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Dictation 1:
Ten new years resolutions you probably want to keep
January is the time some of us make new year resolutions. We result or promise ourselves that
we will improve our lifestyle and become better people However, we often fail. Here is a list of
the ten most come on list broken promises we make to ourselves around this time of year
1. Lose weight and get fit
2 Stop smoking
3 Learn something new
4 Eat healthier and go on a diet
5 Get out of debt and safe money
6 Spend more time with family
7 Travel to new places
8 Be less stressed
9 Volunteer to help other people
10 Drink less alcohol
Have you made any of these resolutions for twenty fourteen?


10 New Year's Resolutions You Probably Won't Keep

January is the time some of us make New Year's Resolutions. We resolve, or
promise ourselves, that we
will improve our lifestyle and become better people. However, we often fail. Here
is a list of the 10 most
commonly broken promises we make to ourselves around this time of year:
1. Lose weight and get fit
2. Stop smoking
3. Learn something new
4. Eat healthier and go on a diet
5. Get out of debt and save money
6. Spend more time with family
7. Travel to new places
8. Be less stressed
9. volunteer to help other people
10.Drink less alcohol
Have you made any of these resolutions for 2014?

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