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Article type: ((Article, Review, Letter))

Title ((no stars))

A. Author, B. Author, C. Author* ((star for corresponding author))

((Optional Dedication))

Name of First Author

Full postal address

Name of Second Author

Full postal address

Name of Third Author

Full postal address

((insert e-mail address(es) of corresponding author(s) after the postal address in a new line))

((Abstract text. Maximum length 15 lines. Written in the present tense and impersonal style.))


1 Introduction

2 First-Order Heading

2.1 Second-Order Heading

2.1.1 Third-Order Heading

Fourth-Order Heading: ((Text, no numbering))

((Main Text Paragraphs. 12 Point, double-spaced. Display items (figures, schemes, tables)

should not be incorporated into the text of the article. Figures are always singular, i.e., Figure

1 and 2. Equations are always singular, i.e., Equation 1 and 2, and should be inserted using the

Equation Editor, not as graphics, in the main text. Display items and captions should be

inserted after the reference section. Please avoid footnotes in the text, additional information

can be added to the Reference list.))

((Equation)) (1)

((References should appear after the punctuation. [1,2] If you have used reference

management software such as EndNote to prepare your manuscript, please convert the fields

to plain text by selecting all text with [ctrl]+[A], then [ctrl]+[shift]+[F9]) [3–5].))

Please define all acronyms except IR, UV, NMR, and DNA or similar.

((Number)) Materials and methods / Experimental ((delete section if not applicable))

Subheading: 12 point, double-spaced. References appear after the punctuation. [6]

Physical data should be quoted with decimal points and negative exponents (e.g.,

25.8 J K−1 mol−1). Use space between number and unit.

((Number)) Results ((delete section if not applicable))

((Number))Discussion ((delete section if not applicable))

((Number)) Conclusions ((delete section if not applicable))


((Acknowledgements, general annotations, funding. Other references to the title/authors can

also appear here, such as “Author 1 and Author 2 contributed equally to this work.”))

((Number)) References

((Journal articles))

[1] A. B. Author 1, C. D. Author 2, [abbreviated journal title in italics] [year in bold],

[volume in italics], [p].

[1] A. Leng, H. Streckel, M. Stratmann, Corr. Sci. 1999, 41, 547.


[3] B.R. Ezzel, W.P. Carl, W.A. Mod, US Patent 4 330 654, 1982.


[4] B. Elsener, M. Büchler, H. Böhni, presented at EUROCORR‘99, Aachen,

Germany, 29 August – 2 September, 1999, p. 1.


E.B. Samone, Ph.D. Thesis, RWTH Aachen, Germany, 1978.


P.T. Kolepp, Modern Engineering, Harbour Scientific Press, London, Tokyo 1991.


Author, Short description or title, URL, accessed: Month, Year.

[9] …((Please include all authors, and do not use “et al.”))

((Insert Figures here. Note: Please do not combine figure and caption in a textbox or frame. If

you don’t wish to pay for color figures, please submit b/w versions.))

Figure 1. ((Figure Caption.))

Reproduced with permission.[Ref.] Copyright Year, Publisher. ((delete if not applicable))

Table 1. ((Table Caption. Note: Please do not combine table and caption in a textbox or frame

and do not submit tables as graphics, please use Word’s “insert table” function.))

Head 1 Head 2 Head 3 Head 4 Head 5

[units][a] [units]

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3[b] Column 4 Column 5

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

((Table Footnote)); [b] …

Graphical Abstract

The table of contents (ToC) entry should be up to 400 characters long. The entry should be

written in the present tense and impersonal style. The text should be different from the

abstract text.

ToC figure ((Please choose one from your article or one specifically designed.

Size: about 55 mm broad. No caption.))

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