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Laboratory Manual Assessment:


1. How was your laboratory 3 activity experience?

2. Is the objective of the laboratory was achieved? If “Yes”, how did you
achieved it? If “No”, why it was not achieved what was the problem or
lacking in the laboratory activity?

3. In the introduction part of the laboratory activity was the content sufficient
enough for you to be able to answer the given exercise? If “Yes”, what are
the things that make it sufficient enough? If “No”, what do you think are the
lacking part of the introduction that would supply what are needed in the
laboratory activity?

4. In the given example in the laboratory 3 activity was it clear enough so that
you can understand it in your own without your instructor assessing you in
your laboratory activity? If “NOT”, what do you think is the lacking part in
which you were not able to understand?

5. In the given task for you to do, is it related to the given sample exercise as
well as in the introduction of the laboratory activity?

6. Lastly, if you are to rate the laboratory 3 activity from 1-5. What will be
your rate?

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