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Buceo Deportivo:

propuesta de año nuevo:

1. poner más atención en calculo

2. sacar buenas calificaciones

3. aprender más sobre el buceo deportivo

4. entrar a la universidad naval

5. mejorar más en el atletismo

6. aprende inglés y coreano

7. conocer nuevos lugares

8. terminar mi carrera

9. conocer nuevas personas

10, poder ayudar a los perritos de la calle

11. tener buena salud

New year proposal:

1. pay more attention to calculation

2. get good grades

3. learn more about sport diving

4. enter the naval university

5. improve more in athletics

6. learn english and korean

7. meet new places

8. end my career

9. meet new people

10. help street dogs

11. to have good health

New year resolution
what is new years resolution?
This is the time to reflect on your behavior of the past year and promise to
make positive changes in your life. “Setting moderate, achievable goals
throughout the year, instead of setting yourself a huge goal on January 1st,
will help you reach whatever goal you want.”
"Remember that it is not the extent of the change that counts, but the act of
recognizing that positive changes in your life are important and working
towards that goal one step at a time."
By making realistic resolutions, you'll have a better chance of sticking to them
throughout the year, incorporating healthy behaviors into your daily life.

start in moderation
Make resolutions that you think you can keep. If, for example, your goal is to
exercise more often, plan to go to the gym three or four times a week instead
of seven times a week.

Change one behavior at a time

Harmful behavior develops over time. So replacing unhealthy behaviors with
healthy behaviors also takes time.

Share your experiences with your family and friends. Consider joining a
support group to help you reach your goals, such as an exercise class at your
gym or a group of colleagues who are quitting smoking.
don't get frustrated
Perfection is not achievable. Remember that making minor mistakes in the
process of achieving your goals is normal. Don't give up completely because
you ate a chocolate cake and broke your diet, or you stopped going to the gym
for a week because you were busy. Everyone has their highs and lows.

ask for support

Accepting help from the people who love you most and who will listen to you
will give you strength in your duty and the ability to handle the stress caused
by your resolutions. If you feel anxious or unable to reach your goals on your
own, consider getting professional help.

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