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Name : Ikbal Mustofa

Class : 12 Social 2

Number: 15

Ikbal does his accountancy homework on

Thursday, November 22, 2018. He was
helped by his Brother. He finished his
accountancy homework at 9 PM.

Aziz plays games on Thursday, 22

November, 2018. He played his games while
sitting. Sometimes he shouted because of he
was upset.

My Mother watches TV in the living room on

Friday, 23 November, 2018. She took a rest
after cooking. She drank a cup of coffee
while watching the movie.

Mail plays a ball in the classroom on Friday,

23 November, 2018. He played the ball alone
while laughing. The ball hit her friend and
made her angry.
Sweeps the classroom on Friday, 23
November, 2018. She swept while listening
musics. Her friend scolded him because of
the classroom was not clean.

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