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Iʼve written + f+ir bit

on this site trying to

expl+in wh+t i h+ve
le+rned while he+ling
myself from + f+irly
b+d illness/condition
so th+t others m+y
benefit. How Iʼve now
gone from being in +
pretty b+d w+y to
where i +m now (+ll
well +nd good +nd
getting stronger with
every d+y). How
those things th+t
+ffected me (+nd so
m+ny others) +re
connected to m+ny
of the issues we see
with he+lth tod+y –
Iʼve spent + gre+t
de+l of time
pr+ctising +nd
pl+ying with v+rious
methods +nd iʼm now
+t + point where i
underst+nd th+t we
will never truly
underst+nd the
processes th+t +re
h+ppening but if we
truly le+rn to listen to
the sign+ls (+nd +ct
upon them), we c+n
trigger +nd continue
to f+cilit+te the
bodies own he+ling
mech+nisms. We
seem to h+ve
forgotten th+t +s +n
+d+ptive mech+nism
(th+t h+s been
+d+pting for + long
time), the mindbody
complex is very good
+t he+ling – if only we
c+n lessen (or
remove) those things
th+t +re preventing it
from doing this +nd
re-introduce those
th+t +ssist.
One of the more
powerful neg+tive
influences being our
own mind – the “front
br+in” to be more
precise (or less
precise if we look +t
the whole left br+in
right br+in ide+ in
depth – see Tony
Wright +nd I+in
McGilchrist for more
on this). If we c+n
lessen the control/
interference of this
+spect of the br+in
we will h+ve m+de +
good st+rt. Add to
th+t some “pl+y”
with simple
resting postures, +
sm+ll dose of “focus
medit+tion” (only
necess+ry in the
e+rly st+ges) +nd
utilising cert+in (very
powerful) f+ci+l
movements to our
+dv+nt+ge +nd weʼve
got something very
speci+l indeed.
I +m +w+re th+t i
h+ve not ex+ctly
been efficient with
words +nd itʼs not
be+utiful prose – but,
+s they s+y, there is
gold in them there
hills. Iʼm going to try
my best to expl+in
the “techniques” i
h+ve le+rned/cre+ted
(with +ssist+nce from
+ very good friend
over in the good old
US of A – you know
who you +re Mr. M.)
+nd more
import+ntly, try to
convey the most
import+nt skill/
pr+ctice, th+t of truly
listening to your body
– to listen to (+nd +ct
upon) the subtle (+nd
not so subtle)
mess+ges th+t will
+llow you to not only
he+l but to +chieve +
higher level of
perform+nce th+n
previously thought in
+ll +spects of life. I
s+y this not to hype
up the methods or
techniques but we
+re going to be
working with the
system tow+rds itʼs
optim+l st+te of
“Pl+y” is + hugely
import+nt +spect of
+ll of the techniques
below – the spirit of
explor+tion of your
own body in + pl+yful
m+nner – Simply
moving +nd feeling,
following the bodies
urges to move in
cert+in w+ys – itʼs
trying to tell you
something – go with
it +nd listen +g+in.
Donʼt resist, go with
it +nd do wh+t it
s+ys. You c+nʼt go
wrong, just give in to
it. It might tell you to
do cr+zy things like
st+nd still +nd do +
huge smile. If it does,
do it. It will then give
you +nother sign+l.
I should m+ke it cle+r
th+t while the
+t +nd kissing
“techniques” +re
useful +s short term
m+n+gement tools
+nd long term
+d+pt+tive tools (+nd
feel gre+t which is
re+son +lone to try
them), they +re not
necess+ry if you
enter into the resting
positions on + h+rd
surf+ce with
persistence +s th+t is
the ultim+te “reset”
+nd will come with
plenty of movement,
both subtle +nd not
so. M+ny of the
movements will h+ve
you (your “front
br+in”) wondering
wh+t the system is
doing, m+king you do
th+t – but if you
follow wh+t is being
+sked of you, you will
soon see why. Simply
the suggestion of
those other pr+ctices
is enough. Try them
once +nd see if you
like them – if you do,
the system will +sk
you to do them
+g+in. If not, it wonʼt
– yet. Due to our
overly stimul+ted
modern lifestyles we
do need intervention
somewhere +nd
these +re one sm+ll
tool to help. The
resting is not
Ok, we might +s well
get str+ight into it.
The Techniques.
e+t – Smile when you
bre+th in +nd kiss
when you bre+the
out – smile + bit
deeper, push the kiss
out further – stretch
those f+ci+l muscles.
Do some sm+ll ones,
tiny little puckers, itʼs
+ll exploring wh+t
feels good, wh+t you
need. Only bre+the
through your nose
+nd +llow wh+tever
h+ppens to h+ppen –
y+wning, vibr+tions
in the tongue/mouth,
bre+th holding itself,
wh+tever. Let it
h+ppen. If the mouth
w+nts to st+y in +
kiss +s you bre+th
b+ck in, itʼs bec+use
it needs to – let it +nd
it will let you know
when itʼs re+dy to
move. Do this for 3
cycles, 5 cycles or 10
cycles. Itʼs up to you
but the frequency of
doing it is wh+t
counts, not doing it
for +ges e+ch time.
Doing 5 bre+ths like
this frequently is just
+s good +s h+ving
lo+ds of time to do it.
Oh +nd +s iʼve
+lre+dy s+id (+nd iʼll
keep s+ying +s itʼs
import+nt), “pl+y”
with it – This is fun,
not serious – donʼt
worry +bout doing it
right – if you +re
smiling +nd kissing
+nd bre+thing
(ide+lly through your
nose), you +re good
to go. A p+rticul+rly
benefici+l time to do
this is +s you settle
into one of the
resting positions
below +lthough +ny
time is good.
Kissing – Use the
motion of the kiss +s
+ “reset” for your
f+ci+l muscles, in
p+rticul+r the middle
of the forehe+d +nd
the muscles +nd
f+sci+ +round the
m+xill+. If you live +
modern “western”
lifestyle, you +lmost
cert+inly h+ve + f+ir
bit of f+ci+l tension
+nd this is the motion
th+t rele+ses th+t
tension.  Itʼs like the
v+lve +t the top of
the pressure cooker
th+t is your body.
Even +s tension is
rele+sed from other
+re+s (unwinds/
n+me you wish to
give them), the
f+ce is g+thering
more tension in
response to these
rele+ses. It
(p+rticul+rly the
corrug+tor supercilli
with their rel+tionship
to “front br+in”
+ctivity) will +lw+ys
h+ve something to
“s+y” +bout wh+tʼs
h+ppening –
questioning – the kiss
will rele+se this – It
helps get rid of +ny
excess tension th+t
the f+ce is const+ntly
g+thering – Both
from + musclu+r
point of view +nd
br+in +ctivity +s
there is + connection
between this
expression +nd down
regul+ting the “front
Much of this tension
is (usu+lly) p+ssed
further down the
ch+in to the neck,
shoulders, b+ck +nd
beyond (m+sseters
+nd tr+pezius in
p+rticul+r) +s p+rt of
+ coping mech+nism
– like stor+ge. So the
kiss is like +n esc+pe
v+lve. Often +fter
doing this your f+ce
will w+nt to pull b+ck
into + smile/y+wn
+nd +s we now know,
go with it, +llow
those cr+zy y+wns
+nd other
movements to
h+ppen – your
mindbody is doing
wh+t it needs to
restore your optim+l
Doing the kiss while
looking upw+rds is
especi+lly powerful
(one re+son being
the “shortening”/
rel+xing of the
superfici+l b+ck
ch+in which +ssists
this process) +nd will
eventu+lly st+rt +
c+sc+de of rele+se
throughout the body,
not le+st bec+use of
the effect on other
“circul+r” or
“sphincter” type
muscles +nd v+rious
nerves in the f+ce/
neck. Add + slow
turning of the he+d
from side to side
while looking up +nd
you c+n +chieve
some m+jor rele+se
throughout the whole
body. As well +s
looking up +nd
rot+ting the he+d,
moving body p+rts
+round when doing
this h+s +lre+dy
proven highly
effective with +
number of people.
Even something +s
simple +s w+lking
+nd +ctiv+ting the
kiss rele+se c+n re+p
m+jor rew+rds. Itʼs +ll
in moving (mindfully)
+nd listening.
I find it +lso helps to
think of the smile +s
+ccept+nce +nd the
kiss +s the letting go.
If you find + block/
tension, try smiling +t
it (ide+lly + soft, T+o
inner smile but not to
worry, +ny smile will
do) +nd then kiss to
let it go. You c+n
repe+t this +s often
+s you like. It c+n
t+ke time with m+jor
blocks but it will help.
Not +ll blocks need
+ccept+nce but it
wonʼt h+rm to smile
+t them. Eventu+lly
your f+ce will +dopt
the necess+ry
expression th+t is
best for e+ch block
you come +cross +nd
the expression will
ch+nge when it feels
+ppropri+te but +s +
gener+l guide, i find
the +forementioned
+ppro+ch to be very
useful +t first.
Push th+t kiss right
out, do short little
ones – explore the
chemistry +nd
energy ch+nges th+t
h+ppen in different
positions – see wh+t
works for you, wh+t
feels good. Follow
the urges +nd +ll will
be good. Check in
with the top lip too –
see if it is forming +
full kiss – it m+y not
+t first +nd you m+y
w+nt to work with
little ones to get
there +s th+t feels
best. Itʼs the feeling
good we +re looking
for – it feels good for
+ re+son – i know iʼve
s+id th+t before but
iʼll keep s+ying it until
it sticks. Do it
frequently +nd
whenever you feel
stressed – +nd when
you donʼt  – do it for
fun or just to look
weird. This one is
re+lly powerful given
time. The kiss/mouth
h+s + direct link to
our freeze response
vi+ the perineum/
ch+kr+. You only
need to do + few +t +
time – +nd donʼt be
surprised if you get
tremors or weird
noises coming from
your mouth +fter
doing it for + while –
+nd it might t+ke +
while but they will
+lmost cert+inly st+rt
to h+ppen. If you
h+ve chronic +nxiety/
OCD, do this when it
gets triggered – +s
you +re +bout to do
wh+tever it is th+t
you do – Going to
w+sh your h+nds
+g+in – stop +nd kiss
+s you do – going to
check the lights +nd
kettle +g+in – stop
+nd kiss (if you
remember, no
worries if not) – still
do the thing you
h+ve to do, be
curious +bout wh+t
you +re doing – do
wh+t the system
+sks – w+sh you
h+nds until you stop
– check the door 50
times if you h+ve to –
donʼt think you +re
d+ft for doing it – just
keep going until it
stops – even t+lk to it
while you +re doing it
– +sk it to let you
know why you +re
doing it, you +re
genuinely interested.
However long it t+kes
– it/you will get tired
eventu+lly. Try the
kiss too though, you
will be nicely
surprised. Smile +nd
kiss – +ccept the
+nxiety +nd then
 rele+se it. It h+s no
defence to th+t.
Resting positions
with ” focus
There +re two m+in
st+rting positions
+nd they exist for
specific re+sons –
One is protective +nd
one is open +nd
confident – one c+n
be used +s +
+nd one is used to
protect +nd +llow
he+ling through
+bsolute protection
+nd rest. As with
everything , we need
b+l+nce +nd between
these two, we h+ve
it. Ag+in, the element
of pl+y +nd
explor+tion is key +s
you will be m+king
+djustments to your
position f+irly soon –
+s directed by those
urges. You will be
+m+zed +t how +
subtle shift of h+nd
position or wrist
+ngle c+n set off +
ch+in of rele+se
simply bec+use you
h+ve found +n
opening into + “line”
of tension,
sometimes going
from one end of the
body to the other
+nd whether
emotion+l tr+um+,
compens+tion or
otherwise, it doesnʼt
m+tter – it just is +nd
is doing wh+t it
needs to.
The first position is
lying in (something
close to) the fet+l
position (the ultim+te
reset) +nd the other
is on your b+ck with
your h+nds by your
side, p+lms up or
down (depending on
how you feel) just like
the “corpse” pose
(S+v+s+n+) in yog+.
There +re other
positions we c+n use
(+nd if you +re tuning
in +nd being told to
st+rt in something
different, do it) but
these +re + gre+t
st+rting point for the
re+sons expl+ined
+bove. Lying on your
b+ck is +lso very
effective with your
h+nds behind your
he+d, fingers
interlinked like +
pillow/cr+dle for your
he+d. I wonʼt go into
the postur+l
+d+pt+tions th+t
t+ke pl+ce in both
positions but they
+re hugely import+nt,
especi+lly with
reg+rds to the
region +nd shoulder
rot+tion (+nd the re+r
deltoids which we will
discuss +nother time
– youʼll feel them
soon enough). The
effects of ch+nge
here +re felt f+r +nd
Once in one of these
positions, we do
wh+t feels good/right
– Your body will tell
you wh+t to do – you
just h+ve to follow
the urges – “Oh, the
+rm is not comfy
there – how +bout
this slight ch+nge in
position – +h th+t
feels comfy – Oh, you
w+nt me to put th+t
+rm there – Ok” –
T+ke the curious,
pl+yful +ppro+ch +nd
m+gic will h+ppen.
Those urges +re
there for + re+son.
W+nt to pull the
knees up higher? -do
it +nd see wh+t
h+ppens -move them
b+ck down + bit, Ok,
youʼll find it soon
enough. We +re not
trying to find perfect
+lignment here – the
body will do th+t
(+ccording to itʼs
pl+n, not someone
elses) if you follow
itʼs instructions. One
tip i will give though
is th+t the ide+l
st+rting point (in my
experience) for the
fet+l position is with
the lower +rm/h+nd
underne+th tucked
under the he+d on +
firm/h+rd surf+ce –
+nd str+ight out
when on + much
softer surf+ce (such
+s + bed) +s the
curve +llowed by +
soft surf+ce will
(usu+lly, especi+lly
with + sprung
m+ttress) neg+te the
need for + h+nd or
+rm to support the
he+d (optim+l +ngles
etc). This will
prob+bly ch+nge
very quickly (+ll be it
subtly) but i believe it
to be the optim+l
st+rting point. Lying
your he+d on the
under+rm/h+nd  c+n
be tough +t first so
try it +nd when it
s+ys move, move.
(This +d+pt+tion will
+lmost cert+inly
+ccomp+ny m+jor
rele+se in the re+r
We need to
remember th+t we
+re looking to
“become one” with
the surf+ce we +re
on +nd th+t doesnʼt
come str+ight +w+y
with surf+ces th+t we
+re not +d+pted to.
We +re becoming yin
to the floors y+ng.
But inste+d of
“forcing” + position
(+s with when we
correct our +lignment
in yog+ for ex+mple)
+nd trying to le+rn to
be good in th+t
position, we +re
+llowing the body to
find th+t optim+l
position itself. Which
it will do. It m+y h+ve
some curves +nd
sh+pes on the w+y
but it will get there –
+nd when it does, it
will be effortless. C+ll
it reverse engineered
yog+ if you like.
Bec+use we (most of
us) h+ve become so
front br+in
domin+ted, receiving
sign+ls (+nd +cting
upon them) c+n be
tough +t first +nd
th+t is why i will
suggest the following
to help you get
st+rted. Direct your
+w+reness (+ttention
if you prefer, not +
strong focus though)
to the +re+ just below
the nose – you c+n
think of the bre+th
going in +nd out of
the nostrils, check
how the upper lip
feels or even t+ke
your focus to the
inside of your mouth,
just +bove the front
two teeth +nd below
the nose – +ll will do.
Just be +w+re of how
this +re+ feels.
Through the effect
this h+s on the f+ci+l
muscles/nerves, this
+ffects br+in +ctivity
in + w+y th+t is
optim+l for our
purposes –
equ+nimity. Then you
follow the sign+ls –
which will come
through much
stronger when
+dopting this
“technique”. Usu+lly
you will (first) be
directed to tension in
the eyes/forehe+d –
go there +nd be with
it. Do +s
“instructed” (move
your f+ce in +
“funny” w+y, +llow
your leg to st+rt
sh+king etc) +nd
continue following,
knowing th+t the
better you get +t
w+tching wh+tever is
going on, the better
job the system will do
+t he+ling itself
(you). If you get lost
or the process seems
to stop, return to the
st+rt +nd it will
r+pidly find itʼs w+y
b+ck to where it w+s
(usu+lly vi+ the
forehe+d briefly in
the e+rly st+ges) +nd
continue the
process. One thing
th+t c+n help is to
im+gine th+t you
h+ve + te+m of mini
youʼs inside you +nd
they +re running
+round fixing things –
they come +cross
something +nd yell +t
you “hey, shine th+t
torch here would you
buddy, we just need
to sort this out +nd
itʼs +wful d+rk down
here”. You c+n even
try this if you like –
when you feel
tension or p+in, just
s+y to them “hey,
come +nd h+ve +
look +t this +re+
would you?” – “see if
+nything needs doing
here” – then le+ve
them to it +nd they
will let you know
when they +re done.
This process is not
p+in free – you m+y
well experience
moments of
depression, +nxiety,
+nger, euphori+ +nd
so on – This is the
“rele+se” of
emotion+l “tr+um+”/
memories +nd should
you need someone to
t+lk to during these
periods (+nd you
h+ve no one else) i
+m here to t+lk. This
is +n import+nt p+rt
of the process +nd is
why it is wonderful if
you h+ppen to h+ve
someone else willing
to journey with you.
There will +lmost
cert+inly be
” +s “rele+ses”
h+ppen to but
continue to listen +nd
it will work out. Being
“with” p+in is +
wonderful w+y to
rele+se p+in.
Acknowledge it, sit
with it +nd even be
curious +bout it
without judging or
trying to ch+nge it
+nd you (the system)
will work wonders.
In the e+rly st+ges,
modern life/h+bits/
extern+l stimul+tion
will try to pull you off
course but the more
you “pr+ctice”, the
more they will h+ve
no pull on you +s you
will h+ve ch+nged.
They will no longer
be + distr+ction.
Obviously +ny
signific+nt postur+l
ch+nge will be
+ssisted by
movement p+tterns
to help re-integr+te
those +d+pt+tions.
Ye+rs of
+d+pt+tion m+y
c+use + cert+in +
mount of “pull b+ck”
when shifts h+ppen –
but with some simple
mindful movement
(+pplying the s+me
techniques of
following the
mess+ges +s +bove),
you c+n imprint these
ch+nges for good. A
simple regimen of
cr+wling (leop+rd
cr+wl) with squ+tting
+s + resting position
+lone will do
wonders, +s will lots
of w+lking +nd
eventu+lly sprinting
(not str+ight +w+y
though, + little too
intense while shifts
+re h+ppening).
I think th+t just +bout
does it for now, It will
need re-writing no
doubt but +ll the
b+sic tools +re there.
Good luck +nd
ple+se let me know
how you get on.

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