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The Effective Promotion for Regional Development in Developing Countries: Part V


*Chiba University, Yayoi-chou, 1-33, Inage-ku, Chiba, 263-8522

Abstract: The paper analyzes the central subjects related to project formulation and
evaluation for artisan craft promotion. They are (1) project development cycle, (2) the means
and end result situation relationships, (3) stakeholder analysis, (4) immediate objectives, (5)
measurements, (6) activity planning, (7) resource analysis and (8) risks analysis. The paper in
the end presents the following project outlines: A Master Plan Study for Artisan Craft
Promotion based Regional Development; A Feasibility study for Establishing a Traditional Craft
Village – Strategic Alliance with Tourism; and Cluster Development and Linkages with
International Retailers and NGOs. Each outline consists of (1) Project description, (2)
Immediate objectives, (3) Expected measurable outputs, and (4) Activities.
Keywords: Project Development Cycle, Objective Oriented Project Planning, Policy Formulation,
Institution-building, and Private Initiatives

1. Introduction development strategies that constitute the core of activity

Aid agencies and developing countries are fully aware planning at Policy, Institution, and Craft Producers’ level.
of a need to work together from the project formulation This paper, thus, covers the remaining subjects and presents
stage through the evaluation. This is commonly specific prototype projects. To gain a clear understanding
appreciated as a “participatory approach.” The project of the nature of the various projects, which differ with the
formulation and evaluation methodologies that many aid stages of project development, the paper explains in the first
agencies currently apply require vigorous participation of place the project development cycle concept in the context
project stakeholders, recognizing that the project ownership of artisan craft promotion. The overall aim is to provide
belongs to the decision makers and ultimate beneficiaries of the aid agencies and promoters in developing countries with
artisan craft promotion in developing countries. This paper various guidelines in the project formulation and evaluation
also follows one of these methodologies called Objective at each level for artisan craft-promotion-based regional
Oriented Project Planning (OOPP). The names of project development.
formulation and evaluation methods such as Zielorientierte
Projekutplanung (German Terminology ZOOP- same as 2. Project Development Cycle
OOPP in English) of GTZ, Project Cycle Management A good understanding of the concept of the project
(PCM) of JICA, and Logical Framework Approach (LFA) of development cycle, in terms of the geographic dimension
SIDA and NORAD differs. However, in essence, the and the sub-sectors of artisan crafts, is helpful for the
approaches are nearly identical. It in general starts with project formulation and evaluation. Development projects
Problem Analysis, then, Stakeholder Analysis, Objectives generally emerge at the different geographical dimension
Analysis, Measurement of Objectives, Activity Planning, and for a different level of beneficiaries. For instance, the
Resource Planning, and completes with Risk Analysis and main beneficiaries of a national master plan for artisan
Assumptions. The papers published earlier - Part I and II - craft-promotion-based regional development are usually the
already identified the problems, development objectives and government decision makers.
Although the implementation of some of the pilot projects in a guided manner.
projects within the scope of the master plan study takes Institution-building projects need a thorough feasibility
place at the provincial or township level, the results should study to ascertain not only the financial implications, but the
be fed back to the national authority. Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework, the proposed organizational structure
flow of project development information at the national and the required services. It pressures the government
level. The boxes circled with bold lines are the possible officials to firmly proceed with rational decision making,
technical cooperation (TC) projects. bearing in mind the issue of regional scope vs. national
The country, which is geographically wide and scope and possible integration with private led initiatives. It
diversified in terms of its tribal composition, often also enables the decision makers to avoid the possible
necessitates a regional master plan focusing on specific dysfunctional consequences, e.g., functional overlapping
regional attributes of artisan crafts. Institution-building with other institutions. Upon approval of the investment,
projects at the regional level often tackle the problems the plan advances to the stage of detail design, pre
indigenous to the region and take into account the -operational advisory services and post opening managerial
accessibility of the potential customers only of the region. services.
Another deviation is a sector based master plan. This plan Independently and without having a master plan, donor
covers a particular sub-sector such as traditional textile and agencies and NGOs often carry out individual community
carpets, representing, for instance, the country’s major focused pilot projects such as cluster development for a
traditional craft in Lao PDR and Iran respectively. The selected cluster –a village, or town. If the donor community
required services for Human Resource Development (HRD) in a particular developing country has clear positive
have to meet the specific needs commonly identified in that assessments on the impact of such an approach, it does not
sector. The project development flow of these regional and hinder the development process. In many developing
sector based master plan studies is almost identical with that countries, however, there seems to be neither a guided plan
of the national master plan study. Although whether or not nor coordinated effort to assess the linkages of individual
the national master plan is a prerequisite for regional or projects for synergy. In this case, the project organizers or
sector master plan depends on the given socio-economic implementing agencies should feed back the outputs of these
conditions of the country, it would be ideal, in general, for community-focused projects to the responsible government
the governments in developing countries to have a authorities. Vice versa, the government authority should
comprehensive national master plan to formulate the overall supply, in advance, relevant information and knowledge
country’s coherent policies and then implement various already acquired anywhere else to the project stakeholders
institution-building and craft producers’ capacity building A clear understanding of the project development cycle and

Strengthening or Establishing
a National R & D Centre

Strengthening or Establishing Detailed Engineering

Pilot Projects for a National Design Center Feasibility Design
Pre-Feasibility Study
Study on HRD and Establishing a Traditional Construction
Policy Institution-building Village – a National
Framework Promotion Centre
Sector focused Master Pre-operational
Master Plan
Pilot Projects for Private led Plan Study/Regional Advisory
Study for
Initiative based Approaches Master Plan Study Service
Promotion e.g., Cluster based Development Establishment
in a selected Village/Town

e.g., Proactive Utilization of Embedded Management

BDS from International Retailers and NGOs and Operational
e.g., Minority Tribe Traditional Craft based
Community Development

Figure 1: An Example of Project Development Cycle at the National Level

systematically accumulated information and knowledge 4. Objective Analysis
enables the concerned government officials in the central, Figures 2, 3, and 4 show the means and end result
provincial, and community authorities effectively to situation relationships in three major areas of intervention/
coordinate the development efforts. cooperation, i.e., Policy formulation, Institution-building,
and Strengthening competitiveness of craft producers.
3. Stakeholders and Project Beneficiaries These Figures correspond to those that appear in Part I
The nature of TC projects in artisan craft promotion Figures 3,4、and 5 - Problem Identification: Causes and
differs with (1) geographic coverage, (2) sector (3) areas of Effects [1]. Those circled in bold lines could be the core
intervention by donor agencies, and (4) project project purpose (Immediate Objectives) in each level and
development cycle. These projects expect in many cases those that appear at the top of the tree – identical for three
direct involvement of government officials at (1) national, Figures, are the Development Objectives of artisan craft
(2) regional, (3) provincial, and/or (4) township/village -promotion-based regional development. Based on the
level, depending on the geographical coverage. The area analysis of the case studies on Japanese experiences in the
of intervention/cooperation by donor agencies has also concluding remarks of Part III [2], the paper added another
geographical implications. For instance, advisory service development objective, i.e., Recognition of self-esteem
for policy framework formulation, in most cases, focuses among elderly craftspersons through creating something
on national decision makers and responsible ministries of useful for the community and for the next generation.
the central government. The main stakeholders of a 4.1. Purposes at Policy Level
master plan study and feasibility study for national A policy formulation project generally specifies the
institution-building projects are also government officials of purpose as strengthening the decision making basis for
the central government. However, clear identification of artisan craft promotion. Improving the ministerial
leading and coordinating ministries is often a difficult task coordination is the sub-purpose. This policy formulation
and the result is a weak commitment by cooperating project can also incorporate another purposes, i.e., to
ministries. In addition, a close involvement of the increase recognition among policy makers and craft
ministry responsible for channeling foreign aid is producers for traditional values and its development
indispensable in light of its possible follow up funding. potential. If not included, the stakeholders should formulate
Donor agencies often request the recipient government to these separately and implement another project in order to
form a steering committee consisting of all the concerned cope with the issue of securing the inheritance of traditional
government stakeholders in order to monitor the progress of values.
the project and evaluate the output of the studies. This 4.2. Purposes at Institution Level
action is highly recommended. A typical national institution-building project stipulates
Institution building related projects can be at national the project purpose as follows: to improve HRD programs
and regional or provincial level, depending on the by strengthening various types of support institutions. The
geographical coverage. With the privately led initiative project also pursues another purpose, i.e., to establish a
based projects, such as cluster development, the project decisive decision making basis on government led BDS.
implementation always take place at the provincial or Improving design capacity, managerial capacity, technical
township/village level. Therefore, the stakeholders are development capacity, and assuring the number of
usually municipal governments and their officials, craft successors to transfer the traditional technology for the next
producers, and regional support institutions. generation are the sub-purposes with which another separate
Sector and sub-sector perception is also an important project could also form.
determinant for identification of the beneficiaries. Many Upon completion of the feasibility study for the new
developing countries, which have a high portfolio on a establishment or improvement of the existing institutions, a
specific sub-sector of artisan crafts, often tend to develop follow-up pre-operational or operational advisory service
the particular crafts rather than general promotion of the project takes place. It helps the organizers of the institution
artisan craft sector. Sub-sector and supply chain analysis to assure the sound delivery of the expected services. The
on the specific crafts identifies the respective beneficiaries pre-operational advisory service project for establishing a
engaged in the particular sectors. They are usually limited traditional craft village - an integrated support centre adds
to the craft producers in that sector, public institutions and another project purpose, i.e., promotion of tourism and
government officials responsible for that sector. awareness building for valuable cultural heritage.
4.3. Purposes at Craft Producers Level
A project focusing directly on craft producers or
Improved Reduced Increased Reserved into (1) management capacity improvement including better
Trade Poverty Self-esteem Cultural Identity
access to international market information, quality control,
financial management, and inventory control skill
Improved Performance Inherited Traditional development, (2) technical innovation skill improvement,
of the Artisan Craft Skills
Sector and (3) design skill improvement. Donor agencies can
formulate either a separate project for aiming at each
purpose or one project incorporating all three components
Clear Market Clear Institution Clear Policy
Development -building Policy Recognized and under the selected most appropriate approach such as cluster
Policy Formulated Formulated and Accepted for development incorporating practical linkages with
and Accepted Accepted Inheritance of
Traditional Skills international retailers and NGOs.
4.4. Purposes for a Master Plan and Feasibility Study
A master plan study and a feasibility study have a
Improved Decision Making Increased Recognition
Basis through Formulated for Traditional Values and
specific project purpose, i.e., improving the decision making
Coherent Development Policies its Development Potential foundation for artisan craft sector development and for the
required investment on the specific institution building.
Improved Sufficient Factual
Since a master plan often contains all the key policy
Ministerial and Analytical Data
Coordination formulation components under pilot projects, the project
purpose(s) of the pilot projects become sub-purposes of the
Sorted out Demarked master plan study. A feasibility study can achieve the main
Development Ministerial
Issues Responsibility purpose so that the donor agency and recipient government
can assess the project’s economic viability including social
Figure 2: Means and End Result Situations for Policy
benefits without bias and irrational political influence.
Improved Reduced Increased Reserved
Trade Poverty Self-esteem Cultural Identity 5. Measurement
Aid agencies commonly recommend the recipient
Strong Competitiveness Assured Transfer of governments to use the following criteria [3] to specify the
of Craft Producers Traditional Skills to the
Next Generation measurements for the end result situation analysis:
• What shall the project achieve in terms of quality?
• What shall the project achieve in terms of quantity?
Improved Improved Improved Number of
Design Management Technical Successors • During which period of time? When shall the
Capacity Capacity R&D Increased fulfillment of project purposes have taken place?
• Which group is the target group?
• Which geographical region or sector is affected?
Increased Number of
Capable Designers and
Setting the measurements would not be problematic (1)
CDC if the achievement of the set purpose is quantifiable, such as
increased sales volume of traditional crafts, and (2) if the
Improved and result is discernible within the definable period of time. In
Sufficient Support well focused Decisive Government
Facilities for HRD HRD Programs Intervention on BDS most of cases, however, TC projects encounter difficulties in
the evaluation exercise due to unquantifiable achievements
Full Understanding on Clear Institution-building
and undetectable nature of achievements in the foreseeable
HRD and BDS needs Policy formulated future. The projects in artisan craft promotion are not
Sufficient Analytical Data on Good Coordination among
exceptional. In such cases, qualitative analysis using a
Needs and Usage for BDS Support Institutions spiral indicator method, for instance, can serve the purpose.
Figure 3: Means and End Result Situations for This method is suitable for the projects aiming at
Institution-building of HRD and BDS strengthening or improving the existing policy making
clusters has a main common project purpose, i.e., systems, the capacity of decision makers, supporting
strengthening the competitiveness of a group of craft institutions, and craft producers, which can not easily be
producers and craft producing clusters. Craft producers quantifiable. This method visualizes the degree of
can achieve greater competitiveness through collective improvement by drawing a spiral and compares the end
efficiency. The project further breaks down the purpose situation with the one before the implementation.
Improved Trade Imbalance Reduced Poverty Increased Self-esteem

Increased Strengthened Competitiveness of Artisan Craft Sector


Strengthened Cooperation among Increased

Improved Managerial Improved Craft Quality Craft Producers and Improved Awareness for
Capability Collective Efficiency Traditional Values
Improved International
Business Exposure and Improved Design Improved Raw
Capability Material Quality Clear Identity for
Access to Market Information Authentic Traditional
Values Representing
Increased Working Sharpened Quality Improved Joint Raw Material the Producing Regions
Experience with International Control Orientation Purchase Systems and Joint
NGOs Sales Promotion System

Figure 4: Means and End Result Situation for Strengthening Craft Producers’ Competitiveness

Reserved Cultural Identity

5.1. Measurements for the Projects at Policy Level project adopting these measurements as the core project
It is unrealistic to seek quantifiable indicators for a assessment indicator, there will a high risk for developing
policy formulation project. Assessment of the achievement countries to distort unnecessarily the possible BDS market
in improving the policy making foundation, therefore, needs development. In fact, these measurements force the
the measurements in a qualitative way. Typical qualitative recipient government to accept as many expatriates as
indicators are as follow: possible to solve the envisaged immediate problems and
• Coherency: availability of factual and analytical data neglect the long term BDS market development objectives.
• Coordination among ministries On the other hand, it makes more sense to apply these
• Coverage of the immediate development issues, such as measurements for the projects which aim to improve the
market development, institution-building and traditional competitiveness of craft producers - not from service
skill inheritance provider’s side, but from the clients’ side. With this
• Elaboration of policy measures covering the above three warning in mind, the following section explains the
policy issues respective measurements of three different institution
• Clear linkages with the development objectives, e.g., capacity building projects.
incorporating the sound inheritance of traditional values, 1) R & D Institution-building
poverty reduction, and improving trade imbalance. Innovative handicrafts necessitate new application of
If a policy-framework-formulation-project has a sufficient advanced technology to meet the dynamic export market
data base and support studies such as a master plan study needs as compared to traditional crafts.
containing mapping of the craft producers and feedback Institution building for technical improvement
from the pilot projects, the coherency indicator will be high. focuses mainly on strengthening the existing
If the indication of participating responsible ministries is institution’s technical service capability to serve the
weak, the coordination indicator will be low. Figure 5 former category of craft producers. The measurement
shows an example of the spiral indicators measuring the in general varies with the different technical areas of
achievement of a policy formulation project. improvement. These are grouped into two areas: (1)
5.2. Measurements for the Projects at Institution Level raw material processing improvement and (2)
The major measurement for institutional capability production process improvement. Specifically, proper
building is how much the capacity of the support institution drying systems for logs and bamboos, extraction
newly established or strengthened improves to provide the technology of vegetable dyeing materials for traditional
necessary services. Without having a proper survey and textiles, scientific and technological improvement in
without having clear guidelines of how much government sericultures, and coating technology including lacquer
led BDS should serve in a given circumstance, it would be processing technology, are the typical areas in the field
difficult to identify the clear measurements. Some donor of raw material processing technological development.
agencies used to apply heavily the measurements of how The specific measurements lie in the level of the
much the service offered meets the needs identified and how technical service and technical capacity of the institution
much it contributes to the problem solution of the craft in the specific technological fields. Some examples are::
producers or producing • Drying technology improvement, e.g., improved
log and bamboo drying facilities,
• Dyeing technology improvement, e.g., improved
Clear linkages with
Coordination among facilities for effective extraction of vegetable dying
objectives essence,
• Generic improvement of silk worms for yarn
quality improvement, and
• Raw material processing technology improvement
Coverage of Policy for lacquer and other coating materials,
As to production technology, there are a number of areas
of improvement in each artisan craft, e.g., use of more
accurate precision tools for wood crafts and furniture
Elaboration of
policy measures production, improving heat control of kilns for ceramic
Figure 5: An Example of Spiral Indicators for a Policy production, and improving weaving methods with new
Formulation Project types of yarn. The project formulation sets up the
clusters. If a donor agency formulates and implements a respective measurements around these areas.
2) Institution-building for Design Improvement markets and appreciate the traditional values as one of the
The coverage and scope of work of a design center core strategic elements for product development. The first
depends on the level of design capacity in the targeted two measurements are quantifiable and there are many
developing country. In principle, a design centre sub-purposes depending on the nature of the selected project.
should bear the following functions: This section demonstrates the typical measurements and
• Education/Training/Advisory Service indicators for cluster development and close linkages with
• Intermediation/Exhibition, international retailers and NGOs, focusing specifically on
• Exchange/Interchange with foreign Associations managerial and design capability improvement and
• Information Gathering and Dissemination establishment of a regional brand name.
Therefore, the measurements are the ones which enable 1) Cluster development
the evaluators to access the technical level of each Development specialists often recommend applying this
function. Many developing countries require a wider approach to increase the collective efficiency in various
scope of coverage, particularly in advisory service, due managerial fields, i.e. finance, marketing, production.
to their backward development. In this case, the This approach works also very effectively in design
assessment of training/advisory service needs a wider improvement and product development process. In
coverage, e.g., product development concept addition, a project “establishment of a regional brand
formulation, planning, surveying and creation of forms, name” can apply that name with cohesiveness of a
and craft promotion. It should also include the capacity particular region or town. The typical measurements are
to appreciate traditional values as an integral as follows:
component. The measurements therefore generally • Increased volume of sales, reduced distribution
include the following ability assessment indicators: costs, reduced inventory level,
Whether or how much the center have acquired or • Common booking keeping system installed and
improved the capacity; functioning for joint raw material purchase and
• To elaborate a product development concept, joint sales,
• To undertake research and planning, • Good understanding on own book keeping and
• To create forms with appropriate colour and financial control on the individual operation,
patterns, • New PR activities initiated as a cluster, including
• To appreciate traditional values, and Internet web sites established,
• To promote the improved artisan crafts. • Access to international market information
3) Management Capacity Building • Improved design, and
Institutions’ support in strengthening craft producers’ • Established brand name for the indigenous image
managerial capacity offers the following services. [4] building.
They also comprise the necessary measurements as The first measurement is quantifiable, while the rest
follow: need qualitative analysis. The spiral indicator method is
• Finance; ability to do own book keeping, also applicable as is shown in Figure 6.
• Marketing: accessibility to international market Joint book keeping
information; ability to handling distribution agents; system functioning

ability to conduct own PR including E-commerce;

Improved design Financial control
or through foreign craft promotion centres in foreign capability
countries, and
• Production: ability to control the quality through
own inspection system; ability to minimize the level Marketing capability
including E-commerce,
of raw materials and finished product inventory. and segmentation
5.3. Measurements for the projects at producers’ level
The immediate objective of this category of projects is
improving competitiveness of the craft producers. The
Access to international
core measurements are the increased sales volume, market information
improved profitability and improved innovative Figure 6: An Example of Spiral Indicators for a
management capability. These measurements make the Cluster Development Project
end-result situation more visible by assessing whether the 2) Proactive Utilization of Embedded BDS
craft producers can cope with the dynamic change in the The idea of proactive utilization of the international craft
retailers and NGOs in the craft sectors is not common in since their ultimate clients are craft producers in their
developing countries. A project should adopt a degree neighbourhood – not in a major capital city. JICA Master
of achieving awareness building for the strategic alliance Plan Study in Viet Nam has incorporated these participatory
with these key actors as one of the prime measurements. components in various stages of feedback and decision
The role of craft development coordinators (CDC) making processes [5].
become indispensable in this initial stage of awareness 1) A master plan study provides the government authorities
building and its implementation Their function can with a comprehensive picture of the artisan craft sector
also be replaced by a strong marketing effort and with which government officials are able to discuss the
extended marketing channels of the international NGOs remedial measures through specific policy formulation.
engaged in the project. Effective accessibility, successful The study in general covers at least the following
incorporation and practical linkages with the CDC and activities:
NGO in the project are another main measurement. • Mapping of artisan craft sector,
The remaining measurements are almost identical with • Problem analysis,
those of cluster development which share the same • Pilot project implementation, and
immediate objectives – see Figure7. • Preparation of Policy formulation.
2) Advisory services provide the governments with valuable
6. Activity Planning information and best practices experienced in other
6.1. Activities for Policy Formulation countries in order to help the decision makers
The projects in this category need to gather sufficient understand the critical development factors. Effective
data and information in the existing artisan craft sector as utilization of natural and indigenous assets such as
well as the outputs from pilot projects. The approach should history, natural scenery and traditional values depends
Awareness for strategic alliance
on their good understanding and sensitive perception of
Improved design
with international retailers and these intangible assets. The service covers not only
day-to-day and on-the-spot advisory service of foreign
experts, but also a series of workshops for awareness
Linkages Financial control building among decision makers at all levels, including
with CDC capability
and NGOs municipal government officials and staff of various
Marketing capability types of support institutions.
including E-commerce
And segmentation 6.2. Activities for Institution-building
Decision makers often require the documents with
which they make a rational and objective decision such as a
Access to international
market information feasibility study report. It contains necessary financial
indicators for their investment decision making and usually
Figure 7: An Example of Spiral Indicators for a
Proactive Utilization of Embedded BDS
consists of the following sub-components [6] for institution
building projects.
be interdisciplinary since the development issues are • Basic concept of the support institution,
interlinked with other integral development issues such as • Client and service Analysis – market needs,
poverty, trade imbalance, and traditional value inheritance. It service fee to be charged,
also requires close participation of relevant ministries • Site selection and land cost estimation – if it is a
including ministry of culture, ministry of industry, ministry new establishment,
of trade, and ministry of agricultural development. Many aid • Design and engineering of the institution,
agencies recommend forming a steering committee • Organization and staffing,
consisting of all these relevant ministries when a • Implementation schedule and pre-operational
comprehensive policy formulation project is to be launched expenditures,
and implemented in order to assure that the project • Financial analysis including sensitivity analysis,
ownership belongs to the government authorities. and
Linkages with municipal governments are also crucial • Social impact analysis.
in light of the effective feed back on the outputs of the pilot In case of the feasibility analysis for establishment of a
projects. Furthermore, actual implementation of institution traditional craft village – tourism cum technical and
building projects deliver specific policy measures that managerial support centre, the study adds the following:
require a strong initiative from the municipal governments • Estimation for the number of paid visitors,
• Setting up the entrance (admission) fee, and approaches.
• Costs of the raw materials for souvenir craft 1) Cluster Development
production and food materials for the restaurants The typical cluster development activities for the raw
and other amusement facilities. material based artisan craft clusters initiate and complete
Analysis on the required services and the willingness to as follows [9].
pay for the service is crucial for institution building of • Map the existing artisan craft producers and other
technical and managerial service providers. Attitude, cluster components such as located in a village or
Usage, Image (AUI) analysis and Focus Group Discussions region,
(FGD) [7] are useful tools to obtain more accurate • Investigate and identify what the attributes of the
information about the necessary services. Furthermore, if cluster are and what lies at the core of their success,
the targeted groups of artisan craft producers – who are • Investigate and identify the tasks of a cluster
potential clients of the proposed support institution, live in a development leader or agent and the criteria for
small and remote area, the project can apply the his/her selection,
Participatory, Learning and Action (PLA) method to get • Carry out a cluster diagnostic study and finalize the
more grass-root needs for the institution support. preparation of a cluster action plan,
As to a design centre, a feasibility study should • Identify the major structural weaknesses of a cluster,
investigate the economic viability of the centre including poor managerial and design capability and
incorporating the following integral functions and necessary joint sales promotion in the export market, and lack of
services. An advisory service project for the existing market segmentation concept, and
design centre also covers the same functional areas for the • Monitor the progress of a cluster development
operational improvement. Some of the typical functional initiative and assess its impact.
areas appear below: 2) Proactive Utilization of Embedded BDS
• Education/Advisory Service; design training, Taking into account the craft development coordinators’
research and planning, forming, creation of new (CDC) functions, the project starts with identification of
patterns with suitable colours, product development a national CDC, if available. If not, the project should
workshops, incorporate this expertise as an expatriate component
• Intermediation/Intermediary; exhibition, design from the beginning of the project implementation, since
collection - design bank, design gallery, web gallery, it is extremely difficult to initiate the practical linkages
• Exchange/interchange; organization of symposium, without proper intermediary contacts. CDC might
workshops together with foreign design associations, encounter a risk of impartiality since this type of project
Internet based dialogue, and provides direct business opportunities to a particular
• Information gathering and dissemination; design group of craft producers and clusters. It is advisable
library, web information, and designers bank. for both donor agencies and recipient governments to
As the Japanese case studies in Part III indicated [8], in discuss in detail the modality of project implementation
the case of institution-building at the provincial or including the selection procedures of the craft producing
community level, identification of a key promoter(s) in each clusters. The actual embedded BDS to be provided by
level is a prerequisite activity international retailers and NGOs depend on the
6.3. Activities for Craft Producers’ Capacity Building. immediate problem solving requirements by the selected
Under this category, many projects are possible. The clusters as well as business interest of these service
nature of the project differs with the immediate objectives. If providers. Although there has to be a careful match
it aims at strengthening managerial capability or design making study in advance, improving design, quality of
capacity, or marketing capacity of craft producers, for raw materials, and inventory control to assure the timely
instance, an entrepreneurship development and design delivery are the typical areas of mutual interests.
improvement advisory service, or market segmentation Qualified CDC are capable of conducting this need
development project serve the purpose. They can be either matching and the required product development
independent or integrated projects. These projects usually accordingly.
involve the support institutions readily available near the
project location. Cluster development and proactive 7. Resource Planning
utilization of embedded BDS projects always incorporate Resource analysis, firstly, needs to investigate what
close linkages with some of these support institutions. indigenous resources can contribute to the formulated
This section explains typical project activities of these two project and then assess the required external resources. This
identification exercise is important in order to maximize the 9. Project outline.
degree of participation from the beneficiary side and assure This section presents three typical TA projects in the
the project ownership. However, many developing countries field of policy formulation, institution building and
do not possess sufficient resources to carry out improving craft producers’ competitiveness through cluster
comprehensive national projects such as a master plan study. development. The projects in the first two categories are
Even pilot projects including a feasibility study dealing with heavily government led initiative based projects and those
institution building at the national level requires in the last category are private sector oriented projects.
international expertise. In addition, advisory service projects These are the model projects and the actual project
at policy level also often employ foreign scholars and formulation should take into account the public and private
experts. sector cooperation and integrate some of the components
On the other hand, a strong private sector initiative must together ensuring synergy. The author hopes that these
attack a number of problems. Clustering and linkages with typical projects can be a good reference when the
international retailers and NGOs are typical ones. Some of governments in developing countries and donor agencies
the artisan craft-based community development projects formulate and evaluate specific projects at policy, institution
require very close cooperation with indigenous NGOs which or craft producers’ level.
have a high degree of immersion with the community
authorities and indigenous people. For instance, minority
tribes’ traditional crafts promotion in a remote area works
better by applying a grass root resource. Involvement of Box1: A master plan study for the artisan craft sector development
national NGOs is highly recommendable for this type of
projects. Aid agencies should encourage it through project
preparation and formulation.

8. Risk analysis
It is difficult to generalize the risk involved in artisan
craft promotion since the projects at each level are heavily
subjective to the given socio-economic environment.
Without the in-depth investigation, project formulation
exercises fail to identify critical risks which may hinder the
project outputs. Admitting this, however, artisan craft
promotion project formulation may face the following risks
at each level:
1) Policy level
• Weak leadership of the lead ministry,
• Weak support of a funding ministry such as Ministry
of Finance for allocation of sufficient budgets for the
formulated measures, and
• Bureaucracy for policy implementation.
2) Institution level
• A low number of customers due to overwhelming
foreign buyers’ purchase order for the existing
products – without improvement but with a low
price, and
• Bureaucracy for implementation of measures.
• A low number of tourists to the Traditional Craft
village due to political instability or natural disaster.
3) Craft producers’ level
• Strong individualistic character of craftspersons
which jeopardise the process of clustering, and
transfer of traditional skills to other craftspersons.
Project description: The project will assist the government in its Box 3: Cluster Development for the Selected Artisan Crafts
efforts to achieve poverty eradication and develop income generation
Project description: The project will carry out a series of cluster
activities through the promotion of artisan crafts .It conducts an
development activities for the selected high priority artisan crafts
in-depth study to formulate a future development vision. Specifically,
aiming at penetration of export markets, quality improvement,
it reviews the current production and marketing situation of the artisan
management capacity improvement, and design improvement. It will
crafts and establishes a sound database through artisan craft mapping
be implemented on a pilot project basis in the selected regions. The
and analyzes the collected data for preparation of the future
project will also seek possible cooperation between the cluster and
development policy framework. The study takes into account the
international retailers as well with international NGOs. The result will
following strategic aspects:
be presented at the workshop.
・ Further development of the domestic market Project objectives:
・ Improving the international competitiveness in the export market -To strengthen collective efficiency of the selected clusters.
・ Facilitating business linkages with global value chains -To improve business performance and international competitiveness
of the targeted artisan craft sectors.
・ Import substitution for imported manufactured products/crafts for
daily use. Expected outputs:
-Strengthened collective efficiency and international competitiveness
・ Decentralization and regional development through improved productivity, entrepreneurship, product designs, and
・ Improving raw material supply systems market access capability.
・ Identification of new raw materials -A clear future vision for artisan craft cluster development.
・ Clustering of craft producers in rural areas Main activities
-Selection of the targeted region/village for the pilot implementation.
・ “Living” preservation of traditional crafts -Review of the current problems jointly with a cluster leader such as a
・ Establishing effective raw material supply systems cooperative, and propose specific support programs;
・ Promotion of cooperative movement through legal support -Implement the proposed programs such as facilitating business
Upon completion of each major component and towards the end of the information networks, establishing firm linkages with international
project, the project organizes a workshop to discuss the findings of the retailers, assuring access to the export markets, entrepreneurship
survey and to make the policy makers and aware of the current development, etc. Trade promotion tours and exhibitions are also
situation. This will also be a venue to disseminate information on best included in the implementation activities;
practices implemented in other countries. -Assess the pilot projects and present the future development
Immediate objectives: To strengthen the decision making basis for a framework and strategies for the nationwide scale artisan craft
future development policy framework and visions and to strengthen development at the workshop.
policy formulation capability of the government policy makers. 10. Acknowledgment
Expected outputs: Data base of the existing artisan craft producers in
the country and a clear future development visions, covering clear The author as Project Manager has constituted a
coordination and demarcation of responsibility among ministries, knowledge base for project formulation and evaluation
specific policy measures, linkages with development issues
Main activities: through a number of technical cooperation projects
- Conduct a mapping survey of the existing households, craft producers, executed by United Nations Industrial Development
clusters, raw material suppliers, distribution systems,
-Analyze the collected data and identify constraints hindering export Organization (UNIDO) in the field of artisan craft
promotion of existing artisan crafts, development. The acknowledgement thus goes to UNIDO
-Formulate the specific development strategies for the entire sector,
-Select the targeted priority artisan crafts to be promoted in the export for having provided the author with extensive opportunities
market and prepare the detailed action plan for implementation of the
of professional exposure in this field.
promotional activities, and
- Organization of workshops
11. References
Box 2: Establishing a Traditional Craft Village–Promotion Centre and
Traditional Craft Accreditation Systems 1. N Suzuki, Problems and Development Issues for Artisan
Craft Promotion, 2005
Project description The project has two major components: (1)
Investigate the applicability of accreditation systems in light of
2. N. Suzuki, Establishing a Traditional Craft Promotion
traditional crafts’ “living” preservation; (2) Conduct of a feasibility Facility, 2005
study on the establishment of a national integrated artisan craft
promotion center. If the accreditation system could be integrated in 3. Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), A
the proposed Center, they will be incorporated into one organization. Summary of the Theory behind LFA Method, The
Project objectives: To strengthen the institutional capacity of the
supporting institutions serving the artisan craft sector and tourism.
Logical Framework Approach (LFA), p.12
Expected outputs -Economic viability of the establishment of an 4. UNIDO Business Advisor’ Handbook Module 3, 2002
integrated support center, and specific plan of action, and a decision
making basis for accreditation systems for traditional crafts
5. JICA, The Study on Artisan Craft Development Plan
Main activities -Analyze the needs in supporting traditional craft for Rural Industrialization, Viet Nam, March 2003
producers and review the practicality of introducing an accreditation
system for the authentic traditional crafts.
6. UNIDO TC Project, US/GLO/94/202: Pre-investment
-Review the best practices implemented in other countries for Study on Establishing a Traditional Craft Village in
accreditation of the traditional crafts and prepare a base guideline for
accrediting them with a “Seal of Authenticity.” Viet Nam, 1996.
-Conduct a feasibility study to define the expected functions and 7. The Springfield Centre, Understanding BDS Market,
services to be provided. It should start with an in-depth review of the
existing support institutions’ performance. Furthermore, it could BDS2001, CS02/2-3
include the analysis of possible integration of the proposed traditional 8. N. Suzuki, Establishing a Traditional Craft Promotion
craft museum, accreditation systems. The study report shall cover the
following: Background, Functions and services provided, Locations, Facility, 2005
Management structure, Staffing, Implementation plan, Financial 9. UNIDO, Outline of Cluster Development: Two-week
analysis and Conclusions
Training Course; Course Objectives and Contents

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