
17. overwhelmed = terlalu senang
18. jealous = iri
19. furious = sangat marah
20. delighted = sangat senang

translate the text, please

 She looks sad

 The teacher is angry
 You and I are always happy
 He feels confident
 I am happy to see you
 I'm afraid we will running out of tickets
 She lost her key because she's clumsy
 I feel scared when entering the haunted house
 I am so tired after all day worked
 He's jealous when he saw her ex-girlfriend dating another man.
Soal Latihan Expressing Feelings

A. Read the dialogue carefully and answer some questions.

Cindy gets good news about her job application. She is very happy.
Cindy : Dad, where is mom?
Father : She is back there.
Cindy : Mommy, Mommy….
Mother : I'm right here. What's up?
Cindy : Mom, you know, I sent a job application to a big international company near the
downtown a couple of days ago and just now I got a phone call from the company that I get
accepted. I am going to work. It's lovely.
Mother : Yes, that's wonderful. Come on. Go tell your daddy.
Cindy : Yes, I will. I'm so happy right now.

1. Why does Cindy feel happy?
2. What is Cindy’s mother response hearing that Cindy gets accepted in a big international
3. When did Cindy send her job application?
4. What did Cindy send job application to a big international company?
5. Mention expression of feeling that you can find in the dialogue!

B. Learn and remember the adjectives to express the feelings {find the meanings of the
adjectives on your dictionary}
1. Bored:_____________________ 15. hopeless:________________________
2. sad:_______________________ 16. frustrated:________________________
3. happy:_____________________ 17. confused:_________________________
4. disappointed:________________ 18. worried:__________________________
5. glad:_______________________ 19. excited:__________________________
6. impressed:__________________ 20. anxious:__________________________
7. nervous:____________________ 21. high spirited:______________________
8. angry:______________________ 22. crazy:____________________________
9. excellent:___________________ 23. wonderful:________________________
10. terrible:___________________ 24. terrific:___________________________
11. amazed:___________________ 25. depressed:________________________
12. embarrassed:_______________ 26. interested:________________________
13. tired:_____________________ 27. exhausted:________________________
14. thankful:__________________ 28. low spirited:______________________

C. Fill in the blank spaces with the suitable words.

1. He felt _____ because he has won the swimming competition.
a. worried b. anxious c. happy d. hopeless
2. Please don’t be _____ even though you couldn’t meet your favorite singer.
a. crazy b. disappointed c. worried d. nervous
3. Tya is _____. She will go to Singapore next month.
a. impressed b. excited c. glad d. terrific
4. I am _____ to know that you will help me doing my homework.
a. angry b. confused c. glad d. sad
5. We are truly _____ by your great performance on the stage.
a. happy b. excellent c. bored d. impressed

D. Learn and remember the adjective with –ing. They are used to express
something’s/someone’s which affect our feeling.
1. boring:________________________ 7. interesting:_______________________
2. confusing:_____________________ 8. disappointing:_____________________
3. exciting:_______________________ 9. impressing:_______________________
4. worrying:_______________________ 10. frustrating:_______________________
5. embarrassing:___________________11. amazing:_________________________
6. tiring:__________________________12. exhausting:_______________________

E. Make a dialogue based on the situation given. Choose one from the topics.
1. Someone steals your money.
2. Your friends help you solving your big problem.
3. Your family gives surprise in your birthday.
4. Someone cheats you on the competition.
5. You have the first rank on your class.

I. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d.

This text is for questions number 1 – 5.

My name is Angga. I live at Wijaya Street. My house is next to the bookstore. Today, my mother
asks me to accompany her to the traditional market. The traditional market is located at Merdeka
Street. There are many public places along this street.

There are a bank and a post office on the both sides of the traditional market. The bank is in the
left side and the post office is in the right side. There is a bakery across the traditional market.
There is also a police station. It is next to the bakery.

1. Where does Angga live?

a. at Merdeka Street
b. at Benteng Street
c. at Merdeka Street
d. at Sudirman Street

2. Where does his mother want to go?

a. She wants to go to the traditional market.
b. She wants to go to the supermarket.
c. He wants to go to the traditional market.
d. He wnts to go to the supermarket.

3. Where is the supermarket located?

a. At Wijaya Street
b. At Sudirman Street
c. At Merdeka Street
d. At Cut Mutia Street
4. Where is the bakery?
a. On the left side of the post office
b. On the right side of the traditional market
c. Across the police station
d. Across the traditional market

5. What are the public places next to the traditional market?

a. A bank and a post office
b. A bakery and a post office
c. A police station and a bakery
d. A bank and a bakery

6. Pencil A : 25 cm
Pencil B : 15 cm
Pencil B is … than Pencil A.
a. Long
b. Longer
c. Short
d. Shorter

7. Sinta : 160 cm
Dhoni : 165 cm
Fika : 155 cm
Dhoni is … of the other students.
a. Tall
b. The tallest
c. Taller
d. The taller

8. Audrine is 9 years old. Alden is 11 years old. Audrine is … than Alden.

a. Older
b. Old
c. Younger
d. Young

9. Andi : How much does the book cost?

Mr. John : It … fifty thousand rupiahs.
a. Costs
b. Cost
c. Costed
d. Costing

10. Jenny : Do you know Mr. Hadi?

Viera : Yes, I …
a. Am
b. Was
c. Do
d. Does

11. Amanda always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer

12. A : “Whose ring is that ?”

B : “That ring belongs to Yusi. That is ...
a. his
b. hers
c. yours
d. theirs

13. The library is behind the school. The antonym of behind is ...
a. in front of
b. next to
c. between
d. beside

14. Devi is clever. Ayu is clever. Devi is ... Ayu.

a. as clever as
b. as clever
c. more clever
d. cleverest

15. Dodi is twelve years old. Andi is ten years old. Andi is ... than Dodi.
a. old
b. young
c. older
d. younger

II. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat !

1. Hi, my name ... Alicia.
2. ... likes to eat banana.
3. The boys play kite in the ...
4. The opposite of long is ...
5. What ... you doing?
6. They are ... football in the school yard.
7. We can buy vegetables in the ...
8. He sends a letter to my house. He is a ....
9. It is Rina’s ribbon. It is ... ribbon.
10. We have a new car. The car belongs to ...
Materi dan Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Command and Request'
Command Sentence (kalimat perintah)
 Command merupakan kalimat yang tegas dan biasanya diakhiri dengan exclamation (!)
atau tanda seru karena sifatnya yang memerintahkan seseorang. Misalnya 'Listen!' atau 'Close the
 Command digunakan untuk menyatakan keinginan dari pembicara kepada lawan bicara
 Command dapat berupa sebuah larangan, misalnya: 'Don't swim too far!' atau 'Don't step
the grass!'
 Kalimat command selalu dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, yang berarti selalu
menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau verb 1.

Contoh Kalimat Command

1. Go away! (pergi sana!)
2. Close the door! (tutup pintunya!)
3. Listen to the teacher! (dengarkan guru!)
4. Be careful! (hati-hati!)
5. Be nice! (jadilah baik!)
6. Be quite please! (tolong diam!)
7. Don't touch me! (jangan sentuh aku!)
8. Don't swim to far! (jangan berenang terlalu jauh!)
9. Don't eat my foods! (jangan makan makananku!)
10. Don't step on the grass! (jangan menginjak rumput!)

Request Sentence (Kalimat Permintaan)

 Request adalah sebuah kalimat permohonan atau permintaan, dapat juga berbentuk
kalimat perintah namun bahasanya lebih halus dan tidak menggunakan exclamation (!). Dapat
diartikan kalimat ini lebih sopan.
 Request biasanya diawali dengan will, could, would, and may.

Contoh Kalimat Request

1. Would you like to help me?
2. Would you mind to come to my house?
3. Could you pass the salt over there, please?
4. Could you take the garbage outside?
5. Could you bring me the newspaper?
6. Would you sing for me?
7. Would you dance with me?
8. Could you check my e-mails, please?
9. Would you mind if I sit here?
10. Could you please open the door?
Soal Latihan Command and Request
Choose correct answer on the box

Switch off Don’t talk Brush

Read Don’t swim Do not
Don’t play Go Help
Don’t feed Drive Clean
Follow Don’t be late Do

1. __________upstairs!
2. __________football in the yard!
3. __________your mobiles!
4. __________during the lesson!
5. __________your teeth!
6. __________the instructions!
7. __________in this lake!
8. __________for school!
9. __________the animals in the zoo!
10. __________ your homework!
11. __________the instructions !
12. __________ slowly!
13. __________be silly!
14. __________ yourself!
15. __________ your room!

Canteen is one of students favorite places in school. Almost all students are there in
break time.We usually some snacks and chat.There are various kinds of food we can
find such as fried rice, porridge, sandwich, gado-dago and chips.Hot and cold drinks are
also available.
The school canteen is clean and comforable.There are ten plastic tables.Each table has
four plastic stools.Outside, there is a long wooden bench and two big standing
umbrellas to avoid sunlight and rainfall.

Fill in the blanks based on the text

1. What is the text about ?

2. What do the students usually do on the canteen ?
3. Mention kinds of food the canteen sells ?
4. how many tables and stools are there in the canteen ?
5. What is the function of the big umbrellas ?

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