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Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………..……………………............................... 2

What Is Cholesterol, and Why Do You Need It? ….,……………..………………………………………...……. 4

Total Cholesterol Is Not a Good Indicator of Your Heart Disease Risk …………………………….......……... 6

New Heart Risk Assessment ‘Calculator’ Puts More People Than Ever on Statins ………………………….. 7

New Pediatric/Adolescent Guidelines = Hundreds of Thousands of Children on Statins ……………………. 10

Cholesterol Is Neither ‘Good’ Nor ‘Bad’ ……………………………………………………………………...……. 12

The Evolution of Cholesterol as a Measurement of Heart Health …………………………………………..….. 13

Simply Lowering Cholesterol Is Not Going to ‘Fix’ Heart Disease ……………………………………...………. 14

If Not Cholesterol, What Then? ……………………………………………………………...……………………... 15

Cholesterol Is Your Friend, Not Your Enemy ……………………………………………................................... 16

Cholesterol and Inflammation—What’s the Connection? ………………………………………………..……… 18

The Insanity of Lowering Cholesterol ……………………………………………………………………..………. 20

If Your Cholesterol Is Too Low ……………………………………………………………………………..……… 21

Who Decided What Cholesterol Levels Are Healthy or Harmful? …………………………………………..…. 23

Cholesterol Drugs Are the No. 1 Most-Prescribed Drug …………………………………………..……………. 24

What Are the Prescription Drugs Designed to Lower Cholesterol? ……………………………………..…….. 25

Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Have Many Side Effects and Dangers ………………………………………..… 27

Statins: In a Category All Their Own When It Comes to Side Effects ……………………………………..….. 28

What Are Some of the Most Dangerous Side Effects from Statins? …………………………………….……. 29

Are Cholesterol Drugs Even Effective? ……………………………………………………………………….….. 31

Zetia and Vytorin: No Medical Benefits ……………………………………………………………………….….. 33

The Insanity of Claiming Statins Are Wonderful No Matter How Dangerous They Are ……………………... 34

How to Improve Your Heath, and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease, Naturally ………………………….…. 36

References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 40

The Low-Down on Cholesterol: Why You Need It—and the
Real Methods to Get Your Levels Right
Cholesterol could easily be described as the
smoking gun of the past half-century, being
held responsible for killing countless
numbers of people and wreaking havoc on
the world’s health in general.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s dietary

cholesterol (found in foods) or blood
cholesterol (the natural waxy substance in
your body) that you’re talking about.
Cholesterol in any form has been marked as dangerous for decades.

As such, it’s been responsible for demonizing entire categories of foods (like eggs
and saturated fats) and blamed for just about every case of heart disease in the
last 20 to 30 years.

Around this premise, a multi-billion-dollar industry promoting statins and other

cholesterol-lowering drugs has been the primary weapon for fighting the
cholesterol war. Today, nearly a third of Americans over age 40 are taking
cholesterol-lowering drugs, with nearly half of people over age 75 on them.1

This war has also been the catalyst for a whole new food industry peddling low-
fat, no-fat, and low- or no-cholesterol packaged and processed meats, dairy
products, snacks and desserts.

In fact, the anti-cholesterol crusade has been so insidious in our daily lives that
only a few years ago, it seemed like there was no end in sight to it. From the
USDA’s food pyramid-plate2 to school lunches3 to medical centers4 and heart
hospitals,5 everyone with any connection at all to conventional medicine was at
war with cholesterol.

Then, suddenly, in early 2015, the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

announced that dietary cholesterol is no longer “a nutrient of concern for

The news stunned the world, causing a flurry of both praise and protest among
health care professionals.

Dr. Arthur Labovitz, chairman of the cardiovascular department at the University

of South Florida’s Morsani College of Medicine and a board member of the Tampa
Bay American Heart Association, was among those supporting the committee’s
decision to call off the cholesterol food war.

"What we've learned is the amount of cholesterol you eat really does not have a
really profound impact on the cholesterol in your blood,” Labovitz told the Tampa
Bay Times.7 "… We're not telling people to eat five eggs a day. What we're saying
is (cholesterol in food) is not poison."

On the flip side, physicians like Neal D. Barnard, founding president of the
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, protested that the new
guidelines were a disaster in the making. “The committee made a scientific error
on cholesterol, and to carry that mistake into the guidelines is not scientifically
defensible and serves only to perpetuate confusion,” the Albuquerque Journal
reported Barnard as telling the advisory committee.8

So which is it? Is cholesterol the demon it was made out to be for decades? Or
should foods with cholesterol in them actually be part of a healthy eating plan? And
what about blood cholesterol—are the numbers really all that significant, or have
they, too, been blown out of proportion?

To answer that, let’s look at what cholesterol is, and the history behind how it came
to be so reviled.

What Is Cholesterol, and Why Do You Need It?
This soft, waxy substance is found not only in your
bloodstream, but also in every cell in your body, where
it helps produce cell membranes, hormones, vitamin
D, and bile acids that help digest fat.

Contrary to the idea that cholesterol is a “bad” thing, it

actually is critical for your health and well-being. It not
only helps in the formation of your memories, but is
vital for neurological function. In fact, your brain is the
most cholesterol-rich organ in your body, and studies
show that cholesterol is a crucial component of normal
brain functions such as learning and memory.9

Your liver makes about 75 percent of your body’s

cholesterol,10 of which there are two primary types:

1. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL: This is what has been known as the

“good” cholesterol that helps keep your arteries clear. HDLs scavenge and
remove LDLs by transporting them back to your liver for processing. HDLs
also help prevent heart disease by aiding in the repair of the inner walls of
your blood vessels, which can become clogged with plaque.

2. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL: This is the “bad” cholesterol that health

officials warn you about that circulates in your blood and, according to
conventional thinking, builds up in your arteries, forming plaque that makes
your arteries narrow and less flexible (a condition called atherosclerosis). If
a clot forms in one of these narrowed arteries leading to your heart or brain,
a heart attack or stroke may result.

Also making up your cholesterol numbers are:

 Triglycerides: Elevated levels of this fat have been linked to heart disease
and diabetes. Triglyceride levels are known to rise from eating too many
grains and sugars, being physically inactive, smoking cigarettes, drinking
alcohol excessively, and being overweight or obese.

 Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL): It’s responsible for dispersing the
triglycerides your liver makes. To get a better picture of your triglyceride
levels and how well your liver and pancreas are working, your doctor will
sometimes add a VLDL report to your cholesterol test.

 Triglyceride-rich-lipoprotein (TRL): New research indicates that higher

levels of TRL are associated with increased risk for a cardiovascular event.
TRL is calculated by subtracting non-HDL cholesterol from LDL
cholesterol.11, 12

 Lipoprotein (a), or Lp(a): Lp(a) is made up of an LDL “bad cholesterol” part

plus a protein (apoprotein a). Elevated Lp(a) levels are a very strong risk
factor for heart disease. This has been well established; yet, very few
physicians check for it in their patients.

Ironically, while you’re always hearing about what could possibly happen if your
triglycerides, total cholesterol, or LDLs get too high, you almost never hear about
what could happen when they’re too low—and it is possible to get very sick if your
levels are too low.

I will discuss too-low cholesterol levels later in this report, but for now it’s important
to remember that if your levels drop suddenly, or if they are consistently extremely
low, you may want to talk with your physician to make sure that you are otherwise

Total Cholesterol Is Not a Good Indicator of Your Heart
Disease Risk
It was 1985 when the National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute initiated the National
Cholesterol Program (NCEP) encouraging
all adults to have their cholesterol levels
checked at least once every five years,13
and to take steps to lower their levels if they
were deemed too high.

Back then, anyone age 40 and over wasn’t

considered at high risk for heart disease—
and therefore eligible for treatment—until their levels were greater than 260.14

But now the American Heart Association says15 that your total cholesterol should
be under 180 mg/dL, which is 20 points less than they recommended only a few
years ago, and nearly 100 points less than it was in 1983.16

What’s amazing is that when I first opened my medical practice in the mid-1980s,
cholesterol, and the fear of having too high a level was rarely even discussed
unless your total levels were over 330 or more!

I have seen a number of people with levels over 250 who actually were at low heart
disease risk due to their HDL levels. Conversely, I have seen even more who had
cholesterol levels under 200 that were at a very high risk of heart disease based
on the following additional tests:

 Your HDL/Cholesterol ratio

 Your Triglyceride/HDL ratios

The reason for these additional tests is because HDL percentage is a very potent
predictor as a heart disease risk factor.

To find out what your HDL-to-total cholesterol ratio is, just divide your total
cholesterol by your HDL level. For example: if your total cholesterol is 200 and
your HDL is 50, you would divide 200 by 50. Your HDL cholesterol ratio to total
cholesterol is then 4-to-1. Preferably it should be under 5-to-1 or 5.0. Ideally, it

should be 3.5-to-1 or lower—and the lower it is, the lower your risk of heart

You can do the same thing with your triglycerides and HDL ratio, as well as your
LDL/HDL ratio. Your triglycerides/HDL ratio should preferably be under 4 and
ideally, under 2. Your LDL/HDL ratio should preferably be under 5.0 and ideally
under 2.0.

Keep in mind, however, that these are still simply guidelines, and there’s a lot more
that goes into your risk of heart disease than any one of these numbers—which is
a major reason why the treatment guidelines were changed, and something called
a “risk calculator tool” introduced to replace total cholesterol levels as a
measurement for cholesterol drug treatment.

In fact, it was only after word got out that total cholesterol is a poor predictor of
heart disease that HDL and LDL cholesterol were even brought into the picture.
But still, they don’t show you everything, even though they do give you a closer
idea of what’s going on.

So what is the purpose of continually lowering target cholesterol numbers—unless

it’s solely to make you a candidate for drug treatment? Before I answer that, let’s
look at what the new “risk calculator” does.

New Heart Risk Assessment ‘Calculator’ Puts More People
Than Ever on Statins
As I said at the beginning of this E-book,
statistics show that nearly a third of adults
age 40 or over in the US today, and nearly
half over age 75, are taking prescription
drugs to lower their cholesterol. But judging
from new statin-prescribing guidelines from
the American Heart Association (AHA) and
American College of Cardiology (ACC), it
looks like even more people will be on them
in the coming years.

The AHA and ACC changed the prescribing guidelines for cholesterol treatment in
November 2013.18 Before then, physicians relied on total cholesterol counts and
triglyceride numbers to decide whether to prescribe statins or other cholesterol-
lowering drugs for their patients.

But now, in addition to testing your cholesterol levels, your physician will utilize
something called a “risk calculator” to estimate your lifetime risk for heart disease.19

Taking your age, sex, race, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood
pressure, blood pressure-lowering drugs (if you’re on them), diabetes status, and
smoking status into consideration, the calculator is supposed to identify four
groups of people who should be on statins. They are:20

1. Individuals with a history of heart disease, heart attacks, angina, stroke, or

other cardiovascular conditions

2. Those with LDL levels at or higher than 190 mg/dl

3. Anyone ages 40-75 years who has diabetes and an LDL range of 70-189
who does not have a clinical diagnosis of vascular disease

4. Anyone aged 40-75 who doesn’t have cardiovascular disease or diabetes,

but who does have an LDL of 70-189 mg/dl and who has, according to the
calculator, an estimated 7.5 percent or higher risk of getting heart disease
within the next 10 years

Like the dietary guidelines that came later, the calculator debuted amid a flood of
controversy because it basically did away with “treating to meet” certain cholesterol
levels, while possibly giving statins to a whole new category of people who have
never had symptoms of cardiovascular disease and who had not been previously
considered for statins.21

The problem with this is that if health care providers follow the new guidelines
exactly as they are presented, as many as 59 percent more women and 47 percent
more men will be taking statins than if they had been diagnosed under the old

Also under the new guidelines, everyone over age 2023 who has not been
diagnosed with cardiovascular disease is to have their cholesterol tested once
every four to six years.

But if you have heart disease or another chronic illness such as diabetes, obesity,
fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, or kidney disease, your doctor will
probably check your cholesterol every year—and, again, most likely will put you
on statins or other cholesterol-lowering drugs such as fenofibrates.

And if you think this applies only to adults, think again because children are now
targeted for statins too.

New Pediatric/Adolescent Guidelines = Hundreds of
Thousands of Children on Statins
In 2012 the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
(NHLBI), together with the National Institutes of Health
and the US Department of Health and Human Services,
published new guidelines for pediatric cardiovascular
health and risk reduction in children and adolescents.24

Although the NHLBI claimed that the new guidelines

were nothing to get alarmed about, they still highlighted
the fact that the war on cholesterol had been escalated
to include children—beginning at birth. Under these
guidelines, the NHLBI recommends:

 Routine measurement of length/height and

weight beginning in infancy, with calculation of
BMI annually beginning at age 2 years

 Detailed family history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at birth, 3 years,

every year from 9 to 11, and at 18 years, and if family history of CVD is
confirmed, follow-up family history for additional risk factors including
dyslipidemia (abnormal cholesterol levels), hypertension, diabetes, obesity,
history of smoking, and sedentary lifestyle

 Yearly assessment of blood pressure from age 3 years

 Universal lipid assessments for all children ages 9-11 and screening for lipid
abnormalities by a non-fasting, non-HDL-C level at age 10

 Universal lipid screening once during this time period for all young people
ages 17-21

While the guidelines state that “only a small number of children will require
pharmacologic therapy” using this criteria, they still have generated as much
controversy among pediatric physicians as the new adult guidelines have among

10 | P a g e
According to a media advisory issued by the Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA), adhering to the pediatric guidelines means that an additional
483,500 young people with elevated LDL levels could now qualify for statin
treatment, compared to 78,200 if these children were evaluated under the adult
guidelines that they used to go by!25, 26

Talk about priming the younger generation for a lifetime of reliance on prescription

The numbers are so staggering that specialists at Boston Children’s Hospital felt it
necessary to publicly urge patients and clinicians to “clearly address other
modifiable risk factors” such as diet and exercise before actually resorting to statins
or other cholesterol-lowering drugs for young people—an idea that even some
cardiologists endorsed.

“Medication should be the last resort and a true behavioral and healthy
lifestyle program should be implemented,” Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a
cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told Health Day News.

“Regardless of the guidelines, we need to not have this younger generation

rely on medication, but instill in them what healthy food choices, exercise
and smoking cessation means before simply giving them a pill.”27

When you consider the serious side effects (such as diabetes and myopathy) that
are possible with statins—coupled with the use and side effects of drugs to
counteract those side effects—it’s hard to imagine how statins could be justified at
all in children.

Even so, the new pediatric guidelines say that pharmacological attempts—
translation: cholesterol-lowering drugs—can begin as early as age 8, depending
on the “severity of the risk factors” that a child may have for CVD.

11 | P a g e
Cholesterol Is Neither ‘Good’ Nor ‘Bad’
Now that we’ve defined what cholesterol is,
why you need it, and how it’s measured,
let’s look at what flawed “science” has done
to malign this important component of your
body’s functions.

More than 50 years ago, something called

the Framingham Study set the stage for
condemning high blood cholesterol as the
cause of heart disease, and that dietary
cholesterol and saturated fats were the cause of high cholesterol.28 But was this
blame justified?

Dr. Fred Kummerow is a biochemist and food scientist who has been researching
the science of lipids, cholesterol, heart disease, and nutrition for nearly seven
decades—yes, almost 70 years—and he will tell you unequivocally that it’s NOT
cholesterol that causes heart disease.

Rather, it’s trans fats that are to blame, which was basically what the Dietary
Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) conceded when the committee
announced that from now, on, “cholesterol is not considered a nutrient for

While cholesterol in food is not the same as cholesterol in the blood, changing the
dietary guidelines is a ground-breaking step toward changing the paradigm by
which health care has been operating when it comes to cholesterol in general. And
Dr. Kummerow may be the person to thank for that.

You see, in 2009, he filed a citizen petition with the FDA calling for a ban on
synthetic trans fats. In the petition he noted that trans fats can cause blood clots in
the arteries, which can then cause sudden death.

When the FDA didn’t respond to his petition after four years, he filed a lawsuit
against the agency in 2013.30 Curiously, shortly after that, the FDA announced that
it was considering removing partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs)—the primary
source of trans fats—from its list of “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS)

12 | P a g e
And then, in June 2015, they announced31 that they were totally revoking the
GRAS status of PHOs.32 And suddenly, major media like The Washington Post
were paying attention and asking: was it Dr. Kummerow’s lawsuit that finally stirred
the FDA into action?33

I’ve interviewed and featured Dr. Kummerow numerous times in my online articles,
and I believe wholeheartedly that the answer to that is yes, indeed, it was his
persistence that made the FDA acknowledge the truth about cholesterol. And the
truth is that cholesterol shouldn’t be called either good or bad and, in fact, should
be respected as a vital component of your overall health.

The Evolution of Cholesterol as a Measurement of Heart

In a book he published in 2014, Cholesterol
Is Not the Culprit: A Guide to Preventing
Heart Disease, Dr. Kummerow explains how
cholesterol evolved as a “bad” guy. A half-
century before the Framingham study, in
1906, the hypothesis that high cholesterol
was a major risk factor in heart disease was
introduced with a study that, like the
Framingham study, later proved to be

But the flaws were ignored, and decades of anti-cholesterol thinking followed,
literally obstructing any substantial progress toward reducing the real cause of
heart disease.

Thus, treating cholesterol numbers became the chosen mode of fighting heart
disease, and after statins were discovered, they became the blockbuster tool for
slashing cholesterol levels. In the meantime, partially hydrogenated vegetable
oils—introduced in 1911 largely in the form of shortening—got a free pass, and
people began consuming trans fats in thousands of different foods and recipes.

Cookbooks were rewritten to replace lard and butter with shortening. Packaged
foods, from cookies to canned frostings to potato chips and more were made with
this new “miracle” cooking companion. It also was wildly popular for deep-fried

13 | P a g e
foods, because shortening has a high smoke point and is stable enough to cook
at temperatures necessary for deep-frying.

Today, many companies making processed foods with PHOs have cut back on
trans fats or eliminated them. But it took nearly a century for the FDA—pushed by
Dr. Kummerow—to finally put the hammer on these heart-destroying oils.

Simply Lowering Cholesterol Is Not Going to ‘Fix’ Heart

Dr. Kummerow says up-front that he disagrees with the numbers that have been
set for optimum total cholesterol. He also disagrees with the standards that
measure heart disease risk: when it comes to labeling “good” and “bad”
cholesterol, both labels are wrong, he says. The right amount of cholesterol
depends on the individual, which varies from person to person:

“The public has an overly simplistic view of cholesterol that leads them to
believe that simply lowering cholesterol levels reduces heart disease risks,”
Dr. Kummerow says. “While levels of LDL and HDL are likely to say a great
deal about your diet—especially your fat intake—it is your fat intake (both
amount and kind) that likely impacts your health in a crucial way.”

“The problem is not LDL, the ‘bad cholesterol’ widely considered to be the
major cause of heart disease,” he told The New York Times34 in 2013. “What
matters is whether the cholesterol and fat residing in those LDL particles
have been oxidized… Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease,
except if it’s oxidized.’ The Times continued:

“[He] contends that the high temperatures used in commercial frying cause
inherently unstable polyunsaturated oils to oxidize, and that these oxidized
fatty acids become a destructive part of LDL particles. Even when not
oxidized by frying, soybean and corn oils can oxidize inside the body.”

So while naturally cholesterol-rich foods are good for you, if those foods are fried
or heated to high temperatures, the cholesterol may become oxidized… and this
form of cholesterol should be avoided.

14 | P a g e
If Not Cholesterol, What Then?
So if cholesterol isn’t the culprit causing heart disease, what is it about trans fats
and oxidized cholesterol that cause heart problems—and more importantly, what
can you do about it? Dr. Kummerow published a paper35 in 2014 showing that
there are two lipids (fats) in our diet responsible for the formation of heart disease.
The first is trans fat found in partially hydrogenated oil.

The other is oxidized cholesterol, formed when cholesterol is heated. The primary
source of the latter is fried foods. Powdered egg yolk is another example of a food
where heating has damaged the fat to the point of creating harmful oxidized
cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol (again, not dietary cholesterol in and of itself)
causes increased thromboxane formation—a factor that clots your blood.

"You have prostacyclin that keeps your blood flowing, and thromboxane that
clots your blood. You have to be very careful about the ratio, the amount of
each in the blood. That's the simple explanation [for what causes heart
disease]," Dr. Kummerow says. "In 2011, 325,000 people died from sudden
death... and we're going to keep on seeing people die of sudden death
[unless trans fats are removed entirely from the diet].

In 1958, I showed that if I fed a rat trans fat and then took it out of the diet,
in a month, the trans fat is... metabolized out. There's no more trans fat in
the body. If today the FDA decided that no more trans fat should be in the
diet, next month, people who have been eating this fat will have lost the trans
fat. It would have been metabolized. There would be—next year and the year
after—less death from sudden deaths."

Once you understand this within the context of the number of products in the
American diet that still contain trans fats—at least 30,000—it’s easy to see why
getting fried foods, trans fats, and all processed foods (which often contain trans
fats) out of your diet should be your No. 1 priority for heart disease prevention. The
only question is why did the FDA take so long to admit this?

15 | P a g e
Cholesterol Is Your Friend, Not Your Enemy
Before we continue, I really would like you to put your mind around the concept
that cholesterol is your friend, not your enemy.

In the United States, even with the new dietary guidelines, the idea that cholesterol
is evil is still very much engrained in most people’s minds. Unfortunately, it may
take years for Americans to “get” that dietary cholesterol does NOT increase your
risk of heart disease, and that avoiding healthy animal foods like butter, grass-fed
beef, and eggs simply denies you the enjoyment of wholesome, healthy foods.

Thank goodness the truth is finally coming out—a reversal that was praised by
Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen. “It’s the right decision. We got the
dietary guidelines wrong. They’ve been wrong for decades,” he told USA Today.36

That is astounding, coming from someone like Dr. Nissen. Perhaps now it will be
easier for Americans to get on the right road for taking control of their health and

This is why cholesterol-rich and saturated fat-rich animal foods are featured in my
nutrition plan.

Many of the healthiest foods also happen to be rich in cholesterol and saturated
fats. Like cholesterol, saturated fat has also been wrongly vilified. In 2010, a meta-
analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition37 came to the
conclusion that there’s “no significant evidence… that saturated fat is associated
with an increased risk for coronary heart disease. Another meta-analysis38 reached
the same conclusion.

Not only that, another study has shown that

doubling or tripling saturated fat in the diet
does not drive up total levels of saturated in
the blood; however, increasing levels of
carbohydrates does!39

And that’s what I’ve been saying all along.

Following are just a few examples of
previously-maligned foods that are now the
“good” guys in heart health:

16 | P a g e
 Organic Pastured Eggs: Eggs are a phenomenal source of protein, fat, and
other nutrients, including choline, selenium, biotin, B vitamins, phosphorus,
and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. They are so good for you that
you can easily eat one dozen eggs per week.

 Organic Pastured Raw Butter: Butter is a veritable health food rich in

vitamins E, K2, and A, along with minerals, iodine, antioxidants, and healthy
fats. Butter also contains the anti-cancer agent conjugated linoleic acid (CLA
along with Wulzen factor, a hormone-like substance known to prevent
arthritis and joint stiffness (only in raw butter).

 Grass-Fed Beef: Some of the benefits of grass-fed and grass-finished beef

include high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and other healthy fats.
It also has a more balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 (compared to grain-
fed beef) and is higher in beta-carotene, certain minerals, vitamin E, and B

 Liver: Liver from grass-fed animals is rich in high quality amino acids fat, B
vitamins and B12, CoQ10, minerals, and “fat-soluble activators” (vitamins A,
D and K), important for mineral absorption.

In summary, there’s no telling how many people have been harmed by the decades
of dangerous thinking that saturated fat is bad for your heart, especially when
scientific evidence has shown that a lack of healthy fat actually increases your
cardiovascular risk.40

17 | P a g e
Cholesterol and Inflammation—What’s the Connection?
I would be remiss not to talk about inflammation and its connection to cholesterol
because inflammation is terribly important as a factor contributing to heart disease.
Inflammation has become a bit of a buzzword in the medical field because it has
been linked to so many different diseases. And one of those diseases is heart
disease … the same heart disease that cholesterol is often blamed for.

What am I getting at?

Well, first consider the role of inflammation

in your body. In many respects, it’s a good
thing. As an immune response, it’s your
body’s natural way of dealing with invaders
it perceives as threats, whether they are
antigens such as chemicals, toxins, drugs,
or foreign substances, or an assault to your
system, such as an infection or even a cut.
The process of inflammation is what allows
you to heal.

Using the cut as an example, specifically during inflammation:41

 Your blood vessels constrict to keep you from bleeding to death

 Your blood becomes thicker so it can clot
 Blood circulation will increase around the inflamed area in an attempt to
strengthen it
 Your immune system sends cells and chemicals to fight viruses, bacteria,
and other “bad guys” that could infect the area
 Cells multiply to repair the damage

Ultimately, the cut is healed and a protective scar may form over the area.

If your arteries are damaged, a very similar process occurs inside of your body,
except that a “scar” in your artery is known as plaque.

This plaque, along with the thickening of your blood and constricting of your blood
vessels that normally occur during the inflammatory process, can indeed increase
your risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks.

18 | P a g e
Notice that cholesterol has yet to even enter the picture.

Cholesterol comes in because, in order to replace your damaged cells, it is


Remember that no cell can form without it.

So if you have a bunch of damaged cells that need to be replaced, your liver will
be notified to make more cholesterol and release it into your bloodstream.

This is a deliberate process that takes place in order for your body to produce new,
healthy cells.

It’s also possible, and quite common, for damage to occur in your body on a regular
basis. In this case, you will be in a dangerous state of chronic inflammation,42 which
can be caused by a laundry list of items, such as:

 Oxidized cholesterol (cholesterol that has gone rancid, such as that from
overcooked, scrambled eggs)
 Other dietary mistakes such as eating lots of sugar and grains, foods cooked
at high temperatures, and processed foods, many of which contain trans fats
 Lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep
 A sedentary lifestyle
 Smoking
Emotional stress
 Persistent infections
 Obesity

Each of these things can be addressed so you can effectively and safely lower
your cholesterol levels by eliminating inflammation. But before you begin treating
it, you need to know how much inflammation your body is fighting. This can be
done with a simple blood test, usually a C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test. CRP
level is used as a marker of inflammation in your arteries. Generally speaking:43

 A CRP level under 1 milligram per liter of blood means you have a low risk
for cardiovascular disease
 1 to 3 milligrams means your risk is intermediate
 More than 3 milligrams is high risk

19 | P a g e
Even conventional medicine is warming up to the idea that chronic inflammation
can trigger heart attacks.44 But they stop short of seeing the big picture.

In the eyes of conventional medicine, it’s only when they see increased cholesterol
circulating in your bloodstream that they conclude that cholesterol—not the
underlying damage to your arteries—is the cause of heart attacks.

Which brings me to my next point.

The Insanity of Lowering Cholesterol

Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price
Foundation, and Mary Enig, Ph.D, an expert in lipid
biochemistry, were among the first beyond Dr.
Kummerow to call high cholesterol “an invented
disease, a ‘problem’ that emerged when health
professionals learned how to measure cholesterol
levels in the blood.”45

And this explanation is still spot on.

As I already said, if you have increased levels of

cholesterol, it is at least in part because of increased
inflammation in your body. The cholesterol is there to
do a job: help your body heal and repair.

For years, conventional medicine missed the boat when they dangerously
recommended lowering cholesterol to reduce your risk of heart attacks, when what
was actually needed was to address whatever is causing the inflammation.

It was a long time coming, but in 2005, new research began to confirm not only
that inflammation plays a key role in coronary artery disease (CAD), but that the
traditional approach to “fixing” CAD (treating hypercholesterolemia and
hypertension) needed to be re-evaluated.46

The problem was that modern medicine expected to eliminate CAD by the end of
the 20th century with statins and blood pressure drugs—and when that didn’t
happen, researchers decided to figure out why.

20 | P a g e
What they found was that inflammation is increased in active plaques of patients
with acute coronary symptoms—in other words, atherosclerosis is an inflammatory
disease that can lead to heart disease.

Since then, follow-up data over the past 10 years have consistently shown an
association between inflammation and development of atherosclerosis.47, 48, 49

By 2013, the evidence on inflammation’s connection to heart disease was clear,

with a meta-analysis on inflammatory cytokines (molecules that stimulate immune
responses) and risk of coronary heart disease showing that even low-grade
inflammation may play a role in causing coronary heart disease.50

What’s more—almost in a bow to Dr. Kummerow himself—the newest research

shows that it’s none other than oxidized cholesterol that is the “driving force”
behind not only hypercholesterolemia, but possibly the oxidative stress and
inflammation that leads to Alzheimer’s disease!51

If Your Cholesterol Is Too Low…

So what are the dangers of too-low cholesterol?

Remember, every single one of your cells needs cholesterol to thrive—from your
gut to your immune system to your brain. And that very precept is the reason why
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute held a conference in 1992 to review
and discuss mortality rates and how they relate to total blood cholesterol levels.52

At that conference, officials were concerned about reports of a possible link

between too-low cholesterol and certain cancers, respiratory/pulmonary diseases,
digestive diseases, and mental health issues.

The convocation ended with officials admitting that they did see an association
between some of these health issues and low cholesterol, but for whatever reason,
they didn’t see enough to actually declare that low cholesterol causes cellular

So instead of leading a call-to-arms on the dangers of too-low cholesterol right

then and there, they decided to encourage continued, “systematic investigation” of
the potential links between low cholesterol and certain diseases. What’s most

21 | P a g e
interesting is that the total cholesterol they considered too low at this conference
was 160 and below—a number that is very close to the “ideal” 180 that the ACA
wants you to aim for today!

Since then, dozens of other studies have shown that:

 There is a reported increase in deaths due to suicide or violence in middle-

aged subjects whose serum cholesterol concentrations have been lowered.
Researchers theorize that low membrane cholesterol decreases serotonin
receptors, which results in poorer suppression of aggressive behaviors.53

 A Dutch study found that men with chronically low cholesterol levels show a
consistently higher risk of having depressive symptoms.54 A similar study in
a randomized controlled trial of over 29,000 men several years later had the
same results.55

 Patients admitted to psychiatric wards in a Polish study showed a higher

intensity of suicidal thoughts and tendencies in those with low total

 Similar studies support a connection between low or lowered cholesterol

levels and violent behavior.57

 A meta-analysis of over 41,000 patient records found that people who take
statins to lower their cholesterol may have a higher risk of cancer.58

There is a correlation between low cholesterol and advanced heart failure and
death—exactly the opposite of what lowering your cholesterol is supposed to
achieve!59, 60

And what cholesterol level is too low? Brace yourself. As was true in that 1992
conference, most of the studies citing low cholesterol as a potential health risk use
160 and below as the too-low number. Plainly put, that means that the “ideal” 180
is dangerously close to the too-low number.

That’s why, in my opinion, anything under 200 is too low. Yes, 200.

Now I know what you are thinking: “How can 200 be healthy when my doctor tells
me my cholesterol needs to be under 180?” Well let me enlighten you about how

22 | P a g e
these cholesterol recommendations came to be and who is doing the

Who Decided What Cholesterol Levels Are Healthy or

In 2004, the U.S. government’s National Cholesterol Education Program panel
advised those at risk for heart disease to attempt to reduce their LDL cholesterol
to specific, very low, levels.61

Before 2004, a 130-milligram LDL cholesterol level was considered healthy. The
updated guidelines, however, recommended levels of less than 100, or even less
than 70 for patients who were considered at very high risk for a heart attack.

Keep in mind that these extremely low targets often require multiple cholesterol-
lowering drugs to achieve—not just one drug, but multiple drugs.

Fortunately, in 2006 a review in the Annals of Internal Medicine62 found that there
is insufficient evidence to support the target numbers outlined by the panel. The
review went on to say that secondary researchers were simply unable to find
research providing evidence that achieving a specific LDL target level was
important in and of itself, and found that the studies attempting to do so suffered
from major flaws.

Several of the scientists who helped develop the guidelines even admitted that the
scientific evidence supporting the less-than-70 recommendation was not very

So how did these new, excessively low cholesterol guidelines come about?

As it turns out, eight of the nine doctors on the panel that developed those
guidelines had been making money from the drug companies that
manufacture statin cholesterol-lowering drugs.63

The same drugs that the new guidelines suddenly created a huge new market for
in the United States.

Coincidence? I think not.

23 | P a g e
Now, despite the finding that there is absolutely NO evidence to show that lowering
your LDL cholesterol to 100 or below is good for you, what do you think the
American Heart Association STILL recommends?

Lowering your LDL cholesterol levels to less than 100.64

And of course, the standard recommendation to get to that level almost always
includes one or more cholesterol-lowering drugs.

What’s most interesting is that two years before the study came out, The New York
Times actually criticized the panel for its many apparent conflicts of interest,
pointing out that 12 of the original 16 panel members had financial ties to the
pharmaceutical industry.65

Yet, the guidelines were published and for years many people were prescribed
cholesterol-lowering drugs based on flawed research by people who received
payments from companies making these drugs.

Cholesterol Drugs Are the No. 1 Most-Prescribed Drug

If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels, taking a drug should be your
absolute last resort.

As I already mentioned, you can lower your cholesterol by simply addressing any
inflammation problems you may have, and correcting them. Always—always—
statins should be the last resort. And when I say last resort, I’m saying the odds
are very high that you don’t need any drugs at all to lower your cholesterol.

When I was running my clinic, I found that only four or five of the more than 20,000
who visited there truly needed these drugs, and then it was only because they had
genetic challenges that required it.

Contrast this to what is going on in the general population. Today nearly 70 percent
of all Americans are taking at least one prescription drug for a chronic or other
medical condition66 and, according to the research firm IMS, the statin drug Crestor
is the No. 1 most-prescribed drug of all drugs in the country, as of September

24 | P a g e
Truly, the numbers are staggering: Although global spending on lipid-lowering
drugs is expected to go down from $37 billion a year in 2010 to “only” $34 to $29
billion a year in 2015 due to patent expirations,68 the market is practically
guaranteed to rise because of the new prescribing guidelines.

In fact, Barron’s reported gleefully after the guidelines were announced that
experts were predicting that “the number of Americans who qualify for statin
therapy could double to more than 30 million!”69

What Are the Prescription Drugs Designed to Lower

There are six classes of drugs designed to lower cholesterol in your blood. They

1. Statins, which work in the liver to inhibit an enzyme that’s needed to

manufacture cholesterol. They also lower LDLs and triglycerides while
slightly increasing HDLs. Statins are a group of drugs called HMG CoA
reductase inhibitors, which reduce LDLs and triglycerides and increase

2. Niacin (nicotinic acid), which is a B-complex vitamin that’s necessary for

nervous and digestive system function. Known as B3, it’s given at high doses
to raise HDLs by as much as 30 percent and to lower LDLs and

3. Bile-acid resins, which work in the intestines by inhibiting the reabsorption

of bile acids. Known as sequestrants, they are the oldest and safest of lipid-
lowering drugs, but less potent than the others. They are sometimes used if
you don’t do well with statins.72

4. Fibrates/Fenofibrates, which reduce triglycerides and fatty acids by

decreasing production and circulation of VLDL cholesterol in the blood. They
also may decrease LDLs slightly.73

5. Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors (brand name Zetia), inhibit absorption

of biliary and dietary cholesterol from the small intestine without affecting
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, triglycerides or bile acids. They also
reduce LDLs by about 15-20 percent and increase HDLs. They’re often

25 | P a g e
prescribed to patients who can’t tolerate statins.74 There is also a
combination drug called Vytorin that includes Zetia and the statin drug Zocor,
which lowers cholesterol and LDL levels.

6. PCSK9 Inhibitors is a new class of cholesterol absorption inhibitors, which

the FDA agreed to review in 2015 prior to a targeted August-September 2015
market release. In clinical trials, they lowered LDLs by about 60 percent.
PCSK9 is a protein that works with LDL receptors that regulate LDL in the
liver and release LDL cholesterol into the blood.

The inhibitors work by blocking that protein and thus having less LDL to
circulate in the blood. Researchers reported that these drugs will be
recommended to patients who either don’t respond to other lipid-lowering
drugs, or who can’t tolerate some of the side effects of the other drugs, such
as severe muscle pain.75

The main goal of all of these drugs is to prevent or control coronary heart disease
and, ultimately, prevent a heart attack. I’ll talk about how well that really works in
a different section below. But first, let’s look at some of the known side effects for
these drugs.

26 | P a g e
Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Have Many Side Effects and
The newest class, PCSK9 inhibitors, has already reported problems with
“neurocognitive effects” in the clinical trials, with some patients experiencing
confusion and trouble paying attention, according to reports released in April 2015.
Since the studies have been so short-term, researchers stressed that longer-term
studies would be needed to be sure of the risks vs. the benefits, and to give more
insight on the safety of PCSK9.76

While this drug may be approved for sale as

early as mid-2015, four of the clinical trials
on this drug won’t even be completed until
2018—a concern that had at least one
researcher admitting that “errors may be
present” that they “won’t be aware of until
the larger trials are completed.”77 Now why
would anybody want to start on a drug when
they don’t even know what all the side
effects are?

Cholesterol absorption inhibitors, commonly sold under the brand name Zetia,
have been associated with severe muscle problems, particularly when used in the
combination form (Vytorin). Untreated, these problems can cause kidney damage.
Other reported side effects include rash, joint pain, liver problems, stomach pain,
inflammation of the pancreas, nausea, dizziness, tingling, headaches, and
gallbladder inflammation as well as gallstones.78

Bile acid resins/sequestrants are associated with constipation, stomach pain,

nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and gas. Also, according to WebMD, they have not
been proved to lower your risk of either heart attack or stroke.79

Fibrates/fenofibrates can irritate your gall bladder and trigger gallstones and liver
problems, including abnormal liver tests for AST and ALT. They also have been
associated with headaches, muscle pain, kidney problems, and in rare cases
kidney failure, and nausea. Flu-like symptoms and dark urine and/or yellowing
eyes and skin have also been reported.80

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High-dose, extended-release niacin was found to have serious issues when a
study of 25,000 patients showed that it was associated with a 32 percent increase
in diabetes, as well as gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and skin-related serious
adverse events.

Additionally, researchers reported that high-dose niacin is associated with “highly

significant excesses” of serious bleeding, as well as a possible 9 percent increased
risk of dying from any risk. While it did result in improved cholesterol levels, it didn’t
decrease the rate of heart attacks, strokes, or deaths from heart disease.81 So,
again: why would anybody want to take this cholesterol-lowering drug if it doesn’t
do anything to prevent heart disease or death?

In case you’re not convinced, other common side effects of niacin include: itching,
flushing, excessive warmth or tingling under the skin; dizziness; sweating or chills;
nausea and other stomach problems, burping or diarrhea; insomnia; rash.82

It also can interfere with other drugs you may be taking, such as anti-seizure
medications, antibiotics (tetracycline), anticoagulatants and nicotine patches, other
cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins, diabetes drugs and blood pressure

Statins: In a Category All Their Own When It Comes to Side

Statins are in a category all their own when it comes to unpleasant side effects and
dangers. These drugs came roaring into use in 1987 with pre-market approval of
lovastatin. Since then, many other statins or variations of statins have been
introduced, including simvastatin (Zocor), pravastatin, fluvastatin, atorvastatin
(Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor) and pitavastatin, all of them created with the goal
of lowering your risk of heart attack and, thereby, lengthening your life.84

It all sounds good (we’ll get to that later) but what are the possible side effects of
these drugs? A recent analysis of statins’ real risks versus benefits by two
independent researchers—meaning they are not connected with creating or
marketing statins—85 indicates that the benefits have been highly exaggerated
and the risks severely downplayed.

“We have described the deceptive approach statin advocates have

deployed to create the appearance that cholesterol reduction results in an

28 | P a g e
impressive reduction in cardiovascular disease outcomes through their use
of a statistical tool called relative risk reduction (RRR), a method which
amplifies the trivial beneficial effects of statins,” the study authors wrote.

“We have also described how the directors of the clinical trials have
succeeded in minimizing the significance of the numerous adverse effects of
statin treatment.”

The researchers, Dr. David M. Diamond, professor of psychology, molecular

pharmacology, and physiology at the University of South Florida, and Dr. Uffe
Ravnskov, an independent health research and expert in cholesterol and
cardiovascular disease, later added in a press release:86

“The adverse effects suffered by people taking statins are more common
than reported in the media and at medical conferences. …“Increased rates
of cancer, cataracts, diabetes, cognitive impairments and musculoskeletal
disorders more than offset the modest cardiovascular benefits of statin

These inflated claims and minimized side effects have influenced prescribing
practices, Diamond and Ravnskov said: “There is a great appeal to the public to
take a pill that offers the promise of a longer life and to live heart attack free. The
reality, however, is that statins actually produce only small beneficial effects on
cardiovascular outcomes, and their adverse effects are far more substantial than
is generally known.”

What Are Some of the Most Dangerous Side Effects from

 For starters, statin drugs deplete your body of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a
compound the body makes and uses for cell growth. Studies show that
CoQ10 is not only beneficial to heart health and muscle function, but also
helps the immune system. It works in the heart, liver, kidney, and pancreas
and is often used to treat heart and blood vessel conditions as well as
diabetes, cancer, and other chronic diseases.87

Because doctors rarely inform people of this risk or advise them to take a
CoQ10 supplement, this depletion leads to fatigue, muscle weakness,
soreness, and eventually heart failure.

29 | P a g e
 More recently, a long-term study that followed nearly 26,000 patients showed
that statins are linked to an 87 percent increased chance of new-onset
diabetes, diabetic complications, and overweight/obesity!88, 89

The diabetes link has been a point of contention for the past few years, with
initial reports of as much as a 46 percent increased risk of diabetes,90 but
this is the most astounding study yet—and an 87 percent risk is nothing less
than shocking.

What’s crazy is that, even though decision makers admit they’ve known for
years that statins can raise your risk of getting diabetes, they still maintain
that the benefits of statins outweigh the risk of diabetes—a side effect that
means you’ll eventually be on even more drugs, including a possibility of
insulin injections!91

 Mitochondria damage can also occur with statins because they are so toxic
they can damage the centers of your cells—the mitochondria. They impair
muscle mitochondria function, disrupt ATP production (adenosine triphosate,
the energy molecules of your body) and alter intracellular signaling
proteins.92, 93

 Muscle pain and weakness, a condition called rhabdomyolysis, is actually

the most common side effect of statin drugs, which is thought to occur
because statins activate the atrogin-1 gene, which plays a key role in muscle

Aside from the fact that muscle pain and weakness may be an indication that
your body tissues are actually breaking down—a condition that can destroy
your kidney function—it’s important to remember that your heart is a muscle
too—and that means that the very drugs that are supposed to be helping
your heart are also damaging it.

This paradox has become so apparent that some researchers have recently
said that, contrary to the current thinking that statins decrease
atherosclerosis, they believe that they may actually CAUSE coronary artery
calcification, resulting in impaired heart muscle function and depletion of
CoQ10 and K2.95

30 | P a g e
If that’s not enough to make you question why this drug is even on the market,
here are other adverse events that statins have been linked to:

 An increased risk of polyneuropathy

(nerve damage that causes pain in
the hands and feet and trouble
 Dizziness/vertigo97
 Cataracts98, 99
 Cognitive impairment, including
memory loss100
 A potential increased risk of cancer101
 Bell’s Palsy102
 Decreased function of the immune system103
 Depression104
 Increased risk of Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)105
 Liver problems, including a potential increase in liver enzymes (so people
taking statins must be regularly monitored for normal liver function)

The memory loss is particularly concerning, and has even been reported by Pfizer,
which makes the statin Lipitor. The company advises patients that: “certain
cognitive effects, specifically memory loss and confusion, have been reported. The
FDA notes that reports relating to cognitive effects have generally not been serious
and that symptoms went away once the drug was no longer being taken.”106

I guess it’s a relief to know that if you stop taking your statins you might get your
memory back. But why would you want to risk that side effect at all?

Are Cholesterol Drugs Even Effective?

With all of these risks, the drugs had better be effective, right? Well, even this is

Have you ever heard of the statistic known as NNT, or number needed to treat? I
didn’t think so. In fact, most doctors haven’t either. And herein lies the problem.

NNT answers the question: How many people have to take a particular drug to
avoid one incidence of a medical issue (such as a heart attack)?

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For example, if a drug had an NNT of 50 for heart attacks, then 50 people have to
take the drug in order to prevent one heart attack.

Easy enough, right?

Well, drug companies would rather that you not focus on NNT, because when you
do, you get an entirely different picture of statins as a “miracle” drug.

Take, for instance, Pfizer’s Lipitor, which has been prescribed to more than 29
million people in the US. After this drug was brought to market, it began taking ads
out in newspapers telling people that Lipitor reduces heart attacks by 36 percent.
That sounds fairly effective.

But BusinessWeek magazine actually did an excellent story on this in 2008, when
they decided to investigate statins” true effectiveness.107 And they found the REAL
numbers right on Pfizer’s own newspaper ad for Lipitor.

Upon first glance, the ad boasted that Lipitor reduces heart attacks by 36 percent.
But there was an asterisk beside the statement. And when you followed the
asterisk, you found the following in much smaller type:

“That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or

placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor.”

What this means is that for every 100 people who took the drug over 3.3 years,
three people on placebos, and two people on Lipitor, had heart attacks. That
means that taking Lipitor resulted in just one fewer heart attack per 100

The NNT, in this case, is 100. One hundred people have to take Lipitor for more
than three years to prevent one heart attack. And the other 99 people, well, they’ve
just dished out hundreds of dollars and increased their risk of a multitude of side
effects for nothing.

So you can see how the true effectiveness of cholesterol drugs like Lipitor is hidden
behind a smokescreen.

Or in some cases, not hidden at all.

32 | P a g e
Zetia and Vytorin: No Medical Benefits
Early in 2008, it came out that Zetia, which works by inhibiting absorption of
cholesterol from your intestines, and Vytorin, which is a combination of Zetia and
Zocor (a statin drug), do not work.

This was discovered AFTER the drugs acquired close to 20 percent of the US
market for cholesterol-lowering drugs in the United States, bringing in close to $4
billion in 2007.108

It was only after the results of a trial by the drugs’ makers, Merck and Schering-
Plough, were released that this was found out. Never mind that the trial was
completed in April 2006, and results were not released until January 2008.

And it’s no wonder the drug companies wanted to hide these results:

 While Zetia did lower cholesterol by 15 percent to 20 percent, trials did not
show that it reduces heart attacks or strokes, or that it reduces plaques in
arteries that can lead to heart problems.

 The trial by the drugs’ makers, which studied whether Zetia could reduce the
growth of plaques, actually found that plaques grew nearly twice as fast in
patients taking Zetia along with Zocor (Vytorin) than in those taking Zocor

Five years later, in 2013, Merck agreed to pay $688 million to resolve a class-
action suit claiming it had defrauded its shareholders by withholding adverse
results of its clinical trials on Vytorin and Zetia.110

Today Merck has launched a new promotion of Vytorin with the announcement
that a brand-new study has shown that this drug “significantly” reduces
cardiovascular events, implying that this drug’s wonders far outweigh any
questionable effects it had in the past.111

But given the history of this drug, does it really make sense for you to even consider
taking statins made by any company? Read on before you decide.

33 | P a g e
The Insanity of Claiming Statins Are Wonderful No Matter How
Dangerous They Are
Besides the major side effects that statins can
have, they also have shown to negatively
interact with other drugs you may be taking.
For example, an analysis of patients taking
Rosuvastatin, pravastatin, or fluvastatin with
the antibiotic clarithromycin showed a 65
percent increased risk of hospitalization for
acute kidney injury, a more than two-fold
increased risk for hyperkalemia (elevated
potassium), and a 43 percent increased risk
for all-cause mortality.112

Gemfibrozil, a drug similar to fenofibrate, also interacts with simvastatin, increasing

your risk of rhabdomyolysis, which can destroy muscle fibers and lead to
complications such as kidney failure.113, 114

For more information on drug interactions with statins, you can go to
and plug in the name of the drug you want to know more about. But the point is it’s
insane to continue recommending a drug that has so many potential risk with so
few—if any—proven benefits.

What’s really silly is that, as more and more negative information on statins has
come out in the past couple years, a never-ending flurry of press releases
announcing newly-discovered virtues and possibly new uses for statins—such as
Merck’s announcement on Vytorin—have literally flooded the news.

In fact there have been so many “new uses” for statins announced recently that I
started saving some of these statins-are-wonderful stories. And now, so many
articles have come out claiming that statins cure everything from asthma115 to
hantavirus116 to even reversing learning disabilities117 that it makes me wonder why
this “wonder” drug isn’t automatically sold as a daily multivitamin. For example,
recent stories claim that:

o Statins keep you from dying from colon cancer118

o Statins cure the cough from lung disease119
o Statins prevent breast cancer120

34 | P a g e
o Statins treat breast cancer121
o Statins prevent Alzheimer’s (if they don’t give you dementia as a side
o Statins can save the world from bird flu123
o Statins can cure MS124
o Statins might stop uterine fibroids125
o Statins reduce the risk of cataracts (except when they don’t)126

And the best one yet: Instead of causing diabetes, statins suddenly and
miraculously now prevent both common and serious diabetic complications.127

This is just the short list of fantastical medical miracles that have been attributed
to statins in just a short period of time. The propaganda is so prolific that it’s simply
not possible to post it all here, but I think you get the idea. If all these statins-are-
wonderful reports are true, then surely, there would be absolutely nobody sick with
anything if they just took this drug.

If you’re like me, though, you’re probably thinking that these are some pretty
desperate attempts to find a new use for a bad drug.

35 | P a g e
How to Improve Your Heath, and Lower Your Risk of Heart
Disease, Naturally
There is a major misconception that you must avoid
foods like eggs and saturated fats to protect your heart.
But as we already learned, that’s simply not true.

And it’s so not true that recently the Institute of Science

in Society wrote a series of articles lambasting the
dishonesty that’s been perpetrated on the world
through what the Society calls “a scandalous history of
scientists for hire, revolving door between food industry
and regulators, not-for-profit NGOs hungry for funding
plain bad science, and fake TV commercials.”128

Yes, the Society said that, after reviewing what they call
“compelling evidence that saturated fat does not cause
coronary disease by elevating serum cholesterol or any
other mechanism.” After reading their articles, what else is there left to say, other
than to be firm in saying that you can ignore all the erroneous information and start
on a path to good health that includes healthy dietary fats.

To that end, below are some of the lifestyle and dietary changes that you can make
that will help you keep your cholesterol levels and your heart healthy:

1. Make sure you’re getting plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega-3

fats.129 These fats can be found naturally in seafood and fish such as
salmon, krill, tuna and halibut, as well as in algae, a few other plants, and
nut oils. If you want to get your omega-3s through a supplement, I prefer
those from krill oil.

2. Reduce, with the plan of eliminating, grains and sugars in your daily diet,
especially high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). A new study shows that
added sugar not only increases your risk of cardiovascular disease
mortality, but that HFCS, especially, can cause your cholesterol and
triglycerides to rise after only two weeks of modest HFCS consumption.130

3. Eliminate processed, packaged, and canned foods from your diet. This
will easily help you eliminate trans fats; plus, if you totally avoid deep-fried

36 | P a g e
foods, you will be on your way to an inflammation-free, heart-healthy

4. Eat a good portion of your food raw. Make sure to monitor your vitamin
B12 levels and supplement if necessary, since a long-term, strictly raw
food diet can sometimes deplete vitamin B12—a necessary element to
maintaining good HDL levels131 Also, avoid foods of any kind that have
the additive carrageenan in them. Carrageenan has been shown to raise
your risk of both diabetes and hyperlipidemia.132

5. Eat healthy, preferably raw, foods and fats that correspond to your
nutritional type.

This includes:

 Extra virgin olive oil (about 2 tablespoons per day, drizzled over raw
vegetables or as a baste for meats133, 134
 Coconut and virgin coconut oil135
 Organic raw dairy products (including butter, cream, sour cream,
cheese, etc.)
 Avocados—just one a day can have positive effects136
 Raw nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans,
pistachios,137 and pine nuts138
 Seeds and/or seed oils such as rapeseed and grapeseed, and
sunflower seeds, although they don’t provide as much protection139
 Cheese in modest amounts140
 Eggs (lightly cooked with yolks intact or raw)141
 Organic, grass-fed meats142, 143

6. Get the right amount of exercise, and make sure you incorporate high-
intensity interval exercises, which optimize your human growth hormone
(HGH) production. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and
the blood flow throughout your body.

The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which
means your immune system has a better chance of fighting an illness
before it has the opportunity to spread. Plus, new research following
nearly 12,000 men ages 20 to 90 shows that middle-age dyslipidemia can
actually be delayed 15 years or more by simply keeping active and being
physically fit.144

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7. Don’t smoke at all, or if you do smoke, quit: recent research shows that
quitting will raise your HDLs almost immediately.145 Also avoid second-
hand smoke.

8. Don’t drink excessive amounts of alcohol. While multiple studies have

shown that moderate consumption of wine, beer and spirits can have a
positive effect on your health,146, 147, 148 they also show that
overindulgence—more than two drinks/day for men and one for women—
can be very detrimental.149

9. Address your emotional challenges. I particularly love the Emotional

Freedom Technique (EFT) for stress management.

You also should work at optimizing your vitamin D levels, ideally through
appropriate sun exposure as this will allow your body to create vitamin D sulfate—
another factor that may play a crucial role in preventing formation of arterial plaque.

This is especially important for both children and adults, since studies show that
low levels of vitamin D3 in childhood are associated with subclinical
atherosclerosis 25 years later in adulthood.150

So there you have it; the reasons why high cholesterol is a worry that many of you
simply do not need to have, along with a simple plan to optimize your cholesterol
levels so that you can become, and stay, heart-healthy.

For the majority of you reading this right now, there’s no reason to risk your health
with cholesterol-lowering drugs. With the plan I’ve just outlined, you’ll achieve the
cholesterol levels you were meant to have, along with the very welcome “side
effects” of increased energy, mood and mental clarity.

Too good to be true?


For the vast majority of people, making a few lifestyle changes causes healthy
cholesterol levels to naturally occur.

38 | P a g e
If someone you love is currently taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, I urge you to
share this information with them as well, and take advantage of the thousands of
free pages of information on

As always, your health really is in your hands. Now it’s up to you to take control –
and shape it into something great.

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