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Lesson Plan

Course Title: Industrial Economics and Business management

Topic: Factors of Production
Course Instructor: M.Haddad Time Duration: 1hr 45 min

Learning objectives to achieve at the end of class: After studying these topics students will be
able to:
 Describe the anatomy of factor markets
 Explain the factors of Production

Use of Teaching Aids: White Board, Marker of different colors to properly and clearly convey
the knowledge.
Teaching Methodology: Lecture delivery mode, Use of board for explanation, Dictation for
Recapitulation Questions: Students are asked questions on the required topic to teach and to
check if they possess some pre-knowledge on the topic.
Warming-Up Session: Students are given the review of the previously taught topic so as to
make them have a strong grip over the upcoming topic of the class. Also, discussion is also done
in the class on the special happenings and occasions for the exchange of knowledge.
Summary of the topic:
 The factor markets are: job markets for labour, rental markets for capital and land.
 The value of marginal product determines the demand for a factor of production
Assignment for students:
 Write and explain types of factor of Production
 Write the names of Natural resources .

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