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Experiment 2: Diet Alignment

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Post-Lab Questions
1. Include your beak to food matchups in the space below. Note: only ONE food item per bird

Bald Eagle: acorns, cranberry bush, mouse, beetle

Gold Finch: acorns, cranberry bush

Hummingbird: honeysuckle

Toucan: bananas, c. bush, acorns

Wood Pecker: c. bush, beetle

Zebra Finch: c. bush

2. What factors did you consider when matching the food items to the beak?
Thickness and shape

3. How is the hummingbird beak particularly evolved to obtain food?

It’s beak only allows it to reach narrow, long flowers

4. How is the bald eagle beak particularly evolved to obtain food? How does the beak shape
inform its hunting technique?

©eScience Labs, LLC 2013

It’s feet are claws and it’s beak is extremely sharp. It can easily crush or break into anything,
or rip apart prey.

©eScience Labs, LLC 2013

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