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Nama :Kartika hismawati

Nim :160384204027

Kelas : K07



Subject : KIMIA

Grade :X

Core Material : Sistem Koloid

Time Allocation : 2 Weeks x 3 Lessons @ 45 Minutes

A. Competency Standar :
 KI- 1 dan KI-2 : Live and practive the teaching of the religion he adheres to.
Live and practive honest behavior, discipline, courtesy, care ( mutual
cooperation, tolerance, peace ) and to be responsible.
 KI-3 Understand, implement, and analyze factual, conceptual, procedural and
metacognitive about his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities with related insight, nationality, citizenship and civilization
phenomena and events, and applying knowledge to certain fields of study
according to their talents and interests to solve problems
 KI-4 Processing, reasoning, and presenting in concrete realms and abstract
realms related to the development of what he learned in school independently,
acting effectively and creatively, and be able to use methods according to
scientific rules
B. Basic competence : 1.1 Analyzing the role of colloids in life based on their
3.1 Do experimental work
C. Indicator
 Determine the application of the Tyndall effect in life daily.Determine the
application of the process of occurrence of Brownian motion in the colloidal
 Determine the application of colloidal adsorption in life daily.
 Determine the application of protective colloid in life daily.
 Determine dialysis applications in everyday life.
 Determine the application of coagulation in everyday life.


 Identify the main concepts in the experiment

 dentify materials and tools used in experiment
 Identify the results of the experiment
D. Learning objective :

After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:

 Determine the application of Tyndall effects in everyday life.

 Determine the Brownian displacement process in the colloidal system.
 Determine the application of colloidal adsorption in everyday life.
 Determine the application of protective colloids in everyday life.
 Determine dialysis applications in everyday life.
 Determine examples of coagulation in everyday life.
 Identify the main concepts in the experiment
 Identify the results of the experiment
 Identify the materials and tools used in the experiment
E. Characters building : Critical Thingking



F. Learning materials :

Properties of Colloids

A solution is classified in the colloidal system if it has properties that are different
from true solutions. Some of the physical properties that determine the colloidal system
from true solutions are taken:

1. Tyndall Effec
How do you try the colloidal system? One very simple way is to drop a beam of
light (transparent), while the colloids scatter it. Therefore, the beam of light through
colloid can be seen from the side, while the colloidal particles themselves are not
visible. If the dispersed particles are also visible, then the system is not colloidal.
In everyday life, we often face this Tyndall effect, one example of which is
highlighting the car's lights on a foggy night.
2. Brownian motion
Colloidal particles can scatter light. When viewed with an ultra microscope, the
direction in which the light is perpendicular to the microscope, you will see
colloidal particles constantly moving with broken motion (zigzag motion). The
zigzag motion of colloidal particles is called Brownian motion, according to the
name of the inventor, a British biologist Robert Brown.
3. Adsorption
How do colloidal particles get an electric charge? Colloidal particles have the
ability to absorb ions or electric charges on the surface. Therefore, colloidal
particles become electrically charged. This absorption on the surface is called
adsorption. For example, absorption of water by chalk). Fe (OH) 3 soles in water
adsorb positive ions so that they are positively charged, while As2S3 soles adsorb
negative ions so that they are negatively charged.
4. Protective colloids
A colloid can be stabilized by adding other colloids called protective colloids.
This protective colloid will wrap the dispersed substance particles so that they can
no longer clump. Examples of protective colloids in everyday life, namely in the
manufacture of ice cream, gelatin is used to prevent the formation of large crystals
of ice or sugar.
5. Dialysis
In making a colloid, there are often ions which can disrupt the stability of the
colloid. These disruptive ions can be removed by a process called dialysis. In this
process, the colloidal system is inserted into a colloidal bag, then the colloid pouch
is inserted into a vessel containing running water. Colloid bags are made of
semipermiable membranes, which are membranes that can pass small particles,
such as simple ions or molecules, but hold colloids. Thus, ions come out of the bag
and are washed away with water.
6. Coagulation
If the load of a colloid is stripped, the stability of the colloid will decrease and
can cause coagulation or clumping. Colloidal coagulation because the addition of
electrolytes occurs as follows. Colloids that are negatively charged will attract
positive ions (cations), while colloids that are positively charged will attract
negative ions (anions). The ions will form the second layer sheath. If the sheath of
the second layer is too close, then the sheath will neutralize the colloidal load
resulting in coagulation. The greater the charge of the ion the stronger the attraction
it attracts with colloidal particles, so the faster the coagulation occurs. Examples of
coagulation in everyday life are rubber in latex coagulated by adding formic acid.
G. Steps of Teaching
1. Opening
a. Orientation
- Teacher greets the glass.
- Teacher ask the student who absent is.
b. Aperpeption
- Teacher Linking material / themes / learning activities that will be
carried out with the.experience of students with previous material / themes
/ activities
- Teacher Recall the prerequisite material by asking.
- Teacher Asking questions that are related to the lesson that will be done.
c. Motivation
- Provides an overview of the benefits of learning lessons to be learned in
everyday life
- If the material / project is doing well and is really well mastered, students
are expected to be able to explain the material: Colloidal system
- Asking questions

2. Main activity
a. Literacy activties :
- the teacher gives motivation or stimulation to students to focus on
material topics in a way.
b. Critical thingking :
- The teacher provides opportunities for students to identify as many
questions as possible related to the images presented and will be
answered through learning activities.
c. Collaboration :
- Students are formed in several groups.
d. Comunication :
- Students discuss to conclud deliver, present, express opinions and ask
e. Creativity :
- students can confuse, answer the questions, in question, solve the
questions that are written

3. Closing
- Teacher and students conclude the materials
- Theacher gives home work
- Teacher infors the next activities
- Teacher closes the classS
H. Teaching technique
- Questions and answers
- Discussions
- Experiments
I. Media
- worksheet
- Assessment sheet
- LCD Projector
J. Learning Resources
- Buku Kimia Siswa Kelas X, Kemendikbud, Tahun 2016
- Buku refensi yang relevan
- Jurnal internasional yang tervalidasi

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