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No. Question
Fun Quiz Questions
For Kids
When you mix red and blue paint together, what colour does it make?

2. What is the King's name in the TV show Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom? King Thistle

3. What is the capital of Australia? Canberra

4. In the book series Hairy Maclary, what is Hercules Morse as big as? A horse!

5. How many stars on the Australian flag? 6

6. What happens on 25 December each year? Christmas

7. What sport takes place in a Velodrome? Cycling

8. In the nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle, what ran away with the spoon? The dish

9. What is the tallest mountain in the world? Mt Everest

10. In the movie Finding Nemo, what is the name of Nemo's father? Marlin

11. The Eiffel Tower is in which country? France

12. In the Bible story, how many wise men visited Baby Jesus? 3

13. What is a herbivore? An animal that only eats plants

14. How many years in a decade? 10 years

15. Bees create what sweet substance? Honey

16. Harry Potter's middle name is James. True/False True

17. Name a bird that cannot fly. Emu, penguins etc.

18. Is the sun a planet or a star? Star

19. Name the vowels. A, E, I, O, U

20. In what Australian State would I find The Blue Mountains? NSW

21. What is the 9th letter of the alphabet? i

22. What is a black mamba? A snake

23. What date is Valentine's Day? 14 February

24. What rhymes with sneeze? Freeze, bees etc

25. How many players on a netball team? 7

No. Question Answer
26. A tomato is a fruit. True/False True

27. What is a baby horse called? Foal

28. What 3 sports are involved in a Triathlon? Swimming, Cycling & Running

29. Name the 4 months that only have 30 days. April, June, Sept & Nov.

30. What does a caterpillar turn into? A butterfly

31. In the movie Ice Age, the character Manny is what type of animal? A mammoth

32. Is 63 an odd or even number? Odd

33. How many kilometres are run in a marathon? 42

34. What are the 2 months of the year that start with the letter "A"? April & August

35. Name 5 colours in the rainbow. Red, blue, yellow etc.

36. Australia is a continent. True/False True

Red at the top; orange in the

37. In what order do the lights appear on a traffic light? middle; green at the bottom

38. In Thomas The Tank Engine, James is vain but lots of _____. Fun

39. The Olympics are held every ___ years. 4

40. What is the most common hair colour in the world? Black

41. What type of animal is the popular TV character, Angelina Ballerina? A mouse

42. What season follows Autumn? Winter

43. A string quartet contains how many instruments? 4

44. What famous Australian children's author wrote "Where Is The Green Sheep?" Mem Fox

45. Name the planet that starts with the letter "V". Venus

46. What is the tallest animal in the world? Giraffe

47. What 2 colours are on the Canadian flag? Red & White

48. How many sides does an octagon have? 8

49. What object is designed to return to you after you have thrown it? A Boomerang

50. A "747" is a type of what? Plane

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