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1. The final version of the annotated slide deck (reference: Group

Project Guidelines)
2. The data in its raw form and its final processed form (for some
teams, the data will require no processing and therefore one file
is fine). Note: Variables should be consistently and descriptively
named between the report and the data file; it may be helpful to
include, as part of the Appendix, a key which gives the variable
name, question number in the survey that the variable is linked
to, and a brief description of the data captured by the variable.
3. Final survey: Provide the final survey sent to respondents as a
Word document or pdf export from Qualtrics.

Note: One way in which your annotated slide deck might differ
from your presentation slide deck is that it should include
sufficient details so that the reader can find and understand the
exact data analysis that lead to the insights that support the
team's conclusions.

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