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The Profile of Science Process Skill (SPS) Student at Senior High

School in Pesawaran Regency Lampung

Ummi Nur Afinni Dwi Jayanti1, Herawati Susilo2, ,,
Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstract: Science process skill is a precursor of creativity, critical thinking and

problem-solving skills that are needed in the 21 st century. Science,
especially biology, contributes to developing this skill. The study
investigated high school students' science process skills in Pesawaran
regency, Lampung. The purpose of this research is to determine the
level of students’ science process skills in grade 10, 11 and 12 based
on gender difference as well as to investigate the influence of grade
level and gender difference in students’ science process skills.This
research was conducted at three Senior High Schools in Pesawaran in
August 2017 using 247 samples: 85, 75, and 87 in grade 10, 11 and
12 respectively. A 20-item test of science process skills developed by
Erminingsih (2012) was administered. This research was a survey
and used a quantitative descriptive analysis (t-test and ANOVA ONE
WAY). The result showed that the average science process skills for
grade 10, 11 and 12 were 63,55%, 64,44%, and 67,91% respectively
and categorized as good enough. The further analysis related to the
science process skills indicators showed that students' skill to
measure, state the problem, make hypotheses, design the experiment,
and communicate the experiment results were categorized poor.
There are no statistically differences of science process skill between
female and male as well as based on class grade. The conclusion is
the teachings of science in high schools in Pesawaran are good
enough to develop students' basic science process skills. However,
there is still a need to put more attention to optimize some of poor
categorized of integrated science process skills indicators.

Keywords: Profile, Science Process Skills, Senior High School

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