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Many years ago, rabbits had long tails, not short ones, and crocodiles had
One such long-tailed rabbit lived near a pond. He drank water from the pond
and the grass nearby.
Now, in the pond lived a crocodile. The crocodile saw the rabbit eating grass
and drinking water, and he thought how nice it would be to eat the rabbit.
One day the crocodile swam very close to the edge of the pond. He lay still in
the water, hoping that the rabbit wouldn’t see him. When the rabbit came to drink
, the crocodile opened his mouth wide. Then he closed it with a snap. The rabbit
was caught between the crocodile’s sharp teeth!
Of course, the rabbit was very frightened, but he did not want the crocodile to
know this. “I’m not afraid of you,” said the rabbit. “I’m only afraid of animals that
roar. Everyone knows that crocodiles can’t roar, so you can’t frighten me.
When the crocodile heard this, he became very angry. He wanted to show the
rabbit that he could roar as fiercely as a tiger. And so, the crocodile opened his mouth
to roar. When the crocodile opened his mouth, the clever rabbit jumped free. As he
jumped, the rabbit’s sharp toe-nails caught the crocodile’s tongue and tore it out.
The crocodile tried to catch the rabbit again, but his great teeth only snapped
off the end of the rabbit’s tail. Again and again the crocodile tried to catch the rabbit,
but the rabbit was too quick for him. Sometimes the crocodile caught a piece of the
rabbit’s tail, but he could never roar at the rabbit because he had lost his tongue.
That is why rabbit today have short tail, and crocodiles have no tongue.


Beberapa tahun yang lalu, kelinci memiliki ekor yang panjang, yang tidak singkat, dan buaya
memiliki lidah.
Satu kelinci ekor panjang seperti tinggal di dekat kolam. Dia minum air dari kolam dan rumput
di dekatnya.
Sekarang, di kolam hidup buaya. Buaya melihat kelinci makan rumput dan air minum, dan ia
berpikir betapa senangnya akan makan kelinci.
Suatu hari buaya berenang sangat dekat dengan tepi kolam. Dia berbaring diam di dalam air,
berharap bahwa kelinci tidak akan melihat dia. Ketika kelinci datang untuk minum
, Buaya membuka mulutnya lebar. Lalu ia menutupnya dengan sekejap. Kelinci itu terjebak di
antara gigi tajam buaya!
Tentu saja, kelinci sangat ketakutan, tapi dia tidak ingin buaya untuk mengetahui hal ini. "Aku
tidak takut padamu," kata kelinci. "Aku hanya takut hewan yang mengaum. Semua orang tahu
bahwa buaya tidak bisa mengaum, sehingga Anda tidak bisa menakut-nakuti saya.
Ketika buaya mendengar ini, ia menjadi sangat marah. Dia ingin menunjukkan kelinci yang ia
bisa mengaum seperti keras sebagai harimau. Maka, buaya membuka mulutnya untuk
mengaum. Ketika buaya membuka mulutnya, kelinci pintar melompat bebas. Saat ia melompat,
tajam jari-kuku kelinci tertangkap lidah buaya dan merobek keluar.
Buaya mencoba untuk menangkap kelinci lagi, tapi gigi yang besar hanya mematikan ujung ekor
kelinci. Lagi dan lagi buaya mencoba untuk menangkap kelinci, tapi kelinci itu terlalu cepat
baginya. Kadang-kadang buaya tertangkap sepotong ekor kelinci, tapi ia tidak pernah bisa
mengaum di kelinci karena ia telah kehilangan lidahnya.
Itulah sebabnya kelinci saat ini memiliki ekor pendek, dan buaya tidak memiliki lidah.

Many years ago, rabbits had long tails, not short ones, and crocodiles
had tongues.
One such long-tailed rabbit lived near a pond. He drank water from
the pond and the grass nearby.
Now, in the pond lived a crocodile. The crocodile saw the rabbit
eating grass and drinking water, and he thought how nice it would be to
eat the rabbit.
One day the crocodile swam very close to the edge of the pond. He
lay still in the water, hoping that the rabbit wouldn’t see him. When the
rabbit came to drink
, the crocodile opened his mouth wide. Then he closed it with a snap.
The rabbit was caught between the crocodile’s sharp teeth!
Of course, the rabbit was very frightened, but he did not want the
crocodile to know this. “I’m not afraid of you,” said the rabbit. “I’m only
afraid of animals that roar. Everyone knows that crocodiles can’t roar, so
you can’t frighten me.
When the crocodile heard this, he became very angry. He wanted to
show the rabbit that he could roar as fiercely as a tiger. And so, the
crocodile opened his mouth to roar. When the crocodile opened his mouth,
the clever rabbit jumped free. As he jumped, the rabbit’s sharp toe-nails
caught the crocodile’s tongue and tore it out.
The crocodile tried to catch the rabbit again, but his great teeth only
snapped off the end of the rabbit’s tail. Again and again the crocodile tried
to catch the rabbit, but the rabbit was too quick for him. Sometimes the
crocodile caught a piece of the rabbit’s tail, but he could never roar at the
rabbit because he had lost his tongue.
That is why rabbit today have short tail, and crocodiles have no



A young and very beautiful princess lost her ball in the water, while she was
playing by the side of a lake. She began to cry so sadly that the frog who sat beside
the lake croaked to her, “What will you give me if I get you your ball back?”

“All the gold you could wish for!” replied the princess. “No, I ask only that I
am allowed to stay with you and be your friend,” said the frog. The princess gave
her word (what did such a promise cost her if it meant she could have her ball back?),
but she had absolutely no intention of keeping her promise. In fact, the moment she
had her ball back she ran off so fast that the frog could not keep up with her.
Nevertheless, after a while the frog arrived at the palace.
As soon as she saw the frog, the princess was frightened. She ran to ask for help
from her father, but the king, wh o k n e w wh a t h a d ha pp en e d , ordered his
daughter to keep her promise. So the princess picked the frog up gently in her
hand, but, with a shiver of disgust, she let it drop to the ground again. But that one
brief touch was enough to break the spell that bound that frog, and caused it to turn
back into the young and handsome prince he had been before.
The story ends with the happiest of wedding ceremonies.

Pangeran kodok
Seorang putri muda dan sangat indah kehilangan bola nya di dalam air, sementara
ia sedang bermain di tepi danau. Dia mulai menangis begitu sedih bahwa katak
yang duduk di samping danau serak kepadanya, "Apa yang akan Anda berikan
kepada saya jika saya mendapatkan bola Anda kembali?"

"Semua emas yang Anda bisa berharap untuk!" Jawab sang putri. "Tidak, saya
hanya meminta saya diizinkan untuk tinggal bersama Anda dan menjadi teman
Anda," kata katak. Sang putri memberikan kata dia (apa melakukan janji seperti
itu biaya jika itu berarti dia bisa memiliki bola kembali?), Tapi dia sama sekali tidak
berniat menjaga janjinya. Bahkan, saat ia menguasai bola kembali ia berlari begitu
cepat sehingga katak tidak bisa mengikuti dengannya. Namun demikian, setelah
beberapa saat katak tiba di istana.
Begitu ia melihat katak, putri takut. Dia berlari untuk meminta bantuan dari
ayahnya, tapi raja, yang tahu apa yang telah terjadi, memerintahkan putrinya
untuk menepati janjinya. Jadi sang putri mengangkat katak dengan lembut di
tangannya, namun, dengan menggigil jijik, ia biarkan jatuh ke tanah lagi. Tapi itu
satu sentuhan singkat sudah cukup untuk mematahkan mantra yang mengikat
katak itu, dan menyebabkan ia kembali menjadi pangeran muda dan tampan ia
telah sebelumnya.
Cerita berakhir dengan bahagia upacara pernikahan.

A long time ago, in a dense forest lies the are very much. Among the animals, which live there is
a cat arrogant very clean, hairy and smooth white. So many animals who liked it, but she was to
proud and arrogant to excess.

One day, the cat wants to live alone without family cat, because she felt it was great to rend for
themselves without the help of her family.

On her way she’s resting adjacent to the family chickens. Sunny morning, when the cat is angry
because her voice has awakened chickens, “hi chicken presumptuous of you to wake coupled
with your son, your son is ugly” said the cat. Chicken family very angry, they repel cats, with
feeling annoyed cat it.

With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders of an elephant, When elephant was about to
wake up the elephant accidentally dropped the cat “ hi you fool elephant, why you dropped me,,
you want to kill me?” elephant closer and said “oh you’re so beautiful”. Cat scratches elephant,
rampage elephants make that cat darted him.

Cats are very upset and hungry, she tried to look for food on the ground. She met worm “you are
a beautiful cat but why did you take my food.” The cat said “all animals are well aware of my
beauty because I was entitled to do as I please”. And worm said “bask cat snob, what you can
survive in the soil”. “hahaha it’s the little things” said the cat. They also made a deal.

Eventually, after a day on the ground cat worm group tried to see, but the cat was already dead.
Some worm told this to the cat family, but when her family until the cat arrogant who had died,
had been in the eating lions.

Moral : never overbearing advantages because each person it’s advantages.


Beberapa tahun yang lalu, disebuah hutan yang lebat tedapat hewan yang sangat banyak, diantara
hewan-hewan yang tinggal, ada seekor kucing sombong yang sangat bersih, berbulu lebat dan
halus berwarna putih. Sehingga banyak hewan yang menyukainya, tapi ia terlalu angkuh dan
sombong dengan kelebihannya.Suatu hari sikucing itu ingin hidup sendiri tanpa keluarga kucing,
karena ia merasa sudah hebat bertahan hidup sendiri tanpa bantuan keluarganya.

Didalam perjalanannya ia beristirahat berdekatan dengan keluarga ayam. Pada waktu pagi yang
cerah, kucing itu marah karena sang ayam telah membangunkan tidurnya, “hai ayam, lancing
sekali kamu membangunkanku ditambah lagi dengan anak-anak mu yang jelek”. Keluarga ayam
sangat marah, mereka mengusir kucing, dengan perasaan kesal kucing meninggalkan tempat itu.

Dengan perasaan yang begitu lelah kucing tidur diatas pundak gajah, ketika gajah hendak bangun
tanpa sengaja gajah menjatuhkan kucing. “hai kau gajah busuk, mengapa kau menjatuhkanku,
kau ingin membunuhku?” gajah mendekat dan berkata “oh..kau begitu cantik”. Kucing mencakar
gajah, membuat gajah mengamuk sehingga kucing terpelanting olehnya.

Kucing sangat kesal dan lapar, ia mencoba mencari-cari makanan di dalam tanah ia brtemu
cacing. “kau kucing yang cantik, tapi mengapa engkau mengambil makananku”. Kucing berkata.
“semua hewan mengetahui kecantikanku karena itu aku berhak melakukan sesukaku” lalu cacing
berkata “ dasar kucing sombong, apa kau bisa bertahan hidup didalam tanah?”. “hahaha… itu hal
kecil”. Kata kucing. Mereka pun membuat kesepakatan.

Akhirnya, setelah sehari kucing didalam tanah sekelompok cacing mencoba melihatnya, namun
kucing itu telah mati, beberapa cacing memberitahukan hal ini kepada keluarga kucing. Tapi
disaat keluarganya sampai , kucing sombong yang telah mati itu, telah dimakan singa.
A long time ago, in a dense forest lies the are very much. Among the
animals, which live there is a cat arrogant very clean, hairy and smooth
white. So many animals who liked it, but she was to proud and arrogant
to excess.

One day, the cat wants to live alone without family cat, because she felt
it was great to rend for themselves without the help of her family.

On her way she’s resting adjacent to the family chickens. Sunny

morning, when the cat is angry because her voice has awakened
chickens, “hi chicken presumptuous of you to wake coupled with your
son, your son is ugly” said the cat. Chicken family very angry, they repel
cats, with feeling annoyed cat it.

With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders of an elephant, When

elephant was about to wake up the elephant accidentally dropped the cat
“ hi you fool elephant, why you dropped me,, you want to kill me?”
elephant closer and said “oh you’re so beautiful”. Cat scratches elephant,
rampage elephants make that cat darted him.

Cats are very upset and hungry, she tried to look for food on the ground.
She met worm “you are a beautiful cat but why did you take my food.”
The cat said “all animals are well aware of my beauty because I was
entitled to do as I please”. And worm said “bask cat snob, what you can
survive in the soil”. “hahaha it’s the little things” said the cat. They also
made a deal.

Eventually, after a day on the ground cat worm group tried to see, but
the cat was already dead. Some worm told this to the cat family, but
when her family until the cat arrogant who had died, had been in the
eating lions.

Moral : never overbearing advantages because each person it’s


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