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EE214 (31 January, 1 February 2019)

Get started with the Krypton CPLD board

January 30, 2019

You will be issued a Krypton CPLD kit. In this experiment session, you will
• familiarize yourself with some aspects of the Krypton kit.
• Implement your four-bit adder on the Krypton kit and test it using the
on-board switches and LEDs.
The following process is to be followed:
1. Read the chapter in the manual which deals with the Krypton CPLD kit.
2. Download the programming file for the example design (which checks the
switches, push-buttons and LEDs) into the CPLD, and verify that the
board works as expected.
3. Synthesize your four-bit adder design. Ensure that your design is correct
before you take this step.

4. Simulate the gate level network produced after synthesis to confirm that
the synthesis process has completed correctly.
5. Produce the programming file (svf file): you will need to map input pins
of your design to the switches and the output pins to the LEDs before
doing so.

6. Download the svf file to the CPLD using the USB interface (as indicated
in the manual).
7. Using switches and LEDs check at least 10 combinations of inputs to
ensure that the design seems to work.

8. Summarize the steps that you have completed in the report.

9. This laboratory experiment needs to be finished in one session.

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